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  • Hi I'm Mike Rugnetta, this is Crashcourse Mythology and today, rather than focus on

  • how the earth and what's around it was created, we're going to look specifically at what's

  • on it, more specifically people, and even more specifically, men and women.

  • People.

  • Also the occasional animal.

  • No, not you Thoth.

  • You're a god with an animal head, it's different.

  • Anyway, we're going to see how myths explain our origins and our relationships with each

  • other, or at least how they try to explain them.

  • It's couples therapy, myth style.

  • INTRO Myths don't usually incorporate contemporary

  • ideas of gender fluidity, although sometimes they do--Tireisias, ancient seer, I'm looking

  • at you.

  • As we've seen from the Chinese and Zoroastrian creation stories, myths often tend to focus

  • on dualities, or binaries, and one of the key ones we find is a distinction between

  • men and women.

  • And this binary opposition frequently sets women as subordinate to men, at least on earth.

  • In the heavens, it's a little bit more complicated, as it tends to be.

  • Let's start with a story that is probably well known to many of our viewers: the creation

  • of man and woman from the Bible.

  • Close readers of the Book of Genesis will know that there are two or even three creation

  • stories in it, which, according to Biblical scholars reflects different writing traditions.

  • We're going to focus on the second one, found in Genesis 2.

  • As we join our story, God has already created the the earth and the heavens and man to till

  • the earth, because as we established last time: Gods don't like weeding.

  • Unlike the first version of creation in Genesis, man is created near the very beginning, which

  • suggests that he's actually pretty important in the grand scheme of things.

  • But apparently one man wasn't enough for all that Edenic gardening.

  • Genesis 2 verse 21 begins: So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall

  • upon the man, and while he slept took one his ribs and closed up its place with flesh:

  • and with the rib the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her

  • to the man.

  • Then the man said,

  • This is the bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she should be called Woman, because

  • she was taken out of Man.

  • Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife and they become

  • one flesh.

  • Here we see an early justification for men being superior to women and it's kind of

  • based on bad word play.

  • In the rest of the Genesis story, one of the things that marks man's dominion over other

  • creatures is that he is given the power to name them, just as he is permitted to name

  • woman here.

  • The word play here also works in the original Hebrew, where the word for man isish

  • and the word for woman isishaGet it!

  • She was taken out of man and so even her name is taken out of man.

  • Yup.

  • It's Hilarious.

  • Just ask Gelos, Greek god of laughter.

  • Yeah, tough crowd.

  • This passage also explains marriage -- although only between a man and a woman -- and describes

  • a social order in which men leave their parents' household when they marry to have their own

  • homes.

  • Whether this describes a family structure that already existed or was written in order

  • to encourage such a family structure, we can't say for certain, but it's likely that this

  • was an after-the-fact description.

  • Providing a rationalization for what people encounter in their daily lives is an important

  • function of myths.

  • The Bible goes on to refine thenaturalrelationship between men and women and not

  • in an especially fun or feminist way.

  • After they eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge, God is miffed and he punishes them.

  • To the woman he said, I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing;

  • In pain you should bring forth children, Yet your desire shall be for your husband,

  • And he shall rule over you.

  • And to Adam he said, Because you have listened to the voice of

  • your wife, And you have eaten of the tree of which I

  • commanded you, “You shall not eat of it,”

  • cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of

  • your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth to

  • you; and you shall eat the plants of the field.

  • In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground,

  • For out of it you were taken; You are dust, and to dust you shall return.

  • There's just a lot going on here.

  • One way to interpret this is that it provides justification for man's dominance over women

  • as a punishment for what one woman did in disobeying god.

  • The first punishments directly affect the experiences of women, causing the pain of

  • childbirth and desire for a husband that shallrule overher, establishing a patriarchal

  • order that really caught on.

  • Men are punished too, by having to work hard in order to eat, toiling at bringing food

  • out of the ground.

  • More gardening.

  • And what is the reward for all this hard work?

  • Death.

  • And returning to the ground.

  • Not even dental benefits.

  • Worse yet, as far as solidifying male-dominance goes, all of this is because man listened

  • to the voice of his wife.

  • So that sets a pretty nasty precedent.

  • Greek mythology creates a similar rationale for misogyny with the story of Pandora.

  • Even before she opened the jar bringing sorrows to all the world, Zeus made her as a punishme

  • nt for Prometheus who stole fire and gave it to the humans.

  • This is in addition to having his liver eaten by an eagle for all of eternity.

  • According to Hesiod she would be, “Another gift to men, an evil thing for their delight.”[1]

  • Hermes endowed Pandora withlies and persuasive words and cunning ways.”[2] And probably

  • also, like, the absolute perfect shade of lipstick, but before we agree to this image

  • of women as conniving and untrustworthy, let's pause to remember that it's Hermes, a male

  • god and one of the great misogynists of the ancient world, who bestows these qualities

  • on Pandora, so this is a dude's hateful vision of women.

  • Anyway, Zeus gave Pandora as a gift to Prometheus's brother Epimetheus, who accepted her, even

  • though Prometheus had told him to never accept a gift from Zeus.

  • Maybe Zeus gifted lots of socks.

  • According to Hesiod, here's what happened: Before this time men lived upon the earth

  • Apart from sorrow and from painful work, Free from disease, which brings the Death-gods

  • in.

  • But now the woman opened up the cask, And scattered pains and evils among men.

  • Inside the cask's hard walls remained one thing,

  • Hope, only, which did not fly through the door.

  • The lid stopped her, but all the others flew, Thousands of troubles wandering the earth.[3]

  • Unfortunately, this concept that a social order of male dominance and female subordination

  • resulting from women acting out of turn, is not unique to the Biblical or the Greek tradition.

  • We find a similar story in Japan, just without an evil serpent or an all powerful death chest.

  • Let's go to the Thoughtbubble.

  • 1.One Japanese creation myth starts with a young, not fully formed earth that looks something

  • like a jellyfish.

  • 2.Three invisible gods came into existence in Takamagahara, the High Plains of Heaven.

  • These three gods, called kami, were led by the Lord of the Center of Heaven, Amanominakanushi-no-kami,

  • After them were seven more generations ofheavenlygods, 3.followed finally by

  • the primal couple Izanagi and his wife Izanami, who was also his sister.

  • 4.Izanagi and Izanami were commanded by the gods to solidify the drifting land, so they

  • went to the Floating Bridge of Heaven and stirred the soupy liquid below with a spear.

  • Drops congealed on the tip of the spear, and formed the island of Onogoro, the first dry

  • land.

  • 5.The Primal Couple went down to Onogoro and built a heavenly pillar.

  • Then they decided to procreate Izanagi asked his sister how her body was

  • formed and she told him that there was an unfinished part between her legs.

  • He replied that between his legs was an excess and perhaps the two should join there.

  • They devised a marriage ritual whereby each would walk around the pillar, and when they

  • met they would exchange compliments and have intercourse.

  • 6.A child was born, but it was a deformed leech-child called Hiruko.

  • Its parents put Hiruko in a boat and set it out to sea.

  • The gods determined that the reason that the first child was born deformed was that Izanami

  • had spoken first.

  • 7.Izanami and Izanagi returned to the heavenly pillar in Onogoro and repeated the ritual,

  • only this time Izanagi spoke first.

  • In due time, Izanami gave birth to an abundant number of children, islands, gods and goddesses.[4]

  • Thank you, Thoughtbubble.

  • This rationale established male precedence and female subservience in Japan.

  • Not only does this myth explain Japanese gender inequality, it also may explain an ancient

  • Japanese ritual in which the birth of a first child was celebrated by putting a clay figurine

  • into a reed boat and floating it away.[5] There is often a strong connection between

  • myths and rituals.

  • Many creation stories begin with the idea that human beings are immortal until something

  • or someone intrudes.

  • Biblical humans were immortal until Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, for example.

  • It was human error that brought death into the world.

  • Oops.

  • So we see another theme emerging here.

  • The Biblical, Japanese, and Greek explanations place the blame for human toil, pain, disease

  • on women.

  • It's a pernicious idea, and it's one that has had profound consequences for gender relations.

  • Perhaps what we are seeing is a justification for a system in which men feel it is their

  • right to rule over women, and find stories to tell to support it.

  • After all, there is no logical reason why women should be blamed.

  • Men make mistakes, too.

  • We're gonna get to Phaeton, and that time he almost burned down the entire Earth, eventually.

  • Thanks for watching, see you next time.

  • Crash Course Mythology is filmed in the Chad and Stacy Emigholz Studio in Indianapolis,

  • Indiana, and was made with the help of all these nice people.

  • ________________ [1] Quoted in Thury, E.M. & Devinny, M.K.

  • Introduction to Mythology: Contemporary Approaches to Classical and World Myths.

  • 4th ed.

  • Oxford U.

  • Press.

  • 2016.

  • P. 43.

  • [2] Ibid [3] Ibid p. 44

  • [4] This version of the myth is adapted from Littleton, C. Scott, World Mythology: The

  • Illustrated Guide.

  • Willis, Roy (General editor) Oxford U.

  • Press.

  • 2006 pp. 112-113 [5] ibid.

Hi I'm Mike Rugnetta, this is Crashcourse Mythology and today, rather than focus on


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社会秩序と創造の物語クラッシュコース 世界の神話 #5 (Social Orders and Creation Stories: Crash Course World Mythology #5)

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