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hello this is chef John from food wishes calm with Chicago deep-dish pizza that's
right we're gonna be throwing pizza pie down like they do in China and while I'm
not able to officially admit I like this kind of pizza since I'm originally from
New York but unofficially once in a while is a change of pace I really
enjoyed it and really all kidding aside it's kind of silly to compare the two
styles and argue about which one's better since they are so drastically
different from each other of course have you said that people will continue to
argue which is fine especially since the New York style is better but anyway I'm
still very excited to show you this technique and we'll begin with our
Chicago deep-dish pizza dough which begins like all our other pizza dough's
with some warm water into which we're gonna sprinkle our yeast and after
letting it dissolve for about 10 minutes or so we'll go ahead and add the rest of
the ingredients which will include some olive oil as well as some melted butter
which is one of the two ingredients that differentiates this from regular pizza
dough we're also gonna need to add in some salt as well as some sugar and then
the second ingredient that makes this dough unique some cornmeal oh yeah we're
gonna throw in some yellow cornmeal and then we will finish this off with our
flour but as you know we always hold a little bit back since it's always easier
to add flour to a two wet dough then it is to add water to a dry dough and then
we'll grab our dough hook and start kneading this and continue to knead it
until we've created a very soft very smooth relatively elastic dough and if
you are using a machine for this it's always a good idea to stop it once in a
while and scrape down the sides and after doing that as well as possibly
adding a little more flour like I said we'll continue to knead this
for three or four minutes or so until that dough pulls away from the sides and
form something that looks a little something like this okay like I said
very soft very smooth but elastic and at this point let me go ahead and transfer
that onto our work surface so you can get a better look and besides just
wanting to touch this because it feels super good I'm also checking here to see
if it might need some more flour and if it does we can just knead in a little
bit from the work surface but this was feeling just about perfect
which in that case we will simply form him back into a ball and then transfer
her back into our mixing bowl into which we've dripped a little bit of oil and
we'll sort of flop that around and give it a little rub until the surface is
coated and that is going to be pretty much it for dough production we will
simply cover this and leave it in a warm spot until it doubles in size which is
generally gonna take between an hour and two hours and one thing we can do while
we're waiting is go ahead and make our pizza sauce and what you see here is a
double batch of our famous food wishes pizza sauce and you're gonna want to let
it reduce a little all right we want to simmer our sauce until it's nice and
thick like this all right that is one of the keys to Chicago style pizza okay we
don't want a thin watery sauce but anyway while our dough is rising we'll
go ahead and get our sauce together and at this point I'm gonna go ahead and
fast forward and take a look at what my do look like about an hour and a half
after I started and we can see here it's definitely doubled in size and looking
like something that really wants to get poked down with our fingers that never
gets old and then what we'll do once that's deflated
is go ahead and transfer it onto a floured work surface and we will start
pressing that out into some sort of round shape using just enough flour to
keep it from sticking to the table and our hands and while you could roll this
it should be soft and supple enough to stretch into the shape we want and since
I'm going to bake this in a 12-inch cast-iron skillet I'm gonna try to
stretch this dough about three or four inches bigger than that and then once
that's been accomplished we can go ahead and transfer this into our pan but
before we do we're gonna brush it generously with olive oil and like I
said I'm using a 12-inch cast-iron skillets which I find works very well
for this but don't worry if you don't have one of these or our other options
that will work and then once our pans been prepped with olive oil we can go
ahead and transfer in our dough and we'll go ahead and place that in and
then sort of stretch and pull it so it's evenly distributed across the bottom as
well as on the sides and then if we want we can go around and trim off all the
excess dough or eventually fold it over our fillings and bake it like that which
is generally the approach I use but we'll get to that in a minute
for now let's just go ahead and proceed with our fillings and we will start with
our cheese and for we're gonna be using three kinds we're
gonna do some sliced provolone as well as two kinds of mozzarella we have the
fresh kind which is kind of soft and moist and very milky as well as your
standard cheap firm supermarket style mozzarella which they refer to in the
business as low moisture mozzarella and what we'll do is go ahead and start with
our provolone and we'll lay some slices over the bottom and then we'll follow
that by scattering over our fresh mozzarella that we've cubed up or broken
into small pieces and then once our pizza pies been fresh mozzarella it's
time to add about a pound of how to telling sausage which is hopefully you
can see is still raw and you can't sometimes buy that in bulk but generally
we just remove the casings from some links and then once that set we'll go
ahead and top it with our firm cheap supermarket mozzarella I'm sorry low
moisture mozzarella and then once that's been evenly sprinkled over we will top
all this with our hot pizza sauce I know it's kind of crazy
the sauce goes over the toppings in Chicago pizza and again please note how
thick the sauce is all right so whether you're buying your sauce or you're
making it from scratch you're definitely gonna want to reduce a little bit to dry
it out and thicken it up so we will go ahead and generously ladle that over the
top and then what we'll do to finish this off is take a couple hours piece of
parmesan and freshly and finely grate that over the top and if you're thinking
I bet the fake parmesan would work perfectly here no it actually won't get
a hunk of some real parmigiano-reggiano but anyway we'll go ahead and generously
grate that over the top at which point we have to decide what to do with our
access dough and our choices would be go around trimming it all off and maybe
saving it to make some breadsticks or something or if you want you can simply
go around folding it over the toppings like this and then once that bakes we're
gonna get a nice big wide rim of crust all the way around and by the way the
center of this piece is going to come out the same no matter which method you
use so that's just going to be personal preference and we'll leave that up to
you I mean you are after all the Krusty the Klown of how much crust goes around
but personally because of the way this pizza is constructed I think having some
extra crust around comes in handy and then once that set we need one last
thing before this goes in the and that's a little drizzle of olive oil
that will apply all the way around on the crust as well as drizzling a little
bit over the center and that's it our Chicago deep-dish pizza is finally ready
to bake so let's go ahead and transfer that into the center of a 425 degree
oven for about 35 minutes or so or until it's beautifully browned and looks like
this oh yeah that looks pretty good and we really do want to make sure we
push the envelope on the Browning of the top and it should sound like this when
you scrape it with a fork as well as have kind of a hollow sound if you tap
on so that is looking and sounded perfect and I'll finish up by garnishing
with a little extra freshly grated parmesan as well as a little touch of
Italian parsley which by the way is anyone from Chicago will tell you counts
is one serving of vegetables and then normally you'll want to try to let this
sit for about ten minutes or so before you cut a slice but I didn't I cut one
right away and for a first slice that came out really well but it was so hot
it kind of spread out and I didn't like the pictures so I waited about ten more
minutes and cut another one and topped it with a little bit of parsley and took
a few pictures before was time to grab a fork and go in for a taste and for
something that's really closer to a casserole or a lasagna than it is to a
pizza I really do enjoy this right that provolone and mozzarella have kind of
fused to the bottom crust with everything being topped by that tomato a
sausage cheesy goodness and above and beyond the completely different
construction who makes this deep-dish style pizza so unique is that butter and
cornmeal in the crust it really does add something extra special that you don't
get in your normal pizza eating experience and while I did a fairly
standard cheese and sausage version here this is really more of a technique video
since any and all of your favorite pizza toppings can be included here
and speaking of fillings because a deep-dish does contain so much of them
that's why I like to leave that excess dough attached so I can mix in some of
that extra crust where and when I see fits but anyway that's it
a former New Yorkers take on Chicago deep-dish pizza as I mentioned earlier
we shouldn't be arguing about which style of pizzas better
and instead celebrate the fact that we're able to enjoy both whether it's
this delicious deep-dish version or the obviously far superior New York thin
crust so I really do hope you give this a try soon head over to food wishes calm
for all the ingredient amounts of more info as usual and as always enjoy