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What would the world be like if everyone had the right to earn an income
even if it couldn't find an employment?
One group is pushing for just that
we'll talk with one of its cult fathers and learn more about
the universal basic income
The conservative website 'The Blaze' erupted in anger saturday after it had learnt
that public schools upstate new york were teaching a curriculum included lessons
about universal human rights that were declared by the united nations in 1945
These rights include among other the right to own property
the right to take part in the government of your country
the right to work
and at the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being
of himself in his of his family
but one of the things not directly mention in the UN declaration is the
idea of creating a right to make a basic income whether you're employed or not
one group working to make that idea a reality
is the Basic Income Earth Network
joining me now is one of its co-founders professor Guy Standing
author of the book 'The Precariat - the new dangerous class'
Professor Standing, welcome to the program
Thank you very much - pleasure to be talking to you from Italy
thank you very much and thanks for being here so
early morning for you there
What is the universal basic income and how do you track this back to the
UN declaration of human rights in united nations charter?
well if I may add a correction it wasin 1948, not 1945
and actually the the idea of a basic income goes back
much further than that
and we can trace it to one of the founders of the united states of America
Thomas Paine
who said a very sage thing i think
that the wealth of all of us
depends far more on the contributions of all our ancestors
than anything we do ourselves
and your wealth, my wealth, whatever it might be is much more due to
the creative capacities of all those people who came before us
and in a sense you could say the basic income
- a modest monthly payments to everybody -
it would be equivalent to a social dividend from all the investments
that previous generations have made
now since we've said that
at the Basic Income Earth Network
it's become increasingly popular
around the world
and I just come back from India where we were conducting a pilot
where thousands
of very poor people
are receiving a monthly cash transfer unconditionally, individually
Every man, every woman, and every child is receiving it
and we have been mapping the effects on their lives, their work
their nutrition, help, schooling
and we've seen a transformation in the villages where the basic income
has been paid
we have also been doing that in Africa
and we have been pushing it in latin america
and when I first went to Brazil in the mid-1990s
people loved the idea of having a basic income
but then the president Lula when he was elected, had the courage
to introduce what's called the 'bolsa familia'
whereby millions of people now receive a monthly basic income in effect
and over 60 million people in Brazil recieve it, and it has been extremely successful
reducing inequality, lowering unemployment, increasing economic growth
and contradict what critics say : it is increasing people's work
so it's it's something that is very much
a feasible option
and we believe that given the development of the precariat
we need to think about it
in countries like The United States or my own country
Great Britain
and all over Europe
Thomas Paine proposal that is in his book 'Agrarian Justice' as i recall
suggested that it would be established
each person upon birth a certain amount of money being put into an account would
become available to them off
in adulthood the dividends
would become available
We've played with things sort of like this in the united states right now
In Alaska where Sarah Pallin is governor they recieve
2,000 dollar check, every man woman and child in that state
out of the alaska permanent fund - a large funded money from the oil revenues
and uh... you know every citizen gets that
that's not enough to really be a basic income but it's a it's a floor
In the US we also have
a tax credit if you live in poverty where you actually get money back from
the government
So it seems such a stretch from things that actually been tried here
is it ?
Well... i don't want to give any credit to Sarah Pallin
for the Alaska Permanent found and the dividend... Oh I knwo i just throw that because it
makes conservative crazy
Ahah, I know
it was actually introduced by Jay Hammond in 1966
and it's been gradually built up
i think Alaska's Permanent Fund and the dividends
are an extremely good idea
they're not the same as basic income
and the same one could say about earned income tax credit
which as we know has become the biggest welfare
scheme in the world
now the idea of earned income tax credits is quite unlike a basic income
in the sense that it is supposed to top off low wages
So it's linked to an earned income It is not a Right
And in fact the way it works, is a subsidy
on low-wage labor
and it encourages firms to pay low wages!
It's really a subsidies - A subsidy to walmart's!
yes exactly! it's a subsidy to Walmart's and all others companies that can benefit from
employing low-wage labor. and I think it's enormously expensive
it costs billions of dollars every year... it's one of the reasons why you have
such a huge government deficit
and it contributes to an inefficient labor market
uh... and others
stupidly subsidized distorting system what would be a basic income...
i'm sorry.
I was wondering what would be an appropriate...
if we were to establish something like your suggestion here - where it's universal
everybody has it whether they work not, unconditional
and for every man, woman and child
what would be a foundational amount, this Thomas Paine's amount
what would be the amount that each person should get
in your mind as a minimum - we have just a moment
yeah i think one would have to
develop it
according to the country
and what we say is that in fact you have to build
towards the basic income gradually converting your
existing social transfers, your means-tested benefits like SNAP
and so on
into an unconditional benefits and put them together so that you will gradually
move to paying
a subsistence standard of living. I can imagine for example tha in my own country
Great Britain
that what you would do is you take away your tax credits
and your job seeker allowances
and you'd give everybody a hundred pounds a week, and then you would build up from that
and you would top it off with different types of benefits
and what we've been doing in India for example is we've given very modest
payments each month
but gradually the idea is to
remove subsidies
that are regressive and very inefficient
and replace them to top up the basic income - absolutely perfect sense
Professor Guy Standing,
thank you so much for joining us tonight
i hope your idea works because it is actually viral worldwide
thank you