字幕表 動画を再生する
Hello, and welcome to my lesson. I hope you are happy.
What? What's going on? Today, I'm going to teach you some words that you will say in
English. They are definitely English words. You will use the words correctly in a beautiful,
grammatically correct sentence, but they make me go, "What? That's weird. That's weird.
"You speak like a grandmother or a grandfather." This lesson is called "Olde School" or -- uh-oh!
"おばあちゃんやおじいちゃんのように話す"このレッスンは "オールドスクール "と呼ばれています。
"Too formal! What are you doing?" So one of the goals that I've always had since I started
teaching ESL, or teaching English, is that textbook English and the way that a lot of
people teach you how to speak... it's not "cool". You sound like you are reading a textbook.
One of my goals in life is to make everyone that I teach sound natural, normal, and not
like an old person even if you are an old person. That's cool. I want you to learn words
that I and other normal -- normal? Not normal -- and natural English speakers would use.
私や他の普通の...普通?普通じゃない 自然な英語を話す人なら 使うだろう
So "Olde School". "Ronnie, you've spelled "old" school wrong." Guess what? A long time
"オールドスクール "か"ロニー、スペルが違うぞ"何だと思う?ずっと前に
ago, this is how they spelled "old", but they didn't say "oldie", they said "old". "Olde school"
昔はこうやって "オールド "と綴っていましたが "オールディーズ "ではなく "オールド "と言っていました。"オールドスクール"
"Olde school" means it's old. So let's look at the first one: "Telephone".
"Olde school "は古いという意味です。ということで、1つ目を見てみましょう。"電話 "です。
We never, ever, ever, ever, ever say "telephone"; we say "phone" or "mobile" or "cell". "Telephone"
私たちは決して "電話 "とは言わず、"電話 "や "携帯電話 "や "携帯電話 "と言っています。"電話"
is really, really, really old. Do you remember the really old telephones that you had to
dial -- you stick your finger and you go [makes clicking sounds]? And if you made a mistake,
ダイヤルに指を突っ込んで [クリック音がする]?間違えたら
you had to start again. I remember being a little Ronnie, and I had to dial my best friend's
number, and it had three nines in it. [Shudders] "I made a mistake." So "telephone" -- old.
9が3つ入っていた"間違えました""電話 "は古い
Now we have these wonderful cell phones. You press a button, and your friend is right there
-- "Hi", okay? Don't use the word "telephone"; it's strange.
-- 電話という言葉を使わないでくれ。電話という言葉は使わないで 奇妙だわ
The other one is: "Television". Do you have a television? I don't. I hate television.
So much so that I don't even call it that; I call it a TV. Please call it a "TV", not
a "television". "Television" is old, very old.
"テレビ "という"テレビ "は古い、とても古い。
This word: "refrigerator" -- "Ronnie, there's a space here." Yeah. Ronnie has trouble spelling.
"冷蔵庫 "って言葉は... "ロニー ここにスペースが"そうだなロニーはスペルが苦手なんだ
And the reason why I have trouble spelling this word is we never, ever, ever say this
word: "refrigerator". I'm tired by the time I get to this space here, so instead of saying
"refrigerator", do you know what we say? "I'm hungry. I'm going to go to the fridge." and
"冷蔵庫 "って何て言うか知ってる?"お腹が空いた。冷蔵庫に行ってくる」と
get a Coke or a drink. So normally, we shorten this, and we call it a "fridge", "fridge".
"Automobile", "auto". If you speak any of the Latin languages, you can understand "auto"
"Automobile" "オート"ラテン語の何れかを話せば "オート "は理解できるでしょう
means "self"; "mobile" means "move". "Look at me. I'm going in my self-move to the -- to
the mall. Would you like a drive?" "No. I'll take the bus, thank you." So "automobile"
and "auto", we do not use. We call it one of these [makes car noise] a "car". I have
と「オート」は使いません。このうちの1つ[車の音を立てる]を "車 "と呼んでいますを持っています。
seen a textbook -- one or two in my day -- and it actually says "automobile". So I looked
教科書を見たんだ 私の時代には1冊か2冊あったが 実際には「自動車」と書いてあったそれで調べてみました
at the date: "Published 2010." Really? You put "automobile" in a textbook? Give your
日付を見ると "2010年発行"そうなんですか?教科書に "自動車 "って書いてあるの?あなたの
head a shake. The next one is a modal verb. If you do not
head a shake.次のものは動詞の動詞です。をしない場合は
know what a modal verb is, go look in a grammar book. "Shall" is a modal verb. However, we
変格動詞の意味を知っているなら 文法書で調べろ"Shall" は修飾動詞です。しかし、私たちは
never use this. The only time you will see this modal verb used is if you are reading
rules of something. If you go to a public swimming pool, or if you go on the subway,
all of the rules are written with this word. "You shall not spit in the pool. You shall
すべてのルールは この言葉で書かれています"あなたはプールで唾を吐いてはならない。あなたは
not -- in the pool." Okay, I'm not going to do that. "You shall not run around the pool
because you're going to die." "Shall" -- we always use "will" or negative "won't". This
"死ぬから""Shall" -- 私たちは常に "will "や否定的な "would't "を使いますこれは
has... replaced our modal verb "shall". Please don't say this; it's weird. "You shall give
"shall "という動詞の代わりに...これは言わないでください 変ですよ"You shall give
me a dollar." What? "You will give me a dollar." "You're going to give me a dollar." Everyone
give me a dollar. The next one is an expression: "What a pity"
or "What a shame!" Now, if you were -- let's see -- maybe a 70-year-old grandmother or
とか "残念!" とかさて、もしあなたが...70歳のおばあちゃんや
grandfather living in England, you would say this all the time. My grandmother -- God rest
イギリスに住んでいた祖父は いつもこう言っていましたね祖母は...
her soul -- would say this, "What a pity. What a shame." She's from Scotland. She says
彼女の魂はこう言うだろう "気の毒に"何て残念なことなんだ"彼女は スコットランド出身で彼女が言うには
this all the time, "What a pity. What a shame." We go, "That sucks." Okay? If something is
"残念だな "と思った"残念だ""最悪だな "って言うんだいい?もし何かが
bad, you can -- you can say that. You can say, "Wow. That sucks." or "That blows." Don't
悪いことをした時は...そう言うことができる"うわぁ 最悪だ" とか "吹っ飛ばされた" とかね駄目だ
say this. You can even say, "That's bad." "What a pity" or "What a shame" -- it's way,
こう言ってみてください。"残念だ "とか "残念だ "とか"残念だ "とか "残念だ "とか。
way too old. Too old. Too old. Bye-bye. "Pardon me!" Pardon me; I forgot the "S".
年を取りすぎた年を取りすぎた。年を取りすぎたバイバイ"失礼しました!すみません、"S "を忘れてしまいました。
"Pardon me" -- again, my grandmother says this all the time. Pardon me -- we say now:
"Pardon me" -- またしても祖母がいつも言っていた"Pardon me" -- 私たちは今、こう言っています。
"Excuse me." Why would you say this? We use this expression in a lot of situations. The
"失礼します"なぜこんなことを言うの?私たちは多くの場面で この表現を使いますその中でも
first one is if you [makes fart sound]. That was with my mouth, yeah? You're going to say,
"Excuse me." [Makes burp sound] The second -- burp. I did that again with my mouth. You're
going to say, again, "Excuse me." You can say "Pardon me" when you fart or burp, but
"失礼します "って言うんだよおならやげっぷをした時に "Pardon me "と言うことはできますが
it's more natural to say, "Excuse me." The other thing is if you're shopping and there're
"失礼します "と言う方が自然だと思いますもう一つは 買い物をしている時に
people in the way, you can say, "Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me! Move." And they will
eventually maybe move. So "excuse me" is a very, very polite way of getting someone to
最終的には引っ越すかもしれません"失礼します "というのは とても丁寧な方法です
move out of the way and excusing yourself if you have gas. People also use it to get
邪魔にならないように移動したり ガスがあると言い訳したりします人はまた、それを使って
your attention. Today, I was buying chicken -- I love chicken -- and I put all my groceries
あなたの注意を喚起します。今日は鶏肉を買っていました -- 鶏肉が大好きな私は -- 食料品をすべて置いていました
-- that means food -- into a bag, and I went away. And I was organizing my bag. And a girl
-- 食べ物を意味するバッグに入れて、私は去っていった。私はバッグの中を整理していたすると女の子が
said, "Excuse me!" I was like, "What? Oh, hi." "You forgot your chicken." "Oh, my God!
"失礼します!"って言ってた。私は "えっ?"あ、こんにちは""チキン忘れてるよ""うわぁ~!
I forgot my chicken! I love chicken." So she was nice enough to tell me and not steal my
chicken. Thank you to the lady at the supermarket today that did not steal my chicken. I love you.
Were you a vegetarian? I would have taken that, for sure.
The next set of words are words that are too formal, okay? Again, when you say them, you're
correct. I hear people say, "I entered the building." Are you Elvis Presley? Okay? You
を正しています。"入った "という声が聞こえてきます。エルビス・プレスリーさんですか?いいですか?あなたは
are not, like, "[makes trumpet sound] Bobby is now entering the building!" "Bobby! Yeah!
"ボビーが建物の中に入ってきました!" といった感じではありません。"ボビー!イェーイ!
Bobby! Yeah! Come on in, Bobby! Sit down! Shut up." No. You're just going to say, "Hey.
ボビー!イェーイ!入って ボビー!座れ!黙れ"いや "ヘイ "って言えばいいんだよ
I went in." " I went in the classroom." " I went in the mall." " I went in the car." Okay?
Please don't say, "entered". Strange. The opposite of this is when you're leaving
-- sayonara -- "Exited". Now these are past tense for a good reason. You're just going
-- サヨナラ -- "Exited"これらは過去形になっているのには 理由がありますあなたはただ
to say "left". Not this hand. It's the same spelling, but "I left". "Yesterday, I left
を「左」と言ってみましょう。この手ではなく同じ綴りですが "I left "です。"昨日、私は去りました
work." You're not going to say, "I exited work at 5 p.m. yesterday." Hello. Learn some
"仕事""昨日の午後5時に仕事を終えました "とは言わないでしょう。こんにちはいくつか勉強して
cool words. "Departed". So departed is this: you are going
on an airplane, and it's your first trip anywhere in the world, and all of your parents and
all of your friends are saying "Goodbye! Have a -- Bon voyage! You're departing. Bye!" Not
お友達はみんな「さよなら!」と言っています。Have a -- Bon voyage!あなたは出発します。"さようなら!"それじゃなくて
going to happen. You're just going to say, "I left." "Yesterday, I left the bar because
起こってしまう"店を出た "と言うだけです。"昨日、バーを出たのは
I was too drunk to figure out what I was doing." So these two words -- bye-bye. Take them out.
"Left". Easy. This word: "received" [makes panting sound].
"I received mail." Hmm. If you ever watch movies, or if you have an email account,
it says, very famously, "You've got mail. You've got mail." It doesn't say, "You've received
"郵便物が届いた "って有名なことが書いてある"郵便物が届いた""郵便物を受け取った "とは書いていない
mail. You've received mail." Instead of saying "received", say "got". People are going to
郵便物です。"郵便物を受け取った""received "と言うのではなく "get "と言いましょう人々は次のように言います。
say: "I received a beer from the bartender." Guess what? You didn't. You got a beer, okay?
Next word. I hear a lot of people use this when they talk about playing sports. So people
say, "I participated in a football game yesterday." What did you do? Were you, like, the cheerleader
"昨日はサッカーの試合に参加しました" と言うのです何をしたの?チアリーダーだったの?
going, like, "Yeah! Come on, team!" No. You're going to say, "I played football yesterday."
"イェーイ!"みたいな感じで"さあ、チーム!"いや、"昨日サッカーをした "と言うだろう。
You're not participating in it; you're playing it.
The next one is "joined". I hear a lot of people say, "I joined the restaurant yesterday."
次は「入店」です。"昨日入店しました "という言葉をよく耳にします。
You joined the restaurant? Okay. Or "I joined the nightclub yesterday." Did you join it?
入店したんですか?そうだなまたは "昨日ナイトクラブに入った"入ったの?
Is there a membership fee? "Join" we only use if you have to pay a membership fee, and
会費はかかりますか?"入会 "は会費が必要な場合にのみ利用しており
you're going to join something for a month. So you can join EngVid. That's free. Please
join. Instead of saying "joined" for casual things that you do, you're going to say
"went to". So you're going to say, "I went to the restaurant." "I went to a party." I hear a
"に行った"つまり "レストランに行った "と言うことですね"パーティーに行った"が聞こえてきます。
lot of people say, I joined the party. Did you? Were you, like, just, "Use your membership
多くの人が言う 私はパーティーに参加したとそうなの?あなたは、ただ、「会員権を使って
card. Come on in. Have a beer." No. "I went to the party." Two more, then we're done.
Olde school! "Located". "I located my marker." Did you
search for it? Did you put out an APB? Did you call the police and go, "We have a missing
marker. Please get all hands on deck, and get this marker found." No. "Found". "I found
マーカー総員をデッキに集めて このマーカーを見つけてください""見つけた "ではなく"見つけた
my marker. It's right here the whole time floating in air."
Hello. Were you born -- good -- in the 1950s? Okay. If you were, maybe you remember disco
dancing the night away. Maybe you wore bell-bottoms. Maybe you like John Travolta. I like John
Travolta. "Disco" is a kind of music. ABBA -- that's all I got. John Travolta. "Disco
トラボルタ。"ディスコ "は音楽の一種。ABBA......それしかない。ジョン・トラボルタ"ディスコ
-- disco fever boogie." Disco is super, super, super, super old. You would never find a "disco"
-- "ディスコ・フィーバー・ブギー"ディスコは超、超、超、超、超、超、超、古い。"ディスコ "なんて
in any country that speaks English. Maybe someplace in Europe you would find a "disco".
"Disco" is a type of music from the 70s. In these here parts, we go to a "nightclub" or
"ディスコ "とは、70年代の音楽の一種です。ここら辺では、"ナイトクラブ "や
a "bar". Disco -- old, outdated -- don't use it. Too "olde school".
a "bar"ディスコ...古い、時代遅れ...使うな。あまりにも「古い」。
Last one: "occupation". I hear people say, "Ronnie, what is your occupation?" "I don't
最後の一本。"職業""ロニー、君の職業は?" と聞かれることがあります"私は知らない
know. What's my occupation?" Instead of saying "occupation", you want to ask someone, "What's
知っている私の職業は何ですか?""職業 "と言うのではなく、誰かに "What's
your job?" And I tell them, "I am an undercover spy, a secret agent, working for the monkeys
in the -- in the, in the, in the, in the, in the jungles of Brazil. That's it. That's
all I got. Olde school. Don't do it. Bye.
Can I have a mustache when I come back?