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  • So you buy a box and you think it's the laundry detergent tied and you open up the lid and there's

  • packages in here, and then you open up the packages and you look inside, and there's these little

  • pods of

  • Detergent in them and they're squishy, and then you throw them in you like it

  • I don't know

  • I like I think they're fun

  • But I think they just add to the packaging of everything and then it's like

  • Really, can I just go like that I mean what about the thing with the kids putting it in their mouths?

  • See that they do that yeah, right yes

  • Everybody knows how great drugs are I?

  • Mean come on

  • So I mean they're not likely to be

  • Underrated so I guess my position is overrated. Okay. Drugs are overrated drug use

  • underrated drug

  • addiction

  • Overweight now that's catch. That's a catch. That's smart. That's smart

  • Ah

  • Well they can't be overrated

  • Tell me no kind of monster would say are they're overrated he's a beautiful beast yeah, yeah

  • - right God's chosen animals

  • Yeah, no. They're underrated completely do they have those in England those type of horses

  • Where do you think the Clydesdale is?

  • It's an English home and the Budweiser Factory I

  • Mean

  • It's a hit. There's this isn't another one. That's caveat

  • I think farting is underrated if you're alone it feels good

  • But if you're in public and in the wrong spot, I think

  • Yeah, I think that us can be very very overrated. It's not kids so one has to be careful with it. Yeah

  • It was great power

  • Joe

  • You can't pass - pass

  • You put it in your mouth, and then you let it sit there yeah, and then you add saliva to your mouth

  • Yeah, and then you break the milk chocolate barrier with your tongue

  • Yeah, and then shut and inject the saliva inside into the Wafaa all right, and then have it dissolved without such

  • I'll still like a chocolate ball is still in check trapped

  • And that's when you still AM your gum down and you just mush the or but yeah

  • Yeah, underrated. I definitely

  • That's not how I eat how do you eat them?

  • Well I think they must be overrated I mean they're just there to cause destruction yeah

  • But unless you're talking about swimming, and you're splashing everybody. Oh, those are under mate. Yeah, those are underrated

  • Especially if Josephine is sitting next to the pool

  • Here's the thing right with this is that the one people who have come up to me

  • Super like like shaking and you're like

  • Like you do the song about the bowling ball

  • It's like

  • They never really knew if were people who were back like had the whole

  • Catalog and just like would just stand there and look yeah, that would be like it what I would do being a super fan

  • I would never fucking talk

  • I mean if Neil Young was around I would fucking shut my mouth and stand over there and watch

  • Everything exactly I witnessed a fucking word

  • not a word

  • You know right so the the ideal of super fans aren't what you think they're the ones who are like. Oh my god. Oh?

  • My god so super fans

  • Well, they're they're the ones just literally they're uninvited yes, necessarily the superest fans ah

  • Josephine what do you think overrated if you've got a bad one that didn't do what you asked it to do

  • You know no I dunno, yeah

  • I'm thinking maybe overrated when people have babies they just think oh

  • There's like chop off the piece of themselves and they put it out there in the world. It's all ego

  • Isn't it look at me look at how cute I am?

  • Aren't I adorable, and it's all them an ego and ego, and it's all that I mean I know that we're supposed to

  • you know

  • procreate for the species to to live and to exist and go forward

  • But we don't really have to we don't have to go forward the universe's doesn't need us to be around the earth doesn't need us

  • To be here crawling around like a virus going off this would never exist without me

  • Breeding is overrated. Yeah

So you buy a box and you think it's the laundry detergent tied and you open up the lid and there's


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B1 中級

飼育員が評価するタイドポッド、薬物、おならの有無|オーバー/アンダー (The Breeders Rate Tide Pods, Drugs, and Farting | Over/Under)

  • 12 0
    Caurora に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日