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Welcome to Lab :- 3
or lesson 3 of Learn
JavaScript Object Oriented Programming concepts.
In the first lab we talked about what are JavaScript objects, in the 2nd lab we talked about
In this lab
will talk about something called as
JavaScript Closures.
In this 16 minutes of video
will first talk about
the basic concept of Closures in JavaScript.
In the remaining part of the video
will talk about how JavaScript Closures
helps us to implement
proper Object Oriented Programming concept
in JavaScript Language.
JavaScript Closures are
Stateful Functions.
Means what?
When we create a function in JavaScript
by default it is
Let us say, we create a function here called as Counter
and create a
inside the function called as
and increment the variable.
If we call this function over here
if we run this
this is the first call, it shows 1.
if click
again the second call show 1.
In short
this call of the counter
has a different state than this call of the counter.
When a function or a method runs
it creates a running memory.
All these variables like counter etc...
gets created on running memory called as Stack.
The counter variable gets allocated on the Stack
It gets incremented,
displayed and then released.
It happens for the first time.
When we run for the second time a new running memory is created.
The first one is then disallocated.
On stack when any variable is created
the function is executed,
the variable is created then released.
Lot of times
we want
the functions and the variable should stay in the memory.
For example, we want
everytime we call the counter we want
the value to get incremented.
In other words,
we want this variable to be remembered.
One of the things which can come to our mind is
why don't we create a variable
If run this
the variable is created globally on the browser.
What is the problem
with the approach of creating the variables globally.
One of the rule of good programming is
modules, functions, methods. They should be self contained.
They should be isolated self contained modules.
If we going to have such kind of global variables and they are accessed by the counter function, we can have problems.
If there is some other function called as MyCounter.
It is also incrementing the same variable then we can have unwanted
errors or unwanted defects.
When we talk about modular programming
we want the module to be self contained, they should be isolated, they should be a single unit.
This variable should be private .
It should have a different instance all together.
That's where JavaScript Closures comes into picture.
helps us to achieve
To write a closure
a Closure is a function inside a function.
One function encloses an other function.
Will create a method called as Increment.
This method
will return back.
A closure is
a function
inside a function.
the other function.
Say here
var x= Counter
Again we can create a different instance.
or a different isolated memory.
This is the first time we are calling and this is the second time.
Both of them are different isolated memory.
it should show the value 1 and here it should show the value 2.
Here it should the value 1 because this is a different instance.
In every call it is remembering the local variable.
In reality when we are doing projects
what is the use of such isolated stateful functions or a closures.
If we put in one single sentence
helps to implement Object Oriented Programming concept in JavaScript in a very neat way.
How JavaScript Closures helps to achieve that.
Cut this code out here
and paste it right down below to see the later.
Put this as a comment.
This code of Counter was only to understand the basic concept of Closures.
How can we use this stateful function to create
object oriented programming in JavaScript.
Some of the principles of Object Oriented Programming is
Abstraction says
show only what is necessary.
Second principle is Encapsulation.
Encapsulation says
hide complexity.
Then we have
Parent child
then we have Polymorphism
which says
depending on situations, the object will behave differently.
How are these principles
by Closures.
First will start with Abstraction and Encapsulation.
Let us say we want to create
a Customer
In the Customer object
we have some properties
the CustomerName property,
CustomerCode property
we can have
Validate function
and so on.
We have one function here
which says
this connects to database and
get some data.
In the validate
we are calling the DbConnect first then doing some
By default
we have
the things
private. In other words, we have implemented
Whatever is the complexity we have hidden it.
Abstraction says
show only what is necessary. What is needed to be shown to the end user, we have to him the CustomerName property,
Validate method
but we don't want to show the DbConnect method.
This is
We don't want
the person who is consuming the component
to connect to DB.
It is done internally by the validate function.
Now will implement
In the return
we want
the CustomerName to be public.
When we are making things public
will call them with some user name.
Internally this is
_CustomeName but from outside we want people to call it by CustomerName.
anybody sets a property to CustomerName or a value to CutomerName
internally it will store it in _CustomerName.
If we call to CustomerCode
internally it will set to CustomerCode.
In the same we if we call Validate
internally it will call
In the return
we have not given DbConnect
DbConnect cannot be call from
Because of Closures
we can implement
proper Object Oriented Programming concept because this is a closure a self contained object
that's make the good module.
We have a Customer,
an object here.
These are the private
and these are
public or abstraction which we want
the developer who is consuming the component to know about it.
We can start using
the self contained customer object.
The self contained customer object
is clean
it is not
confusing with the Global Variables.
It is completely isolated.
We have a very beautiful object here
which is following abstraction, Encapsulation
it is self contained.
To implement inheritance
we need to set
the prototype objects.
For Abstraction, Encapsulation
will use Closures. This implemented by Closures.
This is implemented by Prototype
We can do proper object oriented programming in JavaScript.
depending on situations the object should change the behavior.
JavaScript is a dynamic language
there is not any polymorphism or rather
there is always polymorphism
Any variable can become of any data type.
We can say var cust = new customer. This points to the
parent at some moment of time
and the same customer can appoint towards
Customer child.
When we talk about polymorphism in JavaScript
it is
by default
the behavior of JavaScript.
Because of closures
because of
self contained
function which is tied up to an environment
at that time
we are able to achieve proper object oriented programming concept.
Closure is a function inside a function. This is Customer and the _Validate
is the closure inside it.
Closures are isolated stateful functions. Because of that
we can implement abstraction, encapsulation,
we can implement proper object oriented programming concepts
using closers.
In this video we were trying to understand what exactly are JavaScript Closures.
In the next video we are going to discuss about very very important thing called as
IIFE(Immediately Invoked Function Expression).
When we talk about good object oriented programming
one of the thing is we want to
put the components into modules like in C# and Java we have something called as namespaces.
In the next video will talk about
how immediately invoke function expression
helps to implement namespaces
in JavaScript.
Thank you very much