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  • Across Scandinavia, the average price of everything from a knitted roll neck to pastries from the local bakery are some of the highest in the world.


  • Scandinavia is a region in northern Europe that was historically made up of three kingdoms.

    スカンジナビアは、歴史的に 3 つの王国からなる北欧の地域です。

  • Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.


  • They're united by their Viking heritage but also their shared reputation as one of the most expensive regions to live and visit.


  • Whether it's buying a car or a TV, consumers in Scandinavia pay some of the highest prices in the world.


  • Even buying groceries is costly with all three countries' food and drink prices above the European average.

    食料品を買うにしても、3 カ国すべての飲食物の価格が欧州平均を上回っているので、コストがかかります。

  • All three countries also have a standard VAT rate of 25%.

    また、3 カ国とも 25% の付加価値税が標準税率となっています。

  • Amongst all the European nations, only Hungary has a higher rate.


  • Heading to the bar is also pretty pricey.


  • In Norway, having a beer or glass of wine will cost 2.5 times the EU average.

    ノルウェーでは、ビールやグラスワインを飲むと、EU 平均の 2.5 倍の費用がかかります。

  • Both Norway and Sweden have state-run monopolies on alcohol which helps keep the prices up.


  • This social market model, rather than a liberal market model like in the U.S., is common across Scandinavia and helps explain why the cost of living is so high.


  • Scandinavian countries have large welfare states with their social expenditures.


  • As a percentage of GDP, among the highest in the world and this requires high levels of taxation.

    GDP に占める割合としては、世界で最も高く、これは高いレベルの課税を必要とします。

  • Sweden has a top rate of personal income tax of over 60%.

    スウェーデンの個人所得税の最高税率は 60% を超えています。

  • While Denmark's is more than 55%, both of which are well above the OECD average.

    デンマークが55%以上であるのに対し、いずれも OECD 平均を大きく上回っています。

  • In Denmark, if you want to buy a car.


  • You have to pay anywhere between 85% and 150% tax on top of the cost of the vehicle.

    車の費用の上に 85% から 150% の税金をどこでも払わなければなりません。

  • And the taxes don't stop there.


  • Let's say I want to buy a sweater in Denmark.


  • I pay 300 kronor for it, but how much of that money actually goes to the vendor?

    300 クローネを払っているが、実際にそのお金はどれくらい業者に行くのでしょうか。

  • Well, first there's the 25% VAT - leaving the seller with 240 kronor.

    まず、25% の付加価値税がかかり、売り手には 240 クローネが残ります。

  • The clothes shop also has to pay a minimum 22% of corporate income tax.

    洋服屋さんも最低でも 22% の法人税を払わなければなりません。

  • That means that a big portion of the money I paid for my sweater goes to the Danish government.


  • Not to mention there's a hefty payroll tax on employees' wages.


  • And the store still has to pay for rent, electricity, and cleaning - all of which are taxed, too.


  • These taxes mean that for Scandinavian businesses to make a profit, they need to charge their consumers high prices.


  • For some companies, this has proved too much of a burden for their business model.


  • The world's biggest furniture company IKEA was founded in Sweden but has moved its headquarters to the Netherlands.

    世界最大の家具メーカー IKEA はスウェーデンで設立されましたが、本社をオランダに移しました。

  • Through corporate restructuring, the business is now owned by a non-profit Dutch parent company.


  • In part due to the high taxes in Sweden.


  • But according to some experts, Scandinavia's social democrat tendencies have led to a strong social cohesion and has helped provide political stability.


  • This, in turn, has made their economies safe havens for outside investors.


  • Which is one reason why the Danish, Swedish and Norwegian currencies called krona are so strong.


  • This can be tough on tourists with the exchange rate doing them no favors.


  • If the cost of living in Scandinavia is so expensive.


  • Why then are its citizens some of the happiest in the world?


  • In the past five years, Scandinavian countries have regularly topped the World Happiness Report.

    過去 5 年間、北欧諸国は世界幸福度報告書で定期的にトップになっています。

  • That's an index that measures overall life satisfaction based on different contributing factors.


  • Some experts attribute these high satisfaction levels with Scandinavia's large welfare state which they say ensures financial security, job security, and economic distribution.


  • In return for high taxes, citizens get free state education, very cheap child care, a functioning public transport and a free health service.


  • But a large and expensive social welfare state doesn't necessarily mean the best.


  • For example, Norway is the only Scandinavian country that ranks in the top 10 for adult education levels, amongst OECD countries.

    例えば、ノルウェーは OECD 加盟国の中で成人教育レベルがトップ 10 にランクインしている唯一の北欧諸国です。

  • And yet Scandinavians remain happy with the status quo.


  • Living within a social corporatist economy that provides reliable economic welfare.


  • Having a beer at the end of the day does cost a small fortune, but for people living and working in Scandinavia, high prices provide a quality of life that's worth paying for.


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