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A Disney World vacation is no cheap matter.
We're reminded of that every year when ticket prices are regularly bumped up.
It's usually paired with a bunch of news articles about Disney becoming an increasingly expensive experience.
However it wasn't always that way.
Back when Disney World opened in 1971, an adult eleven ride ticket book cost $5.75 and a room at The Contemporary cost up to $44 a night.
ディズニーワールドがオープンした 1971 年、11 種類のアトラクションを利用できる回数券の大人料金は 5.75 ドル(当時 2,070 円)、コンテンポラリーホテルは、1 泊あたり、高くても 44 ドル(当時 15,840 円)でした。
Even adjusted for inflation, that would come out to around $34.50 for the tickets and $264 for the hotel.
今の物価に換算しても、チケットは 34.50 ドル(約 3,700 円)、ホテルは 264 ドル(約 28,000 円)くらいなものでしょう。
In reality, a one-day Magic Kingdom ticket costs $132 with tax, and a night at The Contemporary, facing the theme park, can run around $675 a night.
でも実際は、マジックキングダムの 1 日券は 132 ドル ( 約 1 万 4 千円 )+税、そしてマジックキングダムに面するコンテンポラリーホテルは、1 泊で約 675 ドル ( 約 7 万 3 千円 ) ほどにもなります。
So what happened?
When did Disney World get so expensive?
Well the quick and short answer is that CEO Michael Eisner and CFO Gary Wilson happened.
ま、簡単に言うと、CEO のマイケル・アイズナーと CFO のゲイリー・ウィルソンがいたからです。
The long answer is that, circumstances at the time really made the decision simple and it's kind of hard to vilify them for what was otherwise a sound business move.
You see, Disney as a company was in a bit of a rough spot when Eisner took over as CEO.
ご存知のように、アイズナー氏が CEO としてディズニー社を引き継いだ際、会社はやや厳しい状況にありました。
With the death of Walt Disney in the later half of the 1960s, the 1970s were somewhat of a lost era for the company.
ウォルト・ディズニーの死後、1960 年代後半から 1970 年は、会社にとって失われた時代とも言えました。
Sure today we can look back at projects like Robin Hood and The Rescuers and see them as classics, but the truth is the company wasn't growing financially during this time.
A company once known for constant innovation at the hand of Walt Disney quickly became one that relied on its old tricks due to a "What would Walt do?" mentality.
This lack of evolution and change was partially beneficial for fans, as it was an era in which admission prices at the parks didn't really rise too steeply.
Annual increases ranged from fifty cents to a dollar or so.
1 年でせいぜい 50 セントから 1 ドル高くなるくらいでした。
As CEO at the time Card Walker put it, "We have to keep our prices low, so that guests feel they've gotten good value."
当時の CEO だったカード・ウォーカーが言っていたのです。「料金設定は低くしておかなければならない。お客様が来た価値があった思えるようにね」と。
It was a continuation of Walt's own approach to the parks.
Profit was secondary to making something people loved.
Unfortunately corporate raiders on Wall Street didn't care about what Walt thought twenty years prior,
残念ながら、ウォールストリートの企業レイダーたちは、ウォルトがその 20 年以上も前に考えていたことなど気にも留めませんでした。
and so the stagnation of the company into the early 1980s made Disney a prime target for a hostile takeover.
Thanks to the efforts of Walt's nephew, Roy E Disney, the raiders were ultimately warded off.
If you want to know more about how, I have a great book suggestion at the end of this video.
Long story short, however, it meant a change in leadership at Disney, and that meant bringing in Michael Eisner and Frank Wells.
Even before officially signing on as CEO, Eisner saw the value that was being underutilized at the Disney parks.
In order to keep away any future wall street raiders , Disney needed to start improving their bottom-line, and fast.
Eisner brought in a new Chief Financial Officer from Marriott named Gary Wilson, and without any hesitation, ticket prices started to go up.
Just to give you an idea of the rate and amount of the increases, consider this.
Just two years prior to Michael Eisner joining the company, Disney World ticket prices rose twice for a total of three dollars, from $15 for a one-day ticket to $18.
マイケル・アイズナー氏がやって来るほんの 2 年前、ディズニーワールドのチケット料金は 2 回、合計で 3 ドル値上げされていました。1 日券が 15 ドルから 18 ドルになりました。
In the two years following his arrival, tickets rose in price five times, jumping eight dollars to $26.
そして、アイズナー氏がやって来てから 2 年の間に、チケット料金は 5 回も値上げされます。8 ドル上乗せされ 26 ドル(当時約 4 ~ 5 千円)になったんです。
The surprising part for Disney was that even with the frequent price hikes, attendance wasn't dropping, proving Eisner right.
There was more value in the admission to the Disney parks than Disney was realizing.
The new Disney leadership also saw value that was going unrecognized elsewhere, specifically in hotels on property and in VHS releases of Disney's classic films.
The company similarly cashed in on those opportunities, and by 1987 the company's operating income jumped from just under three-hundred million dollars to nearly eight-hundred million dollars.
ディズニー社は、そこでも利益を上げていきました。そして 1987 年までには営業利益が 3 億ドル ( 当時約 750 億円 ) 弱から 8 億ドル ( 当時約 980 億円 ) 近くにまで上昇したのです。
The turnaround kept raiders at bay.
Prices continued to rise in the 1990s and early 2000s.
Even into Bob Iger's tenor as CEO over the last ten years, tickets would see annual hikes that leave us at the prices we have today.
ボブ・アイガー氏が CEO になってからのこの 10 年ほどの間もチケット料金は毎年上がり続け、現在の価格に至っています。
Now some might argue that Disney is very different from the state it was in thirty years ago, and so they should stop raising prices.
ディズニーは 30 年前とは大きく変わってしまった、値上げはもうやめるべきだと言う人もいるかもしれません。
However even though Disney improved drastically, they weren't always totally in the clear.
For instance, as late as 2004, Disney was the target of another takeover bid, this time by Comcast.
例えば 2004 年、ディズニーは株式公開買い付けのターゲットとなっています。この時はコムキャストが相手でした。
For better or for worse, the growth-focused mindset of Wall Street and the constant looming threat of being purchased, willingly or otherwise, by a bigger fish means companies like Disney are forced to try and grow every single year.
This means more revenue, and this means higher prices to get there.
So ultimately Disney World is so expensive because historically the price hikes were crucial to elevating the company as a whole and closing a near 15 year gap of stagnation.
結局、ディズニーワールドの料金が高額になったのは、値上げが必要不可欠だったから。企業として成長するために、そして 15 年近くに及ぶ停滞で生じた穴を埋めるためにです。
It protected the company from outside buyers by making the company more valuable.
But beyond that the answer is because, when all is said and done after each price hike, people are still willing to pay for it.
If you're interested in learning more about the attempted hostile takeover of Disney in the early 1980s that resulted in Eisner stepping in as CEO,
アイズナー氏が CEO に就任することとなった、1980 年代初めのディズニー社の敵対的買収未遂についてもっと知りたい方は、
I suggest checking out Storming the Magic Kingdom by John Taylor.
ジョン・タイラー氏作の『ストーミング・ザ・マジック・キングダム ( ディズニー王国を乗っ取れ )』がおすすめです。
You can find a link to the book in my description below.
I want to thank you for watching, and I'll see you next time.