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  • 0 out of 5 - it's a terrible game.

  • But for real,

  • Back when I was a little bitch ass, spoiled brat kid,

  • I got my mom to buy me a $700.00 computer,

  • so that I could do homework for school.

  • But in real life, it was to play Half Life 2 immediately

  • The game floored me,

  • then I fell through the floor into hell,

  • And then I said, "dang, that's one helluva game."

  • But fps games are like milk you know,

  • one day you go to the store

  • *smacks lips* get some milk you're like

  • "Mmm. *smacks lips* - that's some good ass milk!

  • And then uhh, 2 weeks later you drink the same milk,

  • And you go, wait a minute,

  • "this milk sucks BALLS!"

  • So I gotta give this a 1 out of 5 -

  • it's the worst game -

  • but Gman's face does have good graphics though,

  • so I give it a 2 out of 5, it's the, terrible ga-

  • but for real.

  • The Source engine has already consumed

  • a major chunk of my life -

  • I mean you got your Counter Strike Source,

  • Team Fortress 2,

  • Left for Dead Source

  • uhh, Portal 2,

  • uhh, Doom 2,

  • uhh, League of Legends,

  • uhh, Mass Effect 2,

  • uhh, Half Life 2 - oh.

  • None of those games would have been possible,

  • if it wasn't for this super ambitious title,

  • but,

  • Half Life 2 doesn't really stand up on its own -

  • it's a magic combination of generic weapons,

  • braindead AI,

  • and really boring puzzles.

  • Even on the hardest difficulty, the firefights are just

  • repetitive and uninvolving,

  • it's, so easy -

  • that was, that was the hardest difficulty right there,

  • I just shot those 2 guys.

  • Oh, my favorite part of the game,

  • here we go again.

  • Alright.

  • I just love it when she talks to you

  • for 3 hours,

  • and you can't skip it.

  • This actually summarizes

  • my feelings on the game,

  • all the guns are just,

  • completely ineffective.

  • This complete shitfest is totally redeemed though,

  • by the uplifting ending,

  • where, uh, Alyx is gunned down.

0 out of 5 - it's a terrible game.


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ハーフライフ2(ダンクビュー (Half Life 2 (dunkview))

  • 19 0
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日