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  • Bob the Canadian here and I just wanted to talk to you today about a question you'll hear quite often in everyday English conversation.


  • And that question is, "What are you going to do?"

    その質問とは、「What are you going to do?」です。

  • You'll hear this question quite often after a statement is made, like, "Oh no, there's no more milk in the refrigerator!"


  • "What are you going to do?"


  • "Oh no, I lost my dog!"


  • "What are you going to do?"


  • Now we don't say it that clearly in everyday English conversation.


  • We actually take the first part of the question, "What are you" and we shorten it down to "What're ya".

    実際には、質問の最初の部分、「What are you」を「What're ya」に短縮します。

  • I know it sounds a little bit strange, "What are you" becomes "What're ya" and the second part of the question, "going to do" becomes "gonna do".

    少し奇妙に聞こえるでしょう。「What are you」は「What're ya」になり、「going to do」は「gonna do」になります。

  • So you end up with a question that sounds more like this: "What're ya gonna do?"

    つまり、この質問はこのような発音になります:「What're ya gonna do?」

  • "What're ya gonna do?"


  • "Oh no, there's no more milk in the fridge."


  • "What're ya gonna do?"


  • "Oh no, I lost my dog!"


  • "What're ya gonna do?"


  • And then the first part of the question also has another variation to it and that variation is, "Whatcha."


  • So you'll often hear people say, "Whatcha gonna do?"

    だから「Whatcha gonna do?」ってよく聞くでしょう。

  • "Oh no, I've lost my cat!"


  • "Whatcha gonna do?"


  • Well, that's the question, "What are you going to do?"

    そうですね、「What are you going to do?」って質問ですね。

  • Bob the Canadian here.


  • Learn English with Bob the Canadian.


  • Don't forget to subscribe.


  • Thanks for watching.


  • It's cold out here today.


Bob the Canadian here and I just wanted to talk to you today about a question you'll hear quite often in everyday English conversation.


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