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  • It promotes language development.

  • Secondly, we see that children can usually communicate manually before they

  • can communicate

  • orally. An example of that might be for an infeant to do "more," with their

  • hands

  • its easier than saying "more," with your lips

  • and so by being able to communicate

  • wants and needs, it reduces frustration not just for the infant but also for the

  • parents.

  • The earlier the better. The more a child

  • sees a signed word or hears a spoken word,

  • they learn it faster so as soon as you

  • want to dive into learning sign that's the best time to start.

  • Children will usually start communicating things they want

  • or need. For example milk would be one of the

  • signs that a lot of times children will

  • say or sign early. This is just actually made, when you think about milking a

  • cow,

  • that's where that comes from, mom and dad.

  • Get a book, check out one of the DVDs from the library, start learning the

  • the vocabulary, it's nice to kind of keep a list

  • and check it off with mom and dad. The more you use it, the easier it becomes

  • and the more natural.

  • One thing that I think some parents do is their thinking so much

  • about their signs that they're not communicating

  • naturally the way they would with their child and you don't want to do that. You

  • want to be just natural and if it starts to get in the way of

  • communication, if you thinking more about what you're signing

  • thing what you're saying and the way you're interacting, you want to slow down

  • a little bit.

It promotes language development.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

赤ちゃんの手話 - ボーイズタウン小児科 (Baby Sign Language - Boys Town Pediatrics)

  • 206 21
    znhbjbond に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日