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  • Crop circles, it is done by the UFO people.

  • It is to mark where there is some underground water

  • in case they need it. Okay?

  • Then they use the water underground to convert,

  • make a combo into energy and also for fuel

  • and also to make tools

  • if we can call that fuel or tools

  • but they do not need lots of water.

  • See, they use underground water

  • because it has different property than open waters.

  • Not seawater in any case, for this.

  • You turned me into a science fiction writer!

  • You see, water is very precious to life on other planets as well as on ours.

  • It is used not only as a delicious, pleasant beverage,

  • but it's also one of the components to make instruments,

  • such as for UFO to use.

  • And a crop circle is a signal for other teams,

  • or for themselves when they come back,

  • to know that there water can be found

  • and used under such and such place, okay?

  • And how much and how large the water body under there.

  • The crop circles is a special code

  • of geographic description as well, okay? (Yes.)

  • Like, as to more water underground or not, okay?

  • They use an ultra-light beam to write,

  • like you use ballpoint pen to do it.

  • They would normally describe like quality of water

  • or how much water. (Right.)

  • Yes, they'll mix with some powders

  • they brought with them to form tools, as I told you,

  • for different purposes.

  • And they take water from underground through special suction technique

  • it's very fast.

  • The water underground in some places

  • is more suitable for their use, you see?

  • Yes, because as you know,

  • water is not always pure water.

  • They always mix with something,

  • maybe some even plastic components, you know,

  • microscopic particles of plastic or other kinds of biodegradable stuff

  • or non-degradable stuff,

  • or different qualities, different quantity of minerals

  • mixed in the water, yes?

  • So every place offers different water quality.

  • You know that, right?

  • Yes, Master.

  • So, if they want to use some water,

  • they have to choose a special water in some special places.

  • Yes, Master.

  • So the field, when they use that writing,

  • you would call it,

  • it's just a description for the next team

  • or for them to remember what is under there,

  • or nearby there, that they can get.

  • Okay. (Okay?) Yes.

  • And also, something here...

  • Sometimes people see green men and all that

  • they are not men, they are just robots, robots, for different use.

  • Not all underground water even is suitable for their use,

  • so only those selective sites are used because of their special properties.

  • They can mix it and make it into different tools

  • with the powder that they brought with them;

  • and for laboratories' purpose, to analyze certain data

  • concerning humans', animals' health, on Earth,

  • for example, or in that vicinity.

  • Or check out our dangerous weapon sites,

  • also our mental states in certain place

  • or on the planet as a whole

  • and our level of intelligent development

  • or coordinative, peaceful development

  • Well, I guess humans here

  • are an interesting race for some planetary people,

  • yes, other than we are interested of ourselves

  • between the different genetic orders

  • like female and males, yes?

  • The crop circles also describe soil qualities

  • so that they can adjust their handling of suction intensity.

  • Yes, like soft soil,

  • how much volume, and hard soil, etc., accordingly.

  • The signal sometimes describes also

  • certain human qualities in the areas, like good,

  • average, bad, friendly, intelligent, worthy,

  • how many in each group,

  • or any extraordinary, worthy humans to take notice

  • or to show off their presence, you know,

  • the UFO presence or not show off

  • or to take notice or to pay attention,

  • or any noteworthy event that will take place there,

  • either to pay attention to

  • or to study or to be careful, etc. Okay?

  • That's interesting.

  • Yes, they are interesting.

  • Amazing.

  • Yes, they're interesting people,

  • and they're interested in us.

  • Can you imagine how proud we should be?

  • Yes, what next?

  • Why are most crop circles in elaborate geometric design?

  • Yes, well, as I have mentioned already,

  • but I'll check if anything new in my things.

  • Okay. As I told you already,

  • they are the signs for their working group

  • to recognize where is what,

  • and also for themselves.

  • And that to know that they have been there

  • and they've done what research, for example,

  • and some summary of the region,

  • like water underground stored, for example.

  • And you ask me something about the crop bending, right?

  • Yes, we just did.

  • Yes, yes, by the way it is here. Okay.

  • The positive result from the crops are the by-products only

  • it's not done on purpose

  • as the heat that bends them contains high vibration

  • which helps them grow better.

  • Just by the way. Yes.

  • In those planets, where the UFO came from,

  • things are done all by energy.

  • And you know what?

  • We also have UFO underground.

  • So, might also be done by them also, yes.

  • But since they came from far away, you know,

  • they need to know where they are,

  • what native material they can use for their purposes. Yes.

  • They're all done by energy,

  • not working so hard like us.

  • Not by labor like us

  • and we work so hard and we earn very little.

  • We're so busy on this planet that

  • we don't have much time to develop like they do.

  • Crop circles are made by remote control even,

  • usingfrom the UFO

  • they're using light energy to convey some SMS,

  • messages, for their people.

Crop circles, it is done by the UFO people.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

クロップサークルの謎を解き明かす (Revealing The Mystery of Crop Circles)

  • 77 2
    tryvegan に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日