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Hi. It's Day 13.
I'm sure you know that in English
we can't have double negatives.
So it's wrong to say, "I don't see nobody."
We should say, "I don't see anybody."
In fast speech, we can have relaxed sounds,
but the grammar should still remain standard.
English with Jennifer
You heard me use some common contractions:
I'm / can't / it's
Contractions are definitely used in fast speech,
so be prepared to hear all the usual ones.
But you'll also need to get used to hearing
common contractions that we just say, but don't write.
For example, shorter forms with the verb ARE.
Look at two examples of standard contractions
used in both spoken and written English.
they're / aren't
Now look at two examples of contractions often used in spoken English.
So you won't find these forms in most dictionaries.
"What are" and "there are" can both contract.
How do these forms sound?
I'll tell you.
In fast speech ARE can sound like "er."
There are some rules.
What are the rules?
Here are some tips.
Look at these examples.
Each one has the verb ARE.
As I read them fast, listen closely,
and you'll hear me change ARE to a very weak 'RE.
Listen closely.
I'll say a sentence or phrase.
You try to understand.
That's all for now.
Thanks for watching and happy studies.