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  • Sometimes on a nice clear day, we can see something special in the sky ...

  • ... a hot air balloon!

  • Have you ever seen one?

  • Have you ever wondered how a hot air balloon works?

  • How does it get up there?

  • And how does it /stay/ up there?

  • Well, it's all about the air!

  • There's nothing special inside the balloon that makes it float.

  • It's just the same air that we're breathing right now!

  • So how does /that/ keep the balloon up there?

  • Well, even though you can't see it, air isn't /nothing/--it's /something/.

  • Air is made of matter!

  • Anything that you can touch, or feel, or that takes up space, is made of matter.

  • So air is made of matter, just like water is made of matter, and so are the clothes

  • you're wearing, and the food you eat -- even your body is made of matter!

  • So what kind of stuff is matter made of?

  • It's made of tiny things called molecules.

  • These are little particles that are way too small to see, but they're there!

  • So both inside and outside the balloon, there are many molecules of air, moving around and

  • taking up space.

  • But you know what's fun about molecules?

  • When they heat up, they start to move differently!

  • That's right!

  • When something gets warm, the molecules that it's made of start to move around /faster/,

  • bouncing around and spreading out.

  • And that's the important part: They spread out.

  • So let's think about how that would happen in a hot air balloon.

  • When the balloon is on the ground and ready to go, it has some air inside it.

  • And that air is the same temperature as the air /outside/ of the balloon.

  • So the air molecules are all moving around at the same speed, and are just as far apart

  • from each other, both inside and outside of the balloon.

  • But /then/, the balloon pilot makes the air /inside/ the hot air balloonhot!

  • You see, these balloons don't have engines like airplanes do.

  • They have big heaters that send flames up into the balloon!!

  • So when the pilot turns on the flames, it heats up the air /inside/ it!

  • That makes the molecules of air start bouncing around inside, and they start to get further

  • apart from each other.

  • As these molecules spread out, they start to fill up the balloon even more!

  • And when those molecules of air /inside/ the balloon start to take up more space, we say

  • that the air becomes less dense.

  • Soon, the air inside the balloon becomes less dense than the air /outside/.

  • Now, maybe you remember when we talked about why some things float, and other things sink.

  • We learned that things that are less dense than /water/ will float to the top, while

  • things that are more dense will sink.

  • And the same is true with our balloon!

  • The hot air /inside/ the balloon is less dense than the cool air /outside/ -- so the balloon

  • can float up!

  • In fact, warm air /always/ floats up.

  • Have you ever noticed that in the winter, when you have a heater on, the downstairs

  • of your house is usually a lot cooler than the upstairs?

  • That's because the warm air in your house is rising to the top!

  • So, in a hot air balloon, the hot, less-dense air inside the balloon rises up on top of

  • the cooler, denser air outside.

  • And that makes the balloon rise!

  • Now, how does the balloon get back down?

  • Well, the pilot opens a flap at the top of the balloon that lets the hot air out!

  • As the balloon fills with cooler, denser air, it begins to sink gently back down to the

  • ground.

  • It may be hard to believe that something so big can be carried by little molecules we

  • can't even see.

  • But that's what makes hot air balloons -- and science! -- so amazing!

  • Do you have a question about anything else that floats or flies?

  • Do you want to know how something works?

  • Then ask a grownup for help, and leave us a comment below, or send an email to!

  • We'll see you next time!

Sometimes on a nice clear day, we can see something special in the sky ...


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熱気球はどのように動作しますか? (How Do Hot Air Balloons Work?)

  • 67 5
    Doris に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日