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  • Dr. Hovind - Sem. 2a - English - The brachiosaurus was about 85 feet long and weighed between 30 and 80 tons.

  • But there is a problem. The nostrils were about the same size as a modern horse's nostrils.

  • Did they suffocate? Or was there a different atmosphere on the Earth 6000 years ago?

  • Learn how the environment of the original creation was vastly different from ours today and for over 900 years.

  • It produced huge plants and animals, and provided perfect conditions for the growth of the dinosaurs.

  • Seminar 2a - Dr. Kent Hovind - - English

  • Seminar 2a - "THE GARDEN OF EDEN"

  • Well thank you for joining us. My name is Kent Hovind. I taught high school science for fifteen years;

  • and now for sixteen years I've been doing seminars on creation, evolution, and dinosaurs.

  • And in this session we are going to talk about (1) what the Garden of Eden was like.

  • (2) Why did they live to be 900 years old before the Flood came?

  • (3) What was different about that original creation that we're not seeing today?

  • And tell you (4) how you can take God's promise that He's going to restore the earth like it used to be.

  • (You can be in on that if you'd like.) But first of all, this is not my wife; that's just a picture of her.

  • We live in Pensacola, Florida, about to get hit by a tropical storm here in the next hour or so.

  • We've had a couple hurricanes since I've been there - not too big of a deal.

  • But I have three children, one of each. One of each? I've got 'em all married off, and the dog died.

  • So I made it, and I'm home free! And so far, I have four grandkids,

  • and that's God's reward for not killing your own kids when you thought about it.

  • So, hopefully more coming. We've got the whole tribe living right there.

  • They all live right around me and they all come over every day.

  • It's wonderful! Got a great family. They all want to serve God with their lives.

  • The Bible says in Colossians chapter one, "By him (talking about Jesus) were all things created&

  • And they were created by him and for him." Jesus created everything.

  • And Jesus said in Matthew 19:4, "Have ye not read,

  • that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female?"

  • Was that really the beginning? Jesus said it was.

  • The Bible says that from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.

  • The Bible teaches by one man, sin came into the world and death by sin.

  • By man came death. Evolution teaches death brought man into the world;

  • the Bible says man brought death into the world. These two views are totally, totally opposite.

  • And the Bible says Adam was the first man; and he was 130 when Seth was born; and Seth was 105 when Enos was born.

  • We've covered all that in the last session.

  • If you go through the Bible and add up the dates (it's not that hard to do),

  • you'll come to a date of about 6,000 years ago, 4000 BC for the creation.

  • That's the date you get from adding up the ones given in the Bible.

  • So we're going to cover a couple of things now. What was it like before the Flood came?

  • Is it possible for a person to live over 900 years? You could learn a lot in 900 years!

  • Many people have never thought of this, but do you realize that Adam spoke every language in the world?

  • Because there was only one, OK? Married to the prettiest girl in the world too, by the way.

  • But things were very different back then!

  • Textbooks in school are going to tell your kids dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.

  • Is that true? Well, if the earth is only 6,000 years old, that can't be true.

  • Where do dinosaurs fit in? Well, we'll cover that in a minute.

  • Did dinosaurs live millions of years ago or have they always lived with humans?

  • They just had a different name for them - they called them dragons. What was the original creation like?

  • What did they eat before the Flood came?

  • What's it going to be like in the 1,000-year reign of Christ?

  • when the Lord fixes things back like they used to be.

  • Where did all the water for the Flood come from? And where did it go?

  • And were there really giant people on this earth over 10 feet tall?

  • Well, hang on. We're going to try to cover as much of that as we can here; so let's go!

  • The Bible says in II Peter chapter 3, "Knowing this first, there shall come in the last days scoffers."

  • Did you know there are people that scoff at the Bible?

  • I deal with them on a regular basis. I attract 'em like a lightning rod. The scoffers out there - they hate me!

  • I'm trying to be nice to 'em, OK, but they just don't like me.

  • They don't appreciate what a nice, wonderful guy I am.

  • The scoffers, the Bible says, are going to be walking after their own lust.

  • You know the reason people scoff at the Bible? It's not because of their science.

  • They think it is; OK, but no. They scoff at the Bible because of their lust.

  • They don't want God telling them what to do. That's the bottom line, every single time.

  • The scoffers are going to say, "Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, ...

  • ... all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."

  • That's an important phrase; we'll cover that on video #4. But the scoffers are going to say:

  • the way things are happening now is the way things have always been happening.

  • Uniformitarianism - we don't have time to cover that now - we'll get to that on part #4.

  • The Bible says the scoffers are willingly ignorant.

  • Willingly ignorant! In the Greek that means "dumb on purpose."

  • The scoffers are dumb on purpose of two things, and here they are.

  • Number one, "That by the word of God the heavens were of old."

  • Notice the word "heaven" is plural, "heavens." There's more than one heaven. We'll talk about that in a minute.

  • The scoffers are ignorant of how God made the heavens by His Word.

  • "And the earth standing out of the water and in the water."

  • Now there's a strange phrase. How can the earth be out of the water and in the water?

  • But look, it says, the heavens and the earth were made by His Word.

  • Did you know that when God made the universe, he didn't lift one finger?

  • He didn't turn one screw or pound one nail. He just spoke and every molecule lined up.

  • That's incredible to think about. When He speaks, the waves lay down; the wind quits blowing.

  • When He speaks, the dead come to life. When He speaks, the universe is created!

  • Everything obeys the voice of God, except us. He's having some trouble out of us right now.

  • But He's going to fix that one of these days when "every knee shall bow and

  • every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father,"

  • coming to a city near you. But the scoffers are willingly ignorant of how God made the heavens by His Word,

  • And they're ignorant of how the earth was standing out of the water and in the water.

  • In other words they're ignorant of the original creation. What was it like? We'll talk about that in a second.

  • The second thing they're ignorant of is the Flood. It says "the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished."

  • This world was destroyed by a Flood, totally annihilated.

  • The third thing they're ignorant of is the coming judgment.

  • The next verse says, "But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, ...

  • ... reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."

  • See, the scoffers are ignorant of the creation. They don't want to admit God created the world,

  • because that would mean He owns it. They don't want to admit there was a Flood, because,

  • you know, that proves God has the authority to judge His creation. They don't like that idea.

  • And they sure don't want to admit there's a coming judgment!

  • I like that bumper sticker: "Jesus is coming, and, boy, is he mad!" That's the truth!

  • Well, sadly many Christians are also ignorant of what that original creation was like,

  • and what that Flood did to this world; and so because of their ignorance of the creation and the Flood,

  • it causes Christians to compromise the clear teaching of God's Word.

  • Genesis chapter one, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." By the way in Genesis 1:1,

  • it's heaven, singular. Later it's always "heavens" plural. When He first made it, it was heaven, one heaven.

  • Then later he divides it up into three slices: first heaven, second heaven, third heaven.

  • We'll cover that in a second; but look at verse five.

  • It says the evening and the morning were the first day. Notice that word "the," t-h-e.

  • In English that is called the definite article, THE first day.

  • This is King James Version, which I use and I recommend everybody use if you speak English.

  • I collect other versions of the Bible. I'm not afraid of them;

  • but folks, there's been some very serious changes made in some of these other versions.

  • Many have left out the blood in dozens of places; many have taken away the deity of Christ.

  • Some serious changes. Many have taken out over 200 verses! We cover more of that on Video #7.

  • We discuss why the King James is best. But I got down my Revised Standard Version,

  • that I got for perfect attendance in fourth grade at the Methodist Church.

  • I was raised in an extremely liberal Methodist church in the Peoria [Illinois] area.

  • Not all Methodists are liberal, but mine really was.

  • Our church had two pulpits; it was really strange! They had one pulpit were they read the Bible from,

  • and then the preacher would walk over to the other pulpit where he would preach from.

  • It took me a long time to figure out why they did that,

  • but finally I figured out it's because what he's reading over here

  • is so far from what he is saying over there, they had to separate them into two pulpits, you know.

  • But I had perfect attendance in fourth grade,

  • and they gave me the "reviled substandard perversion" [RSV] of the Bible.

  • And so I got down my Bible collection and I was going to see how they treated the Genesis story. You know, what differences are there?

  • And it says in the "reversed version" [RSV], "there was evening and there was morning, one day."

  • Now wait just a minute! What happened to "the first day"?

  • How many "the first days" are there in history? One. How many "one days" are there in history?

  • All of them, any of them, right? Why did they call it "one" day.

  • Then down in verse eight they called it "a second day" instead of "the second day".

  • Well I found out the guys who did the "reviled version" do not believe in a literal six-day creation.

  • And just about every other translation available changes it from "the first day" to "one day."

  • You can check it out for yourself. These people, many of them, believe in what's call the gap theory.

  • How many have ever heard of the gap theory before? The gap theory was made up in 1814,

  • by a Scottish preacher named Thomas Chalmers. He said, "There's a gap between verse one and verse two,

  • and there's millions or billions of years in there." Nobody thought of the gap theory till the 1800s,

  • until after it became popular to teach the earth was millions of years old.

  • See, in 1795 a book was written that said the earth is millions of years old;

  • and Christians, some of them, believed it and said, "Wow, we've got to make the Bible say that."

  • And so they scrambled with compromised positions: gap theory, day-age theory, progressive creation...

  • We'll cover more on that in a minute. But the gap theory was one of the ones they came up with in 1814,

  • to teach that maybe there's millions or billions of years between the first two verses.

  • That's what I was taught when I went to Bible college. That's what the Scofield Reference Bible teaches too.

  • They say between the first two verses of Genesis, there is ample scope for all the geologic eras.

  • They say there's a pre-Adamite rebellion; and the judgment of Lucifer happened.

  • Now, just a minute, was anybody here before Adam? Was there a pre-Adamite rebellion?

  • And exactly when did Lucifer get judged and fall from heaven? Well, we'd better see what the Scripture says.

  • Genesis 1:2 says, "The earth was without form and void." In Hebrew that's "tohu waw bohu,"

  • which means "unformed and unfilled." Without form means..."without form."

  • And void means "void", you know, empty. It doesn't mean destroyed; it just means it's not done yet, that's all.

  • There's a good book on the table out there. If you want to go down deep, stay down long, and come up dry,

  • you can read this one on "Unformed and Unfilled;" or if you want a shorter condensed version,

  • get the one that I wrote about "The Gap Theory."

  • To me it's one of the most dangerous heresies in the history of Christianity, the gap theory; and it is heresy.

  • This house, for instance, is unformed and unfilled. Nobody's living in it, but it's not destroyed!

  • Unformed and unfilled doesn't have to mean destroyed.

  • Now there is a verse in Jeremiah that uses the same phrase, "without form and void."

  • In this case, the Jeremiah passage is talking about a city that has been destroyed.

  • He looked at "the mountains...they trembled, the hills moved lightly...there was no man, the birds...fled."

  • This can't be talking about the creation. The birds weren't made till day five.

  • This is not talking about the creation. This is talking about a city that's been judged.

  • This passage has nothing to do with the creation. This house also is unformed and unfilled.

  • The Bible says in Exodus 20, "In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is."

  • What do you suppose He meant by that? This is part of the Ten Commandments.

  • He wrote this on a rock with His finger. God does not stutter!

  • It looks to me like He is trying to tell us that He did it all in six days.

  • Now would that include Lucifer? Would that include the angels?

  • That would include everything, wouldn't it? Everything in heaven and earth.

  • The question is not what does it say; the question is do you believe what it says?

  • So if somebody says, "Lucifer fell from Heaven before the creation."

  • They already have a conflict with this verse. Exodus 20:11 continues to say "he rested on the seventh day."

  • If there is a gap between verse one and verse two, this is not "the" seventh day.

  • But all through Scripture it keeps referring to "the seventh day."

  • Exodus 31:17, "It's a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever, ...

  • ...for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested."

  • "The seventh day". It mentions it over and over, the seventh day. Hebrews chapter four, "the seventh day."

  • So, Romans five tells us, "By one man sin came into the world and death by sin."

  • Death reigned from Adam to Moses. By man came death. The Bible is very clear.

  • But if the gap theory's true, and there was a pre-Adamite civilization,

  • and they died when Lucifer fell from heaven, you now have death before sin. A clear heresy.

  • That is not at all what the Bible teaches! The Bible says death is an enemy.

  • People say, "Well, don't plants die? If Adam ate the apple, didn't it die?"

  • Oh, you'd better first check out to see if plants are truly alive. They have no blood, no breath. They wither.

  • They fade. We cover all that on Video #7. Plants are not alive in the biblical classification of things.

  • The Bible says that God told Adam to replenish the earth. And the gap theory folks always say,

  • "Well see, right there it says 'replenish' and the word replenish means 'fill again'."

  • Look it up in the dictionary. And sure enough, you look it up in a dictionary,

  • and it says, "replenish: fill again." Well, you better look up the meaning of the word in 1611,

  • when they translated this. The King James translators came across the word "male" which means "fill,"

  • and they chose the word "replenish," because back in 1611 the word replenish only meant "fill."

  • In 1650 an author named Bacon added a second definition to the word, called "fill again."

  • It never meant "fill again" until 1650. You get some old dictionaries, like an 1828 dictionary.

  • You can see for yourself, the primary meaning of the word "replenish" is "fill".

  • The secondary meaning is "fill again, recover former fullness" added by Francis Bacon.

  • Here's an 1891 dictionary. The first definition of the word is "fill".

  • The second definition is "recover former fullness." In 1892 the dictionaries switched the definitions.

  • The first one in 1891 is "fill"; in 1892 the first one is "fill again" and the secondary meaning becomes "to fill."

  • Huh, what happened here? Modern dictionaries changed it again. 1989 only shows "fill again."

  • They left out what used to be the primary definition of the word, "fill." There's a 21st century dictionary.

  • "Replenish: make full again." See, English words change meanings all the time. When I was a kid,

  • "cool" meant not hot. And "gay" meant happy. Anybody remember those old-fashioned days?

  • How would you decipher this verse here? James 2, "ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing."

  • Would you agree that word has changed meanings in the last 30 years or so?

  • And you probably shouldn't say that to somebody today. "Wow, you have gay clothing on today."

  • That would not be a good thing to say if you want to keep your teeth, right?

  • Paul said, "I would have come to you, but I was let hitherto."

  • You know the word "let" used to mean hindered? Now it means "allowed." English words change meanings.

  • You see, God promised to preserve His Word; He did not promise to preserve our English language.

  • In Ezekiel 28 it tells when Lucifer fell from Heaven.

  • It says, "Thus saith the Lord, Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.

  • Thou [Lucifer] hast been in Eden." It talks about him here, all the precious stones, and everything.

  • It says, "in the day that thou wast created." "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth."

  • He says, verse 15, "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created,

  • till iniquity was found in thee." We can learn several things about Lucifer in this passage.

  • Number one, he was created. It says so twice. He's not eternal, like God is. He was created!

  • Secondly, he was in Eden. And thirdly, he was in Eden until he sinned.

  • Well the Garden of Eden was not made until day six.

  • So you can't say Lucifer fell from Heaven between verse 1 and verse 2,

  • because the Garden of Eden hadn't been made yet.

  • Lucifer was in Eden as a nice guy, probably for quite a while.

  • Ezekiel tells us that Satan got proud; he was lifted up. He said, "I am a god."

  • He was lifted up because of his wisdom, because of his riches, because of his beauty, and

  • because of his power. The four things that still corrupt people today: wisdom, riches, beauty, and power.

  • His heart was lifted up. In Job chapter 38, it tells us, before this happened, he was one of the sons of God.

  • "Sons of God" is mentioned in the Old Testament five times; it always refers to angels.

  • God said to Job, "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?...

  • ... and all the sons of God [the angels] shouted for joy?"

  • Apparently everybody was excited when God laid the foundations of the earth.

  • Lucifer would have been in this group, and he's excited!

  • Wow, God's going to do something on this planet.

  • Well, when was that? Well it says when He laid the foundations of the earth.

  • Not when He created the earth - when He laid the foundations.

  • I believe that was day three, when He made the dry land appear.

  • When it was first created, it was a ball of water without form and void;

  • and then He made the dry land to appear on day three,

  • which means angels must have been made on day one or day two.

  • The Bible doesn't tell us, but it had to be one of those two days;

  • Because everything was created in six days, and Lucifer was created.

  • At the end of day six, God looked at everything and said that "it was very good."

  • It would not be very good if the Devil was running around as a bad guy. Everything was very good.

  • People say, "Aren't 'created' and 'made' different words with different meanings?" No, they're used interchangeably.

  • God said, "Let us make man in our image, so He created man in His image."

  • I've got in Video #7 a whole list of all kinds of things throughout Scripture.

  • The trees are "made"; the trees are "created." The insects are "made"; the insects are "created."

  • The birds are "made"; the birds are "created." I cover all kinds of verses on Video #7 about that.

  • The gap theory folks teach us that the "first earth" was destroyed and God had to "re-make" the earth.

  • John Hagee has a beautiful chart he preaches in front of.

  • He's got the "first earth" was destroyed when Satan fell from Heaven. And then the "second earth."

  • And he says, someday God is going to make a "third earth." And it's a good sermon and it preaches good.

  • And it's a beautiful chart: he's got a good artist; but it's not scriptural.

  • We're still standing on the first earth. Revelation 21 tells us, "I saw a new heaven and a new earth; ...

  • ... for the first heaven and first earth were passed away." This is still the first one.

  • It got rearranged during the Flood a little bit, you know. But this is still the first earth!

  • Hebrews tells us He made the angels to be ministering spirits to those who are heirs of salvation.

  • If you are a Christian, you've got guardian angels! Mine get to retire early.

  • About every six months they say, "Lord, can you give me somebody else? Have you seen how he drives?

  • Lord, I'd like a different one, please. They're going to kill me down there."

  • Here are some things to consider. Number one, everything was created in six days.

  • Number two, Satan was created. Satan was in Eden until he sinned.

  • Eden was made on day six. Angels were made to be ministering spirits for us;

  • so why would God make them millions of years before we get here.

  • Satan rejoiced when the foundations of the earth were laid; the foundations were laid on day three.

  • Everything was very good at the end of day six. And Adam was 130 when Seth was born.

  • And before that, Cain and Abel were born; but no dates are given. So if you put two and two together,

  • you can figure out that Satan must have fallen from Heaven probably about 100 years after the creation.

  • He could not have fallen from Heaven before the creation. It doesn't fit the other Scriptures.

  • Second Peter 1:20 tells us no prophecy of the Scriptures is of any private interpretation.

  • You've got to take Scripture with Scripture, and that's the only way you're going to fit it together.

  • The gap theory was invented by a Scottish theologian named Thomas Chalmers.

  • It violates many Scriptures. It puts death before sin; it has Satan fall before day seven.

  • There are lots of questions you can ask gap theory people, if they believe this, OK.

  • You can get my little book about the gap theory if you'd like more on that.

  • The arguments for the gap theory are either extremely weak or wrong or involve adding to God's Word.

  • I am not aware of any arguments for the gap theory that hold up to a real scrutiny compared to Scripture.

  • So I got down my Living Bible in my Bible collection and it said,

  • "Let the earth burst forth with every sort of grass and seed bearing plant, and fruit trees...

  • this occurred on the third day." I read that; I said, "Yea, we've got a good one here,"

  • until I saw the footnote at the bottom. At the bottom, Ken Taylor put, "This is a period of time."

  • Instead of a day, each day is a long period of time. How many have ever heard that idea before?

  • Maybe the days of Genesis are not days: maybe they're long periods of time.

  • They always quote Psalms chapter 90. You know, "a thousand years is like yesterday."

  • Or II Peter 3, "One day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day."

  • Notice that both of those verses say "thousand," not million.

  • And neither of these verses have anything to do with the creation.

  • They're just telling us that time doesn't mean anything to God. See, this is not 2005 in Heaven.

  • There is no time there. When somebody says, "What did God do before the creation?"

  • Right away you've got to realize that they're thinking about something that's not God.

  • Because the God of the Bible is not affected by time, space, or matter.

  • We are the ones that are locked into time, space, matter. God is not.

  • If God is limited by time, He's not God.

  • So there is no "time" before the creation. God created time. We cover more of that on Video #7 also.

  • But, see, one of these days, it's going to stop again. There'll be no time in Heaven.

  • We sing the songs, "When we've been there 10,000 years ..."

  • Well, it's a great song, and I love it; but it's not scriptural. We're not going to be there 10,000 years.

  • We're just going to be there. No more time. First thing you do when you get to Heaven, take off your watch and

  • flip it off the side. You won't need that anymore. Take out that pocket calendar; toss it over.

  • You won't need that anymore. Never be late again! So, before the creation there was no time.

  • At the end there's going to be no time. The angel flew by and said, "There shall be time no longer".

  • Which means if you really think about it: once upon a time, there was a time, when there was no time.

  • You can try to think about that one and your brain will start hurting.

  • Here is the Ferrar Fenton Bible from 1903.

  • He said, "By periods God created that which produced the Solar Systems; then that which produced the Earth."

  • Now does that sound like Genesis 1:1 to you? How about verse 5?

  • "This was the close and the dawn of the first age...The close and the dawn of the second age."

  • He's trying awful hard to make the Bible says the earth is millions of years old!

  • The Bible didn't sell very well, by the way. So you look down at verse 11,

  • "God said let the earth bring forth grass, herbs, and fruit trees on the third day."

  • On the fourth day He made the sun. Now if those days are millions of years,

  • that's going to be kind of hard on the plants waiting for the sun to come up, don't you think!

  • And on the fifth day He made the insects; and they pollinate the plants.

  • So if those guys teach the days are long periods of time, you have got a real serious problem here.

  • Because now you have plants with no sun, and no insects and birds to pollinate them lasting

  • for millions of years. That's a miracle, a big-time miracle, I would say!

  • No professor of Hebrew will tell you that the days in Genesis mean anything other than 24-hour days.

  • Now they might not believe that, but they know that's what the book teaches.

  • The book clearly teaches the days of Genesis are normal days.

  • They always say, "Doesn't the word 'yom' mean, you know, day, like 'the day of the Lord'?"

  • There is one reference out of the 1,800 times "yom" is used; it always means a day.

  • There are three meanings of the word, day: (1)a 24-hour day;

  • (2)Jesus said, "Are there not 12 hours in the day?"

  • That's the daylight portion of the day. (3)And then it says, "In the day of the Lord."

  • Now is that talking about a long period of time or is that also just about one day?

  • I don't know; I think that's just one day also.

  • But certainly, when it says "evening and morning" and "the first day," "the second day,"

  • there is no reason to say that these days are anything other than 24-hour days, just like we have today.

  • No verses in the Bible where the word "yom" is used indicate anything other than a 24-hour day!

  • Get the gap theory book, if you want to go down deep on that one or my little booklet, "The Gap Theory."

  • James Hutton wrote a book in 1795. And people began to think the earth is millions of years old.

  • Thomas Chalmers invented the gap theory to try to fit that into the Bible.

  • And it's been swallowed by Christians ever since. It's not scriptural. And Darwin's book came out in 1859.

  • And by then Christians had already accepted the idea that the earth is millions of years old.

  • And so there was really no effective resistance to the evolution theory when it came out.

  • The Christians didn't even fight against Darwin's theory,

  • because they had already accepted the age of the earth as being billions of years old.

  • That's why I say that it's a dangerous, dangerous heresy!

  • And today, 75% of kids from Christian homes who go to public schools are going reject the Christian faith,

  • mostly because of this great age of the earth issue, which we covered yesterday.

  • How to prove the earth is not billions of years old.

  • Hugh Ross, of course, teaches each of the days are long periods of time.

  • He's got a Web site, "Reasons to Believe." I debated him for three hours on the John Ankerberg Show.

  • He won't do it again; I'll debate him any time, anywhere. He is an extremely smart man.

  • I am sure he's a very sincere man; loves the Lord. I wouldn't question that.

  • But he is wrong in what he believes. And just because somebody is nice and smiles and

  • is very smart doesn't mean they are right. Compare Scripture with Scripture. Search the Scriptures;

  • see if these things are so. So, Genesis chapter 1 says, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,

  • and let it divide the waters from the waters." Well, what is a "firmament"?

  • Some people say it must be the dirt, you know, because the dirt keeps the water away from the water.

  • No, it's not the dirt. Read down, in verse number 20,

  • and it says, "the fowls [that's the birds] fly above the earth, in the open firmament of heaven."

  • The birds fly in the firmament. The birds do not fly in the dirt. The birds fly in the air.

  • So the first heaven, it's telling us right here, is where the birds fly.

  • The Scripture interprets itself. The second heaven is where the sun, moon, and stars are.

  • God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament" This talks about the sun, moon, and stars. That's the second heaven.

  • The third heaven is only mentioned once in the Bible, right here in II Corinthians chapter 12.

  • The Apostle Paul is telling the story about the time he got rocked to sleep,

  • I mean, stoned to death, and he said he was caught up to the third heaven.

  • Three heavens, mentioned in the Bible: the first heaven, where the birds fly;

  • the second heaven, where the stars are; the third heaven, where God lives.

  • We're going to go up there one of these days; we are going to hear a trumpet blast.

  • Lutherans take off first you know, it says, "the dead in Christ rise first."

  • And then we're going to take a bite off the Milky Way and end up going to the third heaven.

  • We're going to be there soon. Psalm 19 talks about the heavens (plural) declare the glory of God: heavens.

  • Remember in Genesis 1:1, it was heaven (singular).

  • Then He divides it up into three slices: first heaven, second heaven, third heaven. "Heavens declare the glory of God."

  • Verse seven says, "God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from

  • the waters which were above the firmament."

  • Now wait a minute, is He telling us there is water above where the birds fly?

  • Psalm 148 says, "Praise him, waters that be above the heavens."

  • Maybe there is still water beyond outer space. The Bible says the Lord sits on many waters.

  • Maybe this whole thing that we see, this huge universe with all these "bazillions" of stars.

  • Maybe the whole thing is surrounded by water. That's the only verse I've got to back up this theory.

  • But maybe everything we see is all inside one of them little glass balls on God's dresser.

  • that you pick up and you shake once in a while and the snowflakes float around, you know.

  • God says, "How are you all doing in there?"

  • II Peter tells us, "The earth was standing out of the water and in the water."

  • Apparently when God first made the earth, there was a canopy of water or ice above the atmosphere.

  • It's not there now; it all fell down at the time of the Flood.

  • But Isaiah tells us the Lord sits on the circle of the earth.

  • Interesting! Three thousand years ago, the Bible said the earth is round.

  • Christians have never taught the earth is flat.

  • Some heathens have believed that and tried to blame it on the Christians.

  • But we've always known the earth is round.

  • But then it says that "He stretched out the heavens" 17 times in the Bible, it says He stretches out the heavens.

  • Maybe that's why we have a redshift in astronomy.

  • And people say, "How did the light get from the stars to here?"

  • Oh, you've got it all backwards. The Bible says God made the earth first, and then the stars.

  • So the question is, How did the stars get from here to there?

  • Not how did the light get from there to here?

  • We cover more on that in Video #7. But He stretched out the heavens. Interesting!

  • Today's atmosphere that we're breathing has six layers:

  • troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, and ionosphere. There used to be a seventh layer.

  • It was a layer of water or ice above the atmosphere. I don't know what it was, because it's gone now.

  • All we can do is make a theory about it. This is called the canopy theory,

  • which says there was a layer of water or ice, probably ice, above the atmosphere.

  • I happen to believe it was probably 10 or 20 inches of ice, super-cold ice, suspended by the magnetic field.

  • You know how a magnet can float on top of another magnet? It's called the Mysner effect.

  • We cover more on that in Video #6. But the earth could have had a canopy of ice suspended in

  • the magnetic field, which would float it above the earth.

  • This ice or water would block out UV light, some of it; it would increase air pressure. Today the air is about a hundred miles thick.

  • It would squeeze it all down probably to 10 or 20 miles and double the air pressure on the surface.

  • By the way, when the space shuttle blasts off and leaves all that exhaust behind, it's forming ice clouds.

  • And the ice clouds float to the north and south pole and hover there about 50 miles above the arctic.

  • Ice clouds that are floating! They won't fall; apparently stuck in the magnetic field, I don't know.

  • But, there is an article about that here. Josephus wrote in his book that the Hebrews believed when

  • God made the earth on the second day, He placed a crystalline firmament around it. A crystalline firmament?

  • probably super-cold ice. There was not only a canopy of water above the earth,

  • there was water in the crust of the earth.

  • Psalm 24 says, "The earth is the Lord's, he founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods."

  • See, most of the water that's now in the oceans used to be in the crust of the earth.

  • Psalm 136 says he stretched out the earth above the waters. That's not the way it is today.

  • I believe the original creation had a layer of water above, maybe 10 or 20 inches of ice, probably; and

  • then a layer of air to breathe, probably 10 or 20 miles, I don't know; and then dirt and rocks to stand on.

  • The crust of the earth, which we still have. But inside the crust of the earth, there was water.

  • That's the water that came shooting to the surface, when the fountains of the deep broke open.

  • By the way, there is still lots of water in the crust of the earth.

  • Otherwise you could not have hot water vents shooting up into the bottom of the ocean.

  • If you have hot water squirting up into the bottom of the ocean, where does it have to be coming from?

  • Lower than that, doesn't it? Still huge hot water vents in the bottom of the oceans!

  • I think some of that water's still coming up. We cover more of that in the hydro plate theory on Video #6.

  • But, I think the earth today still has cracks, where it broke open at the time of the Flood.

  • I taught earth science for years. The earth is broken up into plates, there's no question.

  • I've been to the San Andreas Fault, the Hayward Fault, the New Madrid Fault, the Golden Fault.

  • None of them were my fault. But, I've been to a few of them.

  • There's no question, there are cracks in the earth's crust; and when they move around, buildings fall down.

  • It's called earthquakes, OK, or tsunamis happen from the underwater landslides and turbidity currents.

  • There's no question that the earth is broken up, and there's no question the plates are still moving.

  • The question is, When did all this happen?

  • Now the evolutionist will tell you this happened over millions and millions of years.

  • The creationist says, No, all this catastrophe probably started at the time of that Flood,

  • when the fountains of the deep broke open.

  • That's what caused the fault lines, and the water went shooting to the surface, and it's still here today.

  • I was debating an atheist one time; and during Q and A time, this student stood up and said,

  • "Hovind, where did all the water from the Flood go?" I said, "Oh, it's still here."

  • I said, "The oceans are huge! There's enough water in the oceans, if you smoothed out the earth,

  • it would cover the earth a mile and a half (2 km) deep everywhere."

  • I flew back over the Pacific from Australia, and I told one of the guys in my office, I said,

  • "Man, that the Pacific Ocean is huge!" He said, "Oh, that's just the top of it." What a thought!

  • These hot water vents are proof there's water in the crust of the earth still squirting up.

  • Probably most of it's gone now; it's on the surface.

  • But this canopy of water that used to be there in the original creation would make the whole earth like

  • a big greenhouse. How many know what a greenhouse is? They've got all glass walls.

  • You have to dress in the basement, if you live in a greenhouse!

  • Well, scientists are still finding lots of water in space between the stars.

  • There's lots of water out in space. Interesting, we'll cover more on that later.

  • And they've got a new theory now that says maybe a lack of oxygen killed the dinosaurs.

  • A lack of oxygen? Why would they say that?

  • Well, they had a big symposium in 1993. A bunch of scientists got together to study the apatosaurus.

  • And they said, "Folks, we've got a problem. An 80-foot Apatosaurus had nostrils the same size as a horse.

  • How is an 80-foot [24 meter] animal going to get enough air, through nostrils the same size as a horse?"

  • He'd be sucking so hard trying to get a breath, it'd set him on fire from the friction,

  • from the wind whistling in there, that he couldn't breathe!

  • Well, apparently they did breath, because bones of dinosaurs are found all over the planet,

  • even in Antarctica and Alaska. I mean, dinosaurs lived just about everywhere.

  • So how could an 80-foot (24 m) animal get enough air?

  • Well today he probably couldn't; not to get 80 feet long!

  • But I think before the Flood came, they had this canopy of air or of water or ice,

  • that would increase air pressure. Plus, they had richer oxygen.

  • You know when they drill into the amber...How many saw the movie, "Jurassic Park"?

  • You know, where they drilled in to get the mosquito blood out?

  • Sometimes in amber, which is petrified tree sap, they find air bubbles in the amber.

  • When they analyze the air bubbles, they find out they've 50% more oxygen than we have today.

  • Today we are breathing 21% oxygen. Amber bubbles have 32% oxygen.

  • Do you know if you lived in a world with double the air pressure and 50% more oxygen,

  • just breathing would be exciting? Adam would go, [breathe in] "Wow! That was fun."

  • "Hey Eve, let's do that again. Ready, go."

  • The earth had more oxygen in the past than it does now.

  • Now you kids are going to be told in textbooks that the earth had no oxygen at the beginning,

  • when life was evolving, called a "reducing atmosphere." That is baloney!

  • We cover all that in Video #4 about how life began.

  • It could not have evolved with oxygen, or without oxygen!

  • But, if you double the air pressure and increase oxygen, not only does your hemoglobin take on oxygen,

  • like it's supposed to, your plasma will get oxygen saturated, which means you could run hundreds of miles,

  • without getting tired! Adam and Eve didn't need a car. They could run to grandma's.

  • Only they didn't have a grandma. Or mother-in-law, by the way...that's why it was paradise, but...

  • Actually, my wife had a great mother-in-law.

  • But, uh...I think before the Flood came, I think things were a whole lot different.

  • With increased oxygen you would heal up much faster.

  • How many of you remember Baby Jessica that fell into the well in Texas?

  • Eighteen months old, her left leg slipped down into a pipe, her right leg came up behind her,

  • and she did the splits as she slid down inside an 8-inch steel pipe.

  • She went down 20 feet and was stuck there for 2 1/2 days!

  • They tore up the whole neighborhood trying to get that kid out of that well.

  • It was on the news about every 15 minutes, remember that? You know, Baby Jessica, still alive!

  • When they finally got her out of that well, lots of her body had turned black from lack of circulation.

  • Her right leg was totally black because it had been twisted around and stuck in her face from behind,

  • doing the splits. One of the doctors said we have to cut her leg off immediately!

  • Another doctor said, "Hey, before we cut the leg off, let's just try putting her in

  • a hyperbaric oxygen chamber." In a what? Hyperbaric oxygen!

  • They put Jessica in one of these chambers, filled it up full of pure oxygen,

  • and pumped it up to double normal pressure.

  • Within a few hours her leg turned pink. They restored circulation.

  • They saved her leg. They did have to amputate half of her little toe. They couldn't save that.

  • It beats losing a leg by a long shot! By the way, you know what you call a girl if one leg is shorter than

  • the other? Ilene. Just a little bit of trivia there.

  • There is a hyperbaric chamber in Pensacola, Florida. This one in Pensacola holds 30 people in an emergency.

  • A lot of hospitals are getting these hyperbaric chambers.

  • Does UT [University of Tennessee] Medical Center have a hyperbaric chamber? They do?

  • Do you know how big it is? Is it a one- or two- or three-person chamber? Oh, one person.

  • West Germany's treating stroke patients with hyperbaric oxygen, getting incredible recovery from strokes.

  • In England they are treating multiple sclerosis. They treat all kinds of diseases with

  • these hyperbaric chambers. In India they are treating leprosy, and getting incredible results.

  • Here is a kid being treated for cerebral palsy with hyperbaric oxygen.

  • Doctors have discovered if they add more oxygen during surgery when the person's under anesthetic,

  • only half as many patients get infections and only half as many people get nauseated;

  • just by giving the sleeping patient more oxygen. Interesting!

  • There is a chamber in New York that treats autism with hyperbaric oxygen.

  • "Hyperbaric therapy's use as healing tool grows," article says. Here is a single-person chamber.

  • Did you know the Dallas Cowboys [football team] have a hyperbaric chamber?

  • Why would professional sports teams want a hyperbaric chamber?

  • Well, because they've discovered their injured players will heal twice as fast.

  • See, if you are paying the guy $1,000.00 a minute to go play with a ball,

  • you want him out there playing with the ball, OK, earning his $1,000.00 a minute, or whatever they get.

  • Here is a Zach Somebody from the Dolphins. It says, "About three times a week, during the season,

  • Zach chills out for an hour or so in a hyperbaric chamber, a 12' by 4' bag inflated with pure oxygen that

  • helps the body heal and promotes a feeling of well-being. You can get your own hyperbaric sleeping bag,

  • if you want! A friend of mine in Oregon has a hyperbaric chamber.

  • Here's my son (running the camera back there) and his wife and I at an "oxygen bar" in Alaska.

  • Not a bar where you drink alcohol. I've never had alcohol in my life. But you sit down to lunch,

  • and you breathe pure oxygen. You pay 'em five bucks and you breathe pure oxygen while you are eating lunch.

  • And when you get done, man, you feel like going shopping again. It's a conspiracy, I can tell you right now!

  • The whole thing's a conspiracy to get you to spend more money. But you feel great.

  • My friend in Oregon has a hyperbaric chamber. I was out there.

  • He asked, "Brother Hovind, would you like to try it?" I said, "Yeah!" He put me in there,

  • gave me a book to read, and said, "I'm going to shut the door and pump it up to triple normal pressure."

  • They use the diving terms: you're going to dive to 90 feet (30 meters).

  • Well, you're sitting right there in the chamber; you don't go anywhere. But it's like scuba diving to 90 feet.

  • He said, "Now, I'll let you out in about an hour." I was in there breathing pure oxygen for an hour,

  • reading my book, under triple normal pressure. When he let me out, he said, "How do you feel?"

  • I said, "I feel like running around the world!" This is incredible!

  • Now how many of you old-timers, your "get-up-and-go done got up and went"? You know what I'm talking about?

  • The most exciting thing you can think of is taking a nap, Sunday afternoon, right?

  • Man, in the pre-Flood world, if they had double the air pressure and increased oxygen,

  • you would just be full of energy all the time!

  • There is a guy in Japan who started raising tomato plants with pressurized carbon dioxide (CO2).

  • You know, plants breathe CO2 and not oxygen. His tomato plant grew faster than normal.

  • When it was two years old, it was 16 feet tall and produced 900 tomatoes!

  • They moved it to a shopping center and built scaffolding to hold the branches up.

  • They said, "You know, this thing might produce 10,000 tomatoes."

  • This is one tomato plant! It ended up growing 40 feet tall and producing 15,000 tomatoes off of one plant.

  • It was a cherry tomato plant. But the tomatoes were coming off baseball size, off of his.

  • A guy in Iowa got curious; you know, why do the birds start chirping an hour before sunrise?

  • He found out the chirping of the birds is a certain frequency that opens up the stomata on the leaf cells.

  • You know, the leaf, if you look underneath with a magnifying glass,

  • has got these little holes in there that open up to let the CO2 to come in. It wakes the leaf up in the morning.

  • Well, he discovered that this frequency is found quite a bit in classical music.

  • So he started playing Beethoven and Bach and Chopin to his cornfield.

  • His neighbors thought, you know, "He has gone crazy."

  • You know, he's about half a bubble off of plumb or something.

  • "His cheese done fell out of his sandwich." Anyway, they thought he was nuts, until his corn grew 15 feet tall.

  • He played it to his squash plants and they grew five squash per leaf instead of one.

  • He played it to his black walnut tree and it grew twice as fast as normal.

  • His potatoes got double or triple the normal potato size.

  • His cantaloupe were the size of soccer balls.

  • They called it "Sonic Bloom." There is a good magazine called "Creation Illustrated".

  • I've got one on the table down here. There are two creation magazines: regular "Creation Magazine;"

  • that's a good one, and this "Creation Illustrated," which you can go to my Web site []

  • and just click on the dot to go to "Creation Illustrated." They'll send you a free copy to try it.

  • It's 20 bucks a year if you want to subscribe, but if you go to my Web site, drdino, you can click on that and

  • get a free copy. There is an article in there in one of the past issues about this "Sonic Bloom,"

  • which is really incredible; it's sitting on the table down here. Sign up for it on I debated Eugenie Scott.

  • She is the president of the National Center for Science Education in Berserkely, California.

  • The "national" center is a little bitty storefront building with five people in there.

  • The National Center for Science Education. But I debated Genie Scott in a debate.

  • She said, "Dr. Hovind, there are 80 separate layers of coal in the Midwest." She's right.

  • She said, "If you look at the amount of coal in the world today, the entire biomass,

  • all the plants of the world today, could not possibly be converted to that much fossil fuel." She's right again.

  • There is so much coal in the world that if you took every tree and blade of grass and bush and squished it,

  • you couldn't make all the coal. There are enormous volumes of coal in the earth.

  • I said, "Genie, you are right." She said, "Well, don't you see, Hovind,

  • there had to be an enormous amount of time to lay down all the coal seams."

  • Oh no, no, no. Right there, she is wrong.

  • You see, she is looking at today's world and assuming that's how it's always been.

  • The coal we find in the ground today is a result of that Flood which buried the world before the Flood, when they had lots more trees.

  • There's a coal mine in Montana that is 10,000 square miles of coal, up to 200 feet thick.

  • Someone told me a few months ago they have now found a seam 300 feet thick.

  • That's a lot of coal; a lot of coal! And sometimes in coal, human artifacts are found.

  • This bell was found inside a lump of coal. This iron pot was found inside a lump of coal.

  • The sole of a shoe, found inside a lump of coal! We cover more on this in Video #6, about coal formation.

  • But the Bible says that there were herbs (that's plants) over all the earth.

  • It's not that way today. Seventy percent of the earth is underwater, for heaven's sake.

  • Ok, that's not covered with plants. The earth was covered with plants when God made it.

  • Did you know that they find leaves in Antarctica? Two hundred fifty miles from the South Pole,

  • they're finding leaves! Today there are no trees at the South Pole. 70% of the earth today is underwater.

  • Do you know that only 3% of this earth is habitable for mankind!

  • A lot of it's under desert, ice caps, tundra, mountain ranges nobody can live on.

  • Three percent is habitable. What we're seeing today is not what Adam and Eve saw.

  • The Bible says that He formed it to be inhabited. That's why He did it!

  • Probably the pre-Flood world was (I would be just picking a number) and say probably 80% land,

  • and only 20% water. The oceans weren't there! The water was in the crust of the earth or in the canopy overhead.

  • But there were trees from pole to pole before the Flood came.

  • This layer of water above the earth would act as a barrier that would block out UV light and X-rays and

  • other harmful things that come from the sun. You see, the sun produces a lot of stuff besides light.

  • It produces X-rays and gamma rays and beta rays; and all them "ray-boys" come down here!

  • And they're pretty hard on your carcass.

  • X-rays, in particular, are dangerous. How many of you have had an X-ray before?

  • I broke 9 bones growing up. My brother broke 21! We played rough in our neighborhood.

  • One of my neighbors shot his brother through the leg with a crossbow. He said, "I didn't know it was loaded."

  • How can you not know a crossbow is loaded? Duh!

  • Anyway, you go to the hospital, and they say take off all your clothes and put on this little gown on.

  • You put this little gown on, you know, and it does not quite come together in the back.

  • It's kind of embarrassing. Then they say, "Now walk down the hall about 12 miles,

  • and you'll see the X-ray room." Well, if you make it all that way, they'll say,

  • "Oh, we're so glad you made it. Would you please lay on this table?"

  • And they just got the table out of the freezer a few minutes before you got there.

  • How many have been on that same table? You know what I am talking about.

  • It's ice cold. And he puts this weird machine on top of you, and the doctor says,

  • "Now take a deep breath...and hold it." And he runs out in the hall.

  • And he's got a lead apron on. You say, "Doc, come here. Is this machine dangerous?"

  • He says, "No, it's harmless." He's lying.

  • You say, "Doc, how does this machine work?"

  • He says, "Well, when I mash the button, X-ray bullets come out of that machine;

  • and they're going to go right through your body like a machine gun.

  • And we are going to blow you full of holes.

  • Billions of them. Little tiny X-ray holes.

  • We're going to actually make a shadow of what's inside your body,

  • [which, by the way, is why many radiologists have a negative outlook on life]; we're going to blow you full of holes!"

  • But he knows it's dangerous for long-term exposure to X-rays.

  • So that's why he's got the lead apron and runs out behind the lead wall.

  • He don't want to get exposed to those X-rays!

  • But a lot of people don't realize the sun X-rays us every day. We're being X-rayed, right now!

  • Now, concrete will stop X-rays, and water will stop X-rays, but this roof on this church will not stop X-rays.

  • They're coming right through the roof and right through your body.

  • And you are being X-rayed as you sit there; not a thing you can do about it.

  • Well, I'll tell you in a minute what you can do about it.

  • But your skin feels the full force of these X-rays.

  • And your body has to fix the damage. I mean you fix millions of holes in your skin every single day.

  • Millions of them. And after 50 or 60 years...or 70 or 80 for sure,

  • everybody around you starts to notice you are losing the battle for damage control. Your skin begins to wrinkle up!

  • You say, "Brother Hovind, I don't want to get old and wrinkled."

  • OK, if you don't want to get wrinkled, there are three things you can do about it. Number one, you can die early.

  • Number two, you can carry a lead or a concrete umbrella over your head at all times. Do not ever get exposed to the X-rays.

  • Or, number three, you can do what Elizabeth Taylor has done.

  • How many have ever heard of Elizabeth Taylor, the movie star?

  • Somebody told me, years ago, she's got a hole in her forehead.

  • Every morning she fills it in with caulk and covers it up with makeup.

  • And it's really tough to see, know. It's top secret, actually!

  • But I was at Wal-Mart one time, you know, checking out, trying to check out at Wal-Mart.

  • And there were all these magazines beside me, and one of them had Elizabeth Taylor's picture on the front.

  • She was getting married for the fortieth time or something, you know.

  • And I thought, hey, I'm going to check this out.

  • I had heard about this hole in her forehead, but, you know, I wanted to see it for myself.

  • So I got my Swiss army knife out, which has a magnifying glass on it, and I picked the magazine

  • and I began staring at her forehead. People were walking down the aisle looking at me.

  • I said, "Hey, what's the matter with you? I'm just looking at a magazine, huh? Go shop!"

  • I looked at it for a while and I finally figured out what the hole was. I was so proud of myself.

  • That lady has had so many face-lifts down through the years, trying to get rid of the wrinkles. It's her belly button, right there!

  • Hey, go to Wal-Mart (she's probably getting married again this week); you can see her picture on there.

  • You say, "Well, Brother Hovind, I don't want to get old and wrinkled."

  • I'm sorry. If you get old, you are going to get wrinkled. You might as well get ready for it.

  • But that didn't happen before the Flood.

  • The Bible says that before the Flood came, they lived to be over 900 years old and probably didn't wrinkle.

  • One guy's going around; claims he's a creationist. He says, "Now folks, they didn't really live to be 900.

  • They counted every month as a year. They used a lunar calendar and you have to divide those numbers by twelve."

  • Wow, that's an even bigger miracle. Enoch was 65 when he begat Methuselah.

  • Two of these guys were 65. Let's see, divided by twelve - that makes him 5 1/2 when he became a daddy.

  • I doubt that real seriously, OK. I'd have a hard time believing that.

  • No, they really were living to be 900. And they got bigger!

  • Here is me by Robert Wadlow, tallest man in this century - 8 foot, 11 1/4 [inches] (2.74M).

  • He had a size 37 shoe; a pretty big boy! OK.

  • Robert Wadlow would have been just a few inches shorter than Goliath, who was about 9 foot, 5 or 6.

  • Robert Wadlow, at age 12, was the world's tallest Boy Scout.

  • Here he is at age 12, with his Boy Scout troop.

  • We would consider that gigantic, at almost 9 feet tall, wouldn't we!

  • But I think before the Flood they got even bigger than that.

  • Here is the skeleton of a man 11 foot, 6 inches (3.5 m) tall.

  • Well, long, not tall. He is laying down now.

  • 11' 6" . How'd you like to have one of those guys on your basketball team?

  • Boy, the University of Tennessee would be the champs from now on, wouldn't they? Eleven foot, six!

  • Now sometimes the women get upset with me.

  • And they say, "Now, Hovind, you said that was the skeleton of a man.

  • Maybe it was a woman!" Well, I taught biology and anatomy.

  • I happen to know how to tell the difference between a male and female skeleton.

  • It is not the number of ribs. Only Adam was missing a rib. And only for a short time.

  • Because there is only one bone in the human body that will grow back if you take it out.

  • Your lower rib will grow back if you remove it.

  • You know, a lizard's tail grows back if you cut it off.

  • The lower rib will grow back if you take it out.

  • Boy, you'd almost think that God knew what He was doing, if you didn't know better!

  • But anyway, there are two ways to tell the difference between a male and a female skeleton.

  • One way is to look at the feet. If they're pointed toward the mall, it's a woman!

  • The other way is to look at the process on the temple mandibular joint.

  • If that joint right there is worn out more, it's a woman!

  • One lady said that's because we have to tell you men everything twice.

  • You don't listen the first time! Okay, guilty, guilty!

  • The tallest man today was 8 feet, 4 inches (2.5 m) tall when this picture was taken.

  • I've been told that he is now 8 feet, 7" living in Ukraine: a pretty good-sized boy.

  • Eight foot seven; big hands! There he is trying to use a cell phone. That'd be tough, wouldn't it!

  • Roman Emperor Maximus was 8 feet, 6 inches; 2,000 years ago; where we get our word "maximum" from.

  • A 9 feet, 8 inches (2.95 m) skeleton was found in Indiana.

  • Two skeletons 9 feet tall were found in Virginia City [Nevada].

  • Every skeleton found in this burial mound in Louisiana. 20 skeletons were found; all of them 9 feet tall!

  • A skeleton 10 feet tall was found in Humbolt Lake, Nevada.

  • And in Guam they have a legend that the giants used to live on the island of Guam

  • And they built these big "latte" stones over there.

  • In Indiana, eight giants were found, ranging from 8 to 9 feet long.

  • They were wearing heavy copper armor. The museum was not interested in them.

  • Why would a museum not be interested in 9-foot skeletons to put on display?

  • Could it be that there's a theory called evolution which says we started off small and we're getting bigger?

  • That theory makes us feel important, of course. We're evolving.

  • "Ye shall be as gods." You're getting better! Could it be the truth is exactly the opposite?

  • People were much bigger before the Flood, and now we're getting worse? And maybe they're trying to hide that!

  • A 12-foot skeleton, found in Lompoc Rancho, California. Another 12-footer found in Tucson, Arizona.

  • The guy had six toes. Six fingers, six toes, and a bird-shaped headdress.

  • When Cortes went to Mexico and conquered part of it, the people who lived there said,

  • "Oh, there used to be giants that lived on this continent."

  • They brought a bone of one of these guys out.

  • Just the thigh bone was as tall as Cortes! Just the thigh bone!

  • And he said, "I am a man of good size. I'm a good-sized guy, but this bone was the same size as me."

  • This is a giant block of rock. Who on earth was moving these things?

  • Consider, that's a camel in front of it, for scale.

  • Who was cutting and moving these things? This is a 39-pound (18 kg) ax head.

  • Swing a 10-pound sledge for a few minutes and see why I am wondering who's swinging a 39-pound ax head.

  • This is a stone designed to be held between the thumb and finger for chipping.

  • The Smithsonian is responsible for hiding most of the discoveries of giant humans.

  • They don't want people to know about these giants, because it goes against the evolution theory.

  • This skull used to be on display in Winnemucca, Nevada until a few years ago when they took it down.

  • It's in the basement. You have to specially ask to see it. A giant human skull!

  • Here is a normal human thumb bone; underneath is a giant human thumb bone.

  • This is a part of a skeleton found in a grave in Turkey right near Mt. Ararat.

  • The government of Turkey says they have found the grave of Noah.

  • The skeleton was 12 feet tall. Now that would make his cubit a little bigger, wouldn't it?

  • People say one man and three boys could never build a boat that size.

  • Huh, but you didn't see those boys! "Hey Bubba, bring me that tree, would you." "Sure Dad, where do you want it?"

  • We've got a replica of a thigh bone in our museum from a guy that would have been about 13 feet (3.95 m) tall.

  • You meet a guy like that, call him "sir".

  • There is an article on the table all about it down here, if you want to read more on this one.

  • These jaw bones are on display at a hotel in Turkey; 6 and 1/2 inches (16.5 cm) across the TMJs.

  • Anyone of you could put your head inside the jaw and bounce it around.

  • In Wausaukee, Wisconsin they found a human skull three times the size of ordinary humans.

  • Found in an Indian burial mound. Giants were on the earth in those days.

  • That is what the Bible says. There were giants here.

  • Well, the Bible says we are made in God's image.

  • Now, if we are made in God's image, why do we pay to teach the kids that this is grandpa?

  • What is the truth about the cavemen? Where do cavemen fit into this picture anyway?

  • I mean, if the Bible's true and the earth is only 6,000 years old, what about the cavemen?

  • Well, we'll cover that after a quick break. Cavemen, coming next.

  • END of Seminar 2a - Dr. Kent Hovind - - English

  • START of Seminar 2b - Dr. Kent Hovind -

  • On Seminar part 2B here, we're going to talk about the cavemen, and quite a few other topics.

  • The Bible says in Genesis 1, God said, I'm going to make man in my own image.

  • If we're made in the image of God, why do we teach the kids grandpa was an ape?

  • Now, evolution teaches we're getting better, and someday we are going to become god.

  • The facts are we're getting worse. Things are falling apart. We have an incredible genetic load.

  • We are mentally and physically deficient compared to Adam and Eve.

  • Things are not getting better, but they teach in the textbooks, "This is grandpa." What's the truth about the cavemen?

  • Is it possible for an ape-like creature to turn to a human?

  • Well it depends what you mean by caveman. There are people today who live in caves.

  • We don't call them half-ape, half-human.

  • There's the world's most wanted caveman right there, Osama bin Laden.

  • There's a former caveman. I think someone's trying to make a monkey out of us.

  • Was your ancestor an ape-like creature? I don't think so.

  • Let's talk about a few of the so-called cavemen.

  • We could spend hours on this topic, but we have got more to cover here.

  • Nebraska man was used for years as evidence for evolution.

  • All they found for Nebraska man was one tooth.

  • That is the entire Nebraska man...right there. One tooth!

  • Then they built an entire man from that one tooth, and later made him a wife.

  • Now you have to really be good to know what his wife looks like from his tooth.

  • But these are professionals; don't question them, OK. They know what they're talking about.

  • Later they found out the tooth actually came from a pig.

  • There's the real Nebraska man right there!

  • How about Piltdown man, named after the gravel pit it was found in, in Piltdown, England.

  • Somebody took a human skull and an ape's jaw; they filed them down and fooled everybody.

  • In 1912 they discovered the Piltdown man. It was in the "New York Times".

  • "Darwin Theory Proved True from the Piltdown Man." It was going to be used in 1925

  • at the Scopes monkey trial as part of the evidence for evolution, but the judge said,

  • "The question is not, is there evidence for evolution; the question is, did he violate the law of teaching?"

  • So he was found guilty of breaking the law. The teacher was John T. Scopes down here in Dayton, Tennessee.

  • But, Piltdown Man was a hoax. Somebody had taken a ape's jaw bone, and a human skull,

  • broke the TMJs off, made them fit together, and fooled everybody!

  • They filed the teeth down! For 40 years it was in the textbooks as proof for evolution.

  • It was a fraud; exposed as a fraud in 1953.

  • Neanderthal man is still in your textbooks used in your town here in Knoxville, Tennessee!

  • But it's been proven years ago, it cannot possibly be a missing link.

  • Long story about the Neander Valley, named after Joachim Neander that wrote the song in the songbook,

  • "Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King of Creation." A great godly man.

  • Back in 1856, they found a skeleton petrified.

  • A man petrified in this valley (called the Neander Valley), and they named it Neanderthal man. The back was bent over.

  • Well, apes walk on four legs, and man walks on two; so when the Darwin's theory became popular,

  • they resurrected the Neanderthal man, and said, "Oh wow, maybe he's slowly evolved, and he's coming up."

  • Well, they've known since the very beginning, it was an old man with arthritis, who's slowly going down.

  • He's not coming up at all. He's headed down, but they still keep him in the textbooks.

  • About 300 Neanderthals have been found. Their brains are bigger than ours.

  • Their bone structure was incredibly strong. They said they had so many muscles,

  • that the average Neanderthal could probably pick up the average NFL linebacker and

  • fling him over the goal post. Phenomenal strength in the Neanderthals!

  • They gave the same skull to 9 different artists and said, "What did he look like in life?"

  • They got 9 different answers. They said, "What would you like him to look like; we're artists, you know.

  • Would you like him ape-like or human-like? You tell us what you want. We'll do it."

  • Jack Cuozzo, a friend of mine from New Jersey, has been a dentist for 32 years.

  • He came and spoke at our conference a few weeks ago at the boot camp we had in Pensacola.

  • He studied the actual Neanderthal skulls in Europe.

  • He said, "These Neanderthals are just perfectly normal humans that are living to a really great age."

  • See, before the Flood came, the people lived to be 900. But after the Flood,

  • life spans dropped off to 400, and then 200, and then 100; but that's still a long time to live.

  • And it's a simple fact the bones of your eyebrow ridge never stop growing.

  • So if you could live to be three or four hundred years old, your eyebrow ridge would stick way out!

  • People today that use their jaws a lot, like the Aborigines in Australia always using their jaws as a vice

  • (they don't carry a toolbox with them), their eyebrow ridge sticks out really far, because of the chewing muscles. It pulls on the bone.

  • The Neanderthals are perfectly normal humans that are living to be 2 or 3 hundred years old.

  • That's all they are. Their brain's bigger than ours. They're not subhuman at all!

  • They're just really old humans. There's an Aborigine on the far left over there.

  • See the eyebrow ridge sticking out. That's from chewing or using your jaw muscles a lot.

  • There are a lot of different shapes of heads.

  • You could line up the folks in Knoxville, Tennessee and prove evolution, just by the shape of the skull.

  • Drive downtown; you'll see what I'm talking about.

  • There's Cro-Magnon man, still used in the textbooks, yet it's a perfectly normal human.

  • Why on earth is that considered a missing link?

  • They've got one in there called Homo sapiens as modern man. He's listed as Cro-Magnon. He's not a missing link at all!

  • One they've got in there now is Australopithecus africanus. It was proven wrong in 1973.

  • Thirty years ago proven wrong! Why are they keeping that in the textbooks as evidence for evolution?

  • They've got Australopithecus afarensis, better known as Lucy.

  • How many of you have every heard of Lucy before?

  • Donald Johanson found Lucy, 1974, Ethiopia.

  • He had gone there with a grant to look for missing links.

  • Somebody gave him some money, said here, go find a missing link; if you don't find one, no more money.

  • Two weeks before his grant money expired, he discovered Lucy.

  • Highly motivated, I'd suspect; and that would be suspect, by the way, in a court of law, you know.

  • Lucy was three feet tall; it was obviously a chimpanzee of some kind.

  • Now the bones of the skull were crushed thoroughly.

  • You could not tell anything about the skull, but when they put it together for your kid's textbook,

  • they make it half human, half ape. They named it Lucy because they were listening to this song,

  • "Lucy in the sky with diamonds". A very popular song at that time.

  • Which by the way has initials LSD, which they must have been on when they found this thing.

  • But, the knee joint that was labeled Lucy's knee in "National Pornographic...Geographic" was

  • actually found a mile and a half away and 200 feet deeper.

  • The "National Geographic" labeled it Lucy's knee. It's not Lucy's knee!

  • It's a mile and a half away, for heaven's sake. There's quite a controversy about that knee joint still.

  • But the knee joint is the best evidence they have that Lucy was becoming a human.

  • Because an ape has the lower and upper leg that are in a straight line with each other.

  • A human leg goes up to your knee and angles off to the side, because your hips are wider than your knees.

  • Lucy's knee angled off to the side. The femur angled.

  • And Donald said, "See, that proves she's becoming a human."

  • No, any monkey that climbs trees has an angled femur.

  • What he found was a tree-climbing monkey. It's not proof it's becoming a human.

  • He said, "Well, the bones are slightly bigger than a regular ape." Well, that's true.

  • That doesn't prove it's becoming a human.

  • The bones of a Clydesdale are slightly bigger than a regular horse. That doesn't prove it's becoming a truck,

  • for heaven's sake, OK. What he found was a heavy duty chimpanzee.

  • And probably the pre-Flood chimpanzees and everything was probably more heavy duty,

  • if they're living longer and much healthier. That's all he found.

  • There are big horses and little horses today, by the way.

  • The St. Louis Zoo put human feet on their Lucy display.

  • Not one foot bone or hand bone was found. Not one.

  • Every other australopithecine that's been found has curled toes.

  • Professor Menton at Washington University said, "The statue is a complete misrepresentation."

  • That's a big fancy word for lie. I prefer smaller words. It's a lie.

  • The zoo director said, "Zoo officials have no plans to knuckle under.

  • We cannot be updating every exhibit based on every new piece of evidence.

  • We look at the overall exhibit and the impression it creates,

  • and we think [this] impression it creates is correct." Bruce, are you telling me you would lie to

  • kids coming through your zoo just to get an impression across to them that evolution is true?

  • You mean your theory is more important than the facts? That's exactly correct.

  • They will lie to the kids going through these science centers and zoos,

  • to make them believe this evolution theory! And there are lies in the textbooks; like 60 of them!

  • We cover that in Video #4, "Lies in the Textbooks."

  • In Africa they found perfectly normal human footprints in a layer of ash that had turned to stone.

  • Perfectly normal human footprints! But the footprints in ash supposed to be 3 and 3/4 million years old.

  • They studied the footprints and said, "Wow, these footprints are exactly the same as ours today."

  • Russell Tuttle, at the University of Chicago, studied the footprints carefully.

  • He went and found a place where people never wear shoes.

  • They never wear shoes ever! And he studied their footprints.

  • He had them run through the mud, walk through the mud, you know, jog through the mud, trot, and skip.

  • He said the footprints of these people that never wear shoes are

  • exactly like the footprints found in Laetoli, Africa. Identical.

  • And then he said, "If the Laetoli footprints were not known to be so old,

  • we would conclude they were made by a member of our own genus." In other words, if we didn't know better,

  • we would think a human made these! Well how do you know better? "Oh, because the rock is too old."

  • This is an example of where the evolution theory is a hindrance to common sense and to scientific research.

  • It's one of the greatest hindrances to science. It's not part of science. It's counterproductive to science.

  • Then "National Geographic" put human/apelike-mixture features on these creatures walking through this ash.

  • Now keep in mind not one bone was found. No bones are found.

  • If you find perfectly normal human footprints, what would justify you putting dark-skinned,

  • apelike creatures walking there on your drawing? And if I was an African American,

  • I would be upset that they always use dark skin on the missing links!

  • Like it's some kind of, you know, darker skin is less evolved!

  • That's what they're trying to imply here. And why did they add this toe separation?

  • Notice the big toe is separated away from the rest of them in the picture.

  • They did it on purpose because it's a real serious problem going from an apelike foot to a human foot.

  • Apes have a toe that sticks off to the side like a thumb.

  • That's so they can grab a tree branch and hang by their back feet. You can't do that!

  • If you want to practice that, I suggest that you start on a low branch for practice.

  • Because you are going to hurt your head. But here they have "four million years of bipedalism."

  • And they gave every one of these so-called missing links human feet.

  • Because the foot is a serious problem for the evolutionists.

  • Charles Oxnard studied Lucy and said, "The bones of Lucy represent an animal that is not in the line of humans."

  • It's not a missing link. He did a computer multivariate analysis of the bones.

  • There could be these creatures, these little ape-like creatures that walk upright still alive in Sumatra today.

  • Lucy may represent an animal that is still alive.

  • Peking man was used for years as evidence for evolution.

  • Everything disappeared during World War II; but they found a cave,

  • with a bunch of crushed monkey skulls in there. The skull had been smashed,

  • and they found a bunch of human tools. And so some brilliant scientist said,

  • "Wow, these monkeys are learning to make tools." Oh, and they are practicing on their head, yeah.

  • That's a good one. Let's keep that one right over here.

  • Well, duh, they didn't tell anybody that they found 10 normal humans in the same cave. Skeletons of humans.

  • See, in some cultures they like to eat monkey brains. You ever see "Indiana Jones"?

  • They just found a cave where they were eating monkeys. That's where they had their feasts, or something.

  • It's not a missing link. Homo erectus is still in the textbooks.

  • Homo erectus used to be called Java man, then they changed it to Pithecanthropus erectus,

  • and now called Homo erectus. It was found by Dr. Dubois, a Dutch anatomist who went to Indonesia purposefully,

  • to try to find missing links. He hired a bunch of prison convicts to go dig for him.

  • He wasn't even there when they found it. What they found was an ape's skull cap, three human teeth,

  • and a thigh bone found a year later 50 feet away. Dubois put them all together and said,

  • "We have a missing link here." You don't even know those animal bones go together.

  • Three teeth, a thigh bone, and a skull cap from an ape!

  • This was also going to be used in 1925 as evidence for evolution at the Scope's monkey trial. The Java man!

  • The famous anatomist Virchow said, "In my opinion this creature is an animal, a giant gibbon, in fact.

  • The thigh bone has not the slightest connection with the skull."

  • Dubois hid the fact that he found two human skulls in the same area.

  • He put those under his bed, under the floor, like Edgar Allen Poe; you know, "The Tell-Tale Heart."

  • Only this was "tell-tale head." There's no evidence of how man evolved at all.

  • Fossil evidence for evolution of humans is fragmentary.

  • Fossil evidence of chimpanzee evolution is absent all together.

  • There is no evidence of how chimpanzees evolved.

  • But yet you have articles in the magazines all the time about evolution.

  • "Where are we going?" I can tell you that. You are going straight to Hell if you don't accept Christ.

  • It's real simple. That's a no-brainer. In Spain they were going to have a big display of the Orce man.

  • O-r-c-e, the Orce man. They were going to have a big party for the Orce man they discovered.

  • Until they discovered it's actually a piece of a skull fragment from a donkey, four months old. That was going to be the missing link.

  • A dolphin's rib had been labeled a "human collarbone" in a museum for a long time, until somebody said,

  • "Uh, that's a dolphin's rib, not a human collarbone."

  • The Hobbit was just found here in 2004. The Hobbit was an little bitty, tiny human.

  • Probably a result of secondary microcephaly dwarfism. Just a normal human, about 3 1/2 feet tall!

  • There are people like that today running around the planet.

  • There's a good book on the so-called cavemen. If you want to read this book.

  • If you're being taught these things in school, get the book by Marvin L. Lubenow, "Bones of Contention."

  • Excellent book, it will really put everything into perspective for you.

  • The only missing link I can find is up between these guys' ears. You know, something is missing!

  • Some of these professors spend all their free time digging in the dirt, looking for bones.

  • My dog does the same thing, but we don't make the taxpayers pay his salary while he does it.

  • Now most states have laws requiring textbooks to be accurate.

  • Florida has one; California has one; Texas has one; Wisconsin has one; Alabama has one.

  • The law says textbooks should be accurate.

  • Minnesota says, "Teachers shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter."

  • But Minnesota textbooks are still teaching all these as evidence for evolution,

  • when all the ones in the red circle have been proven they cannot possibly be a missing link.

  • By the way, the Minnesota textbook (and most textbooks now) instead of calling men "homo sapiens,"

  • like we used to be called, they're now called "homo sapiens sapiens."

  • Wow, what does that mean? Well, sapiens means "wise." So we're the wise, wise man.

  • See, the Bible says, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."

  • And if you think your grandpa swung by his tail from a tree, you're a fool, plain and simple.

  • This textbook says, "He's the daddy of us all." Ah, that's silly.

  • You don't know he's the daddy of anybody.

  • You find bones in the dirt, you don't know it's the daddy of anybody.

  • It says, "The Mother of All Mammals," from the Smithsonian.

  • If you find bones, you don't know it's the mother of anything. See, if you find a fossil in the dirt,

  • all you know is it died. You couldn't prove it had any kids, and you sure couldn't prove it had different kids.

  • And why would you think a bone you found in the dirt could do something animals today cannot do,

  • which is produce something other than their kind?

  • No fossil would count as evidence for evolution in a court of law.

  • So where does the "Stone Age" fit into the Bible? Was there ever a Stone Age?

  • Well, right after the Flood, Noah couldn't tell his grandson to go to the hardware store and get him a shovel.

  • There were no hardware stores. They had a devastated society, folks.

  • They got off the ark, and everything outside is destroyed.

  • You have to totally rebuild civilization. They had a "Gilligan's Island" situation. You got a bunch of smart people.

  • Well, "Gilligan's Island" did not have a bunch of smart people, you know. Maybe one. They're on this devastated planet.

  • So they're going to have to rebuild from scratch, and you're going to make stone tools.

  • Because that's much quicker than digging the iron ore out, smelting it down, and making an iron tool!

  • You know, by the time it takes you three weeks to make your ax, you're going to starve to death. So they're going to make stone tools.

  • And people that are driven out of society are going to travel around in small herds and packs,

  • following migrating animals. And they don't want to carry 50 pounds worth of stone tools with them.

  • It's quicker to make your stone tools on the job site.

  • You follow the mammoths until you catch up with them (or the buffalo) and then you quickly make your tools.

  • Kill the buffalo or the mammoth, and you butcher it, and leave your tools behind and go on someplace else.

  • And then we today find these stone tools, and say, "Wow, look at this Clovis point."

  • Wow, perfectly shaped, perfectly balanced; this guy is smart; this is an advanced civilization!

  • And then they find another arrowhead that looks kind of crude, you know. It's not chipped very smoothly.

  • And they say, Wow, this guy's pre-human, not quite as smart.

  • You know, maybe you've got the whole wrong perspective on that.

  • Maybe the one that looks kind of crude was made by a guy who was in a bigger hurry,

  • because the mammoth is getting away. He just doesn't have time to sit there and

  • play with his arrowhead for an hour. He wants to go shoot the thing now, before it runs off.

  • So it might be an example of how much time they had to spend on it.

  • Not at all an example of their intelligence, all right?

  • But not only were people living longer before the Flood, animals were too.

  • And they were growing bigger. Probably much bigger.

  • Here is a hornless rhinoceros 18 feet (5.5 m) tall. That's a big rhino!

  • People say, that's a prehistoric animal.

  • No, did you know that the word "prehistoric" was not even in the dictionary until about a 100 years ago?

  • We collect old dictionaries in our science center.

  • If you have some old dictionaries from the 1700 or 1800s, we'd love to get them.

  • I've got a dictionary from 1766; the word "prehistoric" was not there.

  • I've got a dictionary from 1860; the word "prehistoric" is not there.

  • No such thing as "prehistoric" back in 1860.

  • There's a dictionary from 1892; the word "prehistoric" is still not there.

  • See, there are things that are pre-Flood, but there is no such thing as "prehistoric."

  • We have history from the first day, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

  • You can't go before that. So there's no such thing as "prehistoric."

  • But before the Flood came, this canopy of water would increase air pressure,

  • which make things behave very differently. It makes insects grow much bigger.

  • See, insects are limited on size, based upon the amount of oxygen they can get.

  • Insects that live in oxygen-rich waters get a 1,000 times heavier than those that don't.

  • It has to do with the surface area to volume ratio.

  • Without boring everybody for a half hour, the larger an insect gets, it has more surface area.

  • But not compared to its volume. The surface area compared to its volume ratio drops off.

  • As you can see on the chart here. So as an insect gets larger, it doesn't have enough skin.

  • Because insects breathe through their skin.

  • But giant insect fossils have been found; like this dragonfly with a 50-inch (1.3 M) wingspan.

  • How'd you like to hit one of those at 70 miles an hour (110 kph)?

  • He'd take the bug deflector and the hood right off and join you in the front seat.

  • Big dragonflies have been found fossilized on this planet.

  • Today they get four or five inches long, i.e. not very big.

  • Pre-Flood, they were huge. Cockroaches get pretty good sized today.

  • We raise them in our museum in Pensacola; the Madagascar hissing cockroaches.

  • But did you know, giant cockroaches have been found?

  • Eighteen-inch (45 cm) long cockroach fossils. You didn't call Orkin in those days!

  • You called the National Guard to come exterminate the house, OK?

  • A giant fossil centipede, 8 1/2 feet (2.6 m) long was found.

  • Grasshoppers 2 feet (60 cm) long have been found fossilized. You could make a meal out of those.

  • A tarantula, with a 3-foot leg span fossil; 60-foot (18 m) cattail fossils have been found.

  • A donkey 9 feet (2.75 m) high, from Texas, of course. Everything is bigger in Texas.

  • Giant sloths obviously lived on the planet. Now, you're going to be told that was millions of years ago.

  • No, it wasn't; it was just before the Flood came. Buffalo are found with horn spans up to 12 feet (3.7 m).

  • Elk with 12-foot (3.7 m) antlers. Some of you deer hunters are thinking, "Wow, that'd look good on a wall!"

  • How many of you go out and try to shoot Bambi's daddy? Come on; be honest.

  • There we go! Good, good, and eat him too.

  • You know, fossil kangaroos have been found 10 feet tall, and a fossil wombat the size of a Minivan.

  • Here's the fossil of a guinea pig that was 1,500 pounds (680 kg). That's a big guinea pig.

  • Birds have been found 13 feet (4 m) tall.

  • Here is an elephant bird egg. The one behind it is an ostrich egg, which is also huge.

  • They find fossils of a prehistoric goose that stood as tall as an elephant and weighed half a ton.

  • How'd you like to have that for Thanksgiving dinner? Tell Tiny Tim about that goose!

  • Fossil beavers have been found 8 feet (2.4 m) long.

  • Here's a guy holding a beaver jaw from about a 7 or 8 foot tall beaver.

  • Here's a 6-foot (2 m) beaver found in Ohio.

  • See, if you have bigger trees before the Flood, you would need bigger beavers to chew them down.

  • God kept everything balanced in those days. Salamanders today get from 5 to 8 inches long, typically.

  • Did you know that fossil salamanders have been found that are 6 feet (2 m) long?

  • Increasing air pressure means more gas gets into the water, and fish have to breathe in the water,

  • through their gills. So if you had more gas dissolved in the water from greater air pressure,

  • With that the fish can get bigger. And you can get a lot more fish per cubic mile.

  • Today if a shark has a tooth about an inch (2.5 cm) long,

  • it indicates the shark is probably about 15 feet (4.5 m) long.

  • Did you know fossil shark's teeth are found,

  • indicating sharks used to get 80 feet (25 m) long on this planet? Can you imagine an 80-foot (25 m) shark?

  • The movie "Jaws" had a 25-foot (7.6 m) shark.

  • You would have to use "Jaws" for bait to catch one of these megalodons.

  • Dr. Baugh is raising piranha in an aquarium with a stronger magnetic field around it.

  • Just increasing the magnetic field is doing something, because his piranha are 4 times larger than normal.

  • When he raised fruit flies in a hyperbaric chamber, they lived 10 times longer than normal. Just by increasing air pressure!

  • If you combine the air pressure and the filtered sunlight and the stronger magnetic field,

  • you'd probably get Garden of Eden conditions. We probably lost at least those three things.

  • Maybe more things have been lost since then. Turtles got pretty good size. That's a big turtle on the left.

  • Oysters were found 2 miles above sea level.

  • Eleven-foot oysters, weighing 600 pounds (270 kg), two miles above sea level in the Andes Mountains!

  • When they climbed Mt. Everest, they found petrified clams on top of Mt. Everest.

  • The interesting thing about these clams, they're petrified and they're closed.

  • Now I'd like to point out, Mt. Everest is a little ways from the beach, first of all.

  • About 450 miles (700 km) to the beach, and clams do not climb mountains very well.

  • And when a clam dies, it opens! You can walk along the beach and find a million sea shells.

  • You hardly ever find a matched pair, and you never find them closed if they're dead.

  • They open right away. How do you get petrified closed clams on top of Mt. Everest.

  • I think there was a Flood; but I don't think the Flood was over Mt. Everest.

  • Mt. Everest wasn't there. Psalm 104 tells us the mountains arose during the last part of the Flood.

  • The mountain ranges formed during the end of the Flood.

  • Probably it was as a result of the earth's crust being cracked open and busted up into pieces.

  • And pieces would lift up and flex back and forth. We cover all of that on Video #6.

  • Reptiles never stop growing. It's a simple fact. Most reptiles never stop growing: they grow all their life.

  • People stop growing. When you are 16 or 18, you are going to quit growing, at least vertically.

  • Some go horizontally thereafter. But, reptiles never stop growing.

  • What would happen to a reptile if you put him in the Garden of Eden and let him live to be 900 years old?

  • You'd have a big lizard - a really big lizard!

  • Dinosaurs were big lizards that lived with Adam and Eve before the Flood came.

  • You can get these Jackson chameleons right now at the pet store.

  • What's he going to look like at about 15 tons? Probably some kind of triceratops.

  • Dinosaur means terrible lizard, and dinosaurs lived with humans all through history.

  • They just had a different name for them, and we'll cover more on dinosaurs on Video #3.

  • But dinosaur bones and human bones have been found together.

  • Dinosaur bones were found in the same rock strata as these fossilized human hands.

  • Dinosaur bones and mammal bones, found together!

  • Here's one of the Ica stones showing a human riding a dinosaur.

  • Dr. Baugh has a couple of the stones in his museum. We have eight in our museum now, of these Ica stones.

  • I think we have the largest collection in America of these Ica stones from Peru.

  • Many of them show dinosaurs on there. We cover more of that on Seminar Part 3, about dinosaurs and the Bible.

  • Dinosaur footprints and human footprints have been found together in Glen Rose, Texas.

  • I know there is controversy about this. I've been there five times.

  • I have heard all the critics on it, and I have been there myself to check it out.

  • But go to Dallas, Texas, and go south 45 miles to Glen Rose.

  • And you'll find that the Paluxy River flows through this little town. And it's all full of limestone.

  • The whole area is limestone, kind of like around here in Knoxville.

  • Well, that river cuts through the limestone layers.

  • In 1908 there was a flood. The river dropped 17 feet (5 m) per mile, but this flood was incredible.

  • It was, I think, 30 feet (9 m) above flood stage or something. It was just an incredible flood in 1908.

  • It ripped off the bottom of the river, tore off the layer of limestone. Two foot of limestone was ripped up.

  • Underneath was a new layer of limestone, and when the river dried up that next summer,

  • they discovered there are hundreds of dinosaur footprints. Dinosaur footprints.

  • It's called Dinosaur Valley State Park. There's a book on the table right there,

  • if you want to read more about it. They chiseled out lots of the footprints and

  • took them to museums to save them so they wouldn't get eroded by the river.

  • They took out huge blocks in the 1930s and set them up under dinosaur skeletons.

  • The footprints are big. Here's a little kid taking a bath in one.

  • But sometimes in this area they find human footprints with the dinosaur footprints.

  • Human tracks and dinosaur tracks together! We could spend all day talking about this.

  • There have been thousands of reports on this. Some believe it; some don't believe it.

  • Here's a trail of human tracks crossing a trail of dinosaur tracks.

  • And the human footprints, some of them, are pretty good size.

  • And occasionally they are found inside the dinosaur footprints.

  • Well, if you're running through the mud to escape the Flood, that's a logical place to step,

  • right where somebody else already stepped.

  • It's like walking through deep snow. And I think a lot of people get the wrong idea.

  • They think Noah got in the ark, the rain started, and everybody died in the first 10 minutes.

  • It probably took six months to kill everybody on this planet.

  • They'd be running, looking for high ground. The water kept coming up.

  • See, the rain was 40 days, but the Bible says the water kept coming up for 150 days.

  • Because most of the water was coming from inside the crust of the earth.

  • Up through the fountains of the deep. The rain did almost nothing for the Flood.

  • It was the water from inside that caused the Flood. It probably took six months to kill everybody.

  • So they'd be running, you know; when the tide goes down, they'd run to higher ground.

  • And pretty soon they would be fighting for this higher ground, which is becoming more and more scarce.

  • But the footprints are pretty good size.

  • We sell castings of this one if you want to get one. It's on our Web site,

  • You can see the size-24 human footprint.

  • We had a big kid try to fill it up one time; couldn't quite do it. He had a size 18.

  • They chiseled out rock ledges and found more footprints underneath the undisturbed limestone.

  • One of the footprints was then sawn across the toes.

  • They looked at the end grain, and you can see where it squeezed down and distorted the lamination lines.

  • I know there are arguments about it. I've read, I think, everything on the topic.

  • I've sure read a lot. I am very convinced they are legitimate.

  • The footprints have a 6 to 7 foot (1.8 to 2.1 m) stride.

  • This'd take a big man to be stepping 6 or 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 m) every time.

  • A friend of mine was down there when they were digging out the footprints.

  • He wrote me this letter. He's now an assistant pastor at a Southern Baptist Church in Arizona.

  • He said, "Dr. Hovind, I grew up in Glen Rose. I was on an excavation with Dr. Carl Baugh,

  • ...we followed the footprints of a man beside a dinosaur's footprints.

  • It was as if the man were walking with the dinosaur. NOVA was there to film the dig.

  • There was also an evolutionist who was arguing with Dr. Baugh the entire time.

  • NOVA didn't film much of the tracks or our dig, but they did interview the evolutionist.

  • He told them he had not see anything there to disprove evolution.

  • What he didn't tell the camera was, he had refused to turn around and look at the tracks we were working on."

  • "When they found one, they would tap him on the shoulder and say, 'Uh, sir, you want to look at this,'

  • and he'd say, 'No, I don't want to see it.'

  • He stood with his back to the dig and the tracks while making these statements.

  • NOVA knew the man had not looked at the tracks, but they didn't report that."

  • See, NOVA, apparently, is committed to a theory called evolution,

  • and anything that goes against the theory is just simply not going to be aired on TV.

  • Period. The theory has to be protected from criticism.

  • One guy said, "Well, if they find human footprints with dinosaur footprints,

  • all that proves is that there was a dinosaur with feet like a human."

  • Well now, that's just a brilliant way to look at it, isn't it?

  • Another example where the evolution theory is a hindrance to research!

  • "Well, creationists state that humans and dinosaurs were contemporaneous in time.

  • Were this momentous statement true, the names of its discoverers would thunder down the corridors of time,

  • as individuals who made one of the most outstanding discoveries of the twentieth century."

  • Well, unless there is a media block out, that's true. OK? There are plenty of good books about that.

  • Also they found a hammer, a fossilized human hammer...a manmade hammer.

  • People said, "They didn't have any iron before the Flood." Oh, sure they did.

  • The Bible says Tubalcain was an artificer in brass and iron.

  • You can get a replica of the hammer if you want to keep that on your desk.

  • Check our catalog or our Web site, This bell was found inside a lump of coal.

  • They knew about iron and metals before the Flood came. They were extremely smart.

  • Your kids will be taught in school that the geologic column represents the history of the earth,

  • and that the carboniferous era is when coal formed. That's bologna.

  • Coal formed at the time of the Flood because that world was buried.

  • They found a gold chain inside a lump of coal back in 1881 in Illinois.

  • This iron pot was also found inside a lump of coal.

  • This thing was found inside solid rock is supposed to be 600 million years old.

  • Here I am in Nampa, Idaho holding what's called the Nampa image.

  • A well driller found this little doll 320 feet down while he was drilling a well. Probably a pre-Flood doll.

  • This battery thing was found in Iraq; supposed to be a 2,000-year-old battery.

  • They knew about electricity a long time ago. The Egyptians knew about electricity. They knew how to electroplate things.

  • Workers found human bones and a copper arrowhead in a vein of silver.

  • Advanced stone tools were found in a gold mine in California.

  • They're digging in the middle of this mountain, digging a shaft back into a gravel pit,

  • under layers of lava supposed to be 55 million years old. And they find human tools in there!

  • Professor Holmes of the Smithsonian was one of the most vocal critics of the California finds.

  • He said, "Perhaps if Professor Whitney had fully appreciated the story of human evolution,

  • as it is understood today, he would have hesitated to announce the conclusions,

  • notwithstanding the imposing array of testimony." Is he saying he shouldn't have announced this finding,

  • because it goes against a theory? Is that what he's saying? That's exactly what he's saying.

  • And folks, I'm telling you, there are people that are so dedicated to that stupid evolution theory,

  • that they will block out from their mind and from print, if they can, anything that goes against it.

  • They defend the theory with religious fervor.

  • The Smithsonian is very responsible for doing a lot of this stuff of hiding evidence against evolution.

  • In 1950 Thomas Lee from the National Museum of Canada found advanced stone tools in a gravel deposit.

  • The problem was the gravel deposit had been dated at 65 to 125 thousand years old.

  • That was way too old for humans to be in Canada.

  • So, the director of the museum was fired for refusing to fire the discoverer.

  • Tons of artifacts disappeared into storage bins. The discovery had to be killed.

  • It would have forced the rewriting of almost every book in the business.

  • "We can't have you find something that goes against our theory,

  • because all of the books we've printed talk about how wonderful the theory is.

  • And now you are going to make us rewrite all of these books; so you are fired."

  • This coin was found by a well driller in Illinois over 100 feet below the surface.

  • It never was analyzed. The Flood buried that world.

  • God not only told them what to do and how to live before the Flood,

  • He also told them what to eat. He gave them a perfect diet.

  • God said, I want you to eat the herbs. Kids, eat your vegetables, the fruit, and the seeds (Genesis 1:29).

  • We don't do that much. We eat the hamburger, french fries, and Coke.

  • God said eat the fruit, vegetables, and seeds. When you eat the fruit, you should eat the seed.

  • When you eat a peach, eat the seed. You say that thing's hard. Well, crack it open with a hammer.

  • The seed is inside the hull, OK. And by the way, there's a good book.

  • A lady saw my seminar, got all excited, went on a Garden of Eden diet, and totally revolutionized her health.

  • She wrote a good book on it, following the Eden diet. If you want to get that, "Your Right to Be Beautiful."

  • But, you should eat the seed. Now be sure to get organically grown seeds,

  • not the ones grown on steroids and pesticides. But the seeds contain a bitter substance called cyanide.

  • That'll give you a pucker that'll last about an hour and a half.

  • Some of you old-timers are looking at me like, "Pucker, pucker, what is that for? Man, I used to know."

  • My dad says, you know you're getting old when you get all the way across the room to give your wife a kiss,

  • and then you forgot why you came. Yep, you are getting old, Dad.

  • But these seeds contain a vitamin called vitamin B-17 which is half cyanide.

  • You say, oh, that's poison. Oh, it's not either!

  • Hydrogen's explosive; ask the folks on the Hindenburg. They found out. And oxygen supports combustion.

  • Now who in their right mind would spray hydrogen and oxygen on a fire to try to put it out?

  • Every fireman on the planet! What do you get if you mix hydrogen and oxygen? Water.

  • Sodium is poisonous; chlorine is poisonous.

  • You mix 'em together, you get salt, which is perfectly wonderful.

  • So the cyanide found in the seeds is mixed with benzaldehyde. Both are poison, but together they're harmless.

  • Until they bump into a cancer cell! There is a book about this topic called "World Without Cancer."

  • Plenty of Web sites about this topic, if you want to read more.

  • There's a bunch of stuff there on the screen and on my Web site,

  • There's a tribe of folks in northern Pakistan called the Hunza. The Hunza people never get cancer.

  • When the tribe was first discovered, their average age was 160.

  • This is one of the valleys up there in the Himalaya Mountains. This led to the legend of Shangri-La.

  • How many have ever heard of the valley of Shangri-La, the valley where you live forever?

  • Well, they didn't live forever, but they lived an awfully long time.

  • The Hunza people's favorite food to eat is apricot seeds.

  • Now today they typically live to be about 90.

  • They've had a lot of contact with the outside world. But apricot seeds are kind of interesting.

  • They take the apricot seeds and squeeze them and get oil out of them.

  • They put the oil on their skin, and the women don't wrinkle.

  • They are really good looking at 70 and 80. Hunzas eat these apricot seeds like we eat peanuts.

  • They just love 'em; and they never get cancer.

  • You know people that take nutritional therapy to cure cancer have a much better survival rate.

  • Now they don't all still survive, I understand, OK. But it's about 10 times the opportunity to live,

  • than there is from taking the conventional therapies. There are plenty of good books on this topic.

  • Jason Vale teaches that you should eat apricot seeds to cure cancer.

  • And he said, "Cancer cannot survive in a body of a person that consumes apricot seeds."

  • Jason Vale simply recommended that people eat apricot seeds.

  • And they arrested him and put him in jail. He's still in jail now for telling people to eat apricot seeds.

  • Because the FDA wants people to take drugs to get well, not seeds to get well.

  • Because they can't regulate seeds. They can't make money off of it. It all goes back to money, you know.

  • "Follow the yellow brick road," (gold) the money trail.

  • For years sailors died of a horrible disease called scurvy. The British navy lost a million sailors to scurvy.

  • Does anybody know how they cured scurvy? Vitamin C. They didn't even know about vitamin C.

  • They just knew that if you eat limes, you don't get it. They called them the "limeys," didn't they?

  • Take limes on board! Many diseases that we get today are cause by a deficiency of a vitamin.

  • It's not what you're eating that's killing you. It's what you're not eating that's killing you.

  • If you don't get enough vitamin B, you get beriberi, pellagra, rickets.

  • All of those are vitamin-deficiency diseases.

  • The Bible says God gave herb for the service of man and bread to strengthen man's heart.

  • Did you know bread used to strengthen your heart?

  • But keep in mind, you know, "the love of money, the root of all evil." They learned years ago,

  • if they take out the vitamin E, the lecithin, and the omega-3 fatty acids (they take them out

  • of the wheat; and make the bread with white flour), the bread lasts for months.

  • But the people started dying of heart attacks and strokes and circulation problems.

  • See, it's a simple formula: the whiter the bread, the quicker you're dead.

  • Now it's not the white bread that's killing you. It's what's not in the bread that's killing you.

  • See, God made bread to strengthen your heart.

  • Remember the Bible talked about "our daily bread." But people who are making bread to sell,

  • got tired of having half of it go bad on the shelf where they couldn't sell it.

  • So they had to figure out a way to make their bread last longer to increase profits.

  • It all goes back to money. Follow the yellow brick road. There are two philosophies of health.

  • One is based upon evolution that says your body is nothing but chemicals that got together by chance,

  • over billions of years. So to treat diseases, you add more chemicals. It's called drug therapy.

  • If you have a headache, you say "Doctor, I have a headache." He says, "Here take an aspirin."

  • Well now, hold on one minute. What caused your headache?

  • Was it the lack of an aspirin that caused your headache?

  • Are you suffering from an aspirin deficiency? Aren't you treating the symptom, instead of the cause?

  • I mean, think about it. See, if you're driving down the highway and the oil light comes on your car,

  • you've got two choices. Find the problem and fix it or unplug the light.

  • You say, you would never unplug the light. That would be stupid. Yes, I know that would be stupid.

  • The light's not the problem; the light's trying to tell you about a problem. And believe it or not,

  • your headache is not your problem. Your headache's trying to tell you about a problem.

  • Deficiency in magnesium maybe or protein, I don't know.

  • But most of the drugs that we take today are to unplug lights.

  • They're not to fix problems. They're to fix symptoms. And sometimes that's necessary.

  • I'm not against drugs all the time, but I'm telling you, folks, that we've gone nuts.

  • Drug companies don't make money when you're well, and the love of money is the root of all evil.

  • Most diseases are deficiency diseases. You're low on a vitamin or a mineral or an oil.

  • There are sixteen vitamins, sixty minerals, and three oils your body needs every day.

  • Just give it plenty, OK. There's a good book by Bill Sardi, a friend of mine in California,

  • called "The Power of Healing, The Power of God." We are out of it on the table, but you can order that.

  • If you want to study more on health or get his other book, "The Bible Prescription for Health and Longevity"

  • by Bill Sardi. And before you get excited about them putting fluoride in your water,

  • you might want to read about the truth behind fluoride that they add to our water systems, and how dangerous that is.

  • Back in 1845, a doctor in Vienna, Austria was horrified,

  • because 30% of the women giving birth in the hospital died. Thirty percent!

  • So this doctor noted that the doctors would examine the bodies of the women who died and then,

  • without washing their hands, go examine the next expectant mother.

  • They didn't know about microscopic organisms back then.

  • But Dr. Semmelweis insisted that the doctors in his hospital wash their hands after examining a dead body.

  • The death rate dropped to two percent. Anybody know what happened to Dr. Semmelweis because of his great discovery?

  • He was fired. Three hospitals in a row fired him.

  • Finally he ended up in a mental institution where a patient murdered him. Just for insisting you wash your hands!

  • Three thousand years earlier in the book of Leviticus, God had told Moses,

  • tell the people when you touch a dead body, you are unclean.

  • And wash your hands and your body, before you touch anybody else.

  • God said that 3,000 years before science figured it out.

  • The other philosophy of medicine is based upon creation, which says your body's designed by God.

  • And He gave us the food to meet our needs: vitamins, minerals, etc. It's called nutrition therapy.

  • We have much more on that on our video series called "The Bible and Health".

  • Watch that if you want to get a whole lot more on that topic.

  • See, the average number of people that die every year from taking herbs is zero.

  • Every year about three people die from taking vitamins.

  • Every year about 320 people die from taking over-the-counter drugs.

  • About 9,000 people die from food-borne illnesses.

  • And every year, 90,000 to 110,000 people die from taking correctly prescribed drugs.

  • This is not counting the incorrectly prescribed!

  • This is those that they told you to take, and you took it, and you died.

  • Twice as many as died in the Vietnam War in 10 years die every year from taking correctly prescribed drugs.

  • There are also two philosophies of government.

  • We get into more of this on Video #5. But one's based on evolution, which says laws come from man's opinions.

  • The rights are granted by the government, and the government should be the all-powerful provider,

  • with welfare and everything else. It's called a democracy. Democracies are dangerous forms of government.

  • They always become dictatorships; and they almost always talk about this universal health care.

  • Well, 70 to 80 percent of all heath care costs in America are from self-induced problems.

  • If you want to take drugs and drink alcohol and smoke, that's your business.

  • But if you want me to pay for it when you get sick, that's my business.

  • If we're going to have universal health care, why don't we have universal auto care?

  • I mean, if you run your car into a tree, the government buys you a new car.

  • You back into somebody in the parking lot and scratch it. Hey, that's OK. The government will fix it.

  • You blow up your engine 'cause you forgot to change the oil. That's OK. The government will fix it.

  • Why don't we have universal house care? See, if you've ever owned a house and rented it out to somebody else, you will understand.

  • How many know what I'm talking about? Renters just don't look at it the same way owners do, do they?

  • And when it's your responsibility to take care of your health, you'll take care of it.

  • And when you bought the car, you won't back it into a tree and laugh about it.

  • You'll cry when you hit the tree. The other philosophy of government is based on creation,

  • which says laws come from the Creator, rights are unalienable, and government should be limited.

  • That's called a republic. More about that on Video #5. We could talk about that for two hours.

  • Genesis 1:30, and we'll quit here. God said, "To every beast of the earth, to every fowl of the air,

  • and everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I've given green herb."

  • You mean everything that lived on earth ate plants before the Flood came? That's exactly right.

  • You say, Brother Hovind, look at those teeth. Now that's a meat eater! No, that's a panda bear.

  • Did you know shark teeth do not indicate meat eating? There's a deer in China. It's called the water deer.

  • You can look it up on the Internet, water deer. It has teeth like a saber tooth tiger.

  • You look at a saber tooth. Oh wow, that's a meat eater. No, that's a vegetarian, OK.

  • How about that one? Now that's a meat eater! Look at those sharp teeth, Hovind.

  • No, sorry, that's a fruit bat. How about that one? That's a meat eater! No, that's a vegetarian monkey.

  • There was a lion that refused to eat meat all of its life; lived to be 11 years old.

  • It was used in movies as an actor. It finally got killed in an accident on the movie set. It refused to eat meat of any kind.

  • After the Flood's over, Genesis 9, God blessed Noah and the boys and said go have a bunch of kids. And boy, they did too. Here we are.

  • He said, "And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth."

  • Do you know the first change after the Flood? Animals became afraid of man.

  • They weren't afraid before. Now they became afraid of man.

  • Second change after the Flood, God said, "Noah, every moving thing that moveth shall be meat for you."

  • Now you can eat meat, and because of that there's a lot of suffering in the world.

  • Animals suffer so we can eat. And it's perfectly fine to eat meat.

  • But God made a perfect world and man destroyed it. Man brought death and sin into this world.

  • Paul said, "For I reckon [that proves he's a Southerner] that the sufferings of this present time..."

  • Is there suffering in the world today? Lots of it. The whole world is filled with groaning and travailing and

  • pain. Charlie Darwin said, "I'm bewildered. I had no intention to write atheistically,

  • but there seems to be so much misery in the world." Charlie couldn't understand why

  • God made a world with suffering. Charlie, God didn't make the world with suffering!

  • But Charlie Darwin thought that "from the war of famine and nature and death comes the most exalted object,

  • we're capable of conceiving." Wait a minute. Charlie, are you saying that war, and famine, and death is

  • what exalts us to a higher level? That's exactly what he says, and that's exactly what evolution teaches today.

  • Nothing's changed. Death is the hero of the plot for the evolutionist.

  • The Bible says, God made a perfect world. Man wrecked it.

  • By one man sin came into the world, and death by sin.

  • It was Adam's fault. You can't blame a wrecked car on the manufacturer.

  • Send a picture to the manufacturer of a wreck and say, "Why did you build a car like this?"

  • It didn't look like this when it left the factory. Today, folks, we are living in a junkyard.

  • Now I like living on planet earth, and Knoxville is a beautiful place; but, I'm telling you, folks,

  • this is nothing compared to what Adam and Eve saw. This is a junkyard, but God's going to fix it back.

  • Someday "the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid;

  • and the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them."

  • A little child is going to lead a leopard or a lion?

  • "Hey Mommy, look at the big kitty I found. Can I keep the kitty, Mommy?"

  • "Sure, honey, put the big kitty in the back yard and give her some grass."

  • You say, "Hovind, lions don't eat grass." Oh, they will one day. "The lion shall eat straw like the ox."

  • A guy in Canada sent me a video clip of bears in his yard eating grass for two hours straight.

  • Just nothing but grass. The Bible says the child shall die a hundred years old.

  • They are going to rule and reign with Christ for one thousand years.

  • There's not enough Scripture to be real dogmatic, but it appears that there's going to be a thousand-year span,

  • coming after the end of this age, when if you're saved, you're going to get to live here for a thousand years.

  • With everything fixed back to Garden-of-Eden conditions!

  • Kids, you're going to get to have your own pet dinosaurs. That's going to be cool.

  • Then He's going to make new heavens and a new earth. Isaiah 65, II Peter 3, new heavens, new earth!

  • Revelation 21, new heaven, new earth. You can't even imagine what that's going to be like. I sure can't.

  • The Bible says, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man,

  • the things which God has prepared for them that love Him."

  • God has things planned for His kids that you can't even think about.

  • I'm going to give you one to try to think about, and then we'll quit and go get some lunch.

  • This is the electromagnetic spectrum. I taught physics. I've got to get this in here somewhere.

  • This contains all the different wave lengths: radio waves, microwaves,

  • including a little bitty slice called light, the color spectrum:

  • Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Your eyeball is able to see those colors.

  • But that is only a small piece of a huge spectrum. Suppose God gives us new eyes when we get to Heaven.

  • And we're able to see the entire spectrum. That means there'll be brand new colors.

  • Not new shades of these colors; I'm talking brand new colors.

  • That's why heaven has to be so large. It's for the women's closets.

  • My wife's going to say, "Honey, does this go with this?" I'll say, "Dear, I couldn't figure it out back on earth."

  • She has to number my ties to go with my suits, because I don't know what goes with what.

  • Secondly, I don't care. I just want to get dressed.

  • Would you lay it out, please? Anybody else feel this way about it?

  • You say, "I don't know what goes with what. Just put it together for me."

  • There you go. Your mom or your wife says, "That doesn't match."

  • Well, how am I supposed to know? Where's the rule book on that?

  • Hey, suppose we get to Heaven and God gives us new eyes that can see the whole spectrum.

  • And we'll be able to see the sounds coming off the musical instruments.

  • Right now we can only hear them. What if you could see them, or smell them? Ah...C major diminished. Play it again.

  • What if we get new ears that can hear the whole spectrum?

  • What if you could hear the colors, or smell them, or taste them?

  • Wow, blue, wow! We've only got five senses, folks. Maybe there are more.

  • But if God just took these five and expanded them to the max, we would spend forever walking around heaven,

  • going "Wow, have you smelled that? Lick that. Wow."

  • My first computer was an IBM XT-8088. 4.77 megahertz.

  • When you told it to load a program, you might as well go get lunch, and open the mail,

  • and take a nap because it's going to be a while. How many had one of those old-time computers?

  • We've upgraded. My computer sitting here now is a Pentium 4, 3.4 gigahertz with hyper-threading and

  • a 60 gig hard drive, 2 gig of ram. The same programs run, but they're much faster; and they're in color!

  • That's called a systems upgrade. Did you know that if you like living in your body with the sights and sounds

  • and tastes of this world, wait till you get to Heaven. You are headed for a systems upgrade,

  • that's going to blow your mind. The only question is, Are you going?

  • Paul said, "I knew a man in Christ 14 years ago who was caught up to the third Heaven."

  • I think he's talking about himself. I think he died and was caught up to the third heaven,

  • and he heard things that were unspeakable. You can't even explain it.

  • Hey, could you explain colors to a blind man? Try it sometime.

  • Can you explain sounds to a deaf person? Just try that sometime.

  • Can you explain Heaven to an earthling? It can't be done. You couldn't understand it.

  • Beyond your capabilities. But, boy, for the rest of his life, when Paul came back down,

  • he was anxious to go back to Heaven. He told the Philippians, I've got a desire to depart and be with Christ,

  • but I'll stay here because you need me. Paul would go to town preaching; and they'd say,

  • "Paul, if you don't knock off that preaching, we're going to kill you." Really? Give me your best shot, man.

  • Let's go. He was anxious to go. How about you? You ready to go?

  • God made this world. He owns it. He makes the rules, and we all broke His rules.

  • He told us real clearly, "Thou shalt not bear false witness." Don't lie. We've all lied.

  • He told us don't steal; we've all stolen, and that's only Ten...

  • There are over 600 commandments in the Old Testament. That's only ten.

  • We've broken a lot of them, folks. There's no question; we are guilty, and we're going to be punished.

  • Or, we need to find a substitute. That's where Jesus comes in.

  • He's willing and able to substitute for your sins.

  • On February 9, 1969, I said, "Lord, I am a sinner and I deserve to go straight to Hell,

  • but I believe You died for me, and I'd like You to forgive me. I want You to pay for my sins, Lord.

  • I'm sorry. I have broken your rules and I am hopelessly, helplessly lost.

  • But I believe You can fix it. Please save me."

  • The Bible says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13).

  • So that day, I called on the Lord and gave my heart to Him, and He saved me.

  • And today if I die, I'm going to heaven. It's not because I'm good.

  • Are you kidding? If I get what I deserve, I'm in trouble, and you are too.

  • The preacher was down praying with the deacon one time; and the preacher took off running down the aisle,

  • racing out the back door. And somebody stopped him, and said, "Preacher, Preacher, where are you going?"

  • He said, "I've got to get out of here." He said, "Why? Why, Preacher?"

  • He said, "I was down there praying with the deacon." "Yeah, so what?"

  • "That deacon was praying; he said, 'Lord, just give me what I deserve.'

  • I don't want to be close when he gets it, man. I'm getting out of here!"

  • Man, I don't want what I deserve. I want God's mercy. Have you got that?

  • If you died today, where would you go? Smoking or non-smoking?

  • You're going to be dead for a really long time. You had better think about that one.

  • If you're saved, what on earth are you doing for Heaven's sake. What are you doing for the Lord?

  • Kids, you can go to sleep. You won't understand this, but parents, you'll understand this.

  • Mom can wash the clothes, dry 'em, and fold 'em, and set them by the bedroom door.

  • The kid comes in, and doesn't even see them.

  • How many know what I'm talking about? It's like, didn't you see those clothes? No.

  • I think God's up in heaven, looking down on some of His kids, saying, "Don't you see what needs to be done?"

  • You know, hello, do something! Pass out a gospel tract. Get somebody saved.

  • You know, start a Sunday school class. Do something. What are you doing for the Lord?

  • We hope that you have enjoyed this video series on creation, evolution, and dinosaurs.

  • Much more important though, than knowing all the truth and facts about science,

  • is to know the truth about whether you're going to Heaven or not.

  • If you've never trusted Christ as your Savior, let me explain quickly what you need to do to go to Heaven.

  • The Bible says we're all sinners. We've all broken God's laws.

  • We've disobeyed the Creator. We've done wicked things. We're sinners.

  • Some are worse than others, at least in man's eyes; but we've all broken God's laws.

  • And the Bible says you have to repent. The word repent means "to turn."

  • It actually means two things: "to turn from your sin, and to turn to God."

  • God's looking for a change in your attitude, where you say,

  • "Lord, I don't want to do wrong anymore. I'm sorry. I have offended You. I want to do right."

  • And you turn from sin and you turn to God; and say, "God, would you please forgive me? Would you save me?"

  • The Bible says in Romans chapter 3 verse 23, that "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

  • You need to admit you're a sinner. Number two, the Bible says in Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is death."

  • We deserve to die and go to Hell because of our sin, but Jesus died for you. He loves you.

  • He wants you come to heaven. And anybody that will ask Him for free salvation,

  • God will give you the gift of eternal life, it says in Romans 6:23. It's a free gift.

  • And it says in Romans chapter 10 and verse 13, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

  • If you would just call and say, "Lord, I'm a sinner, would you please forgive me?" And ask Him.

  • He will give you that free gift of eternal life. Why don't you just pray with me right now,

  • and you could receive Christ as your Savior. There are no "magic words."

  • God's looking at your heart, but if you could say this and mean it, God would forgive you.

  • Just say, "Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner. I've broken Your laws. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

  • Please apply Your blood to my account. Forgive my sins and take me to Heaven. In Jesus' name, Amen."

  • The Bible says, if you call upon the Lord, you shall be saved.

  • So if you've asked the Lord to save you, He promised He'd save you. Now your job is to grow.

  • Read your Bible, pray, get involved in a good Bible-believing church, and begin to grow to be a good Christian.

  • Thank you so much. Call or write if we can be any help at all. We'd be glad to help.

  • For more information on the ministry of Creation Science Evangelism,

  • write us at - Creation Science Evangelism, P.O. Box 37338, Pensacola, FL. 32526 USA.

  • Or call us at 1-850-479-3466. You may also visit us on the Web at -

  • That's

  • END of Seminar 2b - Dr. Kent Hovind - - [Ed.13.5]

Dr. Hovind - Sem. 2a - English - The brachiosaurus was about 85 feet long and weighed between 30 and 80 tons.


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B1 中級

ケント・ホビンド - セミナー2 - エデンの園 [MULTISUBS] (Kent Hovind - Seminar 2 - The Garden of Eden [MULTISUBS])

  • 16 1
    Eudora に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日