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KidsHealth presents How The Body Works with Chloe and the Nerb.
Hey, Nerb.
I got here as soon as I could.
Where are we going today?
And why am I dressed like an old timey hobo?
Isn't it obvious?
We're going to learn about the endocrine system.
Yeah, that still make no sense.
The glands of the endocrine system
deliver chemicals called hormones
to various parts of your body.
They regulate the processes of your body
and make sure all the hormones get where
they need to go, on schedule.
And what else runs on schedule and delivers important goods?
Nerb, are we going to ride the endocrine rail?
Oh, I've always wanted to.
Even better Chloe.
Uh oh.
We're riding the rails, all right.
But not in a train.
No ma'am.
We're taking this rusty old handcar.
Each gland of the endocrine system
produces chemicals called hormones.
And each hormone has a different job.
The glands are spread out through the body.
A lot of them are controlled by a little gland
near the base of your brain, called the pituitary.
Thyroid, increase production.
Attention, ovaries, let's get the estrogen rolling.
I've got my own work to do here too.
Growth hormone, coming up.
This guys in charge of the entire endocrine system?
This guy's tiny.
Who are you calling tiny, skinny arms?
I may be small, but I'm what makes you big.
It's true, Chloe.
The pituitary gland produces growth hormone,
which is what makes you grow big and tall.
And as you can tell, he's used to giving orders.
I should be.
I'm pretty important.
Even though the pancreas makes insulin and the nervous system
handles adrenaline, I am still vital endocrine wise.
Now scram.
I'm busy.
I hope our next gland is friendlier.
Are all those trains hormones?
They sure are.
They're my thyroid hormones.
That makes you the thyroid.
Right again.
My hormones do a number of jobs.
But one of the most important ones
is regulating how fast your body uses the calories
from the food you eat.
That's called metabolism.
Fancy word.
Next stop, the adrenal glands.
This should be exciting.
Hold on.
I thought the adrenal glands were
in charge of handling danger, and excitement, and fun
stuff like that.
These guys aren't doing anything at all.
Hey, you lazy glands.
Wake up.
We're napping here.
Don't you think you should be doing your job?
This is our job.
Listen, sister.
The hormone we make is called adrenaline.
And it's very powerful stuff.
Only to be used in case of emergency.
Is there an emergency?
In that case, quick behind you, huge angry bear.
And that my friend is the power of adrenaline.
Those rascally glands.
But look how far we came.
We thought we were in danger.
So our powerful adrenalin kicked in
and took us almost all the way to the next gland
in two seconds flat.
What is that bit lump over there?
This big lump is the pancreas.
I'm the biggest gland of the endocrine system.
You certainly are.
So what do you do lump?
I produce insulin.
It's the chemical that helps you use energy
from the food you eat.
One last question, lump.
Pancreas, and yes?
Can I jump on you?
Go ahead.
Welcome to the final glands of the endocrine system.
The reproductive glands, one of the most important things
they do is make sure your body goes
through the changes of puberty.
So you can grow from a child to an adult.
I'm the ovaries.
I oversee puberty in girls and excrete
a hormone called estrogen.
And I'm the testes.
I do the same for boys.
My hormone is called testosterone.
Think of us like sports team coaches.
I coach the girls' team.
He coaches the boys' team.
Go, boys.
Girls rule.
After a long day of pumping adrenaline and pumping
a handcar, it feels great to kick back and relax.
To the endocrine system, may it always stay on track.