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Hi, Bob the Canadian here.
In English, there are a lot of ways to ask someone to wait.
Let's go through a bunch of them.
The first one is obvious.
You can just say, "Wait" and someone usually will respond by waiting.
But you could also say, "Wait a second." or "Wait a minute."
And all of those would work interchangeably.
But there's more.
You could also say, "Hold on."
「Hold on 待って」
Or "Hold on a second."
や「Hold on a second.(1秒)待って」
Or "Hold a minute."
または「Hold a minute.(1分)待って」も使えます。
And all of those would also encourage someone to wait.
But there's more!
You could even say, "Hang on."
「Hang on 待って」
Or "Hang on a second."
や「Hang on a second(1秒)待って」
Or "Hang on a minute."
または「Hang on a minute.(1分)待って」もあるんです。
And all of those would also encourage someone to wait.
Now as with a lot of things in English, in the spoken form, we use a few short forms.
And with waiting, it's really just the word "second".
We sometimes in spoken English say, "sec".
So you might say, "Wait a sec." or "Hold on a sec." or "Hang on a sec."
なので、「Wait a sec」や「Hold on a sec」「Hang on a sec」と言うふうに使います。
And all of those would mean the same thing as, "Hold on a second." or "Wait a second."
これら全て「Hold on a second」、「Wait a second」と同じ意味です。
In addition, you could also say, "Whoa!" and that usually causes someone to stop right away.
And there is also another phrase.
You could say, "Not so fast." to ask someone to slow down.
「Not so fast.ちょっと待て(そんなに早くしないで)」と言い相手にゆっくりするように頼むこともできます。
"Not so fast, Bob, you're speaking too quickly."
"Not so fast. Not so fast there."
「Not so fast.ちょっと待て(そんなに早くしないで)」「Not so fast thereちょっと待て(そんなに早くしないで)」
Another one, which isn't quite as familiar as the rest is the term, "Hold your horses."
他のものは、今までと少し違いますが、「Hold your horses ちょっと待って(馬を握れ)」
And "Hold your horses."means wait just like all the other ones.
「Hold your horses ちょっと待って(馬を握れ)」とは
Well, that's a number of ways to ask someone to wait in English.
Bob the Canadian here.
Learn English with Bob the Canadian.
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Have a great day.
見ていただいてありがとうございました。良い一日を ちょっと待って:「Hold on」「Hold on a sec」「Wait a minute here」 「Whoa」「Hold your horses」「Stop」 「Whoa hold your horses」「Stop.」「Hang on」「Not so fast」「Not so fast」「Wait」 「Whoa!」 「Whoa!」 「Hold on a sec」「Hold on a sec」 「Whoa!」「Wait a minute」「Wait a minute」 「Wait a minute here.」 「Whoa!」「Hang on」「Hang on, What do we have here (ちょっとまって、どうなってるんだ?)」 「Whoa!」「Hang on!」 「Wait a sec. 」「Whoa! Whoa!」 「Hold your horses.」 「Hold your horses.」