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  • Did you hear, Cesare Borgia at the last tournament

  • defeated all his opponents?

  • - Mara, bring me a drink. - Very good.

  • Don't worry if he's late,

  • it's logical he won't come at the usual time.

  • Today there's a French diplomatic mission at the Vatican.

  • It will mean trouble for us.

  • There'll be a new wave of syphilis.

  • For you there'll be trouble, it won't concern me.

  • It won't concern either of you.

  • At least as long as you're here.

  • Giulia, go and get ready.

  • The Pope will be here sooner than you think.

  • I know him well.

  • Just a carafe of good wine

  • to remind him that more important things await.

  • Do you think every night he comes to me because of good wine?

  • When we are alone, he seems so different.

  • His voice softens, and even his stern look

  • is no longer able to hide his love for me.

  • Don't delude yourself with the love he gives you.

  • At one time he was in love...

  • also with me.

  • But the years pass and beauty fades.

  • And even if I gave him children,

  • I lost him to other women younger and more beautiful than me.

  • Now all that is left me...

  • is bitterness.

  • And I only see him because I procure for him

  • moments of distraction and pleasure with others.

  • Go, prepare yourself. For now he'll come.

  • Go on.

  • Of course, Vannozza, I'll go.

  • Girls, go and help Giulia.

  • - How are you, Vannozza? - Don't worry about me.

  • Giulia awaits for you. But why the escort?

  • Each corner of Rome could hold an ambush.

  • Have them leave, you know my home is safe.

  • Sorry Vannozza.

  • Wait outside.

  • Our enemies have multiplied,

  • and Della Rovere has been saying that for the Triregno

  • I squandered the gold of all the Roman banks.

  • Forget it, Alessandro...

  • How are my children? ls Cesare back from Nepi?

  • You've no need to worry.

  • They are strong... smart...

  • All qualities they have taken from us.

  • - And Lucrezia? - Lucrezia...

  • I burn with desire to see her again.

  • She'll be back soon, you'll see.

  • When we conceived her...

  • Remember, it was a full moon...

  • And you had a beauty...

  • and a passion... like never before...

  • It's been a while since that night.

  • Now your love is expressed in procuring playthings,

  • and I continue to seek in vain

  • in the eyes of the women you offer me,

  • the look that you once had.

  • Alessandro, for once stay a while with me...

  • Not now, Vannozza.

  • The older you get the bigger the swine!

  • Come on out. Let's go.

  • They'll discover us! The other night it was a miracle!

  • Why are you always so afraid. Now they think we're asleep.

  • Would you let me go alone on this night so dark?

  • Come on, now! Get a move on!

  • - So, how did it go? - We did what you asked of us, Cesare.

  • But it wasn't so easy.

  • Perhaps he expects to be spied upon.

  • I wouldn't pay so much for an easy thing.

  • - Well? - We followed him to Porta Pinciana.

  • - Who was he with? - With one of the Farnese and two papal guards.

  • And then?

  • Then they split up and he was left alone.

  • - Which way did he take? - The usual.

  • Then he realized he was being followed

  • and made some detours to cover his tracks.

  • Then convinced he was alone, continued on his way.

  • He reached the usual house and disappeared inside.

  • - Then what? - Now he's still there.

  • I left one of mine.

  • - And her? - She arrived soon after, in a hurry.

  • And threw stones at a window.

  • She wasn't alone, but accompanied by a young novice.

  • And my father knows nothing.

  • Don't doubt it my lord.

  • I thought today would never come, Alessandro.

  • I was afraid you had forgotten me.

  • Forgotten? During this morning's hearing with the Spanish bishops

  • I did nothing but think of you.

  • Is it really true?

  • They talked and talked... But I never heard a word.

  • And desired me? Tell me, do you desire me?

  • Yes, my little Giulia.

  • Today I thought a thousand times of your eyes.

  • Of your breasts... of your hair...

  • Of your fragrant body.

  • Of your angelic face.

  • And because you're a whore!

  • - Because you're a whore, right? - Yes, my lord.

  • - I'm a whore! - And you like to make love, right?

  • Yes, my lord. I like to make love.

  • - And you enjoy it with everyone? - Yes, I like to do it with everyone!

  • - With dogs and pigs, right? - Yes, with dogs and pigs!

  • Down, bitch!

  • - Say it again!_ - With dogs and pigs!

  • With dogs and pigs...

  • - Come. - It's already dawn, how do we get back in?

  • - Mother Superior will find out. - Even if she does, it will be worth it.

  • It was a wonderful night. Can't you read it in my face?

  • Yeah, these things you can't understand. Come on.

  • In Rome he's the best on horseback. He wins every tournament.

  • He's daring in battle, strong, invincible.

  • And even in lovemaking, I believe that no one could surpass him.

  • Fine, But now back to the convent!

  • I wish to speak now to my father.

  • His Holiness is in a meeting, and doesn't realise you are in Rome.

  • I came back last night. Tell him that it's urgent.

  • I'm sorry but I was here first, brother.

  • You've been away, so I'll inform you.

  • Our father is quite furious. There are difficulties.

  • In short, you should postpone the meeting.

  • I have to talk to him.

  • Very well, if you have some good news to give him.

  • You know, it seems that the annulment of Lucrezia's marriage

  • is going on forever.

  • They say the impotence of her husband is a fairy tale created by us Borgias.

  • To get rid of the Sforza.

  • Young Sforza is impotent!

  • Lucrezia has been married for over a year

  • and the marriage has never been consummated!

  • So according to you, our dear sister would still be a virgin?

  • His holiness is ready to receive the Duke of Candia.

  • Now I'll tell him my night of love, and he will tell his.

  • It's the only way to change his mood.

  • In two hours we'll be fine.

  • Eminence.

  • Giovanni Sforza, Duke of Pesaro.

  • It's a pleasure to see you again, my dear Giovanni.

  • It will be good to be alone. Out, all of you!

  • I have important things to discuss with my cousin.

  • I hope you have had a good trip.

  • I rode day and night. From Rome to Milan without stopping.

  • Will you stay on your knees in front of me forever.

  • Come on, stand up!

  • It's a slander! I beg you, believe me!

  • If the Pope took away Lucrezia, it's because he wants her for himself!

  • In Rome they're slandering me!

  • The rumors have come this far!

  • They believe me impotent!

  • They say Maddalena Gonzaga, my first wife,

  • was impregnated by another.

  • And all seem to believe this nonsense!

  • - They are rumors spread by the Pope! - Calm down!

  • Calm down. For everything there's a remedy.

  • You are not alone.

  • Now we must think of a way to force them to take it all back.

  • We must defend our honour from these slanders!

  • His Excellency, the cardinal legate loannes Sisto Borgia of Monreale.

  • Monsignor.

  • If your brother, the Pope,

  • thinks to get rid of a relationship becoming uncomfortable

  • accusing of impotence my nephew and ridiculing my name,

  • I tell you that he has miscalculated!

  • We will make him renege on his slander!

  • Here! In this room! In front of everyone!

  • Come here.

  • Go on! Take him!

  • Come.

  • Do you like me?

  • - Yeah... - Then kiss me.

  • Write!

  • I Ludovico il Moro, declare that my nephew Giovanni Sforza,

  • in the presence of Cardinal Sisto Borgia of Monreale,

  • Pope's brother,

  • and all the dignitaries of my court,

  • gave public proof of his virility.

  • Be nice, don't let me make a bad impression!

  • If nothing happens, I'll be bored!

  • Silence!

  • Look what you're doing to me! You'll have me kicked out of court!

  • In front of everyone, I can't! I can't!

  • It seems pointless.

  • We have proposed to you to prove his manhood,

  • with Lucrezia, in the villa of Nepi,

  • under the control of us Borgia and you Sforza,

  • but if he fails to make love with Lucrezia

  • will you believe that...

  • I'm sorry sir, but I don't know what to do.

  • - What did you say, bitch! - Stop, are you crazy?

  • Leave this poor girl! Guards!

  • Take him away and I never want to see him again!

  • I'm not impotent! I'm not impotent!

  • I'm not impotent!

  • I'm not impotent!

  • - You wrote what I told you? - Yes, sir.

  • Cross it out!

  • Give up your amorous adventures

  • - and think about a serious marriage. - You're very astute, Uncle.

  • No doubt you've already planned it all with my father.

  • Not exactly, but you know how politics is in Italy,

  • one advises strong alliances.

  • There would be the Duchy of Benevento.

  • And do you mind, if I give to my father

  • the statement of Moro?

  • I see that the news makes you very happy. Please.

  • His Holiness Pope Alexander VI.

  • Father, your hopes have been answered.

  • Ludovico has signed. Here is the document.

  • With this, Lucrezia is free!

  • And the Aragon will be able to intermarry with our family!

  • Tell me brother, how was Ludovico?

  • Morose!

  • Lucrezia !

  • Lucrezia!

  • The news has arrived, you're free! You can leave whenever you want!

  • I hope your stay with us, Lucrezia

  • has taught you to live as a Christian, and from now on you'll be

  • an example of goodness and family values to the women of Rome.

  • I'm not impotent! I'm not impotent!

  • I'll strangle you! I'll strangle you!

  • He wanted to kill that wonderful girl!

  • Go sit down.

  • In short, I laughed so much that I got lumbago!

  • And he not only wanted to strangle her...

  • All the girls, because for him, all women are suffocating.

  • And, the poor things...

  • I suppose you thought about consoling the girl.

  • Alas! How many sacrifices are imposed by the sacred robe!

  • So, in conclusion, Moro, to try to appease me,

  • wanted to give me at the end of the feast,

  • this wonderful, wild flower.

  • But you uncle, would not have stretched out your hands immediately, I hope.

  • But shown a little holy indignation...

  • 0 did your beard hide the smile of the sinner?

  • lam not a saint, I'm a poor man at the service of the powerful.

  • A round of applause for the sincerity of this poor man!

  • Sisto, stop playing the fool! Sit down and eat!

  • Women like you, Vannozza, unfortunately one finds no more!

  • News of our dear Lucrezia?

  • Yes, now the matter of marriage is ended, the Pope has assured me of her return.

  • What joy, I can't wait to embrace her.

  • - I would say... - Yes, she'll lead a secluded life for a while...

  • Lord?

  • Excuse me gentlemen, but I have to leave.

  • Thank you mother for this happy and carefree day.

  • And spent in good company.

  • Lords. Your Eminence.

  • Brother!

  • A toast before you depart.

  • To the favourite of his holiness.

  • To the future Duke of Benevento.

  • To the participating author of the Borgia fortunes in Italy.

  • That the future be propitious.

  • I knew that the nuns spoke much good of Lucrezia.

  • And all the Pope does is lavish donations on the monastery.

  • He's a fine young man, the Duke of Candia.

  • Don't you find so too?

  • - You like him a lot? - I mean...

  • I thank you for bringing me her message.

  • If you knew how happy I am to see her again.

  • Try not to have it known.

  • Think of the rumors that there were in Milan.

  • They say between Lucrezia and his eminence Alexander VI

  • there are more than filial relations. They talk of incest.

  • Incest... That word makes me laugh...

  • After all, what does it mean?

  • Who can prevent a brother possessing his sister,

  • if she reciprocates his love?

  • A father sleeping with his own daughter, if she loves him and wants him?

  • I know I can trust your discretion.

  • Soon I will reward you.

  • - Now please, leave me alone. - Goodbye, my lord.

  • Lucrezia...

  • Father! My father!

  • Eventually we've managed to have you back among us!

  • How beautiful you are...

  • I've missed you so much.

  • Prepare me something to eat!

  • Your mother will be so happy to see you again.

  • And your brothers also.

  • And now, tell me... Tell me about yourself.

  • I want to know everything.

  • How have you been?

  • I had some terrible days.

  • I was afraid that you had forgotten me.

  • Leaving me to rot in that horrid convent.

  • Where everyone hated me, only because I was a Borgia.

  • It was hard to do away with Giovanni.

  • We had to do it. The Sforza no longer serve us.

  • We need new alliances and only you, Lucrezia, can help us.

  • Yes, father. We will crush them all.

  • She's right your mother, you're like me.

  • It is this strength that our enemies fear.

  • We need the Aragonese, the Spaniards are not enough.

  • Castel Sant'Angelo, the papacy, are coveted by many.

  • Now that I'm here. Tell me what I must do.

  • You know what I want.

  • I see the light that's within your eyes.

  • We know the force that binds us together.

  • Do not fear the night, the worries, the troubles...

  • The frailty of the flesh.

  • Father, when I'm with you everything is so different.

  • I feel...

  • More than a daughter...

  • And all this...

  • Troubles me.

  • Excites me.

  • Lucrezia...

  • Father, for you anything.

  • You've heard it all! He admitted to having sinned!

  • He admitted to having committed the most repulsive incest.

  • You have taken advantage of our sister.

  • Yes, you took advantage of her

  • during the period of her monastic retreat!

  • I have not taken advantage of her...

  • It was her...

  • who first showed me her love...

  • Blasphemer! It's not true!

  • You tempted her!

  • You've tempted her and forced her to join you, her brother!

  • Come on! Come on! Come on!

  • Rise.

  • The disappearance of the Duke of Candia, unfortunately,

  • is still a mystery.

  • Investigations have been made through all of Rome.

  • In all districts.

  • We've raided houses, inns...

  • We've raided brothels.

  • Nothing!

  • Not a sign...

  • My brother cannot have vanished like that!

  • He's given no news of himself to anyone for six days!

  • But aren't you able to find out anything?

  • My son, in Rome everyone knows him.

  • He can't just disappear!

  • We've questioned everyone. Friends...

  • and enemies...

  • Father, this disappearance

  • is the revenge of our political opponents!

  • It's time to put an end to their affairs!

  • I'll handle it personally.

  • I ask permission

  • to search the palace of Cardinal Ascanio Sforza

  • on Strada Ripetta.

  • After the annulment of Lucrezia's marriage

  • the Sforza joined those who plot against us.

  • My son, who did this to you?

  • Who has dared to kill my son!

  • - Where did you find him? - The port of Ripetta.

  • At dawn, a boatman saw him in the mud on the banks of the Tiber.

  • Damn murderers! Whoever you are!

  • Orsini, Colonna, Sforza...

  • I swear I will pursue you as long as God gives me life.

  • I felt that something had happened.

  • My boy.

  • So young, so good! He didn't deserve this! He was an angel!

  • Stop crying! Stop it!

  • I cannot stand it! We must resign ourselves!

  • Why should I resign myself? And to what?

  • A man like you? Who for his ambitions and vices,

  • took advantage of everyone, even his own daughter?

  • Now I've lost a son, and after? I'll have to resign myself again?

  • But do you think I do not suffer too?

  • But according to you... Who was it killed him?

  • All of them. All those who hate us!

  • Who envy us.

  • Those who accuse us, condemn us!

  • All, Vannozza, everyone!

  • - I want them dead! - It wasn't them...

  • What do you mean?

  • Not them.

  • I know... I feel it...

  • Don't worry, no one will know about it.

  • Go.

  • - Are you sure? - I have the proof.

  • So it was Cesare who killed his own brother!

  • But how could he?

  • Cursed be the day that I conceived him!

  • Cursed!

  • And you, get out of here! Get out!

  • And you... You swear to silence!

  • My Lady, Alfonso, Prince of Aragon.

  • Let him come, I want to meet him.

  • Do you want something to cover you?

  • - Your status does not allow... - Let him come, now!

  • Girls, go now. I wish to be alone.

  • Welcome.

  • Can you be rid of all those people?

  • Go now. And you too.

  • Will you be staying long?

  • No, I have to join my father, but I'll soon return,

  • for our wedding.

  • Help me.

  • Thank you.

  • I've sent your order to rally the troops.

  • By tonight the men will be ready.

  • - You also be ready. - Against whom?

  • Against Caterina Sforza.

  • We'll set out on a forced march to Romagna.

  • I want to offer this victory to my father.

  • Go now.

  • - But Cesare... - Out!

  • Now because his father, Pope Alexander, no longer wishes to see him

  • he treats us like animals.

  • Why attack the Sforza so, without reason?

  • It's simple: go to war in search of success and triumph,

  • in order to re- obtain the good graces of his father.

  • Pierotto!

  • This message for my sister Lucrezia, take it to her immediately.

  • Yes, my lord.

  • Between your brother Cesare and the Pope there's a storm brewing.

  • - That's none of your business. - Excuse me ma'am.

  • There's a gentleman who wants to see you.

  • Let him come.

  • Please.

  • For you, madam, from your brother.

  • Rise, Pierotto.

  • My beloved sister, your indifference humbles me.

  • I spend lonely nights of anguish, I need to talk to you.

  • To see you if only for a few moments.

  • Tonight I will knock at your door. Please, receive me.

  • Three letters in a week.

  • Tell my brother to come to Santa Maria in Portico.

  • Tell him to await... the fourth ring of the bell.

  • Wait a moment... What's the rush?

  • - Your brother awaits the answer. - Yeah, Cesare...

  • Always and only Cesare. Let him wait for once.

  • Why not stay a while with me?

  • Your brother would kill me immediately.

  • No, do not be afraid... No one will ever know...

  • It will remain a little secret between us.

  • Alright...

  • Take a message to my brother and come back to me soon.

  • Mind you, that's an order, Pierotto. Go.

  • You were right, Vannozza. It is useless to hide the truth.

  • Caesar killed his brother out of jealousy.

  • Apparently he had secret meetings with Lucrezia.

  • He, too? A fine family we are!

  • - If I could start all over again... - Shut up, you pig!

  • It was you corrupted that poor child.

  • The spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. Even the Gospel says so.

  • Don't put it out.

  • Lord, it is useless for you to wait, my mistress will not come.

  • She always informs us when she comes.

  • She'll come.

  • She'll come...

  • I've found you!

  • And now you'll come to bed with me! You're afraid, eh?

  • Come here! Where are you going?

  • Now you will run away no more.

  • Is this the first time you've been with a woman?

  • Or is it fear of my brother finding out?

  • Your fear excites me.

  • His holiness is coming!

  • Get up!

  • What are you doing here?

  • I came to visit my sister.

  • - Your sister, huh? - Yes

  • She sent me a message to meet me here tonight.

  • And how can one trust what he says...

  • An individual like you?

  • You know very well what I mean, right?

  • Father, why do you hate me so much?

  • Your mother wanted to convince me to forgive you.

  • She wanted me to send for you...

  • To reach out my hand!

  • But how can I after the crime with which you're stained?

  • Don't be generous, father. I've already prepared my departure.

  • Enough! Get out! Don't let me see you again!

  • And never set foot in Lucrezia's house!

  • The only daughter who is dear to me! Go!

  • Out, murderer!

  • You, go.

  • Tell me, I want to know everything.

  • He passed out almost immediately, luckily for him.

  • And Caesar? Did he beat him too?

  • I don't want to talk about it. It was an awful thing.

  • You know, ever since I've known you

  • I wish I could always be near to you.

  • But tomorrow we leave with Cesare to Romagna.

  • - What did you say? - Against the Sforza.

  • Still nobody knows anything. But the army is already on the march.

  • Tomorrow at dawn we leave with the cavalry.

  • We'll join the bulk of the troops

  • launching a surprise attack on Caterina Sforza.

  • On horseback!

  • Come on you slackers! Pull the wagon!

  • Right, you guys! Get a move on!

  • Tomorrow Caterina Sforza will be fleeing to Milan!

  • What's this uproar? Are you soldiers or old gossips?

  • Why aren't you ready yet?

  • - You, hurry to deliver that message. - Immediately.

  • - Your sword. - Thank you.

  • - Are you excited? - No... no.

  • Hey you, over there! Can't you hurry up?

  • Make sure in battle Pierotto isn't exposed too much, understand?

  • I trust you.

  • - Where's my brother? Has he left? - No, he's still on the parade ground.

  • Please, don't go.

  • You know how much I love you.

  • There's no reason to risk your life.

  • And think of our father,

  • The sorrow he'd feel if he lost another son.

  • You see, he'll forgive you, I'm sure.

  • No need to win him over with your warfare.

  • Come down from your horse and embrace me.

  • Welcome my queen.

  • What can I do for you?

  • Only you can help me.

  • Tell me what distresses you?

  • My brother Cesare has left to fight the Sforza.

  • I'm afraid he'll die. I have a strange premonition.

  • You must save him.

  • Once you saved my life, now I belong to you.

  • I will invoke all the forces in my possession to help you.

  • But take care, your love for Cesare

  • might push you into the deepest abyss.

  • I do not love him, but he must not die.

  • But, you love him, Lucrezia. You love him more than yourself.

  • But rest assured and let your thoughts turn to him.

  • How could I think of anything else.

  • He is in my mind, my thoughts, my very breath.

  • Everything is him.

  • He has marked my destiny.

  • Sometimes I try desperately to forget...

  • the day when he took me.

  • When I was still a child.

  • But even if I feel a morbid desire,

  • I will not return to him.

  • If I did, I'd feel I could no longer tear myself away from Cesare.

  • I would be his. Only his forever.

  • And I don't want it, don't want it...

  • But you must save him, just the same.

  • Because, even though I fight it with all my strength,

  • I already know that sooner or later something will reunite us.

  • Begin!

  • They say Cesare is returning from the war.

  • - Really? - Yes

  • They are preparing honors and celebrations of all kinds.

  • Just think, at Testaccio they've erected a bronze statue.

  • I'm happy for him.

  • I hope my father will forgive him.

  • There are quite a few things done by him in recent years for the papacy.

  • Last night that French knight arrived from Paris. He was here last year.

  • The one that was so handsome.

  • He says he's back just for you.

  • Tell the gentleman that Lucrezia Borgia is now betrothed.

  • What is it? Don't you feel well? What's wrong?

  • Nothing, just a little tired. A dizzy spell.

  • When did you realize you were pregnant?

  • Almost a month ago.

  • Cesare' s?

  • No!

  • 28 May 1498

  • Cesare Borgia returned from Romagna victorious

  • You all know very well how Caterina Sforza opposed the papacy,

  • And with how much determination she opposed the Borgias,

  • plotting against the temporal power of the Church in central Italy.

  • A danger I have always mentioned

  • and luckily, through the enterprise of our nephew Cesare...

  • An enterprise that we'll always remember,

  • has finally ceased to exist.

  • Now we can strengthen our position,

  • bringing about the marriage between Lucrezia Borgia and Alfonso of Aragon.

  • I consider it appropriate at this point, to have the bride enter.

  • Rise.

  • She's pregnant. But then, Sforza isn't impotent.

  • Cesare Borgia.

  • - Father. - Welcome home, son. Take your place.

  • And now that

  • the victor of Caterina Sforza's army is among us,

  • if his holiness is willing, we can resume the audience.

  • Because of the impotence of the former husband,

  • vouched for also by Ludovico il Moro,

  • we can declare you finally free

  • from this unfortunate marriage.

  • We are happy in the choice made for the new marriage.

  • I protest!

  • With what certainty can you brand a man impotent,

  • whose wife clearly bears the signs

  • of advanced pregnancy!

  • It wasn't my husband who impregnated me,

  • but someone very close to my brother.

  • This is the father of the child I am carrying.

  • We're drowning in scandals.

  • This will be known throughout the whole Catholic world.

  • My enemies won't wait.

  • You will go to Spoleto and marry Alfonso of Aragon.

  • The distance from Rome will put to rest the rumors.

  • Let us hope.

  • I will do as you command me, father.

  • I'll try to love my future husband and will be faithful.

  • But you know that for no one will I feel the love that I feel for you.

  • Don't you think father, that my state will make this marriage difficult?

  • Don't worry about this, we are still strong.

  • The strongest.

  • Aragon will accept you even as you are.

  • These weddings are as useful to them, as to us.

  • Spoleto 21 July 1498

  • Lucrezia Borgia was married to Alfonso of Aragon

  • The marriage was consummated publicly

  • Noting visually penetration,

  • we can declare the marriage consummated in all respects.

  • Written, sworn and certified in Spoleto,

  • on 25 July 1498.

  • It was wonderful. I'm so happy. I love you.

  • It still doesn't seem real, I don't deserve a goddess like you.

  • Why don't you think you deserve me?

  • Embrace your goddess.

  • I never tire of enjoying the warmth of your body,

  • of admiring your beauty.

  • Alfonso you are too good, It is I who don't deserve you.

  • You have accepted me in this state

  • Even though you said nothing, I know you must suffer.

  • It's you that matters, not your past. Enough Lucrezia...

  • - I don't want to talk about what's been. - Me neither, never again!

  • I will never forget these days...

  • It was a nice trip, I hope you're not too tired.

  • I'm fine and I cannot wait to be alone with you.

  • Soon then.

  • - Let's get rid of the servants. - Come.

  • Welcome home, ma'am.

  • - These flowers are for you. - Thank you.

  • My dear Tommaso!

  • What a pleasant surprise! Why never in Rome?

  • I've been here two days.

  • Your father sent me to stay at your service.

  • - Alfonso? - Yes? - Let's go.

  • But Tommaso's here who's arrived from Naples.

  • I want to make love...

  • What is it?

  • I have a feeling that this marriage will transform you.

  • You don't want to become a faithful wife, I hope.

  • It would be banal, so boring...

  • But, my dear Giulia, with Alfonso I have found the joy of living.

  • But the return to Rome has made me slip back into a climate of fear.

  • If it's for your brother, you can rest assured.

  • Yesterday from Vannozza I came to see your father.

  • He's already arranged Cesare's marriage with Carlotta of Albiers,

  • daughter of the King of Navarre.

  • My father always organizes weddings, but he never accepts!

  • But this time he has accepted and happily so.

  • - What is it? - I feel dizzy.

  • Are you sure she's out of danger?

  • The abortion has been difficult, the pregnancy was far advanced.

  • But fortunately her body reacted well, she will survive. She's very strong.

  • Cesare...

  • Cesare...

  • Cesare...

  • Alfonso.

  • Lucrezia wants to see you.

  • Why the long face?

  • Don't be so downhearted, it wasn't even your child.

  • - Tommaso, come with me. - Yes, my lord.

  • You come too.

  • What do you want, always down here? Why not get back to where you belong?

  • Our blond brother wants to provoke us.

  • Here. Use it, if you wish.

  • Haven't you hoped for an occasion like this?

  • I just hope to stay away from the stench of your person.

  • And if in Rome this is impossible, I'll be sure to leave.

  • And of course my wife will come with me.

  • Lucrezia does not leave this city.

  • Lucrezia will remain in Rome.

  • And be careful what you do, Alfonso.

  • My Lord.

  • - I'm afraid. - That's how it is.

  • The men I've had, you know.

  • But he's different, he's sweet, clean...

  • With him I've learned to smile.

  • To look at nature, flowers.

  • And I'm afraid to be happy, for this I'm afraid.

  • - Because of your brother? - Yes

  • Between them there's a strange rivalry, almost a hatred.

  • Alfonso wants to leave

  • but the thought of leaving Rome for ever distresses me.

  • Alfonso's is a simple love, Rome is passion, intrigue, politics.

  • One excludes the other. You have to choose, Lucrezia.

  • I am a Borgia.

  • I know I cannot escape my fate

  • but I would snatch these few moments of happiness.

  • Spoleto is the only place where I was at peace.

  • You're young, leave, then, but soon!

  • I feel it would be better for everyone. And may God bless you, my daughter.

  • And so finally they took the horses, saddled them...

  • Stop there!

  • The guards! Come!

  • The wound has been treated.

  • But the infection could always resurface.

  • Tell me what I can do for him. I'll do anything possible.

  • I don't want him to die.

  • Stay close to him. Your presence will help him more than any medicine.

  • Eminence.

  • I urgently wish to speak with His Holiness.

  • I'm sorry to disappoint you. The pontiff is very busy.

  • He doesn't want to see you.

  • Doesn't want to?

  • So it's true... It's true!

  • Who wishes me ill has made sure that my father doubts me once again!

  • If in our family something terrible happens,

  • suspicion is always directed against me!

  • Always against me!

  • But this time...

  • I swear before God that they will pay!

  • Tell my father that within two days

  • I'll bring him the heads of my brother- in- law's murderers!

  • Fortunately news has come that Alfonso of Aragon will be saved.

  • What did you say?

  • What? He's not dead?

  • You'll see that you'll soon be better, my love.

  • Lady, here's the infusion.

  • Three days and three nights without rest.

  • You cannot go on like this, my lady.

  • Give him this infusion and sit up with him for tonight, please.

  • Very good, my lady.

  • Wake up... wake up!

  • Try to stay calm.

  • Would you like a sip of water?

  • No... no...

  • You know how much I desire your happiness, but over him I have no power.

  • He's different from us.

  • At least try, I beseech you! Try.

  • It's useless, I have no power over him, I cannot...

  • Where's Lucrezia? Why is she not here?

  • Go look for her, I need her.

  • I assure you that milady will be here soon.

  • I told you to go find her!

  • There is another man waiting, a lot longer than him.

  • It's too late to save him from death.

  • What do you want from me?

  • I have come to kill you.

  • To kill you because I hate you.

  • Lucrezia was everything.

  • But with you it was different.

  • But how can you want your sister to the point of killing?

  • Because she is like me! In all things we are alike!

  • You tried to take her away from me, tried to cut me off from her. All of you!

  • Even my father! But she wants me!

  • And she realizes she can no longer escape my love!

  • He's dead!

  • It's not true! It's not possible, no!

  • Alfonso!

  • Blood... Always blood...

  • Enough now! Enough!

  • Pope Alexander: While loving our children more than our flesh

  • we will no longer allow the fomenting of scandal around us.

  • The arduous inheritance of the throne of Peter asks of us that sacrifice,

  • which every father would wish to escape.

  • We will separate our beloved children and we will separate ourselves from them,

  • so that the terrible fire of their union,

  • does not distract our attention

  • from the destinies and responsibilities that lie ahead.

  • The defence of this beloved people that we love above all things,

  • and whose love we reciprocate,

  • requires us to use our children as an instrument,

  • as a bargaining chip to obtain the only just end,

  • which is the good of those who see in us

  • the only defenders of their cause.

  • A powerful church

  • that combines otherworldly as well as temporal power

  • able to undisputedly rule the world.

  • It is to this mission that we, Alexander VI, Pontifex Maximus,

  • on this day of May, fourth year of Our Pontificate

  • dedicate our person.



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シモネッタ・ステファネッリ-ルクレツィア・ジョヴァンヌ (1974) (simonetta stefanelli- Lucrezia Giovane (1974))

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