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Welcome to Battlefield V.
「Battlefield V」にようこそ
This is World War 2 like you've never seen or played before.
まったく未体験の第二次世界大戦の世界が やってくる
Single Player.
Battle Royale.
And our new post-launch journey for all players, Tides of War,
そして発売後の新無料配信スキーム タイド・オブ・ウォー
that will keep you and your squad playing well into the future.
分隊とともに長くプレイを 楽しめるだろう
Multiplayer will deliver all out warfare
with unrivaled intensity and scale across eight multiplayer modes.
8モードでかつてない規模の 熱い戦いが待ち受ける
Fan favorites like Frontlines and Conquest return,
フロントラインやコンクエストなどの 人気モードも
loaded with new options to increase tactical gameplay.
Then, there's Grand Operations.
Inspired by historical battles,
spanning multiple maps and modes, across up to four in-game days.
複数のマップとモードにまたがる 4作戦日にわたる戦い
Parachute into the middle of a conflict in Airborne.
Then establish a forward front with Breakthrough.
And make one last push through to the Final Stand.
But that's not all.
Welcome to Firestorm.
We've reimagined Battle Royale for Battlefield,
バトルフィールドで生まれ変わった バトルロイヤル
where sixteen teams of four fight it out to become the last squad standing
4人分隊の16チームが 分隊の生存をかけて
in the largest Battlefield map ever.
A sandbox filled with destructible buildings, weaponry and vehicles.
破壊可能な建物・武器・ビークルで 満たされたサンドボックス
This is Royale, done the Battlefield way.
Back! This way!
下がれ! こっちだ!
All of this multiplayer mayhem takes place in the era
where it all began for us at DICE: World War 2.
DICEの原点… 第二次世界大戦
At launch, you will fight in 8 unexplored settings of mankind's greatest conflict.
発売時点では史上最大の戦争の 8つのかつてない舞台が登場する
Take part in one of the biggest tank battles in human history in North Africa.
Air drop into the freezing landscapes of Norway.
Engage in brutal close-quarter combat among the bridges and canals of Rotterdam.
ロッテルダムでは橋や運河を舞台に 壮絶な白兵戦に挑み――
And join the struggle in the fields and marshlands of the French countryside,
北フランスの湿地帯で 死闘を繰り広げよ
opening up all new Only in Battlefield moments.
新たなバトルフィールド体験が 生み出されるだろう
It's not only about what and where you'll play, but how.
舞台だけではなくシステムも 新しくなる
We've added all-new core gameplay changes to the classic Battlefield formula.
これまでのバトルフィールドの方程式の コアを革新する新要素が導入される
Deeper squad play, fluid player movement, better gun mechanics,
高度な分隊プレイ、滑らかな兵士の動作 射撃システムの改良
and more ways for you to not only destroy, but also build your surroundings.
環境の破壊だけでなく構築も可能にする 多彩な新手段
Your squad is more important than ever.
Stay close.
Communicate and coordinate to take down your enemies and play the objective.
コミュニケーションと連携により 敵を倒し目標を達成せよ
Call in various reinforcements to turn the tide of the battle.
From a V1 rocket to supply drops.
Or the mighty Crocodile, a devastating flame throwing tank.
火炎放射器を積んだ恐るべき クロコダイル戦車まで
Movement has been revamped to give you unprecedented mobility.
兵士の動作も見直され かつてない動きが実現される
Backpedal while firing when you're upright or on your back
立って あるいは仰向けで 後退しつつ銃撃し――
so you always stay in the fight.
Jump and smash through windows.
ジャンプして 窓を破り抜ける
Send grenades back where they came.
Or shoot them out of mid-air.
Sprint while crouching to avoid sniper fire, moving faster cover to cover.
盾から盾へ しゃがみでダッシュして 狙撃を回避
Seek out new terrain with combat vaulting,
or slide sideways into a room to surprise the enemy.
あるいはサイドスライドで 部屋に飛び込むことも可能
In Battlefield 5, gunplay has been re-engineered to provide greater control and precision.
「Battlefield V」では射撃システムも再構築され 操作性・精確性が増している
Master weapons with more predictible recoil and spray patterns.
より先を読んだ反動と弾の拡散の制御が 求められる
Destruction is now more dynamic than ever.
破壊の挙動もこれまで以上に リアルとなった
Blowing up a house from the inside cracks walls and send debris flying outwards.
内側から家を爆破すると壁がひび割れ 外へと瓦礫が飛散する
Can't flush the enemy out? Keep firing and rip through walls with high caliber rounds.
立てこもった敵がいれば… 大口径弾の連射で壁を破壊可能
Or, take Take a tank right through the building and destroy it.
あるいは戦車を建物に突っ込ませて 破壊してしまおう
Just as important as destruction will be building.
Shape and re-shape the battlefield with the new Fortifications system.
新「構築」システムで 戦場を作り変えることができる
Every soldier is equipped with a toolbox and can build fortifications in specific areas.
全兵士がツールボックスを持ち 特定地点で構築を実行可能
Dig foxholes, lay down sandbags, build bridges, barbed wire, tank stoppers, and more.
蛸壺壕・土嚢・橋・鉄条網・戦車止めなど 各種を構築できる
Reinforce buildings that have been destroyed,
create chokepoints to gain the advantage,
迎撃地点を作り 有利に戦ったり――
even open up new routes to flank opponents.
さらには新ルートを生み出し 横撃を仕掛けたり
In single player, the anthology-format War Stories makes a triumphant return.
シングルプレイヤーではオムニバス形式の 「大戦の書」が帰ってくる
Experience untold stories of World War 2.
待ち受けるのは第二次世界大戦の 知られざる物語
In Nordlys, set during the German occupation of Norway,
「北極光」の舞台は ドイツ占領下のノルウェー
a young resistance member fights not only for her countries liberation,
若き女性レジスタンスが 祖国の解放のみならず
but her family's survival.
And within Under no flag, a young British criminal
そして「旗なき戦い」では 罪を犯したイギリスの若者が
has the chance to use his unique set of skills behind enemy lines in North Africa.
北アフリカの敵勢力圏で 特殊な技能を活かそうとする
These are just a few examples of the unheard stories that Battlefield Five has to offer.
以上は「Battlefield V」で待ち受ける 知られざる物語の一例でしかない
And Launch will only be the beginning.
With the Tides of War, we're taking you on a free journey through World War 2,
「タイド・オブ・ウォー」無料配信で 新たな第二次世界大戦の世界に――
open to all Battlefield 5 players.
No more Premium Pass.
And it all starts right after launch with our first themed Chapter: The Fall of Europe.
すべては発売直後の第1チャプター 「欧州の陥落」からスタート
Drop into the European fronts of France,
spanning several months it will be filled with events and new content daily and weekly.
数か月にまたがり 毎日・毎週のイベントや 新コンテンツがやってくる
With new ways to play you'll constantly adapt your Company
新プレイの導入で 中隊にも 新しい武器やガジェット
with new weapons, gadgets, fortifications and combat roles.
Then in early 2019,
Chapter 2 will see the resistance rise up to take on the Axis threat
チャプター2が開幕して レジスタンスが枢軸国に立ち向かい――
and the debut of a new location in Greece.
In future Chapters, you'll venture further into World War 2
その後のチャプターでは 第二次世界大戦の世界がさらに広がり――
heading to new theaters of war and an evolving Battlefield 5.
新たな戦線に旅立つと共に 「Battlefield V」が進化する
And most importantly, this is a journey everyone will embark on together.
そのすべてを 全プレイヤーが共に旅立ち 体験することができる
That keeps getting bigger, and bigger.
時と共に広がり 進化し続ける世界
And join us when Battlefield V launches in a few short months on November 20th.
11月20日の発売まで あと数か月 共に「Battlefield V」製品版に降り立て
This is Battlefield V.
これが「Battlefield V」だ