字幕表 動画を再生する
I'm on an island near the North Pole and I'm here to find out who owns the Arctic.
アイスランドの北極近くに来ています これから北極が誰のものなのかを見つけにいきます
As the ice melts more and more in this region,
you can see just how dramatic the ice has been shrinking.
One of these countries has shown that they're willing to fight for it.
Russia's making a new push into the Arctic.
This is the Wild West.
Investment opportunities opening up in sort of an unusual area: the Russian Arctic.
ロシアの北極、という珍しい場所に 投資の機会が生まれています
The Arctic region has strategic and economic importance.
The pace of melting is only getting faster.
Russia projecting its power.
Use diplomacy to avoid further conflict in the High North.
So, I'm not allowed to
バレンツバーグ スバールバル諸島
take my camera down into the mine. So I've been given this explosion-proof
super fortified camera. In case it explodes, it won't cause a death fire for
the entire community.
この爆破防護ケースを付けるように言われました 爆破して殺さないようにするためです
This coal mine is owned by the Russian government,
00:01:06,420 --> 00:01:09,400 この炭鉱はロシア政府のものです
it's in a town with Russian flags,
and the bust of a Russian Communist revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin.
ロシア革命を起こしたレーニンの胸像が 置いてあります
But, this isn't Russia.
It's Barentsburg, on the island of Svalbard near the North Pole.
It's a place that exists for strategic reasons, not for making money.
軍事上の理由で存在しています お金のためではありません
In fact it loses money. Has for decades.
Russia funds this place because for them, it means influence in this region.
A frozen ocean, that is melting more and more every year due to the changing climate.
みんなここのビジネスが 儲かっていないって知っています
This is what the Arctic Ocean looked like in
September 1984. Fast-forward thirty two years and this is what it looks like:
ロシアがここを作ったのは この地域への影響力のためです
September 2016.
凍った海が気候変動により 毎年溶け出しています
Most of the world sees this as a looming disaster, but for the
1984年9月。北極はこんな 見た目をしていました
Arctic nations this change means an opportunity:
時は32年後。 これが現在の様子です
Access to a brand new ocean.
Here's what geologists think oil and gas resources might look like in the Arctic.
ほとんどの人にとって おぼろげな大災害かもしれません
The US Geological Survey estimates that the region holds 30 percent of the
でも北極付近の国にとって これはチャンスでもあります
world's undiscovered natural gas and 13% of its oil.
These resources are still remote and costly to access but they're more
こんな感じで石油が北極に分布すると 地質学者は考えています
accessible every year and suddenly this desolate region is very interesting to the world.
アメリカの地質調査によると この地域は世界の
New shipping routes are also opening up and this ocean, that was once frozen,
30%の未発見の天然ガスと 13%の石油があるそうです
is now navigable for longer periods every summer, cutting weeks off
そういった資源はまだ遠くて、 採算が見合いません
the trips between Asian and Western markets.
しかし年々と手が届きやすくなっていき、 急にここは世界の注目の的です
The topic of borders in the
Arctic region is a little bit complex and it's an issue that's still open
for discussion and negotiation. Currently the border lines in the Arctic Ocean
look like this.
アジア-西洋間の航行が 数週間短くなりました
Every country gets their default maritime borders that are
200 nautical miles off their coast. The rest of the water that doesn't fall within
少し複雑で今だに 議論と交渉が続いています
these exclusive economic zones, is up for grabs to anyone who can prove
that it belongs to them. And that has a lot to do with a continental shelf.
A continental shelf is a part of a country's landmass. It's just covered with ocean.
すべての国は海上の境界線を 海岸から200海里に設定しています
The continental shelf continues until it drops off into the deeper parts of the ocean.
排他的経済水域に入らない 残りの海は、
Since the ice has been melting, countries have been sending out
submarines to gather data on the continental shelf. They put together a
scientific case and submit it to a UN committee. This committee reviews it and
この事実が「大陸棚」に 大きく関係してくるのです
decides whether or not the country's claim is scientifically valid.
Extending from our coastlines, lying beneath the sea, is an extension of our country
called the continental shelf. It determines the new borders of our
country. Knowing where the edge of the continental shelf lies, adds millions of
square kilometers to our country and makes the resources on the seafloor and
国々は潜水艦を使って 大陸棚のデータを集めています
beneath the seabed, Canada's.
科学的な証拠を集めて国連に 送信しています
So far Norway and Iceland are the only two nations
委員会は証拠を見て主張が科学的に 確かかどうかを判断します
whose continental shelf claims have been submitted and approved by the UN, but
我々の海岸線を通り、船を北極へ向けることは、 我々の国土である大陸棚を広げることなのです
others have submitted claims that are waiting for approval.
Look at Russia's claims versus that of Greenland,
大陸棚の縁を知ることは、 我々の国を数百万平方キロメートル大きくし
the large Arctic island that actually belongs to Denmark.
The claims overlap significantly.
Canada is in the process
of gathering data and is expected to submit a claim that will also have some overlap here.
The UN committee that evaluates these
このロシアとグリーンランドの 主張を見てください
claims is made up of scientists, not diplomats. Their sole job is to say
whether or not the claim is scientifically valid.
It's then up to the
カナダは現在データを集めていますが、 その主張も重なり合う予定です
countries to negotiate how to work out who gets what.
Russia has shown its interest in having a claim that extends all the way to the North Pole.
外交官ではなく 科学者によって構成されています
In 2007 Russia went so far as to plant
科学的に妥当かどうかを 判断します
its flag on the seafloor under the North Pole.
それから各国がそれぞれで 交渉して決めます
And if push comes to shove, Russia
ロシアは北極まで主権を広げる 意図を見せています
likely won't concede its North Pole claim to the tiny nation of Denmark,
2007年 ロシアは北極の海底 に旗を差すまでになりました
whose claims overlap with theirs. Russia is easily the biggest player in the
Arctic neighborhood. Half of the Arctic is flanked by Russian coast and they
ロシアは北極の主権を 小さなデンマークに譲るつもりはないようです
easily wield the most influence and they have the most to gain from global
warming and the ice melting. And so they're refortifying and renovating a lot of
北極諸国の中で ロシアは強力です
their strategic outposts here in the Arctic.
50 airfields by 2020,
影響力は強いです。 ロシアは温暖化で一番利益を得る存在です
putting special forces. They're training, holding military exercises in the Arctic.
そこで彼らは北極での軍事力を 再強化、再配備しました
In recent years Russia has been reopening, fortifying, and building new military
bases in the Arctic region. They've been publicizing their military exercises,
特別部隊を作り、 軍事演習を北極で行っています
which include reindeer, huskies, and soldiers in uniforms that look like
近年ロシアは北極に軍事基地を 建設したり再起動させたりしています
they belong in a Star Wars film.
Russia is sending us important signals, that in the Arctic,
広告映像ではトナカイやハスキーが登場し、 スターウォーズのような服を着ています
they will project their own power and capabilities and I don't see a
ロシアは重要なシグナルを 我々に発信しています
sufficient response from the US and NATO, to recognize that increased military position.
One of those outposts is the town of Barentsburg, which is right
私はアメリカやNATOが認知しているという ハッキリとした反応を見ていません
behind me, here on the island of Svalbard.
派出所の内の1つが このバレンツバーグの町です
Barentsburg isn't a military facility, like all those other dots on the map, but
僕の後ろにあります。 ここ、スバルバード島です
it serves a similar purpose. And to understand why Russia wants a town on
this island, you have to understand Svalbard. It's unlike any other piece of
land on earth and not only because it's the northernmost inhabited part of the planet.
ロシアがこの街を作る 理由が知りたければ、
The Svalbard treaty, signed in 1920, says that any country who has
スバルバードを理解しないと いけません
signed the treaty can have its people on Svalbard and exploit the land for
commercial or economic purposes. The land technically belongs to Norway, but 45
地球の高緯度の土地である 以上の理由があります
countries have signed the treaty and so 45 countries have economic claim to this land.
The one rule is that no nation, including Norway, is allowed to have
条約を結んだ国はどこでもスバルバードに 住み開拓してもよいという条約です
military assets on Svalbard. So Russia set up a coal mine up here, not
to make money. Russia pays for these coal
miners to be here to sink economic roots into this land. If there's ever
つまり45ヵ国がこの地に 経済的な主権があるのです
dispute about boundaries or if oil is someday found off the shores of Svalbard,
ただしルールが1つ。 ノルウェーも含めて、
Russia will be at the table where those discussions are happening and
スバルバードに軍隊を 置いてはいけません
Barentsburg will be their bargaining chip.
It's their claim to this land.
What's most fascinating to me, is that this strategy plays out with people.
ロシアは炭鉱員に金を払いこの地に 経済的な根を張らせようとしているのです
The people living here in Barentsburg are effectively placeholders for a Russian
国境の論争が出てきたり 石油がここの沖で発見されたなら、
strategy for the Arctic. And yet when you talk to them that's not really on their mind.
ロシアはその時には 会議の場に出席するでしょう
They're not thinking about geopolitics,
バレンツバーグはその交渉材料に なるのです
they're not thinking about the changing landscape of the Arctic, and
what that means for Russian policy.
この戦略に感心したのは、 人々を利用している点です
For Russia, coal has been their main economic activity,
ここに住む人たちは ロシアの代表として効果的です
it's what they've been doing here for years, but coal is in decline
しかも、彼らはそんなことは 考えてもいません
and their operation is slowly losing people and interest and so they're
政治問題について 僕は興味ないですね
realizing they have to pivot to a different economic activity, that is more
sustainable for the future. And for them the answer is tourism.
On Svalbard, it's kind of clear: the coal mining era,
北極の情勢について、ロシアの方針について なんていうことは考えてもいないのです
is something which is, you know, disappearing.
政治なんて知らないし 話さない。議論しないわ
It's a bust.
炭鉱はロシアにとって大事な 経済的な活動です
Tourism, science, nature protection is its future.
You can see Russia's renewed interest in this island taking place
しかし、石炭は減ってきていて 事業は下向きになり人は減っています
when you walk around the town of Barentsburg.
そこで方針を変え 新しい経済活動を始めないといけません
The consulate is undergoing
未来にむけてより 続けられる事業です
some renovation right now. They're like gutting the whole thing and renovating
その答えが、 観光事業です
after years of neglect. It's a small village of a few hundred people and it
スバルバードでは炭鉱時代が 終わったことはみんな知っています
has an entire consulate. This consulate serves more as a statement than a
これはなんて言えばいいのか、 つまり、消えたんだよ
functional asset for the Russian government.
All these renovations suggest
観光、科学、自然保護… これらは未来だ
that they expect this ghost town to become a major tourist destination, but
バレンツバーグの町を歩けば ロシアが方針を変えた様子が見られます
making money isn't the motivation here.
領事館は今 改修中です
Of course it's impossible that
それまで放っておいたけれど、 内装を大改修しています
Barentsburg one day will support itself without any funding from the government.
数百人の小さな村に 領事館があるんです
It's impossible.
領事館の機能よりも政府の主張として この建物は存在しています
The pivot to tourism isn't just about keeping deep
こういった改修から、 ゴーストタウンが観光名所に なることを期待していることが見て取れます
economic roots in Barentsburg. It also serves a purpose of turning Barentsburg
しかしお金を稼ぐことが ここの目的ではありません
into a spectacle, for people to see just how much Russian identity is tied to the Arctic.
バレンツバーグが将来的に 政府の助けなしで…
Newly refurbished buildings, new Arctic theme bars, museums that tell the
story of Russian presence in the Arctic.
These aren't military bases or airfields,
バレンツバーグに根を下ろすだけが 観光事業へ転換した理由ではありません
but this sort of projection of culture and identity goes a long way in creating
association with a place, in exerting influence.
北極にロシアのアイデンティティが 広がっていることを示しているのです
It's called soft power.
新しいビルや北極がテーマのバー、 博物館があることで
Funding all of this on a faraway island that belongs to Norway, is the epitome of soft power.
ロシアの存在感を 感じさせるのです
And it's a perfect complement to Russia's surge in hard power in the Arctic.
Remember all those dots?
こういった文化やアイデンティティの 拡大は長い時間をかけて土地と結びつき、
The most long-range air patrols with bear bombers since the Cold War,
forty five thousand troops, three thousand four hundred military vehicles,
forty one ships, fifteen submarines, and a hundred and ten aircraft.
遠いノルウェーの島は、 ソフトパワーの縮図となっています
What do you think Russia's trying to achieve in the Arctic with that massive military buildup?
そして北極にあるロシアのハードパワー が上手く補完しています
I don't know.
I believe, however, that we are going to have to figure it out.
冷戦時代から最も長距離の 爆撃機付偵察隊、
But up until now Russia has been playing by the rules
4万5千の軍隊と、 3400の軍事車両、
on the maritime borders front. Following all the UN protocol and making
41の戦艦、 15の潜水艦、 そして110の飛行機
claims in a very orderly fashion, but they've also shown some provocative
ロシアは巨大な強化を利用して、 北極で何を得ようとしていると思われますか?
behavior in protecting their influence in the region.
On the one hand for Russia
しかしながら、 我々は調査していきたいと思います
to benefit economically from the Arctic, it has to be a stable cooperative environment.
ただロシアは今に至ってまでは 海事境界線に関してはルールに従っています
The best thing you can do to spook off companies and economic investment,
国連の協定に従い、 まったく通常の方法で権利を主張しています
is to think that the region could be prone to conflict.
しかし同時に挑発的な行為を示して、 北極の影響力を誇示しています
But we have to remember that this is the government that annexed Crimea a few years ago.
ロシアが北極から経済的利益を得るには、 安定で協力的な環境が必要なのです
It's a government that's not afraid to project power in its neighborhood.
一方で、ライバルが投資することを 止めさせる良い方法は
They're showing us both tracks, sort of this dual policy of wanting to be open
その地域で紛争が起こるのではないかと 怖がらせることです
for business, but be able to growl a little bit and show its muscular teeth
思い出してほしいのはロシアは 数年前にクリミアを併合した国なのです
for its military and those two, eventually they're a little incompatible.
この国は近隣国に 力を誇示することを いといません
This region is changing fast.
彼らは2つの選択肢を見せつけています オープンなビジネスを望むように見せつける一方で、
The treaties and norms that have kept it
しかし獣のようにうなって、 力強い牙を見せつけています
in order for years are becoming incompatible with the physical realities.
…軍隊を利用しながら。 この2つは両立しません
As the ice melts, the region will become more valuable. New borders will be drawn,
この地域は素早く 変化しています
and new opportunities to project power will emerge.
条約や基準は数年に渡って守られていますが、 現実の状態と矛盾しています
We can only hope that Russia continues to play by the rules.
氷が解けるにつれて、 この地域の価値が増します
My favorite part about being in the Arctic while I was making this story,
was going on these late night hikes.
力が反映される機会が 増加するでしょう
A lot of the footage in this video was shot after midnight,
ロシアが引き続き、 ルールを守ることを祈りましょう
when the sun would kind of just hover around the horizon.
北極で動画を作る際に 記憶に残っていることは、
The light would be beautiful for hours at a time.
And it was just such a crazy experience to watch the sun never set.
沢山の映像が 深夜に撮影されました
Anyway, thanks for watching the second episode of Borders, I published the first episode
太陽が水平線を 低空飛行していって、
last week. And I'm going to continue to publish these every week, on Tuesdays.
何時間も光が美しく 輝いていました
I also want to say a big thank you to lululemon, who is a sponsor of Borders.
太陽が沈まない、という 経験はとても刺激的でした
They sent me these ABC pants, which are
なんにせよ、 Bordersの第2エピソードを見てくれてありがとう 先週は最初のエピソードを公開しました
these sturdy pants are used for both active hiking, as well as just kind of lounging around.
They're super comfortable.
あと lululemonに感謝したいと思います
Thank you lululemon for sending me these ABC pants,
Bordersのスポンサーを してくれています
but more importantly thanks for supporting Borders, and for making this whole thing happen.
If you want to check out these ABC pants, I'm going to leave a link here,
とても丈夫でハイキングにも使えるし、 ゆったりするにもとても快適です
where you can go over to the lulu shop online, and check them out for yourself.
lululemonさん、 ABCズボンを送ってくれてありがとう
That's it, stay tuned: one week from now, I'm releasing the next episode of Borders.
そしてこのBordersをサポートしてくれて 本当にありがとうございます