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  • DAVID J. MALAN: All right, this is CS50 and this is a lecture four.

  • So we're here in beautiful Lowell Lecture Hall

  • and Sanders is in use today.

  • And we're joined by some friends that will soon

  • be clear and present in just a moment.

  • But before then, recall that last time we took a look at CS50 IDE.

  • This was a new web-based programming environment similar in spirit

  • to CS50 Sandbox and CS50 Lab, but added a few features.

  • For instance, what features did it add to you--

  • to your capabilities?

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: Debugger.

  • DAVID J. MALAN: What's that?

  • AUDIENCE: The debugger.

  • DAVID J. MALAN: The debugger.

  • So debug50, which opens that side panel that

  • allows you to step through your code, step by step, and see variables.

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: Check50.

  • DAVID J. MALAN: Sorry, say again?

  • AUDIENCE: Check50.

  • DAVID J. MALAN: Check50 as well, which is a CS50 specific tool that

  • allows you to check the correctness of your code

  • much like the teaching fellows would when providing feedback on it.

  • Running a series of tests that pretty much are

  • the same tests that a lot of the homework's

  • will encourage you yourself to run manually,

  • but it just automates the process.

  • And anything else?


  • DAVID J. MALAN: So that is true too.

  • There's a little hidden Easter egg that we don't use this semester,

  • but yes indeed.

  • If you look for a small puzzle piece, you

  • can actually convert your C code back to Scratch like puzzle pieces

  • and back and forth, and back to forth, thanks to Kareem and some of the team.

  • So that is there, but by now, it's probably better

  • to get comfortable with text as well.

  • So there's a couple of our other tools that we've

  • used over time of course besides check50 and debug50.

  • We've of course used printf and when is printf useful?

  • Like when might you want to use it beyond needing to just print something

  • because the problem set tells you to.

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: To find where your bug is.

  • DAVID J. MALAN: Yeah, so to find where your bug is.

  • If you just, kind of, want to print out variables, value or some kind of text

  • so you know what's going on and you don't necessarily

  • want to deploy debug50, you can do that.

  • When else?

  • AUDIENCE: If you have a long formula for something [INAUDIBLE]

  • and you want to see [INAUDIBLE].

  • DAVID J. MALAN: Good.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: How running-- like going through debug50 50 times.

  • DAVID J. MALAN: Indeed.

  • Well, in real life-- so you might want to use printf

  • when you have maybe a nested loop, and you want to put a printf inside loop

  • so as to see when it kicks in.

  • Of course, you could use debug50, but you

  • might end up running debug50 or clicking next, next, next, next, next, next,

  • next so many times that gets a little tedious.

  • But do keep in mind, you can just put a breakpoint deeper into your code

  • as well and perhaps remove an earlier breakpoint as well.

  • And honestly, all the time, whether it's in C or other languages,

  • do I find myself occasionally using printf just to type out printf in here

  • just so that I can literally see if my code got to a certain point in here

  • to see if something's printed.

  • But the debugger you're going to find now

  • and hence forth so much more powerful, so much more versatile.

  • So if you haven't already gotten to the habit of using debug50 by all

  • means start and use those breakpoints to actually walk through your code

  • where you care to see what's going on.

  • So style50, of course, checks the style of your code much like the teaching

  • fellows might, and it shows you in red or green

  • what spaces you might want to delete, what spaces you might

  • want to add just to pretty things up.

  • So it's more readable for you and others.

  • And then what about help50?

  • When should you instinctively reach for help50?

  • AUDIENCE: When you don't understand an error message.

  • DAVID J. MALAN: Exactly.

  • Yeah, when you don't understand an error message.

  • So you're compiling something.

  • You're running a command.

  • It doesn't really quite work and you're seeing a cryptic error message.

  • Eventually, you'll get the muscle memory and the sort of exposure

  • to just know, oh, I remember what that means.

  • But until then, run help50 at the beginning of that same command,

  • and it's going to try to detect what your error is

  • and provide TF-like feedback on how to actually work around that.

  • You'll see two on the course's website is a wonderful handout made

  • by Emily Hong, one of our own teaching fellows,

  • that introduces all of these tools, and a few more,

  • and gets you into the habit of thinking about things.

  • It's kind of a flow chart.

  • If I have this problem, then do this or else

  • if I have this problem do this other thing.

  • So to check that out as well.

  • But today, let's introduce really the last, certainly for C,

  • of our command line tools that's going to help

  • you chase down problems in your code.

  • Last week, recall that we had talked about memory a lot.

  • We talked about malloc, allocating memory,

  • and we talked about freeing memory and the like.

  • But it turns out, you can do a lot of damage

  • when you start playing with memory.

  • In fact, probably by now, almost everyone-- segmentation fault?


  • Yeah, so that's just one of the errors that you might run into,

  • and frankly, you might have errors in your code now

  • and hence forth that have bugs but you don't even realize it

  • because you're just getting lucky.

  • And the program is just not crashing or it's not freezing,

  • but this can still happen.

  • And so Valgrind is a command line program that is probably

  • looks the scariest of the tools we've used,

  • but you can also use it with help50, that

  • just tries to find what are called memory leaks in your program.

  • Recall that last week we introduced malloc,

  • and malloc lets you allocate memory.

  • But if you don't free that memory, by literally calling the free function,

  • you're going to constantly ask your operating system, MacOS, Linux,

  • Windows, whatever, can I have more memory?

  • Can I have more memory?

  • Can I have more memory?

  • And if you never, literally, hand it back by calling free your computer

  • may very well slow down or freeze or crash.

  • And frankly, if you've ever had that happen on your Mac or PC, very likely

  • that's what some human accidentally did.

  • He or she just allocated more and more memory

  • but never really got around to freeing that memory.

  • So Valgrind can help you find those mistakes before you or your users do.

  • So let's do a quick example, let me go CS50 IDE, and let me go ahead

  • and make one new program here.

  • We'll call it memory.c because we'll see later today how

  • I might chase down those memory leaks.

  • But for now, let's start with something even simpler, which all of you

  • may be done by now, which is to accidentally touch memory

  • that you shouldn't, changing it, reading it and let's see what this might mean.

  • So let me do the familiar at the top here.

  • Include standard IO.

  • Well, let's not even do that yet.

  • Let's just do this first.

  • Let's do int, main(void), just to start a simple program

  • and in here let me go ahead and just call a function called f.

  • I don't really care what its name is for today.

  • I just want to call a function f, and then that's it.

  • Now this function f, let me go ahead and define it as follows, void f(void).

  • It's not going to do much of anything at all.

  • But let's suppose, just for the sake of discussion, that f's purpose in life

  • is just to allocate memory for whatever useful purpose,

  • but for now it's just for demonstration's sake.

  • So what's the function with which you can allocate memory?

  • AUDIENCE: Malloc.

  • DAVID J. MALAN: Malloc.

  • So suppose I want malloc space for, I don't know,

  • something simple like just one integer.

  • We're just doing this for demonstration purposes,

  • or actually let's do more, 10 integers, 10 integers.

  • I could, of course, do-- well, give me 10, but how many bytes do what I want?

  • How many bytes do I need for 10 integers?

  • AUDIENCE: sizeof(int).

  • DAVID J. MALAN: Yeah, so I can do literally sizeof(int)

  • and most likely the size of an int is going to be?

  • AUDIENCE: Four.

  • DAVID J. MALAN: Four, probably.

  • On many systems today, it's just 4 bytes or 32 bits,

  • but you don't want to hard code that lest someone else's computer not use