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  • A massive storm...

  • Typhoon Soulik... is edging ever closer to the southern part of the Korean peninsula.

  • Generally, these typhoons indirectly affect us,... but this one is on course for a direct

  • impact over the next couple of days.

  • And the last time that happened was six years ago... and what's concerning is that,... it

  • caused quite a lot of damage back then.

  • For more on what we can expect in regards to Typhoon Soulik.... let's head over to our

  • Lee Jee-hyun at the weather center.

  • Jee-hyun, fill us in.

  • Good afternoon.

  • We can see Typhoon Soulik getting very close to the Korean Peninsula, the typhoon is on

  • course for Seogwipo on Jeju Island at the moment and it will sweep across the Korean

  • Peninsula through Friday.

  • Soulik will pass through Jeju Island tomorrow morning then go just to the west of Gwangju

  • tomorrow afternoon and continue to travel in a northeast direction.

  • The storm will hit the capital area directly by early Friday morning possibly around 4AM.

  • The worst of the wind and downpours are expected in Jeju Island and the western regions.

  • A typhoon advisory has been upgraded to warning in waters off of Korea's southern coast and

  • waters off Jeju Island.

  • Strong winds and high waves expected as well.

  • Also, the nation should brace for torrential showers,... again, Jeju and the western regions

  • will see heavier showers, in fact, the southwest and Jeju Island could see up to 400 millimeters

  • of rain.

  • Those who plan to head to Jeju Island will need to check the flight and ferry schedules,

  • as there will be cancellations.

  • We'll feel the hot and moist air sweeping the country due to the typhoon, with highs

  • ranging from 30 to 35 degrees Celsius.

  • That's all for now, back to you Jiyoon in the studio.

A massive storm...


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B1 中級

韓国は台風「ソウルリク」に備えている _ 082218 (South Korea is bracing for Typhoon Soulik _ 082218)

  • 31 1
    Anita Chung に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日