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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • 1. You buy bread based on how thick you want the slices to be.

    1. 食パンは枚数で選べます

  • 2. If you're worried about your cold groceries on the trip home, most modern Japanese supermarkets

    2. スーパーによっては食材の保冷用に

  • have free dry ice machines for you to use, specifically for that reason.


  • 3. Convenience stores keep balls of paint underneath their counters for workers to throw at thieves,

    3. コンビニには防犯用のカラーボールがあります

  • marking their clothes and body to make it easier for the police to catch them.


  • I threw one of these at a thief once when I was working at a conbini


  • and because I was a pitcher


  • I was able to hit him!


  • But I don't know if the police ever found him.


  • 4. Everyone knows how common convenience stores, aka conbinis, are.


  • It's said that you're almost always within walking distance of a conbini.


  • Knowing that, there are actually more dental clinics in Japan than there are conbinis.


  • Twice as many, if you count each dentist.


  • There's even a whole Japanese Wikipedia page calledThe Problem of Too Many Dentists”.


  • 5. You can order a smile for free at Japanese McDonald's, even as delivery.

    5. 日本のマクドナルドではスマイル0円を注文できます、宅配の袋にも

  • 6. Japan imported the culture of suits and ties from Europe, meaning most Japanese tie stripes

    6. 日本はスーツとネクタイの文化をヨーロッパから取り入れました

  • slant up to the right, the opposite of most American ties, which slant up to the left.


  • 7. School buses in Japan are mostly used for kindergarteners only, and boi those are some

    7. スクールバスは大抵幼稚園までで、

  • adorable buses.


  • 8. Most Japanese streets don't have names.

    8. 日本の通りに大抵名前はなく、

  • Your address is instead determined by a block and house numbering system.


  • 9. There's a package delivery company called (Kuroneko) Yamato, which means black cat Yamato.

    9. クロネコヤマト(ヤマト運輸)という会社があります

  • Not only is their logo cats, but when they leave an attempted delivery slip in your mailbox


  • it has indentations cut out in the shape of cat ears


  • so that blind people can easily recognize the slip.


  • 10. If you're not home when the mailman delivers a package, they will leave a number for you

    10. 宅配時に不在であれば、

  • to call, so they can redeliver within a 2 hour time window of your choosing.


  • 11. If you call before 6pm-8pm (depending on the company), they can often redeliver the same day.

    11. 午後6-8時前に連絡すれば、大抵の場合は当日に再配達してくれます

  • And while many numbers go to call centers, some numbers call your mailman in their truck directly.

  • 12. Japanese houses depreciate in value, like cars.


  • A standard Japanese house reaches negative value, by the time it's 15-30 years old, meaning

  • empty land is worth more than land with an old house.

    12. 日本の物件価値は車のように下がります

  • 13. This is in part due to many reasons.


  • Many houses in the past were built cheaply in expectation of this cycle and then not


  • well-maintained.

    13. 理由は沢山ありますが、

  • Constant updated earthquake safety regulations lead to newer houses being safer.


  • And technology is always improving so newer houses have better features, like better insulation

  • and, in some cases, even central heating and cooling!


  • 14. While old houses were generally demolished over time and then built anew, these days


  • as housing quality increases, more and more people are opting for renovating old houses


  • or apartments rather than tearing them down.

    14. 古い家は取り壊して立て直す事が多かったですが、

  • 15. Because of the aging population combined with urbanization, small Japanese towns and villages


  • are increasingly at risk of disappearing altogether.


  • In 2015 Japan had an estimated 15,568 terminal villages, or villages where more than 50%

    15. 高齢化と過疎化に伴い、地方の小さな集落などは

  • of the population is over the age of 65.


  • That was 20% of the villages surveyed.


  • Only 5 years before it was 15%.


  • 16. There were also 801 villages where ALL of the residents were aged 65 or older.


  • And 306 villages where all residents were 75, or older.


  • 17. Japan's aging population has resulted in changing infrastructure.

    16. 調査対象のうち801集落は全人口が65歳以上

  • They have car stickers that specifically mark elderly drivers.


  • They also have stickers for people who have been driving less than a year.

    17. 高齢化に伴いインフラにも変化を与えています

  • 18. Of course handicapped parking spots are a thing, but some places also have designated


  • spaces near the entrance for senior drivers.


  • 19. Most expressways in Japan, which are often suspended above ground, are heftily tolled.

    18. 障害者用の専用駐車場以外にも、高齢者向けのスペースもあります

  • A trip from Nagoya to Tokyo, which is less than the distance between Houston and Dallas,


  • costs approximately $80 one way just to use the expressway.

    19. 日本の高速道路の多くが高架で、世界的に見ても非常に割高です

  • 20. Almost everyone backs into parking spaces in Japan.


  • With smaller spaces you have more control over backing in.


  • And it's safer pulling out in what are often densely packed and highly populated parking lots.

    20. 日本ではバック駐車が一般的です

  • 21. Driver training costs roughly 2 - 4,000 dollars and you have to go to a driver school for about a month.


  • 22. You can shorten that to two weeks by going away to an actual driver training camp.


  • No seriously, you stay there overnight and everything.


  • 23. More people in Japan use trains as their primary mode of transportation than any other country

    21. 自動車学校の費用はおよそ20-40万円で、

  • in the world—30.5% compared to the next highest of 17.2% in Switzerland.


  • 24. Construction barriers are often shaped like cute animals.

    22. 約2週間に短縮も可能で、なんと合宿があります

  • Because why not?


  • 25. Many Japanese shopping centers these days have electric car chargers near the entrance.

    23. 日本人は世界一電車を利用します

  • There was a report that said there are now more electric car chargers in Japan than gas


  • stations, but that counted each charger separately as well as personal chargers.

    24. 道路工事用のバリケードは時々こんな感じです

  • But it's still a good step in the right direction!


  • 26. In Japan, half the country's electrical grid operates at 50 Hz

    25. ショッピングセンターにはEV用の充電器があります

  • and half operates at 60 Hz.


  • This is because when Japan began introducing electricity to large cities, Tokyo purchased


  • a 50 Hz generator from Germany and Osaka purchased a 60 Hz generator from the US.


  • Both systems eventually spread and now it's too expensive to switch one over.

    26. 日本では西日本と東日本で電源周波数が違います

  • During the earthquake and tsunami of 3/11, this meant that the southern half of Japan


  • couldn't provide backup power to the northern half because of the incompatible grids.


  • 27. In the past some electrical equipment like microwaves couldn't be used in the other


  • half of the country, but these days most products have been designed to work on both a 50 and 60 Hz system.


  • 28. The Japanese music industry is the second highest grossing music industry in the world after the US.


  • 29. This is spurred by the fact that Japanese people buy more physical CD's and music DVD's than any other country in the world.


  • 72% of music sales in Japan are still physical, compared to only 15% in the US.

    27. 当時、電子レンジなどの家電製品は地域により使えませんでしたが、

  • 30. In the land of the rising sun,


  • the sun literally rises AT 4:30 AM in cities like Tokyo and Nagoya in the height of summer.

  • 31. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world and some species of Japanese

    28. 日本の音楽産業はアメリカに次いで売上が高いです

  • bamboo can grow up to a meter a day in its early growth.

  • 32. New bamboo shoots are also incredibly strong and capable of growing through wood, stone,

    29. これは日本人の音楽CD・DVD購入割合が世界で最も高いからです

  • and sometimes even concrete.


  • This combined with its fast growth have led to rare but very real cases of Japanese people


  • waking up in the morning to find a bamboo shoot growing in the middle of their house.

    30. 日出ずる処、日本

  • 33. Hydrangeas were first cultivated in Japan, and as a result Japan has a much larger variety


  • of hydrangeas than America.


  • You'll find them along roadsides all over the country.

  • 34. The name of this Japanese species of hydrangea, which Jun used in his cooking video, is Dance Party!

    31. 竹は世界的にも成長速度の早い植物ですが、

  • 35. Many common Japanese monsters in anime and mythology


  • are based off of real animals and insects.

    32. 竹の子の成長パワーは強力で、

  • 36. There are so many cicadas in Japan that they come out every year.


  • The sound of cicadas is the quintessential sound of summer.


  • You'll notice them often in the background of TV shows, anime, and video games to establish the summer setting.


  • 37. Because cicadas are so omnipresent, the average Japanese person is probably able to identify at least 6 different species by their songs.

    33. 紫陽花(ガクアジサイ)の原産は日本で

  • Abura-zemi


  • Kuma-zemi


  • Tsukutsukuboushi

    34. Junが料理チャンネルで使ったこの品種名は

  • Minmin-zemi


  • Niinii-zemi

    35. アニメなどで見る多くのモンスターは実際の動植物がモデルになっています

  • Higurashi


  • 38. Japan has only two native species wild cats, which are both found only on remote islands

    36. 日本ではセミは毎年出てきて鳴きます

  • so you're probably never going to run into any of them.


  • They are the leopard cat on Tsushima island, and the Iriomote cat on Iriomote island.


  • 39. Japan has been rabies-free since 1957, and as a result if you want to bring a pet into

  • the country it requires a 6 month quarantining process to make sure it doesn't have rabies.

    37. 地域にもよりますが、日本人は約6種以上の鳴き声を

  • 40. Japan has almost no general practitioners.


  • This means that when you go to the doctor you're almost always going directly to a specialist.


  • 41. 77% of Japanese people have a gene variation that gives them both dry earwax and significantly


  • decreased body odor.


  • 42. Japanese over the counter drugstore medications come in three categories based on how disruptive the side effects are.


  • Category 1 drugs, like Loxonin (a pain medication), can't be bought unless you consult the in-store


  • pharmacist first, even though it's technically an over the counter medication.


  • 43. The birth control pill wasn't legalized until 1999 due to questions concerning the

    38. 日本には2種類しか野生猫がいません

  • safety, and partly because of that only 1-3% of Japanese women use it even today.


  • 44. Carrying swords around in public was made illegal in 1876 in an effort to remove power


  • from the samurai class.

    39. 1957年以降、日本では狂犬病は報告されていません

  • 45. Today, it remains illegal to own a sword in Japan unless the sword is licensed by the government.


  • 46. Only Nihonto, or Japanese swords, either antique swords or swords made by registered smiths

    40. 日本では総合診療医は一般的ではなく、

  • can be licensed, meaning it is entirely illegal to own foreign-made swords in Japan.

    何か問題があれば、専門医に直接行くことが多いです(例・耳鼻科、内科、皮膚科, etc...)

  • 47. Japanese sword smiths can't change the methods they use to make swords, meaning even modern


  • swords are still made the same way as Japanese swords of the past.

    41. 日本人の77%が乾型の耳垢と非常に弱い体臭になる遺伝子を持っています

  • 48. The steel used to make Japanese swords, tamahagane, is also produced the traditional way.

  • There is a position called murage who is the manager of this process.

    42. リスクの程度に応じて、医薬品が分類されています

  • One of his jobs is to judge the temperature of the fire by eyesight, and because of this,


  • historically many of them eventually went blind.


  • 49. In the Meiji period, because it became so difficult for people to carry swords, and


  • for manufacturers to make swords, the demand dropped significantly and many prominent sword

    43. 経口避妊薬は安全性の懸念により1,999年まで合法化されておらず、

  • smiths switched to making kitchen knives that have no such regulations.


  • 50. And because the technology used to create kitchen knives has continuously improved over

    44. 1876年、士族たちから武力を奪うという側面を持った廃刀令が出され、帯刀が禁止されました

  • time, now Japanese cooking knives can be made sharper than katana swords.

  • Thank you to Skillshare for sponsoring this video!

    45. 登録のされていない刀の所持は違法になります

  • Skillshare is an online learning community that offers thousands of classes for basically

  • everything you can imagine, from creative projects to cooking classes, professional

    46. 免許を持った刀工のみ許可を得て作刀することができます

  • design and business classes, and even Japanese lessons!


  • Rachel actually got ideas and recipes for my birthday presents from Skillshare last

    47. 現代の刀鍛冶は日本古来伝統の方法で鍛錬します

  • year and honestly I loved them.


  • Anyone can take a class, try a project, or even sign up to teach classes.

    48. 日本刀製作に使われる玉鋼も古来からのたたら製鉄で作られます

  • Once you become a member you can take an unlimited number of classes and premium membership is


  • less than $10 a month.


  • The first 1,000 people to sign up with our link below can get a free two month trial!


  • Thank you for watching!

    49. 明治時代の廃刀令により、刀の需要が激減し、

1. You buy bread based on how thick you want the slices to be.

1. 食パンは枚数で選べます

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます