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Conversation in English and other languages
is back and forth, it's trading information and trading comments
So, today someone asked me, "What are your hobbies?"
I thought of seven different ways that I could tell them what I really like to do.
I responded, "I enjoy playing guitar."
"I enjoy, I enjoy playing guitar."
I could also say, "I love, I love to play guitar."
or, "My favorite thing to do is to play guitar."
or, "I spend my free time playing guitar."
or, "My passion is playing guitar."
or, "For fun, I play guitar."
There's lots of ways to show that you take pleasure from doing something
And you can ask that person, "Do you play guitar?"
"Do you like to sing a song?"
"Can we write a song together?"
or what ever it might be
It is a way to find out whether someone else shares your same hobby
or passion or past time
Also, it is a polite way to show you are pleased that they asked you about your self.
Because that's one of our favorite subjects is talking about ourselves or what we like to do.
You can practice these different ways of responding to a question
and if you are in an interview or some type of conversation with someone
varying the way you describe things you like to do can be very useful.
I love to play guitar. I also enjoy cooking.
I really like to travel
For me, learning to cook something from a different culture is great fun
And my passion is for writing songs and teaching English
so you can link all of those positive statements together
to make a whole paragraph describing all the things that you like
The more things that you mention,
the higher the chance the person you are speaking with
can get to know you better
or maybe they share the same hobby
I tend to hang out with people who are interested in guitar or cooking
or traveling or writing songs or writing about English
The old phrase, "Birds of a feather, flock together."
an English phrase meaning people that share the same passions and hobbies and beliefs tend to associate together.
so for me, there's seven people that I know
each from a different country
with whom I make music so we call ourselves "The United Nations Band
because every one is from a different place
but we have that one thing in common and it's the music
These are all ways you can respond to the question
about your hobby or what interests you in a way that shows you listened
and shows that you have some great feeling, passion or love for the thing they asked about.