字幕表 動画を再生する
Rob: Hello, welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Rob.
Catherine: And I'm Catherine.
Rob: So, Catherine, how long do you spend on your smartphone?
Catherine: My smartphone? Not that long really, only about 18 or 19 hours.
Rob: No, sorry, I meant in a day, not in a week.
ロブ: いや、ごめん、一週間じゃなくて一日でって意味だったんだ。
Catherine: Er, that's what I meant too, Rob – a day.
キャサリンえーと、それは私も同じことを言いたかったのよ、ロブ - 一日。
Rob: Oh wow, so you've even got it right here...
Catherine: …yep, got it now, Rob. Yes, I should tell you that I suffer from FOMO.
キャサリン: ...ええ、わかったわ、ロブ。はい、私は私はFOMOに苦しんでいると言うべきです。
Rob: FOMO?
Catherine: FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out.
キャサリンFOMO - Fear Of Missing Out.
Something cool or interesting might be happening somewhere, Rob,
and I want to be sure I catch it, so I have to keep checking my phone, to make sure, you know,
I don't miss out on anything.
Rob: So we could call you a phubber…
ロブ: だから、あなたをファッバーと呼ぶことにしましょう...
Hello... I said, so you're a phubber?
Someone who ignores other people because you'd rather look at your phone.
他人を無視する人を見たいから あなたの携帯電話
Catherine: Oh, yeah, that's right.
Rob: It sounds like you have a bit of a problem there, Catherine. But you're not the only one.
ロブ:それはちょっとしたことのようですね。問題があるんだ キャサリンでも、あなたは 唯一のものですある最近の
According to one recent survey, half of (the) teenagers in the USA feel like they are addicted to their mobile phones.
If you are addicted to something, you have a physical or mental need to keep on doing it.
スマホにはまっています。ハマっている人はを持っているということです。 メンタル的にはやり続ける必要があるあなたには
You can't stop doing it. You often hear about people being addicted to drugs or alcohol,
but you can be addicted to other things too, like mobile phones.
So, Catherine, do you think you're addicted to your phone?
How long could you go without it? Catherine?
Catherine: Sorry, Rob, yes, well I think if I went more than a minute, I'd probably get sort of sweaty palms
キャサリンごめんね、ロブ、うん、そうだね、もし僕が1分以上経ったら、私はおそらく 汗だくの手のひらのようなもので、私は始めようと思います。
and I think I'd start feeling a bit panicky.
Rob: Oh dear! Well, if I can distract you just for a few minutes, can we look at this topic in more detail, please?
ロブ: やれやれ!まあ、気を紛らわせることができればちょっとこの話題を見てもいいですか? をもっと詳しく教えてください。から始めましょう。
Let's start with a quiz question first though.
In what year did the term 'smartphone' first appear in print?
Was it: a) 1995, b) 2000 or c) 2005.
What do you think?
Catherine: OK, you've got my full attention now, Rob,
and I think it's 2000 but actually can I just have a quick look on my phone to check the answer?
ロブ、今は2000年だと思うけど、実際にはスマホでサクッと見れる を確認してみてはいかがでしょうか?
Rob: No, no, that would be cheating – for you – maybe not for the listeners.
ロブ:いやいや、それは不正行為だよ。あなた - リスナーのためではないかもしれません。
Catherine: Spoilsport.
Rob: Right, Jean Twenge is a psychologist who has written about the damage she feels smartphones are doing to society.
ロブ:そう、ジーン・トウェンゲは心理学者です。彼女の被害について書いている人 スマートフォンが社会に何かをしていると感じています。
She has written that smartphones have probably led to an increase in mental health problems for teenagers.
彼女は、スマートフォンにはの増加につながったのではないでしょうか。 ティーンエイジャーの健康問題私たちは
We're going to hear from her now, speaking to the BBC.
What does she say is one of the dangers of using our phones?
Jean Twenge: I think everybody's had that experience of reading their news feed too much,
Jean Twenge: 誰もが経験したことがあると思います。ニュースフィードを読みすぎた経験
compulsively checking your phone if you're waiting for a text or getting really into social media then kind of,
ばんばんメールを待っているときや、本当に ソーシャルメディアに入って
looking up and realizing that an hour has passed.
Rob: So what danger does she mention?
Catherine: Well, she said that we can get so involved in our phones that we don't notice the time passing
キャサリン彼女が言うにはスマホに夢中になりすぎて 時間が経つのに気付き
and when we finally look up, we realize that maybe an hour has gone.
And I must say, I find that to be true for me, especially when I'm watching videos online.
They pull you in with more and more videos and I've spent ages just getting lost in videos after videos.
オンラインで彼らはより多くのことであなたを引っ張ってきます動画が増えてきて、年齢を重ねるごとに ビデオの次のビデオで迷子になる
Rob: Well that's not a problem if you're looking at our YouTube site of course, there's lots to see there.
Rob: まあ、それは問題ないですね。もちろんYouTubeのサイトを見ています。 見どころがたくさんある
Catherine: Yes BBC Learning English, no problem, you can watch as many as you like.
キャサリンYes BBC Learning English, no.問題は、好きなだけ見ていてもいいということです。
Rob: Well, she talks about checking our phones compulsively.
ロブ: 彼女は私たちのことを調べようと話しています電話を強迫的に何かをするときは
If you do something compulsively you can't really control it -
it's a feature of being addicted to something,
you feel you have to do it again and again.
Some tech companies though are now looking at building in timers to apps
which will warn us when we have spent too long on them.
Does Jean Twenge think this will be a good idea?
Jean Twenge: It might mean that people look at social media less frequently
and that they do what it really should be used for,
which is to keep in touch with people but then put it away and go see some of those people in person
連絡を取り合うために人と一緒にいても、それを片付けて その人たちと直接会ったり
or give them a phone call.
Rob: So, does she think it's a good idea?
Catherine: Well, she doesn't say so directly, but we can guess from her answer that she does,
キャサリン彼女はそうは言わないわしかし、彼女から推測できるのは と言うのは
because she says these timers will make people spend more time in face-to-face interaction,
which a lot of people think would be a good thing.
Rob: Yes, she said we should be using it for keeping in touch with people -
which means contacting people, communicating with them
and also encouraging us to do that communication in person.
If you do something in person then you physically do it –
you go somewhere yourself or see someone yourself,
you don't do it online or through your smartphone,
which nicely brings us back to our quiz question.
スマートフォンクイズの問題に戻りますいつだったでしょうか? 活字で初めて使われたスマートフォンという言葉 1995年か2000年か2005年か?何て言ったの? キャサリン?
When was the term smartphone first used in print?
1995, 2000, or 2005? What did you say, Catherine?
Catherine: I think I said 2005, without looking it up on my phone, Rob!
キャサリン2005年と言ったと思います。携帯で調べてみたよ ロブ!
Rob: That's good to know but maybe looking at your phone would have helped because the answer was 1995.
ロブ:それはいいことだけど、もしかしたらスマホを見ればわかる 答えは1995年だったからですしかし、まあ
But well done to anybody who did know that.
Catherine: Or well done to anyone who looked it up on their phone and got the right answer.
キャサリンまたは、誰にでもよくやったスマホで調べてみたら 正解。
Rob: Mmm, right, before logging off lets review today's vocabulary.
Rob: うーん、そうだね、ログオフする前に今日の語彙を復習する。
Catherine: OK, we had FOMO, an acronym that means Fear Of Missing Out.
Something that I get quite a lot.
Rob: And that makes you also a phubber -
Rob: そうすると、あなたもまた泡吹きになってしまうんですね。
people who ignore the real people around them because they are concentrating on their phones.
周りの人間を無視した人間に集中しているため 彼らの携帯電話。
Catherine: Yes, I do think I'm probably addicted to my phone.
I have a psychological and physical need to have it. My smartphone is my drug.
Rob: Wow, and you look at it compulsively.
You can't stop looking at it, you do it again and again, don't you?
Catherine: It's sadly true, Rob. To keep in touch with someone is to contact them and share your news regularly.
キャサリン悲しいかな、ロブ。心に留めておくために連絡を取ることは連絡を取ることである と定期的にニュースを共有してください。
Rob: And if you do that yourself by actually meeting them, then you are doing it in person.
And that brings us to the end of today's program.
Don't forget you can find us on the usual social media platforms –
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube - and on our website at bbclearningenglish.com.
ソーシャルメディアプラットフォーム - Facebook.Twitter、Instagram、YouTube - そして bbclearningenglish.comのウェブサイトをご覧ください。
Bye for now.
Catherine: Bye!