字幕表 動画を再生する
So, this is our mobile soundscape exhibit.
こちらは 音風景の移動式展覧会
Where do we go from here?
Soundwaves are just vibrations in the air.
Such a vast and strange environment.
As long as you have curiosity, you know there's life.
好奇心さえあれば 生命の存在を感じられます
When I look out to the ocean,
海を眺めていると 星空を見上げたときと同じ感覚を覚えます
I get that same feeling as I do when I look up into the stars.
Hearing my parents playing guitar,
i. 海の音 父と母が奏でるギターの音色が
that's probably my first memory.
As a kid I would run through the hallways
幼い頃 家中を走り回っているといつも
and I would hear them practising Mexican traditional music.
I went to a Catholic school, and the nun who had the Spanish class
カトリック学校のスペイン語の先生が 私たち生徒を
always took students down to San Blas,
and that's where I met him.
そこで主人と出会ったのよ 私は15歳 彼は16歳だったわ
And I was 15, and he was 16 years old.
Here we are at the plaza, La Plaza Principal.
母はスペイン語がわからず 父は英語が話せなかった
Qué bonito.
My mum didn't know Spanish and my father didn't know English,
but they were able to communicate at least with music.
And then I came along.
でも その好奇心が原因で トラブルになることもありました
Danny, he was a busy one.
Very inquisitive when he was little.
大学に進むとか そんな希望は 持っていませんでした
But his curiosity sometimes got him in trouble.
でも卒業後に コミュニティカレッジにでも 通ってみようかと思ったんです
I was not a good student in high school. I didn't have any expectations,
I wasn't looking at universities or anything like that.
But after graduating I thought, well,
でも数学の授業を受けるようになって 何かが変わった
might as well go to community college.
I started at Cabrillo and I didn't know what engineering was.
方程式を覚えて答えを出すという 学生が大半ですが
As far as I was concerned, it was like a mechanic or something like that.
But I started taking some maths classes and it was different.
You know, there's lots of types of students.
The majority of the students, they want the equation
たとえば光の仕組みや 波が衝突するときの現象について
so that they could calculate a number.
物理を勉強して 音波は空気の振動で 数学的に表せると知ったとき
And then there are students who actually try to understand.
That's Daniel.
そのときにわかったんです 自分はエンジニアリングに携わりたいのだと
I would always question things, I would always wonder,
ii. 音を目で見る
how light works, why the waves are crashing the way they do.
あるとき学校で開催された 研究機関も参加するシンポジウムで
And when you start looking at physics, and learning about
these soundwaves are just vibrations in the air,
and how we can represent those mathematically,
my eyes opened to a new world.
And that's, I think, when it clicked.
That I knew I wanted to do engineering.
Cabrillo College held a symposium,
多くの生物が音でコミュニケーション しているのも当然ですよね
where they connect students to research institutions.
シロナガスクジラは地球上で最大の動物で 昔 存在した恐竜よりも大きい
It was really interesting what Danelle and John were doing.
その鳴き声は 人には振動として伝わります
Daniel had a musical background.
MBARIでは クジラの鳴き声を追跡し 頭数を数える方法を研究しています
That's an important part of working on audio;
you have to have an understanding of the way sound works.
Light may reach a couple of hundred metres in the ocean.
研究者が聴いて調べるには データ量が多すぎるので
Sound can travel thousands of miles.
その音をスペクトログラムにしました つまり 音をマッピングし画像化したのです
It's not a surprise that many life forms use sound for communicating.
さらにその画像データを 機械学習ツールの TensorFlowに入力しました
Blue whale is the largest animal to have ever lived on earth,
機械学習では コンピュータが パターンを見つけていきます
including bigger than any dinosaur.
膨大なデータの中から 有意義な情報を抜き出して
They vibrate your body, they're incredible to hear.
The scientists at MBARI wanted to figure out a way to listen in
クジラたちがいつどのように 鳴き声をあげるのかわかれば
and to count how many blue whales there were.
So, the process that we're using
involves recording audio from the ocean.
環境保全に関する多くの課題を 解決できるかもしれない
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
クジラの鳴き声を自動検出する ソフトウェアの開発は
But that's a lot of information;
too much information for a human to try to look at and listen to.
彼はまず 鳴き声の音楽的要素に注目して それを科学に結びつけていきました
We were able to turn those sounds into spectrograms,
which are just images or mappings of what sound looks like.
つまるところ どちらも起源は同じ
And fed those images into TensorFlow, this machine-learning tool.
音は 時間とともに周波数が変化する エネルギーで
Machine learning is getting the computer
音楽も 私たちが解析する信号も 同じ「音」なのです
to be able to pick up patterns.
iii. 音の解析
It allows us to take a mammoth pile of data
and distill it into something meaningful,
その内容はわかりません でもそこから考えるようになったのは
so that we can do the analysis.
We want to understand how and when they're using all these calls,
because that can help us understand their ecology.
We could answer a lot of questions about the way we are affecting
子どもの頃 科学者やエンジニアになるなんて 思っても見なかった
the marine environment and how we can help conserve it.
年を重ねても 自分にそんな能力はないと思ってた
Daniel was key in developing the software
学校は苦手だったし 今でも勉強は大変です
to automatically find the calls for us.
Daniel started with the artistry of sound,
and found a meeting place with the science of sound.
That note is this note here.
Ultimately, both of those experiences, they're from the same source.
テクノロジーを通じて 自分自身の道を
That is sound energy varying in frequency through time.
That's what makes music,
and that is the signal we analyse.
The whales are communicating something to each other.
I don't know what it is, but it made me think about
how music is a way of communicating.
Just like going back to my parents and how they met each other.
They were doing the same thing.
When I was a kid, I didn't think I was going to be a scientist or engineer.
And especially as I grew up, I didn't think I was capable of doing it.
School was hard for me, and it still is hard for me.
I don't know if I've found my passion.
I find myself so interested in a lot of different things.
But knowing that I'll never stop learning,
makes me feel pretty lucky.