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Hi, I'm Anne Marie with Speak Confident English and welcome to you're Confident
こんにちは、Speak Confident EnglishのAnne Marieです。
English Wednesday lesson. I want to start with a question for you: imagine that one
of your English-speaking colleagues at work invites you to a party this weekend
and maybe you really don't want to go or maybe you're not sure if you can go but
you don't want to be offensive, you don't want to be rude; you just maybe need to
have some time to think, maybe you need to check your schedule, or you just need
to say no. How can you do that in English politely?
In today's lesson, we're focused on polite ways to say "yes," "no," "maybe," or "I
can't" in English. And these are perfect for situations at work or even
situations with people who you, know your neighbors or friends. Now you might be
thinking: is there really more than one way to say yes or no in English? Yes!
thinking: 英語でイエスかノーかの言い方は本当に一つだけではないのでしょうか?そうです。
There is more than one way, and we have some words or expressions that are great
for casual, easy, everyday conversations with people that you really know well, and
then we have others that are perfect for more professional situations. So let's
take a look at a few examples in each of those categories. Let's start with the
word "yes" and a couple of casual examples. So, maybe your colleague that you see
every day, you have lunch with every day, asks you for some documents. She sends
you an email and says could you send me the documents before lunch? And you could
君にメールを送って 昼までに書類を送ってくれないか?そして、あなたは
say: "Yeah, sure, no problem." "Yeah, sure, no problem." Or, "Yeah, I'd be happy to."
と言う。"Yeah, sure, no problem.""うん、確かに、問題ない"または "ああ 喜んでやるよ"
“Yeah, I'd be happy to.” In those examples, I used “yeah” which is just an informal, more
"ええ、喜んで"これらの例では "ええ "を使っています これは単に非公式な、より多くの
casual way to say yes. Now, if it is a new client asking you for some documents, you
might not want to be so casual. So instead you could say, "Yes of course. I'll
はあまりカジュアルにはしたくないかもしれません。だから代わりに「はい もちろんです」と言えばいいのですと言うこともできます。
get those to you this afternoon." Or "Certainly, I'll send those to you before
"今日の午後にそれを送る"または "確かに、私は前にそれらをあなたに送ります。
lunch." Now unfortunately there are times when we have to say no. "No, we can't come
to the party this weekend." "No, I can't change the date of the meeting." But the
reality is, just saying "no" isn't always polite. So let's look at a few other ways
現実には「ノー」と言うだけでは 礼儀正しいとは限りませんそこで、他の方法をいくつか見てみましょう。
that you can do that. Simply adding those magic words — "thank you" — can help a lot.
をすることができます。単にそれらの魔法の言葉を加えるだけで - "ありがとう" - 多くのことを助けることができます。
For example, "No, but thank you. I really appreciate the offer." "No, but thank you so
much for inviting me. Unfortunately we already have something planned this
weekend." "I wish I could but I just don't have time right now."
"週末""そうしたいけど 今は時間がない"
"I wish I could but we have other plans this weekend." "Not right now but maybe
"出来ればいいんだけど 週末は別の予定があるから""今はダメだけど、たぶん
another time. Maybe we could do that this weekend." And
finally, if you want to be really casual, you can use "nope" which is a very
最後に、本当にカジュアルにしたい場合は、"nope "を使うことができますが、これは非常に
informal way of saying no. For example, "Do you want another piece of cake?" "Nope! I've
断り方例:"Do you want another piece of cake?" "ケーキのおかわりは?""Noope!私は
had enough." Now, in professional situations let's look at some more
formal ways of saying no that are also very polite. "I'm sorry but we won't be
フォーマルな断り方も丁寧な断り方です。"I'm sorry but we won't be
able to change the date of the meeting." "I'm sorry but we won't be able to..." and
日にちを変更することができます。""申し訳ありませんが、できません。" とか
whatever the request is. "I'm afraid that's not possible." "I'm afraid that we
can't change the date." Now, what if you have an invitation, an offer, a request,
and you're just not sure. Maybe you want to think about it, maybe you really don't
know your schedule and you need to verify if you're free or not free to do
something. Here are a few very simple words that you can use to say maybe, to
say that you're not sure, you're not ready to commit. For example, "Perhaps I
can make it. Let me check my calendar." Or "Perhaps it'll work. Let me think about it
作ることができます。"カレンダーを確認させてください"または "もしかしたらうまくいくかもしれない。考えさせてください
a little bit." "I'm not sure if I can come on Saturday. I'll double check my
calendar." And finally, let's talk about how to say "I can't." For example, imagine
"カレンダー"最後に "できません "の言い方の話をしましょう例えば、想像してみてください。
that your boss asks you to do something at work, maybe to meet a deadline or to
get a project finished earlier and the truth is you can't. But
when we say that, when we use those words — "I can't" — especially in professional
situations, it sounds a little bit like a failure. And "I can't" sounds very negative.
という状況になると ちょっと失敗したように聞こえますそして、「できない」はとてもネガティブに聞こえます。
But we can change the words just a little bit. And this little change
removes some of the negativity and it makes it sound like you're doing what
you can to accomplish the goal, to finish the project, meet the deadline, it's still
in progress. And those little words are: "I'm unable to" or "I'm not able to." For
進行中ですその小さな言葉は"できない "とか "できない "ということですのために
example, "I'm unable to complete this this afternoon but I'll have it for you first
thing tomorrow morning." Or "I'm unable to complete this until I get more
"明日の朝のこと"または "私はもっと多くの情報を得るまで これを完成させることができません
information from the accounting office." "I'm unable to meet with you tomorrow but
I would love to next week." Just that little change takes away some of that
strong negativity, it softens the language so that it's more polite to use.
And now you have several new ways to politely say yes, no, maybe, I can't in
English, and I have more examples for you in the online lesson. So after you've
watched this video, review the other examples and then as always I have a
challenge question for you at the end. Don't miss this opportunity to practice
using the language, join the conversation and get feedback from me. Thank you so
much for joining me and I'll see you next Wednesday for your Confident
English Wednesday lesson.