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Hi, Byrdie fans!
I'm Mary Helen.
Welcome to Ballet Beautiful!
I'm here with Martha Hunt from Victoria's Secret.
We're gonna take you through a quick, super-targeted ab workout so you can train like an Angel.
So let's start back on our mat—you're gonna pull the stomach in tight, arms to first position.
Remember, like you're holding a beach ball—little space in the fingers, like little ballerina
Okay, lower back, we're gonna pull in and lift up like a march—so down and lift as
you come up and two, great, and three and four, now add a twist, and twist up, great,
and six pulling in and seven, last one, eight, and just hold back.
How's that feeling?
Let's get to that shaky spot.
Okay, lift one knee, hold, yes, pulling in tight, good, change legs, good.
Okay, great, let's do another set.
Okay, different range of motion: arms up, fifth position, so a nice circle up over your
Let's do four to one side, and then we'll change, so up, good, that's great.
Yeah, pulling in as you twist, two, good, three, and left, and change, five, suck the
stomach in also as you come up, and six, that's great, you're really engaging that core, good,
seven, good, eight, and we're gonna hold and pulse to the back, and two and three and hold.
Let's change sides and pulse and two, great, and three and hold.
Sit up, and we'll do a nice stretch.
Well done!
How were those?
So that's focusing a little more your obliques on your waist, still great.
So nice bend side to side.
Legs straight, we're gonna come down, arms back to first position, so lower, we're gonna lift
one leg and come up and lift, changing legs, and two and three, pulling in as you lift,
and four, now add a twist, and five and six.
Good any time, seven, that looks great, eight, and then just hold it here, and hold two,
three, four, five, six, seven, good, and hold.
We're almost there, and three, four, good five, six, seven, eight.
Sit up, then release!
It's a good pain.
You're heading straight into that core, so a nice bend side to side, up and over.
If you'd like, add a little more stretch through your hips, and then we'll change sides,
good, up and over, so I always like to take a little bend through the arm after the exercise.
Great job!
Thanks for joining us, and I hope you enjoyed our Angel abs.