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[♫ chill out music ♫]
Knee Deep Productions Presents
A film by MGT
Global population
October 2011: 7,000,000,000
Global poverty
13 million people die from poverty every year
36,000 a day
50% of the global population live on $2.50 а day or less.
Global pollution. 10,000,000 tons of toxic chemicals released every year
7-8 months is the estimated cost to UK lifespan due to air pollution
Global war
170,000,000 people have died due to war in the 20th century
global military costs in 2010 were estimated at $1,630,000,000,000
(Announcer) The profit motive which draws Fudsy to accomplish so much
may bring out the evil
as well as the good.
[Phone ringing]
- Hello! - Fudsy old boy, I've got a great idea!
Between us we can control 70% of the country's sales. - Yeah, but...
- Quiet! Let's see what's cooking. - I smell trouble.
- We'll clean up... - Terrific! We'll make millions!
- Mean you! - Quiet!
Okay Sam, it's a deal!
- You'll be sorry.
(Public speaker) We are for the occupations:
the Occupy Oakland, Occupy the Stock Exchange.
We are against the occupations of Palestine, Haiti
and the other myriad of occupations in the world.
What's the most important part of any structure?
What's the most important part of structure? Look at this church.
The rest of the structure wouldn't be there
if it wasn't built on a solid foundation.
The most important part of any structure is the foundation
and if the foundation of the structure gets up and walks away
the rest will have the choice of either following or crumbling.
We stand in solidarity with the globally oppressed
and we call for an end to the actions of our government and others
in causing this oppression. (Occupy London)
Тахеs are going up! University fees going up!
Let's bring the troops home from the war!
Have peace. Why waste money?
(J. Friend, Occupy London) We've got to become aware of the fact that
we have generated, our forefathers up to us, have generated
a position of instability that needs sorting out.
We've got a massive debt
and instead of pointing the finger at each other
and blaming each other for the state of the world
we can make things happen and we can stop things happening
by the language that we use.
They should see what's happening. There are people
who can't leave their houses because their mobility allowance has been cut.
There are people who cannot afford legal representation.
For me, these are rights of human beings
who live in a democratic society and they're being taken away
to support 1% of the population who live like kings already.
Everything we need is already here.
We've stripped the earth of so much of its material wealth
but we've put it into a way that profits me as an individual
but shits on everything, including me.
As long as I don't look at the destructive attitude
the destructive habits that that money has generated
as long as I don't look at that, if I can keep the blinkers on
and just look at money, then I'm all right.
You can't put a money figure on life
but we do. As a race we do.
If you look at things like gold, diamonds, money, shit
put them on the floor and watch them.
The gold never even tarnishes.
It will always stay gold, bright and shiny.
The diamonds are forever. They won't change form or anything.
The money might corrode a little bit but, thousands of years
and it will still be exactly the same shape as it was.
It won't do anything for you. Now the shit, that will turn into soil.
Seeds and things will blow into it.
They'll germinate and they'll spring up from it
and you'll notice that life will come out of shit
but it won't come out of money and it won't come out of gold
or out of diamonds.
Only one of those things is vital or viable, and that's the shit.
(Announcer) We are builders
builders of new freedoms and more power for a new age.
We stand on the edge of that new age even now
and the pioneering spirit, flowering in the air of freedom
will dream and build new ways to put electric power to work.
Welcome to the Eden Project
(M. Paterson) The Eden Project is a unique destination.
To different audiences, it is different things
but first and foremost it's a public attraction.
It's a botanic garden with the largest single collection
of ethnobotany that are plants for human use, some 5000 species
through 3 different climate zones
and that's part of the unique display and message of Eden.
We have a temperate bio, the outside temperate landscape.
We live in a temperate climate here in the United Kingdom.
There are also two very impressive geodesic domes, biomes as we call them
housing plants from two different climate regions of the world:
warm temperate climate regions and tropical
and, to a certain extent, subtropical regions of the world.
We are... It's a phrase that we've heard time and again, but no less true:
we are living in very interesting, admittedly, also exciting times.
31st of October [2011], apparently, was the first time
that this planet had 7 billion human beings living on it at any one moment
and if we're going to be able to, not only allow the existing 7 billion
including ourselves to have a happy, enjoyable life
with the resources that we need for that
and allow that for the existing 7 billion
plus the expected population increase by 2050
that may take us up to as many as 10 billion people on this planet
then practices and principles of sustainability
have to be, not just maintained, but augmented.
One of the perhaps more important elements for us is harvestable rain water.
The core building, our educational resource center
both covered biomes, have very large surface areas
and we use them for rainwater-harvesting/rainwater-catchment.
Some of that rainwater is stored, cleaned
and we then use it site-wide for various purposes.
A project that we hope will be starting to come online early next year
is indeed a geothermal project. Geothermal is not a new technology.
Indeed in some parts of the world, it doesn't involve drilling at all.
It involves walking to the place and there's hot water bubbling to the surface
and Iceland is a classic example for that.
We are at the extremes, end of the line, so to speak
of energy transfer, energy production in this country.
If this country through wave energy, wind power, now geothermal
can become both a leader and also an exemplar of what is possible to generate,
that would be very favorable and very exciting.
Water, precious liquid treasure. Water, running out.
The message has to be at, I think, all three standard levels:
at local, national and international
and recognizing that we don't all have to pursue goals individually
often sharing resources, sharing ideas
is not just exciting and helpful but very pleasant.
Lower taxes? Higher taxes? Record employment? Unemployment? Peace?
War? Highest wages? Lower pay? States rights? Centralization of government?
- Whoa, stop!
I've tried. I've listened to everybody, on TV and radio
I've read the papers and magazines.
I've tried but I'm still confused.
Who's right? What's right?
What should I believe? What are the facts? How can I tell?
The whole goal of an economy, of a society that runs very well
is to completely minimize this kind of inefficiency.
There's a way to go around this poverty
this presupposition that poor people
should somehow be served less by society than the rich.
Tens of thousands of kids are dying every year because they can't get clean water.
Regular people here (in Britain) that are being put out of work every day
families that are hungry and children that are being abused physically
emotionally and just through neglect, and clinging on
and holding some illusion over that life's OK
so, it's pretty chaotic at the moment.
(B. Mcleish, The Zeitgeist Movement) The Zeitgeist Movement is a global
decentralized, volunteer organization
that tries to spead sustainable values;
tries to educate people about what it means to live in a society
that's actually sustainable, that literally can go on.
At the moment we've got what people are starting to refer to
as a multi-dimensional collapse.
We're running out of lot of different resources at the same time.
Slowly we're running out of clean water, our air is getting more polluted.
Slowly we're coming to the end of the hydrocarbon era.
All of that is a product of the fact that we are, at the moment
unable to solve the problem unless it makes money
and there is no money to be made in being sustainable.
(W. Dixon, The Zeitgeist Movement) If you just look for a moment at what the word economy means
it's about economizing.
It's about doing things sensibly. It's about how we manage our resources
At the moment we have this middle man which is money
and that's the go-between that we use to manage our resources.
A Resource-Based Economy is about getting rid of that
that corrupt 'money-middle-man' and going directly to the resources
and managing those intelligently but sustainably as well.
To understand what you have, where you have it, and then to build a society
that has open-access, free life goods
in the sense of the best health care possible, the best kind of housing
which means that the housing is free
that you can live anywhere, and free, integrated transport.
A human being is a human being and it needs to be looked after
in the best possible way or you're going to create a very sick individual.
People always say "Well, in a system where everything's free
and where it's all homogenized
and everything looks the same apparently
people would just be lazy. People wouldn't do anything.
It's actually the other way round, because the more you do a job you hate
the more you're not interested in doing anything else when you get home.
You just want to withdraw into yourself and do nothing, go to sleep
and hate the fact that you've spent most of your day
of which you have limited number
in something that you have no emotional investment in
that you're only doing for the money. That's the only reason you do it.
It's just a form of social control. We still live in the days of empire.
Hard and fast, stand by that. They just don't do that with a sword anymore.
They do it with money.
Either way you're being forced to work in jobs that are belittling
meaningless and, in lot of cases, very dangerous for us
environmentally and socially.
At the moment we are in the process of trying to communicate this
to as many people as possible because to enact this kind of change
requires everyone to understand what's happening in this society.
Most just vote for it and hope it'll get better and, of course, it doesn't.
We already have the technology in place to do all this stuff.
We understand how things work. They can't be put into place
because they're being competed against by the society.
So, you have to fight to free that to produce almost money-less projects
where you just damn well build it. You showcase and demonstrate this
so people can come to see a museum of the future
or multiple museums of the future, city systems like The Venus Project
like stuff that Buckminster Fuller talks about
that's been spoken about by great many theorists.
That's one of them, but there's many other things as well.
The biggest move of all is really going to be global revolution.
It's going to be a combined opting-out of the current system.
The world does change and it will keep changing.
It's just which way you want that change to go is the question.
We must become the change we want to see in the world. (Gandhi)
Well, you said something about "Why worry now?"
I'm worrying all right.
The continuing wastes of life and vitality present a serious problem.
Sometimes a relatively small improvement can mean the difference
between success and failure.
Fires of frustration and discord are burning in every city.
Ask yourself:
Is this the time to change?
There are things to do: learn responsibility
learn to work with people...
And you, your life, will be affected by it.
You know this.
Can we gamble when the stakes are so high?
Now is the time to begin.