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  • Hello and welcome to games like Age of Empires.

  • Let's start with

  • Age of Mythology

  • Ensemble Studios, who created Age of Empires decided to make a spin-off series based on

  • mythological beliefs.

  • So here game takes place in a lost land of Atlantis and focuses on the famous Greek,

  • Egyptian and Norse myths and legends.

  • So, to say short - it's an Age of Empires, just with a mythological setting.

  • So be prepared to fight almighty Kraken, who isn't that big as legends describe.

  • Definitely smaller than your mom.

  • All in all, game is really fun to play and it' a must try for every Age of Empires

  • fan.

  • Rise of Nations: Extended Edition

  • Rise of Nations was released in 2003, but despite the age it still looks really good.

  • I wish that somebody said that about me.

  • Oh, despite the age he is ridiculously good looking”.

  • Said to me no one ever.

  • So, here you can choose from 18 different civilizations and guide them through 8 different

  • stages of worlds history.

  • Mostly by pillaging and raping other civilizations, yeah!

  • Game has some unique RTS gameplay elements, including automatic spawning of citizens-workers,

  • who automatically look for a task to perform.

  • That is so far from reality, usually people try to hide from their responsibilities.

  • Other unusual feature is unlimited resources.

  • No that doesn't mean that you can mine zillions of everything and make zillions of soldiers,

  • and then achieve zillion victories, no.

  • Instead of limiting resources, game is limiting extraction speed.

  • So if yours is bigger than opponents, that's what she said, you will probably win.

  • Empire Earth franchise

  • First part is the most loved by old school players, but let's be fairgraphics

  • are outdated.

  • So if you're not a fan already, you might want to choose another part.

  • So, you are probably thinking,”hey I'm gonna try thirdnewest part”.

  • No, no.

  • That would be a mistake.

  • Because I doubt that you want to play a game with user score of 2.8.

  • Yes, out of 10.

  • So let's look at second part of Empire Earth.

  • It's way less outdated than the first, and way less terrible than the third.

  • Here, according to a game description, you will become the greatest conqueror of all

  • time.

  • And in reality it could be other way around.

  • You could actually suck at this game and be conquered all the time.

  • Just like in real life.

  • Warcraft 3

  • Warcraft 3 was released in 2002, so it's an old game, but not too long ago, in 2018,

  • Blizzard issued an update for it, supporting widescreen monitors, adjusting viewpoint and

  • making it look like a new game.

  • Warcraft 3 is really fun, it has a great campaign story, great gameplay and amazing multiplayer

  • with matchmaking system, meaning that you will always find an opponent to battle.

  • Game is still popular, so you definitely will.

  • Bannermen

  • Alright, this is a shot into the darkness, because game isn't released yet.

  • It will be in a second half of 2018, but I don't want to limit my list because of that,

  • and I think that you will enjoy this mini review anyway.

  • Bannermen is a medieval real-time strategy game that aims to refresh the RTS genre.

  • Game takes place in semi-fantasy medieval world that has been brutally damaged due to

  • decades of war, starvation and natural disasters.

  • The goal of the game is to lead your bannermen to victory and defeat the evil once and for

  • all.

  • Not really that original and refreshing.

  • Game will contain single player campaign and several multiplayer modes.

  • Everything looks really fun, especially destructible environments, and I will definitely look into

  • it.

  • I recommend the same to you.

  • Stronghold (Series)

  • The Stronghold series began in 2001.

  • The game focuses on a historical setting and especially on the war side of strategy games.

  • Stronghold does still feature an economic side and even features two separate campaigns

  • (one economic and one military).

  • Other game modes include one-off missions (both combat and economic) where players must

  • complete specific goals, a siege mode, and free-build mode.

  • So, where to begin?

  • I recommend you to start with an original game I just talked about, just be sure to

  • find HD version on Steam, and then slowly and cautiously progress up, because some of

  • the later games are not so loved by players and critics.

  • And by contrariessome are great.

  • I also do recommend Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition.

  • Please, check it out.

  • 0.

  • AD

  • 0 A.D. is a free, open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy game, which is still under

  • development by Wildfire Games.

  • Works on this game began in 2001 as a mod of Age of Empires 2, and later evolved in

  • a stand alone project, so it's really the game you are looking for.

  • It offers twelve different civilizations.

  • You will advance from village phase over town phase to city phase.

  • These phases represent the size of settlements in history and every phase unlocks new units,

  • buildings, and technologies.

  • You probably already heard that somewhere.

  • Game looks really good, especially if you keep in mind that games like Age of Empires

  • are rarity in our days.

  • And if you have a low end PC, you might think that this game is too modern for your machine,

  • but take a look at the requirementsit's probably not.

  • LotR: Battle for Middle Earth 2

  • Game offers a real time strategy experience for Windows and for the Xbox 360 users.

  • And that is actually a rare thing.

  • Consoles and RTS games aren't well known to be a best friends.

  • Game has a total of six different factions, each having their own units and structures

  • along with a preferred type of gameplay.

  • Men of the West, Elves and Dwarves represent good side of Middle Earth and Goblins, Isengard

  • and Mordor represents evil.

  • But only Mordor and Goblins can summon Durin's Bane: The Balrog.

  • No doubtthe coolest unit in this game.

  • Or should I probably say - the hotest one.

  • Cossacks franchise

  • Unlike most other Real Time Strategy games the Cossacks series focuses on huge confrontations

  • between large armies.

  • However most of the rest of the game is like a traditional RTS, in that you build a base

  • and gather resources.

  • The first game, Cossacks: European Wars, and its expansions were set in Europe in the 17th

  • and 18th century, with the sequel Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars and its expansion is set

  • just in the Napoleonic era.

  • I do live in a city Napoleon once seized, but sadly I had to google, when he lived.

  • So, now you will too, tadam!

  • Free history lesson.

  • Cossacks III, released in 2016, however it is a remake of the classic game, that originally

  • launched in year 2000.

  • It looks really good, it has a nice graphics, and everything is in 3D.

  • It has randomly generated maps and five historic single player campaigns.

  • And you can create amazing huge battles.

  • Look at that.

  • This is really impressive.

  • And as for now, I have read that it has issues with multiplayer.

  • Some say that game crashes when total amount of units goes over 1500 and others say that

  • if your connection is lost - you automatically lose the game.

  • Maybe creators will fix that, so if multiplayer and not single player, which is great, is

  • your thingread comments carefully before buying.

  • Empires Dawn of the Modern World

  • From Middle Ages through World War II: here you will find an array of historic troops

  • and abilities over land, sea, and air.

  • Lead 7 civilizations; fight 3 campaigns and conquer epic maps in historical battles throughout

  • the history.

  • Convincing voice acting, very nice map design and good graphics.

  • As one said - not excellent, but really clear and easy to read.

  • Seems like a nice game, huh?

  • But what are the flaws?

  • Well, people are saying that on Windows 7 mouse cursor doesn't work.

  • RTS game without mouse support is like plane without wings, like Steven Seagal without

  • dictators carrotyou can look at it but it's useless.

  • So, be carefull.

  • Game is pretty cheap, only 8 euros 49 cents on

  • Sorry I can't see how many dollars, because I'm from Lithuania and only shows

  • me the price in our currency.

  • But I think it's about 10 dollars anyway.

  • Starcraft 2

  • Starcraft 2 is a free to play game.

  • If you want to play multiplayer, there is no restrictions, you can download it and immerse

  • yourself into amazing battles.

  • If you want to play campaigns, you will have to pay real money, but hey, they are really

  • good, so it's worth it.

  • Starcraft 2 is no doubt one of the greatest real time strategy games, and, to be fair,

  • one of the greatest games overall.

  • You can choose from three races, they are completely different, with distinctive gameplay,

  • units and so on.

  • Zerg, Protoss and Terranalien insects, alien aliens and humans relatively.

  • Game is quite easy to learn, but if your dream is to be a professional player, you will have

  • to perform about 300 or more actions per minute.

  • That's a lot.

  • If you're casual player, you will probably start with about 20.

  • Spellforce 2: Anniversary Edition

  • Anniversary edition includes Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars and the add-on Dragon Storm, also

  • many bugfixes and widescreen support and full compatibility with modern operating systems.

  • At least this is officially written in a Steam platform.

  • But when you read the comments, you can find many that are not so happy and talk about

  • bugs and other issues, but overall reviews are mostly positive, so don't be scared.

  • Spellforce is a bit different from other games in this list, because it has a lot of RPG

  • elements, some even say that this is half Baldur's gate and half deep RTS put together

  • into amazing game, but it's a good thing after all.

  • Spellforce is certainly a pretty game with some nice visuals and day and night cycles

  • that help you to immerse into another world.

  • Huge levels make exploration fun and the fact that you can travel back to previous levels

  • at any time, lets you feel like this game is not fragmented, but rather its an actual

  • continuous world.

  • Also you can try original Spellforce and Spellforce 3, which is released in 2017 and has really

  • nice visuals, but it has mixed reviews and it's quite expensive, so it's up to you.

  • Northgard

  • After years of tireless explorations, brave Vikings have discovered a new land filled

  • with mystery, danger and riches: Northgard.

  • The boldest Northmen have set sail to explore and conquer these new shores, bring fame to

  • their Clan and write history through conquest, trading, or devotion to the Gods.

  • That is, if they can survive the dire wolves and undead warriors roaming the land, befriend

  • or defeat the giants, and survive the harshest winters ever witnessed in the North.

  • People say that once you understand the drill it takes 6 hours and 1 save to explore everything

  • in the game.

  • For 6 hours it is fun and later it becomes repetitive and kinda boring.

  • But hey. 6 hours of fun is way more than most games can give you.

  • Just wait for a sale.

  • Knights of Honor

  • Ok, this may sound hard to believe, especially if you never heard about Knights of Honor,

  • but this is actually one of the best strategy games ever created.

  • Oh, I can already hear you sayingIn your dreams comrade, just look at it, there is

  • no way this game iz best”.

  • But look at the score.

  • It's 9.

  • On imdb best movie of the year has score of 7.

  • So, yeah, you know what I mean.

  • People say that this is absolute must for Real time strategy fan, and everyone is surprised

  • how they could make a game with such simple graphics into one of the most addictive games

  • ever made.

  • Megaglest

  • This may not look like exceptional RTS and it's not by all means a perfect game, but

  • it has several good qualities.

  • First it's the price.

  • 0,99 Euro cents.

  • Second - it's really well made RTS, seriously, it's an amazing example of a properly made

  • RTS game.

  • It has great community, level editor, single-player, multiplayer, it has great AI and when I wrote

  • this text, all reviews on Steam, every single one of them.

  • were positive.

  • That is actually impressive.

  • So, that's it, please subscribe for more epic reviews, you will help me grow.

  • Bye.

Hello and welcome to games like Age of Empires.


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Age of Empiresのようなトップ15の戦略ゲーム (Top 15 strategy games like Age of Empires)

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    wei に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日