字幕表 動画を再生する
In this American English pronunciation exercise, we're going to study some conversation. Today
it's going to be a Ben Franklin exercise, where we analyze the speech together. Today's
topic: what did you do today?
トピック: 今日は何をしましたか?
Great. Let's get started.
>> Tom, what did you do today?
Tom, what did you do today? Lots of interesting things happening here. I noticed first of
トム 今日は何してたの?ここでは興味深いことがたくさん起きている最初に気付いたのは
all that I've dropped the T here: what did, what did, what did you do? I'm also noticing
all that I've dropped the T here: what did, what did, what did you do?にも気がつきました。
I'm getting more of a J sound here, j-ou, j-ou. Whuh-dih-jou, dih-jou. So the D and
ここではJの音が多くなってきました j -ou, j -ou.ワウ-ディ-ジュウ ディ-ジュウということで、Dと
the Y here are combining to make the J sound. So we have wuh-dih-jou, what did you [3x].
ここではYが結合してJの音になっています。ということで、wuh-dih-jou, what did you [3x]があります。
Tom, what did you do today? The other thing I notice is that the T here is really more
of a flap sound, a D, do duh-, do duh-, do today, this is most definitely a schwa, so
we're reducing this unstressed syllable to be the schwa. Today, today, do today, to today.
Tom, what did you do today?
トム 今日は何をしたの?
>> Tom, what did you do today? >> Today? >> Today.
>> Today I woke up...
Now here we have 'today' three times. Always, the first syllable is reduced to the schwa
さて、ここで 'today' を3回。いつも、最初の音節はシュワに還元されています。
sound, but I'm noticing that these T's are all True T's, and not Flap T's. That's because
のように聞こえますが、これらのTལsはすべてTrue T'sであって、Flap T'sではないことに気がつきました。これは
they are beginning sentences. So, we're not going to reduce that to a Flap T. In the case
up here, 'do today', it came, the T in 'today', came in between a vowel, 'do', the OO vowel,
ここでは 'do today' の T が来て、母音の間に来て、 'do' の OO 母音になっています。
and the schwa sound. And that's why we made this a flap sound. But here we're beginning
a sentence, so we're going to go ahead and give it the True T sound---though we will
文章になっていますので、True Tの音をつけていきます。
most definitely reduce to the schwa. Today.
>> Today? >> Today. [3x] >> Tom, what did you do today?
>>>今日は?[3x] >gt;gt;tom, 今日は何をしたの?
>> Today? >> Today. >> Today I woke up...
Everything was very connected there, and I know that when we have something ending in
a vowel or diphthong sound, and the next word beginning in a vowel or diphthong sound, that
we want that to really glide together, today I [3x]. And anytime we have a word that begins
with a vowel, we want to say, hmm, does the word before end in a consonant sound? It does.
It ends in the K consonant sound, woke up, woke up. So, to help us link, we can almost
K子音で終わる、woke up, woke upで終わる。ということで、繋ぎやすくするために、ほぼ
think of it as beginning the next word, wo-kup, woke up. Today I woke up.
次の言葉の始まりと考えて、wo-kup, woke up.今日は目が覚めました。
>> Today? >> Today. >> Today I woke up, and I went for a run.
And I went for a run. Tom dropped the D here, connected this word 'and' to 'I', 'and I' [3x]
で、走りに行ってきました。トムはここでDを落として、この単語の 'and' を 'I'、 'I' に繋げた [3x] 。
This was the schwa sound, so he's reduced 'and'. And I, and I, and I went for a run.
これはシュワ音だったので、彼は 'and'を減らしました。そして、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、私は、走りに行きました。
For a, for a. Tom reduced the vowel in the word 'for' to the schwa. And we've connected
for a, for a. トムはforという単語の中の母音をシュワに減らしました。そして、私たちは
these two function words together, for a, for a, for a, this is also a schwa. For a,
この2つの関数語を一緒にすると a のために、a のために、a のために、これもシュワです。aの場合は
for a, for a run, for a run, and I went for a run. Can you pick out the two stressed words
for a, for a run, for a run, for a run, and I went for a run.強調されている2つの単語を選び出すことができますか?
here? Went, run. Those are the words that have the most shape in the voice. The most
length: and I went for a run. And I went for a run. Again, he's got the intonation going
length: and I went for a run.そして私は走りに行きました。またしても、彼は抑揚をつけて
up here at the end, because, comma, he's giving us a list here. And there's more information
最後にここにアップします なぜなら、コンマ、彼はここにリストを与えてくれているからですそして、より多くの情報があります。
about to come.
>> Today I woke up, and I went for a run. [3x]
And, um, then I just worked.
And, um... Now here, Tom did pronounce the D, he linked it to the next word, beginning
with a vowel, which is just this thought-word that we say when we're thinking, and um, and
um. Again, the intonation of the voice is going up at the end, and um, signaling, comma,
not a period, more information coming.
And, um, [3x] then I just worked.
Worked, worked, then I just worked. Here, finally, we have the intonation of the voice
going down at the end. So we know, period, end of the sentence, end of the thought. Then
最後に下に降りるだから私たちは知っています ピリオド、文末、思考の終わりですそれから
I: he connected this ending consonant to the beginning vowel, the diphthong 'ai', I, to
I: 彼は、この終了子音を開始母音である複音である 'ai', I に接続しました。
smooth that out. Then I, then I, then I just worked. Did you notice? Tom dropped the T
here. We did not get 'just worked', 'just worked'. He didn't release it. This happens
をここで。私たちは 'just worked'を手に入れなかった、 'just worked'。彼はそれを解放しませんでしたこれが起こるのは
often when we have a word that ends in a cluster with a T when the next word also begins with
a consonant. In these cases, often, the T will get dropped. I just worked. [3x] Do you
を子音にしています。このような場合には T が落とされてしまうことがよくあります働いたばかりなのに3x] あなたは
notice that the -ed ending is pronounced as a T sound. That's because the sound before,
the K, is unvoiced. So this ending will also be unvoiced. Worked, worked.
のKは声に出しませんですから この結末も声にならないものになりますうまくいった、うまくいった。
...and I went for a run. And, um, then I just worked. [3x]
>> So, where do you run?
So, where do you run? Now, this is a question, but did you notice the intonation went down
at the end? Run, run. That's because it's a question that cannot be answered with just
'yes' or 'no'. Yes/no questions go up in pitch at the end. All other questions tend to go
down in pitch at the end. Where do you run? Do you hear the stressed words in that question?
Where, run. So, where do you run? Longer words, more up/down shape of the voice. Where, run.
走れで、どこで走るの?長い言葉、声の上下の形。Where, run.
So where do you run?
>> So, where do you run? [3x] >> I run in Fort Greene Park.
3x] >>では、どこを走っているのですか?3x] >> Fort Greene Parkで走っています。
What do you hear as being the stressed syllables there?
>> I run in Fort Greene Park. [3x]
I run in Fort Greene Park. I hear da-da-da-DAA-DAA-DAA. Definitely I hear 'Fort', 'Greene', and 'Park'
all being longer, all having that shape in the voice. I run in Fort Greene Park. Also,
'I' is a little more stressed than 'run in'. I, I, DA-da-da, DA-da-da, I run in, I run
in, run in, run in. So those two words are really linked together because we have and
で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, で, でこの2つの言葉は本当にリンクしてい
ending consonant and a beginning vowel. Run in, run in, I run in, I run in Fort Greene Park.
>> I run in Fort Greene Park. [3x] In Brooklyn.
In Brooklyn. Brooklyn, a two syllable word. One of the syllables will be stressed. What
do you hear as being stressed? Brooklyn, Brooklyn. Definitely it's that first syllable. Brook-,
Brook-, Brooklyn, Brooklyn.
>> In Brooklyn. [3x] >> So, what are you doing after this?
ブルックリンで3x] >> で、この後は何をしているんですか?
So, what are you doing after this? How was I able to say so many words quickly, but still
be clear? First of all, I'm dramatically reducing the word 'are' to the schwa-R sound, er, er.
をはっきりさせるにはどうすればいいのでしょうか?まず、私は 'are' という単語を劇的に減らして、schwa-R音の er, er にしています。
That means the T here is now coming between two vowel sounds, and I'm making that a flap
T sound, which sounds like the D between vowels. What are [3x]. Also the word 'you' is unstressed,
母音と母音の間のDのように聞こえるT音。3x]とは何か。また、 'you'という単語はストレスを感じさせません。
so it's going to be in that same line, what are you [4x], very fast, quite flat, lower
in volume. What are you doing? Now here we have a stressed word, do-, doing. Doing, what
のボリュームで。何をしているんですか?ここでストレスを感じる単語が出てきました do-, doing.doing, what
are you doing? Do you hear how the syllable 'do' sticks out of that phrase more than anything
else? What are you doing? [2x] After this. Another stressed word here.
>> So, what are you doing after this? [5x] >> After this, nothing.
>>で、この後は何をしているんですか?5x] >> この後、何もしていません。
Tom's speaking a little bit more slowly than I am here. After this, nothing. We have two
2-syllable words here. Which syllable is stressed? Let's take first the word 'after'. If you
ここでは2音節の単語。どの音節が強調されているか?まず最初に 'after'という単語を取り上げてみましょう。もしあなたが
think you hear the first syllable as being stressed, you're right. Af-, after, -ter,
-ter, -ter. The second syllable: very low in pitch, flat, and quick. After. What about
the word 'nothing'? Again, it's the first syllable. ING endings, even though this isn't
という言葉は 'nothing'?繰り返しになりますが、最初の音節です。ingの語尾は、これが isn't であるにもかかわらず
an ING verb, will be unstressed. Nothing, no-, no-, nothing.
>> After this, nothing. [3x] >> No plans. >> No plans.
>>この後は何もありません。3x] >gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;予定なし。
Nothing reduces in this phrase. I'm really hearing this as two different stressed words.
They're both one syllable, no plans. No plans.
>> No plans. >> No plans. [3x] >> Should we get dinner? >> Yeah.
予定はありません3x] 夕飯にしようか?
Should we get dinner? One of the things that I notice is that I'm dropping the D sound:
should we, should we. Should we get [3x]. That's helping me say this less-important
Should we, should we.3倍]を取得する必要があります。これは、私があまり重要でないことを言うのに役立っています。
word even faster. Should we get dinner?
>> Should we get dinner? [3x]
I notice that the T here is a Stop T, I don't release it. It's not 'get dinner', it's get,
ここのTがStop Tであることに気づく、私はそれを解放しません。it's not 'get dinner', it's get.
get, get, get dinner, get dinner. Should we get dinner?
>> Should we get dinner? [3x]
Do you notice, in this question my voice does go up in pitch at the end. Dinner, dinner.
That's because this is a yes/no question. Pitch goes up. Should we get dinner? Yeah.
As you probably know, a more casual way to say 'yes'. Should we get dinner? Yeah.
>> Should we get dinner? >> Yeah.
Working this way with any video or audio clip can help improve your listening comprehension
and your pronunciation.
That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.