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Oh to learn more about this to learn more about this to learn more about this powerful speaking success video powerful speaking success video powerful speaking success video course click on the button at course click on the button at course click on the button at the top of this video the top of this video the top of this video enjoy enjoy enjoy well I'll ride look at that well I'll ride look at that well I'll ride look at that look what i have here i'm back look what i have here i'm back look what i have here i'm back in America for this month's in America for this month's in America for this month's masterclass video lesson and I masterclass video lesson and I masterclass video lesson and I have none other than my father have none other than my father have none other than my father say hello say hello say hello say hello say hello say hello say hello say hello say hello hello hello hello and low and low goodness so he and low and low goodness so he and low and low goodness so he and I I like to joke around a and I I like to joke around a and I I like to joke around a lot and I get a lot of that from lot and I get a lot of that from lot and I get a lot of that from him we say the apple doesn't him we say the apple doesn't him we say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree this fall far from the tree this fall far from the tree this means that when I'm I'm like my means that when I'm I'm like my means that when I'm I'm like my father and what are you looking father and what are you looking father and what are you looking at at at oh my goodness those look it I oh my goodness those look it I oh my goodness those look it I know the Apple like it know the Apple like it know the Apple like it oh my goodness see we don't get oh my goodness see we don't get oh my goodness see we don't get this either you get to see all this either you get to see all this either you get to see all of this of this of this so his name is you want to so his name is you want to so his name is you want to introduce yourself to everybody introduce yourself to everybody introduce yourself to everybody my name is Richard batcher and my name is Richard batcher and my name is Richard batcher and so I'm drew badger as you so I'm drew badger as you so I'm drew badger as you already know and this month already know and this month already know and this month because I'm here back for a because I'm here back for a because I'm here back for a vacation about family and vacation about family and vacation about family and reunion we have a little bit of reunion we have a little bit of reunion we have a little bit of a reunion this month here in a reunion this month here in a reunion this month here in Oregon Oregon Oregon so I get to see my dad I haven't so I get to see my dad I haven't so I get to see my dad I haven't seen how long has it been seen how long has it been seen how long has it been no it's been almost two years no it's been almost two years no it's been almost two years nearly two years since your nearly two years since your nearly two years since your sister got married yes I my sister got married yes I my sister got married yes I my sister got married this was sister got married this was sister got married this was about about about I guess a year and a half two I guess a year and a half two I guess a year and a half two years angles and that was the years angles and that was the years angles and that was the last time we got to see ch last time we got to see ch last time we got to see ch how's the girlfriend I don't how's the girlfriend I don't how's the girlfriend I don't know what you're talking about know what you're talking about know what you're talking about my girlfriend why not my girlfriend why not my girlfriend why not well that makes a kind of public well that makes a kind of public well that makes a kind of public what do you mean listen it's not what do you mean listen it's not what do you mean listen it's not even that little public even that little public even that little public my girlfriend is fine oh very my girlfriend is fine oh very my girlfriend is fine oh very good good good well we will leave that one it's well we will leave that one it's well we will leave that one it's a secret a secret a secret don't worry about that in case don't worry about that in case don't worry about that in case you're watching as is don't tell you're watching as is don't tell you're watching as is don't tell anybody look in the camera in anybody look in the camera in anybody look in the camera in the camera right here don't look the camera right here don't look the camera right here don't look over here don't get confused by over here don't get confused by over here don't get confused by that that that so sometimes when i'm recording so sometimes when i'm recording so sometimes when i'm recording people they get a little bit people they get a little bit people they get a little bit they see themselves in the they see themselves in the they see themselves in the camera so this video camera we camera so this video camera we camera so this video camera we have a regular screen that have a regular screen that have a regular screen that you're looking at right here but you're looking at right here but you're looking at right here but also there's a monitor on the also there's a monitor on the also there's a monitor on the side so you can look at yourself side so you can look at yourself side so you can look at yourself right now I'm looking at the right now I'm looking at the right now I'm looking at the monitor and it looks a little monitor and it looks a little monitor and it looks a little bit confusing when you do that bit confusing when you do that bit confusing when you do that but anyway so you're doing here but anyway so you're doing here but anyway so you're doing here is how my head gets bigger as I is how my head gets bigger as I is how my head gets bigger as I get closer get closer get closer yes just keep your eyes and the yes just keep your eyes and the yes just keep your eyes and the camera like that camera like that camera like that very good very good but what it very good very good but what it very good very good but what it would also you working on back would also you working on back would also you working on back home anything going to talk home anything going to talk home anything going to talk about my job about my job about my job yes you could talk about your yes you could talk about your yes you could talk about your job you can tell me tell me what job you can tell me tell me what job you can tell me tell me what you're working on it but how I you're working on it but how I you're working on it but how I am familiar with Japan am familiar with Japan am familiar with Japan yeah sure there's other yeah sure there's other yeah sure there's other countries you can talk about all countries you can talk about all countries you can talk about all the other countries sure the other countries sure the other countries sure my job is to bring in about 70 my job is to bring in about 70 my job is to bring in about 70 students every year to the students every year to the students every year to the University of Chicago Law School University of Chicago Law School University of Chicago Law School so he works as a person as dean so he works as a person as dean so he works as a person as dean and at the law school and these and at the law school and these and at the law school and these students are in a program for students are in a program for students are in a program for foreign trained lawyers so their foreign trained lawyers so their foreign trained lawyers so their lawyers in their country already lawyers in their country already lawyers in their country already but they come to the United but they come to the United but they come to the United States to spend a year and States to spend a year and States to spend a year and during that year they will study during that year they will study during that year they will study about American law and then about American law and then about American law and then afterwards they'll go back to afterwards they'll go back to afterwards they'll go back to their countries and this will be their countries and this will be their countries and this will be beneficial to them because they beneficial to them because they beneficial to them because they will be dealing with clients who will be dealing with clients who will be dealing with clients who may be us clients wanted to do may be us clients wanted to do may be us clients wanted to do business in their countries or business in their countries or business in their countries or dealing with American lawyers dealing with American lawyers dealing with American lawyers representing us clients and so representing us clients and so representing us clients and so familiar with American law will familiar with American law will familiar with American law will be helpful and they come to me be helpful and they come to me be helpful and they come to me about commercial for the you about commercial for the you about commercial for the you know how well you asked me to know how well you asked me to know how well you asked me to talk i'll go ahead and go ahead talk i'll go ahead and go ahead talk i'll go ahead and go ahead and ask you know and ask you know and ask you know yes and so I'm sort of their yes and so I'm sort of their yes and so I'm sort of their social chair social chair social chair I take them to a baseball game I I take them to a baseball game I I take them to a baseball game I have them over to my home for have them over to my home for have them over to my home for Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving so you teach them the culture so you teach them the culture so you teach them the culture and here's just do it is the law and here's just do it is the law and here's just do it is the law and my children grew up thinking and my children grew up thinking and my children grew up thinking that that's what Thanksgiving that that's what Thanksgiving that that's what Thanksgiving once once once yes having a bunch of people yes having a bunch of people yes having a bunch of people from abroad in their home and from abroad in their home and from abroad in their home and and of course the byproduct that and of course the byproduct that and of course the byproduct that is I have a son is I have a son is I have a son who goes off to some of the who goes off to some of the who goes off to some of the country yeah so basically what country yeah so basically what country yeah so basically what what Thanksgiving even know what Thanksgiving even know what Thanksgiving even know where we're at Christmas or the where we're at Christmas or the where we're at Christmas or the holiday season at the end of the holiday season at the end of the holiday season at the end of the year right now year right now year right now basically for thanksgiving this basically for thanksgiving this basically for thanksgiving this is the main time for people to is the main time for people to is the main time for people to come back from wherever they are come back from wherever they are come back from wherever they are and together as a family and and together as a family and and together as a family and there's a lot of eating a lot of there's a lot of eating a lot of there's a lot of eating a lot of eating turkey or other eating turkey or other eating turkey or other traditional thanksgiving foods traditional thanksgiving foods traditional thanksgiving foods and this is one of the probably and this is one of the probably and this is one of the probably it's still the biggest holiday it's still the biggest holiday it's still the biggest holiday I think it has traveled I think it has traveled I think it has traveled thousands of the year the thousands of the year the thousands of the year the thanksgiving always comes on a thanksgiving always comes on a thanksgiving always comes on a thursday in November so it's thursday in November so it's thursday in November so it's always a four-day weekend and always a four-day weekend and always a four-day weekend and many people will actually a many people will actually a many people will actually a couple of days earlier couple of days earlier couple of days earlier so they'll turn it into a major so they'll turn it into a major so they'll turn it into a major travel time and since my travel time and since my travel time and since my students all of a broad they students all of a broad they students all of a broad they really can't go home for that really can't go home for that really can't go home for that period of time so i have them period of time so i have them period of time so i have them over to my home and then I tell over to my home and then I tell over to my home and then I tell them that the next day which is them that the next day which is them that the next day which is the day after thanksgiving is the day after thanksgiving is the day after thanksgiving is the big shopping day in this the big shopping day in this the big shopping day in this country where everyone goes out country where everyone goes out country where everyone goes out and buys stuff so we call this and buys stuff so we call this and buys stuff so we call this black friday that's right and black friday that's right and black friday that's right and it's called Black Friday because it's called Black Friday because it's called Black Friday because in accounting terms if the in accounting terms if the in accounting terms if the numbers are black numbers are black numbers are black that means you're making a that means you're making a that means you're making a profit and the numbers are red profit and the numbers are red profit and the numbers are red that means you're making a loss that means you're making a loss that means you're making a loss so the idea is that all of these so the idea is that all of these so the idea is that all of these stores and businesses have been stores and businesses have been stores and businesses have been losing money for most of the losing money for most of the losing money for most of the year but then all of a sudden year but then all of a sudden year but then all of a sudden people come and begin buying people come and begin buying people come and begin buying things for Christmas and one of things for Christmas and one of things for Christmas and one of the nice things about the nice things about the nice things about thanksgiving is it's not a thanksgiving is it's not a thanksgiving is it's not a religious holiday religious holiday religious holiday you know Christmas New Year's you know Christmas New Year's you know Christmas New Year's other events tend to be tied to other events tend to be tied to other events tend to be tied to a religion but thanksgiving is a religion but thanksgiving is a religion but thanksgiving is not religious so it's something not religious so it's something not religious so it's something that everyone can observe and that everyone can observe and that everyone can observe and that's why so many people are that's why so many people are that's why so many people are out celebrating and why it's out celebrating and why it's out celebrating and why it's such a busy travel time so the such a busy travel time so the such a busy travel time so the weather is also occasionally not weather is also occasionally not weather is also occasionally not so nice and so nice and so nice and a lot of people get delayed and a lot of people get delayed and a lot of people get delayed and it's really terrible at airports it's really terrible at airports it's really terrible at airports and on major roads where a lot and on major roads where a lot and on major roads where a lot of people are trapped but so we of people are trapped but so we of people are trapped but so we get to have that experience and get to have that experience and get to have that experience and so just as my dad said we have so just as my dad said we have so just as my dad said we have the experience of having all the experience of having all the experience of having all these international students these international students these international students come to our home and so that's come to our home and so that's come to our home and so that's instead of having a sit-down instead of having a sit-down instead of having a sit-down dinner with maybe you know five dinner with maybe you know five dinner with maybe you know five to 10 people in your immediate to 10 people in your immediate to 10 people in your immediate family so your immediate family family so your immediate family family so your immediate family is all like your mom and your is all like your mom and your is all like your mom and your dad and your close relatives may dad and your close relatives may dad and your close relatives may be your cousins or uncles or be your cousins or uncles or be your cousins or uncles or something like that something like that something like that we have all these students from we have all these students from we have all these students from all over the world and so I got all over the world and so I got all over the world and so I got to meet people from Japan China to meet people from Japan China to meet people from Japan China India Iraq all the country India Iraq all the country India Iraq all the country Europe South America everywhere Europe South America everywhere Europe South America everywhere everywhere everywhere everywhere we get lots of little things we get lots of little things we get lots of little things from people from all over the from people from all over the from people from all over the world they bring a little gifts world they bring a little gifts world they bring a little gifts things from their their own things from their their own things from their their own country and so it was a nice country and so it was a nice country and so it was a nice little international experience little international experience little international experience I wouldn't trade it for the I wouldn't trade it for the I wouldn't trade it for the world i use that expression a world i use that expression a world i use that expression a lot of means you you would not lot of means you you would not lot of means you you would not want to give up that I wouldn't want to give up that I wouldn't want to give up that I wouldn't trade it for the world trade it for the world trade it for the world so I do its way to prime my so I do its way to prime my so I do its way to prime my favorite holiday i'm good i favorite holiday i'm good i favorite holiday i'm good i think i like it a lot of people think i like it a lot of people think i like it a lot of people like Thanksgiving and it's a like Thanksgiving and it's a like Thanksgiving and it's a night it's a nice time night it's a nice time night it's a nice time it's all right now you're you're it's all right now you're you're it's all right now you're you're out here visiting yes in Oregon out here visiting yes in Oregon out here visiting yes in Oregon and it's a bit i'll show you and it's a bit i'll show you and it's a bit i'll show you guys the snow later it's a guys the snow later it's a guys the snow later it's a beautiful day outside my dad was beautiful day outside my dad was beautiful day outside my dad was 22 cold he didn't want to sit 22 cold he didn't want to sit 22 cold he didn't want to sit outside and record this he's a outside and record this he's a outside and record this he's a smart man smart man smart man yeah only a fool would sit yeah only a fool would sit yeah only a fool would sit outside for 15 minutes and you outside for 15 minutes and you outside for 15 minutes and you can be in a warm place right now can be in a warm place right now can be in a warm place right now and we have i'll show you also and we have i'll show you also and we have i'll show you also we have any other school is he we have any other school is he we have any other school is he has a full a fool will write it has a full a fool will write it has a full a fool will write it down here for you right down down here for you right down down here for you right down here fool is a person that you here fool is a person that you here fool is a person that you know they do stupid things kind know they do stupid things kind know they do stupid things kind of like I do on occasion i can of like I do on occasion i can of like I do on occasion i can be foolish but my dad is no fool be foolish but my dad is no fool be foolish but my dad is no fool he's no fool he's no he's an ok he's no fool he's no he's an ok he's no fool he's no he's an ok so we're enjoying our time and so we're enjoying our time and so we're enjoying our time and bend in anything you bend in anything you bend in anything you specifically like to do out here specifically like to do out here specifically like to do out here or just the actually know about or just the actually know about or just the actually know about what we didn't do what we didn't do what we didn't do yes we go ahead you can tell yes we go ahead you can tell yes we go ahead you can tell them a story so the weather is them a story so the weather is them a story so the weather is not so great my dad will tell not so great my dad will tell not so great my dad will tell you the story right now you the story right now you the story right now well in Bend Oregon which is a well in Bend Oregon which is a well in Bend Oregon which is a relatively small city maybe it's relatively small city maybe it's relatively small city maybe it's like 80,000 80,000 people like 80,000 80,000 people like 80,000 80,000 people yeah they have a tradition here yeah they have a tradition here yeah they have a tradition here lots and lots of what they call lots and lots of what they call lots and lots of what they call local breweries local breweries local breweries yeah it's called a brew pub yeah it's called a brew pub yeah it's called a brew pub group up will you can explain group up will you can explain group up will you can explain what a brewery is yes a brewery what a brewery is yes a brewery what a brewery is yes a brewery is where you brew beer that's is where you brew beer that's is where you brew beer that's where beer is made and most beer where beer is made and most beer where beer is made and most beer in this country is made by large in this country is made by large in this country is made by large companies in very large companies in very large companies in very large factories basically and they factories basically and they factories basically and they ship it all around ship it all around ship it all around but in recent years there's been but in recent years there's been but in recent years there's been a growth of these brew pubs a growth of these brew pubs a growth of these brew pubs where people make their own beer where people make their own beer where people make their own beer and very small batches and then and very small batches and then and very small batches and then sell it to people in the sort of sell it to people in the sort of sell it to people in the sort of the city or the community the city or the community the city or the community these are called micro brews these are called micro brews these are called micro brews right micro meeting small and so right micro meeting small and so right micro meeting small and so there again there's a couple of there again there's a couple of there again there's a couple of big maybe verte of budweiser big maybe verte of budweiser big maybe verte of budweiser coolers Miller these are like coolers Miller these are like coolers Miller these are like the big three companies that the big three companies that the big three companies that make most of the beer in America make most of the beer in America make most of the beer in America but then you have a whole bunch but then you have a whole bunch but then you have a whole bunch of these tiny companies and some of these tiny companies and some of these tiny companies and some of them actually make the only of them actually make the only of them actually make the only make beer and other companies make beer and other companies make beer and other companies they they make beer but they they they make beer but they they they make beer but they also have a place where you can also have a place where you can also have a place where you can go and eat is called a brew pub go and eat is called a brew pub go and eat is called a brew pub and there are a lot of these in and there are a lot of these in and there are a lot of these in Bend I think they're about 15 of Bend I think they're about 15 of Bend I think they're about 15 of them and one of the things you them and one of the things you them and one of the things you can do is to rent a large can do is to rent a large can do is to rent a large it's called a bicycle but it it's called a bicycle but it it's called a bicycle but it really isn't a bicycle it's like really isn't a bicycle it's like really isn't a bicycle it's like a contraption that machine heart a contraption that machine heart a contraption that machine heart sort of and you can get a bunch sort of and you can get a bunch sort of and you can get a bunch of people maybe 10 or 12 people of people maybe 10 or 12 people of people maybe 10 or 12 people peddling this bike and going peddling this bike and going peddling this bike and going from place to place and drinking from place to place and drinking from place to place and drinking beer now because you have to be beer now because you have to be beer now because you have to be careful with all these people careful with all these people careful with all these people drinking beer drinking beer drinking beer you hire a driver with the you hire a driver with the you hire a driver with the contraption pleased that he's contraption pleased that he's contraption pleased that he's more like a steer more like a steer more like a steer yes but they won't let us they yes but they won't let us they yes but they won't let us they won't just let 12 people do it won't just let 12 people do it won't just let 12 people do it on their own game because the on their own game because the on their own game because the foolish yes that would be foolish yes that would be foolish yes that would be foolish although if we did we'd foolish although if we did we'd foolish although if we did we'd probably select one person to be probably select one person to be probably select one person to be the designated driver the designated driver the designated driver yes this is a word for a person yes this is a word for a person yes this is a word for a person if you go out drinking if you go out drinking if you go out drinking you know maybe if you've been to you know maybe if you've been to you know maybe if you've been to America or even in your own America or even in your own America or even in your own country we have very strict laws country we have very strict laws country we have very strict laws and for good reason and for good reason and for good reason if you go out drinking you can't if you go out drinking you can't if you go out drinking you can't have you know maybe let's say have you know maybe let's say have you know maybe let's say five people go out drinking and five people go out drinking and five people go out drinking and one of them is the designated one of them is the designated one of them is the designated driver so to designate means to driver so to designate means to driver so to designate means to have a specific person that have a specific person that have a specific person that won't be drinking or they drink won't be drinking or they drink won't be drinking or they drink you know some non-alcoholic you know some non-alcoholic you know some non-alcoholic things so they can drive and things so they can drive and things so they can drive and their brains okay right so that their brains okay right so that their brains okay right so that person will sort of volunteer to person will sort of volunteer to person will sort of volunteer to do that or be selected to do do that or be selected to do do that or be selected to do that but even here they probably that but even here they probably that but even here they probably wouldn't want us to do it wouldn't want us to do it wouldn't want us to do it because you know you're driving because you know you're driving because you know you're driving this contraption up and down this contraption up and down this contraption up and down these little Hills in the town these little Hills in the town these little Hills in the town and I probably take some and I probably take some and I probably take some experience through its not like experience through its not like experience through its not like just riding a bicycle it's a just riding a bicycle it's a just riding a bicycle it's a it's a long thing with all the it's a long thing with all the it's a long thing with all the people on it people on it people on it pedaling trying to move it pedaling trying to move it pedaling trying to move it forward but it's probably forward but it's probably forward but it's probably difficult to drive so so we we difficult to drive so so we we difficult to drive so so we we were supposed to do that today were supposed to do that today were supposed to do that today instead of shooting this video instead of shooting this video instead of shooting this video right now we're going to shoot right now we're going to shoot right now we're going to shoot this later actually this later actually this later actually but we had a little bit of snow but we had a little bit of snow but we had a little bit of snow last night and the roads are last night and the roads are last night and the roads are pretty icy pretty icy pretty icy so we had to cancel our so we had to cancel our so we had to cancel our reservation there was going to reservation there was going to reservation there was going to be maybe I think 10 of us be maybe I think 10 of us be maybe I think 10 of us yes I think that's a ten of us yes I think that's a ten of us yes I think that's a ten of us sit on this thing and we're all sit on this thing and we're all sit on this thing and we're all peddling except for me maybe I peddling except for me maybe I peddling except for me maybe I would sit back and relax and let would sit back and relax and let would sit back and relax and let the rest of them pedal while I the rest of them pedal while I the rest of them pedal while I that's called that's called that's called that's called that's called that's called being a free ride is a free being a free ride is a free being a free ride is a free rider or a low for i'm relaxing rider or a low for i'm relaxing rider or a low for i'm relaxing and I'm not the rest of the and I'm not the rest of the and I'm not the rest of the people doing all the work is or people doing all the work is or people doing all the work is or they discovered that that makes they discovered that that makes they discovered that that makes them unhappy because they feel them unhappy because they feel them unhappy because they feel he should be doing just as much he should be doing just as much he should be doing just as much work as I am work as I am work as I am yeah or you could say I'm I yeah or you could say I'm I yeah or you could say I'm I don't know don't know don't know I'm trying to think of a good I'm trying to think of a good I'm trying to think of a good expression for that where I'm expression for that where I'm expression for that where I'm you said you could say I'm not you said you could say I'm not you said you could say I'm not pulling my own weight pulling my own weight pulling my own weight yes that's true I'm not not yes that's true I'm not not yes that's true I'm not not pulling my own weight you have a pulling my own weight you have a pulling my own weight you have a whole bunch of people doing whole bunch of people doing whole bunch of people doing something and I'm not doing that something and I'm not doing that something and I'm not doing that so that's another good so that's another good so that's another good experience all the other people experience all the other people experience all the other people have to pull their weight and have to pull their weight and have to pull their weight and his way yes but had we so we his way yes but had we so we his way yes but had we so we were thinking about doing that were thinking about doing that were thinking about doing that today but now we get to sit down today but now we get to sit down today but now we get to sit down have a nice conversation is like have a nice conversation is like have a nice conversation is like father-son yeah it is it's been father-son yeah it is it's been father-son yeah it is it's been a while we talk sometimes we a while we talk sometimes we a while we talk sometimes we send emails but we don't really send emails but we don't really send emails but we don't really take so much time to talk about take so much time to talk about take so much time to talk about as much as we should as much as we should as much as we should that's probably right and we we that's probably right and we we that's probably right and we we should be talking more and maybe should be talking more and maybe should be talking more and maybe traveling more as well traveling more as well traveling more as well in addition I think that's for in addition I think that's for in addition I think that's for sure and you can come out to sure and you can come out to sure and you can come out to japan i would I can i went to japan i would I can i went to japan i would I can i went to japan japan japan unfortunately about 10 years ago unfortunately about 10 years ago unfortunately about 10 years ago before and we got there or drool before and we got there or drool before and we got there or drool I guess he's also my real name I guess he's also my real name I guess he's also my real name if it's just for you if it's just for you if it's just for you you subscribe so everybody so I you subscribe so everybody so I you subscribe so everybody so I have I maybe I don't remember me have I maybe I don't remember me have I maybe I don't remember me i think maybe i was in high i think maybe i was in high i think maybe i was in high school as well my real name is school as well my real name is school as well my real name is Andrew you probably knew that Andrew you probably knew that Andrew you probably knew that already if you've heard that already if you've heard that already if you've heard that before but I go by Drew and so before but I go by Drew and so before but I go by Drew and so most of the people that have most of the people that have most of the people that have known me since I was a young lad known me since I was a young lad known me since I was a young lad a young boy they call me Andrew a young boy they call me Andrew a young boy they call me Andrew or some people even call me or some people even call me or some people even call me badger they refer to me by my badger they refer to me by my badger they refer to me by my last yeah that's a tradition last yeah that's a tradition last yeah that's a tradition that people call me badger - that people call me badger - that people call me badger - yeah so it sits there like yeah so it sits there like yeah so it sits there like that's a common thing in America that's a common thing in America that's a common thing in America if you were very close with if you were very close with if you were very close with someone you can use their last someone you can use their last someone you can use their last name in an informal kind of way name in an informal kind of way name in an informal kind of way this is not like the Japanese this is not like the Japanese this is not like the Japanese style where people use a style where people use a style where people use a person's last name in a formal person's last name in a formal person's last name in a formal way or other other cultures that way or other other cultures that way or other other cultures that do that as well so it's a do that as well so it's a do that as well so it's a because a term of endearment because a term of endearment because a term of endearment it's just a a polite way or a it's just a a polite way or a it's just a a polite way or a kind of casual way of kind of casual way of kind of casual way of introducing someone or toward introducing someone or toward introducing someone or toward referring to referring to referring to amusingly and because some of amusingly and because some of amusingly and because some of the people who applied to my the people who applied to my the people who applied to my program do come from Japan and program do come from Japan and program do come from Japan and China where there may be a China where there may be a China where there may be a tradition of having the order of tradition of having the order of tradition of having the order of the names different where you the names different where you the names different where you have the family name first and have the family name first and have the family name first and then the given name or your then the given name or your then the given name or your familiar name second familiar name second familiar name second I have to explain to them that I have to explain to them that I have to explain to them that this is the way we do it in this this is the way we do it in this this is the way we do it in this country but people still will country but people still will country but people still will write to me as Badger and write to me as Badger and write to me as Badger and realize that yeah it's my last realize that yeah it's my last realize that yeah it's my last night yeah and sometimes it's night yeah and sometimes it's night yeah and sometimes it's interesting I I know when I if I interesting I I know when I if I interesting I I know when I if I get a like an email since i had get a like an email since i had get a like an email since i had i speak with people from all i speak with people from all i speak with people from all over the world i get emails from over the world i get emails from over the world i get emails from people and I don't actually know people and I don't actually know people and I don't actually know which is the first name or the which is the first name or the which is the first name or the last night just because i'm not last night just because i'm not last night just because i'm not i'm not used to that so don't i'm not used to that so don't i'm not used to that so don't don't be afraid to ask somebody don't be afraid to ask somebody don't be afraid to ask somebody if you hear their name or you if you hear their name or you if you hear their name or you see something written down see something written down see something written down number one if you don't know how number one if you don't know how number one if you don't know how to pronounce it you can always to pronounce it you can always to pronounce it you can always ask them see how do you ask them see how do you ask them see how do you pronounce this pronounce this pronounce this how do you pronounce this or you how do you pronounce this or you how do you pronounce this or you can say which is your first name can say which is your first name can say which is your first name so your family name or your last so your family name or your last so your family name or your last name that's the second name also name that's the second name also name that's the second name also my middle name is Mark my middle name is Mark my middle name is Mark so it's andrew marc badger so it's andrew marc badger so it's andrew marc badger that's my full name that's my full name that's my full name but you often don't use the but you often don't use the but you often don't use the middle name unless your mom is middle name unless your mom is middle name unless your mom is mad at you and then she will say mad at you and then she will say mad at you and then she will say and rhubarb and rhubarb and rhubarb my mom will my new and you've my mom will my new and you've my mom will my new and you've heard that many times is really heard that many times is really heard that many times is really like this you know so the file like this you know so the file like this you know so the file name it in again it's it's name it in again it's it's name it in again it's it's different in different countries different in different countries different in different countries but usually in America we have a but usually in America we have a but usually in America we have a first name middle name and the first name middle name and the first name middle name and the last name as well and sometimes last name as well and sometimes last name as well and sometimes the middle name we get that from the middle name we get that from the middle name we get that from having like a like a you get having like a like a you get having like a like a you get like maybe your grandfather's like maybe your grandfather's like maybe your grandfather's name would be like your first name would be like your first name would be like your first name and your uncle's name is name and your uncle's name is name and your uncle's name is your middle name something like your middle name something like your middle name something like that people do lots of different that people do lots of different that people do lots of different things but usually the middle things but usually the middle things but usually the middle name isn't you name isn't you name isn't you unless your mom is angry now unless your mom is angry now unless your mom is angry now when my students graduate from when my students graduate from when my students graduate from their program their program their program I have to read their names in I have to read their names in I have to read their names in front of a big audience and of front of a big audience and of front of a big audience and of course i'm reading names that course i'm reading names that course i'm reading names that i'm not familiar with the i'm not familiar with the i'm not familiar with the language some of the South language some of the South language some of the South Americans may have six or seven Americans may have six or seven Americans may have six or seven names because the custom there names because the custom there names because the custom there is that when you get married you is that when you get married you is that when you get married you take on the names of the parents take on the names of the parents take on the names of the parents it's very complicated it's very complicated it's very complicated so what I do in the very so what I do in the very so what I do in the very beginning of the program is I beginning of the program is I beginning of the program is I have them say their name and have them say their name and have them say their name and record it just like this and record it just like this and record it just like this and then I say it myself and then then I say it myself and then then I say it myself and then they correct me and then I have they correct me and then I have they correct me and then I have a tape but you do that with all a tape but you do that with all a tape but you do that with all of them I do of them I do of them I do really i doing just the ones you really i doing just the ones you really i doing just the ones you all of them really well with me all of them really well with me all of them really well with me some of them will come from some of them will come from some of them will come from countries like England or countries like England or countries like England or Australia and New Zealand where Australia and New Zealand where Australia and New Zealand where it's pretty easy to pronounce it's pretty easy to pronounce it's pretty easy to pronounce the nation but the most the nation but the most the nation but the most difficult names actually are the difficult names actually are the difficult names actually are the names from the students in names from the students in names from the students in Brazil and in Portugal because Brazil and in Portugal because Brazil and in Portugal because the Portuguese language looks a the Portuguese language looks a the Portuguese language looks a lot like Spanish the names look lot like Spanish the names look lot like Spanish the names look at spanish but they're at spanish but they're at spanish but they're pronounced differently pronounced differently pronounced differently and I try to get the and I try to get the and I try to get the pronunciation is correct as i pronunciation is correct as i pronunciation is correct as i can because the what's the can because the what's the can because the what's the longest name longest name longest name well I probably had a name with well I probably had a name with well I probably had a name with six or seven names remember what six or seven names remember what six or seven names remember what it was it was it was I don't you know what was it I don't you know what was it I don't you know what was it like daylight something you know like daylight something you know like daylight something you know it it it I can't remember specifically I can't remember specifically I can't remember specifically but it's it's there long but it's it's there long but it's it's there long in fact that we think that we in fact that we think that we in fact that we think that we should charge them by their name should charge them by their name should charge them by their name we don't do that the other we don't do that the other we don't do that the other alternative is to do what we alternative is to do what we alternative is to do what we used to do in this country when used to do in this country when used to do in this country when immigrants would come into the immigrants would come into the immigrants would come into the country we would assign them a country we would assign them a country we would assign them a name that was done at ellis name that was done at ellis name that was done at ellis island and we would say oh we island and we would say oh we island and we would say oh we can't pronounce your name if you can't pronounce your name if you can't pronounce your name if you want to live here will call you want to live here will call you want to live here will call you John Smith yeah and then at John Smith yeah and then at John Smith yeah and then at later on people of course change later on people of course change later on people of course change their names back but many people their names back but many people their names back but many people to keep the name to keep the name to keep the name they were given and i would like they were given and i would like they were given and i would like to give my students the chance to give my students the chance to give my students the chance to pick a name like a famous to pick a name like a famous to pick a name like a famous actor actor actor yeah i think is what I'm true yeah i think is what I'm true yeah i think is what I'm true yeah you could be tom cruise yeah you could be tom cruise yeah you could be tom cruise with that again with that again with that again they don't seem to like that they don't seem to like that they don't seem to like that idea they want to have in our idea they want to have in our idea they want to have in our own name sure it's been well own name sure it's been well own name sure it's been well they don't know you know that they don't know you know that they don't know you know that you're there you know and they you're there you know and they you're there you know and they want me to read their name want me to read their name want me to read their name because oftentimes their parents because oftentimes their parents because oftentimes their parents will come here for their will come here for their will come here for their graduation and you know if I can graduation and you know if I can graduation and you know if I can turn towards yeah you want to turn towards yeah you want to turn towards yeah you want to hear my name hear my name hear my name yeah you know when I graduate yeah you know when I graduate yeah you know when I graduate that's right yeah I graduated I that's right yeah I graduated I that's right yeah I graduated I remember when I was graduating remember when I was graduating remember when I was graduating he and he hugged the guy giving he and he hugged the guy giving he and he hugged the guy giving out his deployment yes that's out his deployment yes that's out his deployment yes that's quite actually I actually hugged quite actually I actually hugged quite actually I actually hugged the president of my university the president of my university the president of my university and he wasn't expecting only was and he wasn't expecting only was and he wasn't expecting only was when I walk but we have a when I walk but we have a when I walk but we have a picture of it maybe i can find picture of it maybe i can find picture of it maybe i can find yes yes it's a great picture and yes yes it's a great picture and yes yes it's a great picture and and we all appreciated that and we all appreciated that and we all appreciated that because it broke up a list of because it broke up a list of because it broke up a list of 300 people just going up and 300 people just going up and 300 people just going up and shaking hands and I try to be shaking hands and I try to be shaking hands and I try to be different yeah for you different yeah for you different yeah for you that's true yes well anyway it's that's true yes well anyway it's that's true yes well anyway it's been I don't want to keep you been I don't want to keep you been I don't want to keep you too long from the from the too long from the from the too long from the from the actual vacation week it's okay actual vacation week it's okay actual vacation week it's okay but it's always it's the but it's always it's the but it's always it's the greatest we've talked in a long greatest we've talked in a long greatest we've talked in a long time time time I know I know it's so nice I know I know it's so nice I know I know it's so nice loaded to get out here and since loaded to get out here and since loaded to get out here and since it down and will again I'll take it down and will again I'll take it down and will again I'll take the camera around and show you the camera around and show you the camera around and show you what i'm doing over here in this what i'm doing over here in this what i'm doing over here in this video video video but we'll pull a journey here but we'll pull a journey here but we'll pull a journey here and then i'll be back in a and then i'll be back in a and then i'll be back in a little bit as i said we'll show little bit as i said we'll show little bit as i said we'll show you the Christmas tree some of you the Christmas tree some of you the Christmas tree some of the the beautiful surroundings the the beautiful surroundings the the beautiful surroundings all the lovely the the white all the lovely the the white all the lovely the the white Christmas were experiencing over Christmas were experiencing over Christmas were experiencing over here and we'll get into the here and we'll get into the here and we'll get into the special mission homework special mission homework special mission homework assignment for this month you assignment for this month you assignment for this month you can say bye bye good bye bye bye can say bye bye good bye bye bye can say bye bye good bye bye bye right right right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah mmm mmm mmm well hello and welcome to the well hello and welcome to the well hello and welcome to the special mission homework special mission homework special mission homework assignment for today i hope you assignment for today i hope you assignment for today i hope you enjoyed this little set of me enjoyed this little set of me enjoyed this little set of me making a fire right quick making a fire right quick making a fire right quick basically i took newspaper and basically i took newspaper and basically i took newspaper and then you saw me put some pine then you saw me put some pine then you saw me put some pine cones these are the big things cones these are the big things cones these are the big things that hold the seeds for pine that hold the seeds for pine that hold the seeds for pine trees and then I put some small trees and then I put some small trees and then I put some small pieces of wood pieces of wood pieces of wood this is called kindling so you this is called kindling so you this is called kindling so you can get the fire burning and can get the fire burning and can get the fire burning and then you can see up top I have then you can see up top I have then you can see up top I have the bigger pieces of wood the bigger pieces of wood the bigger pieces of wood I really love fireplace and here I really love fireplace and here I really love fireplace and here in oregon who i am for vacation in oregon who i am for vacation in oregon who i am for vacation you can hear the fire you can hear the fire you can hear the fire it's very hot sitting here by it's very hot sitting here by it's very hot sitting here by the fire but it's very warm and the fire but it's very warm and the fire but it's very warm and I'm glad you're able to share it I'm glad you're able to share it I'm glad you're able to share it with me if you were feeling cold with me if you were feeling cold with me if you were feeling cold where you are where you are where you are well I also hope you enjoyed the well I also hope you enjoyed the well I also hope you enjoyed the conversation I had with my dad conversation I had with my dad conversation I had with my dad this month he's a funny guy I this month he's a funny guy I this month he's a funny guy I get a lot of my humor and my get a lot of my humor and my get a lot of my humor and my english from him english from him english from him so learning from him as I was so learning from him as I was so learning from him as I was growing up but for this special growing up but for this special growing up but for this special mission homework assignment what mission homework assignment what mission homework assignment what I wanted to talk about because I wanted to talk about because I wanted to talk about because we're also talking about family we're also talking about family we're also talking about family is where you learn English from is where you learn English from is where you learn English from and one of the things or i guess and one of the things or i guess and one of the things or i guess in two ways when you think about in two ways when you think about in two ways when you think about learning English learning English learning English the first thing is the kind of the first thing is the kind of the first thing is the kind of people that you spend time with people that you spend time with people that you spend time with and how old they are and also and how old they are and also and how old they are and also the kind of English that you use the kind of English that you use the kind of English that you use depending on how you are or how depending on how you are or how depending on how you are or how old you are old you are old you are so in my case I am right now 32 so in my case I am right now 32 so in my case I am right now 32 years old and so the English years old and so the English years old and so the English that I know it comes from that I know it comes from that I know it comes from maybe movies that were in the maybe movies that were in the maybe movies that were in the eighties or in the nineties and eighties or in the nineties and eighties or in the nineties and a lot of the things from when I a lot of the things from when I a lot of the things from when I was younger and that's how was younger and that's how was younger and that's how unable to communicate with other unable to communicate with other unable to communicate with other people because for learning people because for learning people because for learning English English English you don't just learn the grammar you don't just learn the grammar you don't just learn the grammar these are the rules of the these are the rules of the these are the rules of the language the real language is language the real language is language the real language is the words and the things from the words and the things from the words and the things from movies and TV and radio that you movies and TV and radio that you movies and TV and radio that you learn and these are the things learn and these are the things learn and these are the things that connect you with the other that connect you with the other that connect you with the other people in your generation people in your generation people in your generation so for the people you spend time so for the people you spend time so for the people you spend time with maybe you are 40 years old with maybe you are 40 years old with maybe you are 40 years old maybe you're 50 years old maybe you're 50 years old maybe you're 50 years old you're 25 but you have to think you're 25 but you have to think you're 25 but you have to think about not only your own about not only your own about not only your own generation so you can learn all generation so you can learn all generation so you can learn all of the things that you talked of the things that you talked of the things that you talked with with other people that are with with other people that are with with other people that are also the same age as you also the same age as you also the same age as you but if you live in a different but if you live in a different but if you live in a different country and you don't have the country and you don't have the country and you don't have the chance to speak English with chance to speak English with chance to speak English with other people that are your age other people that are your age other people that are your age you can also spend time talking you can also spend time talking you can also spend time talking with people that are a different with people that are a different with people that are a different age that you and the way to do age that you and the way to do age that you and the way to do that is if you already that is if you already that is if you already understand the rules of the understand the rules of the understand the rules of the language this is the grammar language this is the grammar language this is the grammar that you have to start focusing that you have to start focusing that you have to start focusing on the culture and learning the on the culture and learning the on the culture and learning the culture is the most important culture is the most important culture is the most important part because learning the rules part because learning the rules part because learning the rules is not really so tricky is not really so tricky is not really so tricky it's learning the culture so you it's learning the culture so you it's learning the culture so you are starting English not as a are starting English not as a are starting English not as a native speaker you are starting native speaker you are starting native speaker you are starting with your own culture you've got with your own culture you've got with your own culture you've got you know maybe you speak Italian you know maybe you speak Italian you know maybe you speak Italian or French or German or Arabic or French or German or Arabic or French or German or Arabic whatever your language is but whatever your language is but whatever your language is but you know all of the references you know all of the references you know all of the references in your culture from your in your culture from your in your culture from your generation generation generation so all of the people you grew up so all of the people you grew up so all of the people you grew up with it's the same situation as with it's the same situation as with it's the same situation as it is for me it is for me it is for me so now you have to do a little so now you have to do a little so now you have to do a little bit of extra work to go back and bit of extra work to go back and bit of extra work to go back and start speaking with the other start speaking with the other start speaking with the other people not only in your people not only in your people not only in your generation but also other generation but also other generation but also other generations but i recommend you generations but i recommend you generations but i recommend you begin with people begin with people begin with people maybe let's say you take care of maybe let's say you take care of maybe let's say you take care of little children then you would little children then you would little children then you would watch the TV shows or listen to watch the TV shows or listen to watch the TV shows or listen to the music that that generation the music that that generation the music that that generation of people listens to of people listens to of people listens to so just like me I don't know all so just like me I don't know all so just like me I don't know all of the references that my father of the references that my father of the references that my father uses or my mother or my uses or my mother or my uses or my mother or my grandfather he will talk about grandfather he will talk about grandfather he will talk about something maybe a joke that something maybe a joke that something maybe a joke that everybody in the culture new everybody in the culture new everybody in the culture new from World War two but i have no from World War two but i have no from World War two but i have no idea and it doesn't mean i don't idea and it doesn't mean i don't idea and it doesn't mean i don't understand English it just means understand English it just means understand English it just means i don't understand the culture i don't understand the culture i don't understand the culture from that . so the more cultural from that . so the more cultural from that . so the more cultural references you understand the references you understand the references you understand the better you will get at being better you will get at being better you will get at being able to have conversations with able to have conversations with able to have conversations with people at these different levels people at these different levels people at these different levels so begin with the the people so begin with the the people so begin with the the people that you spend the most time that you spend the most time that you spend the most time with if you are teaching at a with if you are teaching at a with if you are teaching at a university or you have university or you have university or you have you're an adult and you go to you're an adult and you go to you're an adult and you go to dinner parties with people dinner parties with people dinner parties with people whatever that thing is whatever that thing is whatever that thing is study the the music and movies study the the music and movies study the the music and movies that they would have known from that they would have known from that they would have known from younger generations because this younger generations because this younger generations because this is usually what people use their is usually what people use their is usually what people use their english from so again I'm 32 english from so again I'm 32 english from so again I'm 32 years old and the english i use years old and the english i use years old and the english i use I make jokes and talk with I make jokes and talk with I make jokes and talk with people it's about English from people it's about English from people it's about English from maybe 20 years ago so it's not maybe 20 years ago so it's not maybe 20 years ago so it's not the language were speaking right the language were speaking right the language were speaking right now we're using phrases from now we're using phrases from now we're using phrases from movies and TV and we're bringing movies and TV and we're bringing movies and TV and we're bringing them back into the conversation them back into the conversation them back into the conversation and what we do when we speak is and what we do when we speak is and what we do when we speak is we're kind of having like a like we're kind of having like a like we're kind of having like a like a cold conversation a cold conversation a cold conversation so we're using the same language so we're using the same language so we're using the same language but we're understanding each but we're understanding each but we're understanding each other and this comes from having other and this comes from having other and this comes from having seen the same movie or the same seen the same movie or the same seen the same movie or the same TV show TV show TV show so we bond in this way we come so we bond in this way we come so we bond in this way we come together so when you have to together so when you have to together so when you have to think about speaking English think about speaking English think about speaking English don't worry so much about trying don't worry so much about trying don't worry so much about trying to get maybe the grammar to get maybe the grammar to get maybe the grammar correctly it's more about kind correctly it's more about kind correctly it's more about kind of joining the club of your of joining the club of your of joining the club of your generation generation generation so if you are 50 years old go so if you are 50 years old go so if you are 50 years old go back and maybe you can google back and maybe you can google back and maybe you can google online so this is what I'd like online so this is what I'd like online so this is what I'd like you to do for the special you to do for the special you to do for the special mission homework assignment mission homework assignment mission homework assignment whatever your birthday is go whatever your birthday is go whatever your birthday is go back so in my case again I'm 32 back so in my case again I'm 32 back so in my case again I'm 32 years old I look on to google years old I look on to google years old I look on to google what movies were made in the what movies were made in the what movies were made in the eighties or the most popular eighties or the most popular eighties or the most popular movies in 1983 or whatever the movies in 1983 or whatever the movies in 1983 or whatever the whatever the year is but we whatever the year is but we whatever the year is but we usually work in decades usually work in decades usually work in decades so a decade is a group of 10 so a decade is a group of 10 so a decade is a group of 10 years so you've got the eighties years so you've got the eighties years so you've got the eighties nineties to thousands you know nineties to thousands you know nineties to thousands you know that kind of thing and you can that kind of thing and you can that kind of thing and you can use that information to begin use that information to begin use that information to begin mastering the culture of your mastering the culture of your mastering the culture of your generation so whatever your age generation so whatever your age generation so whatever your age group is but also the the group is but also the the group is but also the the culture of the people that you culture of the people that you culture of the people that you spend a lot of time with so spend a lot of time with so spend a lot of time with so maybe me I spend time with a lot maybe me I spend time with a lot maybe me I spend time with a lot of children of children of children maybe you don't but whatever maybe you don't but whatever maybe you don't but whatever that is if you want to that is if you want to that is if you want to understand the people that understand the people that understand the people that you're speaking with you're speaking with you're speaking with it's not it's not really the the it's not it's not really the the it's not it's not really the the grammar or the English that grammar or the English that grammar or the English that you're using its the cultural you're using its the cultural you're using its the cultural ideas that you understand ideas that you understand ideas that you understand and the more deeply you go into and the more deeply you go into and the more deeply you go into the culture of a language that's the culture of a language that's the culture of a language that's really where you begin to really where you begin to really where you begin to connect with people and maybe connect with people and maybe connect with people and maybe you've had this happen to you you've had this happen to you you've had this happen to you before you're speaking with before you're speaking with before you're speaking with someone that and they say oh my someone that and they say oh my someone that and they say oh my goodness i had no idea goodness i had no idea goodness i had no idea knew that and what you're doing knew that and what you're doing knew that and what you're doing is connecting with them in a is connecting with them in a is connecting with them in a real human wait real human wait real human wait not just using the language but not just using the language but not just using the language but actually connecting with them by actually connecting with them by actually connecting with them by kind of joining their club and kind of joining their club and kind of joining their club and showing that you share something showing that you share something showing that you share something like that sharing more than just like that sharing more than just like that sharing more than just the grammar or something of a the grammar or something of a the grammar or something of a language language language well for this month go out and well for this month go out and well for this month go out and really try to find again these really try to find again these really try to find again these two things one is think about two things one is think about two things one is think about your own generation your own generation your own generation so go back think about when you so go back think about when you so go back think about when you were born and then start moving were born and then start moving were born and then start moving up from there up from there up from there so maybe if you're born in so maybe if you're born in so maybe if you're born in nineteen eighty then start with nineteen eighty then start with nineteen eighty then start with the eighties and nineties and the eighties and nineties and the eighties and nineties and watch some really popular movies watch some really popular movies watch some really popular movies from that time from that time from that time look at the most popular music look at the most popular music look at the most popular music you can go to billboard.com and you can go to billboard.com and you can go to billboard.com and you can get lots of information you can get lots of information you can get lots of information about music from there as well about music from there as well about music from there as well but plenty of other web sites but plenty of other web sites but plenty of other web sites especially youtube but look for especially youtube but look for especially youtube but look for the most popular cultural ideas the most popular cultural ideas the most popular cultural ideas from particular particular from particular particular from particular particular generations also commercials TV generations also commercials TV generations also commercials TV commercials are very popular and commercials are very popular and commercials are very popular and that's a very common way that that's a very common way that that's a very common way that people you know two people are people you know two people are people you know two people are both watching the same both watching the same both watching the same commercial and they can laugh commercial and they can laugh commercial and they can laugh and joke about it but these and joke about it but these and joke about it but these kinds of ideas of the things kinds of ideas of the things kinds of ideas of the things that you should really be that you should really be that you should really be studying studying studying so for this month this is just a so for this month this is just a so for this month this is just a fun assignment take as much time fun assignment take as much time fun assignment take as much time as you want to and you should as you want to and you should as you want to and you should continue doing this as you continue doing this as you continue doing this as you become a better speaker of become a better speaker of become a better speaker of English but the more you English but the more you English but the more you practice and the more you go practice and the more you go practice and the more you go into the culture and not not into the culture and not not into the culture and not not worried about the grammar so worried about the grammar so worried about the grammar so much begin with the movies and much begin with the movies and much begin with the movies and the books and the ideas all of the books and the ideas all of the books and the ideas all of these things and and start doing these things and and start doing these things and and start doing some research online to think some research online to think some research online to think about your own generation and about your own generation and about your own generation and then also think about the the then also think about the the then also think about the the generation of the people you generation of the people you generation of the people you spend a lot of time talking with spend a lot of time talking with spend a lot of time talking with so it so it so it whoever that is for you it could whoever that is for you it could whoever that is for you it could be maybe the same age or it be maybe the same age or it be maybe the same age or it could be with people younger could be with people younger could be with people younger people older than you people older than you people older than you it just depends on what you're it just depends on what you're it just depends on what you're interested in and what you'd interested in and what you'd interested in and what you'd like to study and talk about like to study and talk about like to study and talk about well I hope it's been an well I hope it's been an well I hope it's been an interesting talk i'm sitting by interesting talk i'm sitting by interesting talk i'm sitting by this nice warm fire this nice warm fire this nice warm fire it's a little too hot actually it's a little too hot actually it's a little too hot actually but it's been a fantastic month but it's been a fantastic month but it's been a fantastic month and I'm really happy that I got and I'm really happy that I got and I'm really happy that I got to finish another great year of to finish another great year of to finish another great year of master English conversation and master English conversation and master English conversation and that we're starting a brand new that we're starting a brand new that we're starting a brand new year in 2013 with this January year in 2013 with this January year in 2013 with this January lesson lesson lesson so I will leave you with a few so I will leave you with a few so I will leave you with a few shots of just the lovely shots of just the lovely shots of just the lovely surroundings over here I'll show surroundings over here I'll show surroundings over here I'll show you the Christmas tree you the Christmas tree you the Christmas tree you got the lovely fire right you got the lovely fire right you got the lovely fire right here and go out and start here and go out and start here and go out and start getting into the culture getting into the culture getting into the culture forget the language forget that forget the language forget that forget the language forget that you're an English Learner you're you're an English Learner you're you're an English Learner you're just a person who can speak just a person who can speak just a person who can speak English and you just need to English and you just need to English and you just need to learn more cultural references learn more cultural references learn more cultural references that's really in have an that's really in have an that's really in have an excellent day and i'll leave you excellent day and i'll leave you excellent day and i'll leave you with a few shots few scenes of with a few shots few scenes of with a few shots few scenes of the lovely nature and the the lovely nature and the the lovely nature and the natural surroundings that we natural surroundings that we natural surroundings that we have here in organ have here in organ have here in organ baba baba baba yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
A2 初級 米 リアル英会話&流暢さトレーニング - 家族・同窓会 - マスター英会話2.0 (Real English Conversation & Fluency Training - Family & Reunions - Master English Conversation 2.0) 30 3 lawrence に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語