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C: Hello! J: Hiii!
J: Well, we've just had quite a day.
J: Quite a day. C: An unexpected trip to the Apple shop.
I love the Apple shop, but we didn't really want to go the day before we fly
C: away for two months. J: No, no.
Yeah, if you haven't guessed, we are actually in Malaysia right now and clearly we pre-filmed this.
J: We didn't take the sofa. C: Aw, I was gonna say, we took our sofa and this picture and the exact wall colouring with us.
C: That's not even funny, just shut up.
J: "Yeah, still in Malaysia!"
C: Today, we were in the Apple store.
J: Yes, for a long time. It wasn't great.
But! Beth and Georgia were incredibly helpful. Thanks, guys.
C: Yep. Very well-trained Apple...techies.
Apparently - top tip for anyone who wants to work in an Apple shop - we were told by Beth,
that you have to either have lots of tattoos,
J: A beard C: a beard, or be a gay girl.
J: Lady-loving lady.
C: Yeah. When I got a job as a barista when I was younger,
J: Yes? C: which was in Starbucks at the end,
C: but I did apply to Cafe Nero initially, and Cafe Nero, the first question on their application form is:
"Do you have any piercings and if so, how many?"
I thought that was so random! And then I said, "Two, in each ear"
and then I took it in, and the girl behind the cafe bar
was covered in piercings, and I was like, "Oh, I'm not gonna get a job here."
C: And I didn't get a job there!
Anyway. That's--that's our point gone.
C: Why were we at the Apple shop?
J: Oh, my laptop died.
Yeah. The laptop that died, that you guys were so helpful with getting fixed,
died again.
J: And since we're leaving in less than 24 hours, we were like... C: It was a little bit of a panic
J: "Oh, my God, let's just buy a new one!"
J: So we had to go... C: Well it's the only option we had, so...
J: Yeah. I make it sound like there were options. There were no options. That was the only option.
C: After we'd kind of gone and interrogated the repairs people.
C: Yeah, don't go to Laptop Doctors. In Brighton.
C: Yeah, we've learnt just always take it to the Apple shop, even if it's gonna cost you a bit more.
it's probably a lot safer, because at the very least they'll give you a new laptop, if they can't fix it.
C: Panic over, we have now two working laptops
and we will be able to continue making videos.
J: Back to this video: one of the questions that we get asked an awful lot is what is our proposal story?
J: How did we get engaged? C: I know, I can't believe we haven't made a video on this already.
C: I was convinced we have got a video on this. J: I know, we thought we had
J: but apparently we haven't. C: OK.
J: But if you want to know how we sort of started dating, C: Shh, Tilly.
J: you can watch our first date, the hour.
C: And I probably did mention that I proposed to you after only four months of dating.
J: Yes! So, four months after we started dating,
J: it was my birthday! C: Mm-hm.
C: January the 25th, for those of you who don't know.
C: I don't know how you wouldn't know J: Exactly one month after Christmas Day.
C: 'cause she does go on about it quite a lot, but...
J: I just like my birthday! There's nothing wrong with that.
C: Yep. She likes her birthday so much, so I was like, "Hmm, she loves her birthday"
So, we - well, I - took her away to Rome
for her birthday.
C: And... J: Because I also love classical civilisations.
C: And Roman names, that's why she dated me. Because my name's like...
C: stems from--otherwise... J: No, yeah. I'll give you that.
C: But anyway. She just thought we were going away for her birthday - which we were -
but she didn't also know that tucked up my sleeve, I was planning to propose, as well
on her actual birthday.
So I think we flew out on the 23rd; her birthday's the 25th
so we had a couple of days to just sort of enjoy Rome
and then on her actual birthday, we went to--which I think was a Sunday?
So we went to the Vatican.
J: But the funny thing is, for the whole few days, and going through security,
you'd had my "birthday present" in your handbag.
C: Mm-hm. J: But it was massive.
J: It was this big and really chunky, and I was like, "That's definitely a massive book."
C: Yeah, it was a massive book. J: Like, that's a really, really big book.
C: And I was like, "You can't carry this." J: And it was wrapped up.
C: Every time she offered to carry my bag, I was like, "No, no, no!" J: I was like, "Are you sure?"
C: "There's a really big present in there, you can't carry it." J: "Too heavy, too heavy. You can't carry it."
C: And she was like, "Oh, OK."
J: "OK, I don't know why you're carrying this massive book in your handbag."
C: So after going round the Vatican, carrying this massive book around;
Jessica constantly saying, "Are you OK? Are you sure you don't want me to carry that?"
Like, "Or I could open it at the hotel"
C: Like in the morning, she was like, "Let me just open my birthday present now!" J: [?]
C: And I was like no, no, I'm gonna give it to you later. J: No. Have to wait.
And I think I made a little joke about, like, how I was worried--
'cause I said, "Oh, I really hope they don't open your present in security"
and she was like, "Why would they open the present?"
And I was like, "Oh, I don't know, but if they do, it'll be really embarrassing because...
because I did a--I bluffed it.
Pretending it was possibly a...copy of the Kama Sutra
or something similar.
I don't know, something that we're embarrassed about.
'100 Top Dildos You Should Buy' - I don't know.
C: Something like that. J: Don't make this video be demonetised!
J: So we went all around the Vatican, and on Sunday mornings,
J: on the last Sunday of the month, you get to go in for free.
J: So of course it was hugely busy. C: Oh, and in the morning - we've forgotten -
C: we went to the Colosseum in the morning. J: Oh, yeah, we did! We went to the Colosseum!
C: We shoved loads of stuff in this day. J: Which is one of my favourite places on Earth!
C: It was like a sunny, beautiful January day.
J: Aww. It was so nice.
C: Yeah, it was really, really lovely. J: Really warm, as well. It was about 16 degrees.
C: And then, you know, obviously I'd been carrying around this massive book,
and she was like, "I'm really tired"
"We've gotta go" - I was like, "No!!"
C: And she was like, "OK..."
Yeah, there's a building called Il Vittoriano, which we'd seen from the Colosseum,
which is a beautiful, beautiful building, but at the top it has a viewing platform
and we'd said earlier in the day, "Wouldn't it be amazing to go up there
at sunset
and just watch the sun set over Rome?"
"Oh, yes, yes" So we talked about it the whole way around the Vatican.
C: So I was like it's such a beautiful day, let's not take the chance that it might not be like this the rest of the week
and go up there tonight, during sunset.
And she was like, "Oh, OK. I don't know, I'm really tired."
J: And we had lunch--we had dinner booked somewhere, as well.
C: And I was like, "I'll give you your birthday present at the top" and she was like, "Oh!"
J: "OK then!" C: "OK!" Because she loves her birthday.
J: "I can find some energy!"
C: Yeah, so anyway, we went up to the top - you can kind of see where this is going -
C: and, um... J: You are making this so unromantic!
C: So then we got up to the top and it was really nice.
It was like that beautiful pink colouring on all the buildings.
You know, that kind of wintry sunset. Not that...
J: It's almost that cross between misty and yet you can see everything.
C: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
C: And then I kind of waited for more and more people to leave, because it was near closing time.
And I think we were like--I think there was one other couple up there.
J: We were tucked away in this little corner. C: We were tucked away in the corner.
C: We were just saying how amazing her birthday was and she was really happy
and I said, OK, I've got something that will probably, hopefully, make you even happier
and I got out her book
and I gave it to her and then suddenly she was like...
J: And it was so light and I was like, "Oooh, my goodness!"
and I opened it up and it was obviously one of those 'book boxes.'
And it had the sweetest little card--
Also, it had a peacock on.
Peacocks are my favourite animal.
And it had a little card on the front, and I opened up the card
and it said...
And I then--I just immediately knew what it was.
J: And I just... C: There was loads of tissue paper in there.
J: And I just burst into floods of tears
and got all shaky, and couldn't quite breathe.
J: I was so excited. C: And then you rummaged through all the tissue paper.
J: I didn't, I couldn't move. Do you remember?
J: I couldn't move, I was so like... C: Oh, I had to get it out for you.
C: And inside was a ring box. A really nice little leather ring box from this antique shop
and then you couldn't open--oh, you couldn't open it!
J: No, I couldn't! C: So then I had to do the traditional thing.
C: Well, I didn't get down on one knee, but I had to open it in front of her.
C: And then inside was her little... J: My lovely ring!
C: Her three opal... J: Insert close-up here.
J: Because my grandmother had an opal and diamonds in her engagement ring,
and she got married to my grandfather three weeks to the day they met.
So, you know, it took a while for us, really.
And they were together for sixty years until he died.
C: We joke that she didn't actually ever say yes
She just burst into tears and then hugged me, so...
J: Oh, no, you said, "I guess that's a 'yes,' then" C: [Sneezes]
C: Sorry.
C: Got me--it's making me sneeze. J: Oh, you're all right!
J: The excitement.
J: Yeah, I think you said, "I'll take that as a yes, then."
C: "I'll take that as a yes, then," and you just went [mimics Jessica crying]
J: And then we, yeah, hugged and kissed and took more photos.
C: We had the obligatory, you know...
J: Except we didn't actually post until the next day. We didn't tell anyone.
C: I was like let's not post it until we've actually told our family.
J: No, no. And I didn't want to.
J: I didn't want to tell anyone. C: Yeah, we kept it--it was our own--because also it was really nice;
we were in a foreign land and it's beautiful, and it's like you're in this little bubble that's a world just for you two
and it's like this little secret that you know, but...
It's not like a secret - it's weird, isn't it? Because you want everyone to know, but also
you just wanna share it on your own for a bit.
J: Yeah. C: Yeah.
J: That's the funny thing. I said this earlier.
With you, I don't feel ever like I'm sharing anything
with you; you're just me in a different body.
C: I know, you forget to tell me a lot of the stuff. You're like, "Come on, we're leaving!" I'm like...
J: Important stuff, yeah C: "Where are we going?" She's like, "To So-and-So's."
C: "I told you." J: "Ohh, I forgot you don't know because it's in MY head."
J: "Right."
C: Some people probably think it's quite, like, annoyingly sickening.
J: Oh, we're very mushy, I'm sure. C: Yeah.
C: What was it yesterday in London? And...
you were off to the YouTube Space and I was off for a dental study day
and I was like, "Oh, I won't see you for like eleven hours! But I'll meet you at the station to get the train home."
C: And she was like-- J: [?] It was for nine hours
C: Clara was like, "Oh, God, guys, you're meant to spend 24/7 with each other for the next two months."
C: We're like, "Yeah...?" J: "And?"
C: That's what makes it OK. J: Does it matter?
J: We follow each other from room to room, because why not?
C: I think people know that we like each other quite a lot.
C: So, it's fine. So, yeah, that's our proposal story.
J: Yes. C: I was pretty...I was kind of quite shocked by my own romanticism.
J: And then, yeah, we didn't tell anyone until we Skyped the next day.
J: They were all shocked, because she hadn't told anyone before she was going to propose.
C: Your brother's response was good.
C: He was like [unhappy grunt] "Claudia!" J: "Thanks, Claudia!"
C: "How am I gonna top that?"
J: Sorry. Sorry, Emily. C: My dad's response was hilarious.
C: We face-timed him. We were like, "Dad, we've got something really big to tell you:
We're engaged!"
C: And he went...
C: And I was like, "Oh, no, this is not good, Jessica." J: "Oh, he really disapproves."
J: "Oh, my God." C: Because he was the one I was most nervous about telling.
C: And then he went, "Sorry, I couldn't hear what you said there."
C: "Say it again?" And I was like, "Oh! Er..."
C: "We're engaged?"
C: "And he was like oh, right, yes, very good!" J: "That's good! Very nice."
C: "You can get married now, it's legal."
C: I was like, "Yeah, well, that's why we're engaged!"
J: We in fact met the same year that gay marriage became legal in the UK.
C: Yeah. J: (Late.)
C: Yeah, we're really lucky in that way. It never even was a--it was never a consideration.
We never had to worry about not being able to get married.
J: No.
C: Um...and it was so natural. It was just like, "That's what I wanna do."
And it was like naturally the right thing to do for me...and for you
and luckily it was a choice that we could make.
J: You're the best thing that ever happened to me.
C: I know, you tell me very often. It's very nice to hear.
J: So there you go, there's our proposal story.
J: It was--I don't know if that was very exciting to you. I hope that was.
C: Share your proposal stories, or... J: Yes!!
J: Share your proposal stories! C: OK!
J: Oh, wait, let's start that again with the intention. C: No, no, that was great!
C: I love hearing people's proposal stories.
J: Aww, yes.
C: And often, what you-- J: Or just how you met! I love that, too.
C: I love Walter's really subtle, like...walking behind us. J: Thanks, Walt. Thanks.
C: He wants something, I think.
C: But also I love hearing what you think would be the most perfect way to be proposed to
before it happens.
Might not actually turn out to be the most perfect way, because however it happens for you, if you say yes,
C: it will be the perfect way, because it's with each other. J: Because it's your story.
C: Yeah! J: And your story, no matter what it is, is perfect.
J: Oh, my--everyone watching this right now, please, please comment down below with your proposal stories
because that is just gonna--I'm gonna come back to this video when I feel a bit sad and read them.
C: I saw on a TV programme or read about it or heard from--
it was not someone I directly know, but there was a really cute proposal story.
Basically, this couple - she loved Kinder Eggs.
So her boyfriend basically got a Kinder Egg, took it apart really carefully,
put a ring in it - an engagement ring -
put it all back together; wrapped it all up perfectly so she never knew;
came home from the shops one day and was just like, "Oh, I got you a Kinder Egg!"
Like, you know--like made it [look] as if it was just like that small thing that he always does for her
and she was already like, "Aww, I love that you love--that you know me so well and that I love them."
And obviously then she opened it expecting to find her little Kinder toy
and it was an engagement ring - and I thought that was really sweet, because obviously that is perfect for them.
But I knew you wanted a big gesture.
J: But I didn't want it in front of people or anything. C: No.
C: And I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it in front of lots of people, either.
J: No, I wouldn't expect you to.
C: I wouldn't have done that traditional restaurant thing.
J: If you liked this video, then subscribe to the channel
J: for more videos. C: Ah, yes.
J: And especially since right now we're in Malaysia. C: Yes, I was gonna say...
C: This Sunday coming, we will show you what we've been up to in Malaysia
this week - so, right now, we're in Malaysia, but (because it's Chinese New Year when we go out there)
so tune in on Sunday, when we will upload our video of what we've been up to so far
and a little bit of our getting to Malaysia;
probably us recovering from jet lag, and so forth.
J: Yeah! And you can expect Sunday weekly vlogs
every week for the next two months!
J: Yay!
J: And little fun videos interspersed during the week. C: Yep.
J: Two or three, depending on how much we can do.
J: Bye, guys! Love you!
C: Bye.