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it was going on everybody red rhino
music here bringing you into the video
today we're back on PC building
simulator and we're gonna continue to
grind of building these pcs over there
see if we're the new ones are at with
the Dan one all right that one that one
and that one
what do we need for this guy he needs a
new motherboard aids in an Intel one I
don't know No
it's not really a difference we might as
well just buy one
by now he knees
yes you 600 did he sing get him that
alright here we go
it was an updates at his name I don't
know what they changed seems like
they're gonna be updating this game a
lot they gave me a list of things that
they're going to be adding which is cool
that they did that don't remember
exactly what was in the list
I know liquid cooling custom PC cases
and cable management why did I just take
that site off did not mean to take this
site off on so long why it has a glass
on both sides that's interesting that
the glass is on this side though tend to
wish my PC was like that cuz I would
like to have it on my left but then the
windows on the left of the thing so
what the hell do I have to do to remove
that all we do have to go around anyway
pretty sure it's bolted into the back
this is a weird case it's just a weird
that it's backwards kind of weird I'm
doing this from outside of it it's nice
that I want to turn around though all
right this is all they pull that in one
some wires
I think that's all external we have to
connect the case to it thing are we all
good you know at least it's not a
thousand little pieces that I have to do
just to get the thing go run
we have to do a benchmark
it's now running too hot for them all
right well that's finally over I
straight-up I had to cut that but that
was let me tell you that took a while
all right
I'll play some motherboard
so we are starting to get to the more
like tedious missions this is usually
how these games ago where we just have
like more things to do with every
it's like rather than just replacing one
piece or basically having to remove
everything and then bring it all back in
this is a strange bug that's been going
on where you basically have to take out
the screws twice it happened before with
the PSU that we did I don't know why
that's happening but you know unless
this is like a normal thing but I feel
like this it doesn't make sense like I
said I don't really know how to build up
easy but I don't see where we'd have to
put screws into the same spot
open these up
this is all his I leave it for in there
I think you're supposed to skip each one
all that really matters though
and I'm with the thermal paste
it's also a little bug right there where
it doesn't like it cause this latch in
and everything
as I say we're missing cables again up
at everything this time was I this door
this is an interesting NZXT case see I
bought a white one for myself like in
real life I have the 340 elite and it's
very nice but I did like the 440 I just
wanted the full window but I guess the
window has this piece here just to hide
your hard drives because there's like a
huge stack for them all right what are
we doing this putting thermal paste on
his thing
it's an interesting door for that why
did I even take that out I don't even
have to take it out I decided put the
thing on it
it's like a little bug after you do the
thermal paste if it doesn't let you um
like not click it on this cable
back to every wire back and then we're
just gonna have to run this stupid
benchmark form again which takes way too
long they need to switch that up I'll
cut back to what the hell is this that
guy is a guy all right I'm gonna run
this thing and then we're gonna wrap
this up
takes away too long for the benchmarks
to happen
at least needs like a way to skip it
alright our benchmark is done once again
this is awful don't understand how let's
go ahead and turn this off
grab it send it the hell out of here
let's collect that money boom we leveled
up we get a lot of stuff when we level
up wonder what this quick screw tool
thing is all right so I'm gonna ramp it
over here we got two three of these
things today which isn't bad
eventually I want to see what happens
once we get this stuff oh wow we could
buy this one we have the money I just
want to spend money then level 6 I guess
we get that oh this game is pretty cool
and I have good faith that I thought
there was a Neil Patrick Harris but ok
for for a quick second hopefully they
add a bunch of stuff I know they're
adding like I said the liquid cooling
they're adding custom cases there was a
couple other things on that list and I'm
looking forward to this game in the
cuz it's actually pretty cool anyways
that's it for this one guys if you'd
like this series hit that like button
below and let me know in the comments
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for watching see y'all next time peace