字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント I learned this about you that you're a nerd. 100%. You are a nerd. Totally. You love Harry Potter. Yep. Everything. Harry Potter. Yes. All things Harry Potter. Everything. I mean, everything. Huge Harry Potter nerd. What is it about Harry Potter that you love? The story. It's a brilliant story. I have a possession in my house that is the most valuable possession to me. I have three things. And one of them is a Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone first edition signed by J.K. Rowling. Wow. If the house is burning, I'm grabbing that. That's it? Yeah. Straight up, I'm grabbing that. Wow. What are the other two things that are important to you, besides that? You said three things. I have a Game of Thrones series signed to me by George R.R. Martin. And I have the Dear Basketball score signed to me by John Williams. So if something is going on in the house, I'm grabbing those three things first, and then I'll come back for the rest of the stuff if I get a chance. For the kids, OK. Yeah, yeah. Are they all close together so that you could grab them all at once? They're all in one spot. OK, good. They're all in one spot. The kids. Yeah, I see. So all right, let's talk about the podcast. It's a coincidence I was talking about podcasts today, but you have a podcast. Yeah. And it's called Punies. The Punies, yeah. It's really good. I was listening to the first one today. Explain what it is. So The Punies is a collection of kids that just have fun playing sports. And I came up with the show because my kids just get tired of hearing me trying to preach life lessons to them. They get sick of hearing it. So I figure I got to infuse it in content. And I feel sports is the greatest metaphor for life. So if you want to teach kids valuable life lessons, do it through sports. And so I built this collection of kids who have a fun time playing, and it's about their interaction with each other. And it's a fun time. And not stopping if something goes wrong, and you fall off the skateboard. You get back on. Exactly. It's things like persistence, empathy, and compassion, and attention to detail. Competitiveness too. That's great. All right, well, we knew you liked Harry Potter, and you like the Lakers. And so next time you go to one of the games, we got something for you to wear. All right. Oh! Oh, dude! Hey! OK, that's awesome. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you got your hat. You know what? I'd actually wear this though. Yeah. Aw, that's good. Yep. Yeah, I would definitely wear that. Yeah, good. We can't wait to see pictures of you in that. Yeah. My name would be Mambamort. All right, you have a wand. You have-- all right. I got a wand too? Yeah, you got everything. Oh, dude. You're spoiling me today. Yeah, I know. I know.
B1 中級 米 コービー・ブライアントの最も自慢の持ち物を当てることはできません (You'll Never Guess Kobe Bryant's Most Prized Possessions) 437 20 Chloe に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語