字幕表 動画を再生する
Hello, everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy.
The other day on my Instagram, I asked what sort of video would you like to see next.
インスタグラム どんな動画になるのか聞いてみた次が見たい
I asked on this photo here.
私はこの写真で聞いてみました。一番人気のコメントは「教えてください」でした バルセロナ旅行について
And by far, the most popular comment was tell us about your trip to Barcelona
Unfortunately, I didn't film much or take so many photos so I can't do that.
The second most popular was phrasal verbs and the third most popular was travel vocabulary.
2番目に人気があったのは、フレーズ動詞で、3番目に人気があったのは 旅の言葉は、私が思ったので
I thought I would take travel and phrasal verbs, fuse them together, and talk to you about travel-related phrasal verbs.
旅と句動詞が融合するを一緒に相談してみましょう。 旅行関連の句動詞なので
So let's get started.
Now, obviously you know the ones like "take off" and "get away" and things like that.
Today, I want to talk to you about some more advanced travel-related phrasal verbs.
So the first one is "to set off". To set off.
To set off means to start or begin a trip or a journey.
off to set offとは旅というか旅というか。
So, I could say, "When I went to Barcelona, I set off at six o'clock in the morning and I arrived at the airport at eight o'clock."
バルセロナに行って6時に出発した朝の10時に到着しました。 8時に空港に着いてから
So I began the whole journey at six o'clock in the morning.
Now, the next one is "to hold up".
And this means to delay something.
So, I could say, "There was a traffic jam which held us up for half an hour."
The next one is "to see somebody off" or just "to see off".
And this means to go to a station or airport or specific place to say goodbye to somebody that is traveling somewhere.
に行くお別れの場所 旅人
So, I could say, "My dad came into departures to see me off."
My dad came into departures to say goodbye to me before I traveled.
The next one is "to check in".
And this means to arrive and register at a hotel or an airport.
So at the airport, I had to check in my luggage at the desk and at the hotel, I also had to check in and receive my keys.
窓口で荷物を預けなければならなかったそして、そのホテルもチェックしなければならなかった。 鍵を受け取る
Remember, at the end of the trip I would also check out.
旅の終わりには併せて 最後の一枚はチェックアウトして
The final one is "to stop over".
And this means to stop somewhere on the way to your final destination.
So if you were going on a long journey to Indonesia, for example, maybe you would stop over in another country in another airport on the way and then make a connecting flight to break up the journey
への長旅に出ていたインドネシアの例では、多分あなたがするだろう 他国に立ち寄る 途中の空港で 乗り継ぎ便
So my final destination is Indonesia, but I might stop over in Italy.
OK, guys, those were your five travel-related phrasal verbs.
I hope you enjoyed the video, I hope you learned something.
楽しくて勉強になりました何か 忘れてはいけないのはあなたの英語のリスニングスキルは、あなたがすることができます。 audibleで無料のオーディオブックを手に入れる リンクは説明欄にあります。 すべてのソーシャルメディアで私と一緒にを開催しているインスタグラムと私のフェイスブック ウィークリーライブ発音レッスン "サンデー アット フォー サーティ" "さようなら 今のところ私は またの機会にムッ