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  • Well, you already saw me in the video before,

  • in fact

  • I was invited by the Chinese Anti-xiejiao Association, which is part of the CCP,

  • together with several other scholars to discuss the definition of xiejiao.

  • It was very clear that it's almost impossible to come to an agreement about xiejiao

  • for two reasons.

  • Number one, some 30 years ago, scholars in the West stopped using the word "cult."

  • The word "cult" is still used, of course,

  • by the media, journalists, political activists,

  • but we don't use the word "cult."

  • The word "cult" disappeared from academic studies 30 years ago.

  • Why?

  • Because the word "cult" implies a value judgment on groups,

  • and scholars do not give value judgments.

  • But there is a second reason. We believe it is wrong to translate xiejiao as "cult."

  • Cult in the modern sense is a word originating in the early 19th century in Europe,

  • xiejiao originated in the Ming era,

  • so it's anachronistic to translate xiejiao as "cult."

  • The definition of xiejiao in Chinese law

  • has nothing to do with any definition of cult used in Europe

  • in the past hundred years.

  • You already heard about the definition

  • given by the Chinese Supreme Court and the Chinese Procuratorate,

  • this word doesn't really exist in English by the way, in early 2017,

  • saying xiejiao are groups deifying their leaders or spreading superstitious fallacies.

  • Now, nobody who talked about cults in the West in the last hundred years,

  • and we no longer talk about cults.

  • Nobody will recognize this definition,

  • because spreading superstitious fallacies is an accusation

  • which can be used against any religion.

  • Who decides what doctrines are superstitious

  • and what doctrines are really religious?

  • So xiejiao has a specific history in China

  • to ban heterodox groups accused of being against governments

  • and that, as I said, is from the Ming era.

  • So I would recommend not to translate xiejiao as cults

  • and to leave it in Chinese "xiejiao."

  • When I visited China for this very difficult dialogue with Chinese authorities,

  • I understood there are three different definitions of xiejiao.

  • If we talk with Three-Self pastors,

  • and we did,

  • Three-Self pastors will define xiejiao as heretical groups,

  • groups that do not believe in the traditional Christian theology of Trinity,

  • traditional Christian ideas about Jesus Christ.

  • So for them, what is xiejiao?

  • It's a heretical group,

  • it's a group whose theology we do not like.

  • Now CCP scholars borrow an old definition of cults from the West

  • and they define cults as groups using something called brainwashing

  • to control their members.

  • This is very funny in a way

  • because the word "brainwashing"

  • was coined by the CIA as a tool for the propaganda against Mao Zedong and China.

  • In other words, what was brainwashing?

  • Brainwashing as defined by Edward Hunter,

  • a CIA agent who wrote the first book about brainwashing in China,

  • brainwashing was something very bad the evil Chinese Communists do.

  • So, to see the Chinese Communist now using the word brainwashing is

  • in a way very interesting.

  • This word did not exist in English language

  • and was invented in the 50s by the CIA for their propaganda against China.

  • The third definition is mostly the definition we from the West proposed,

  • say,

  • Okay, you want to keep the word xiejiao

  • because you have been using it for many centuries,

  • but the only way to use xiejiao in a non-discriminatory way

  • is to use it for what I call criminal religious movements.

  • Of course there are religious movements that are criminal,

  • but criminal means they have a criminal behavior.

  • Nobody in a democratic society should be prosecuted for ideas or beliefs,

  • but clearly, people, religious or not religious, doesn't matter,

  • can be prosecuted for their criminal behavior.

  • So what is a criminal religious movement?

  • And I insisted with the Chinese authorities,

  • "If you want to keep xiejiao,

  • please use a definition of xiejiao as criminal religious movement.

  • You should avoid ideas like brainwashing

  • because there is a consensus among scholars in the West

  • that brainwashing does not exist,

  • and you should avoid asking the friendly Christian pastors in the Three-Self

  • what church is heretic, what church is Christian and not heretic,

  • because secular state cannot use theological criteria to define criminal movement.

  • Another wrong notion is the one used in Russia.

  • Russia liquidated this year, they use this word "liquidating,"

  • banning, putting out of the law the Jehovah's witnesses

  • and they have a list of another 37 groups they plan to liquidate.

  • These groups according to Russian Ministry of Justice are extremists.

  • What is the main criterion to define these groups as extremists?

  • The Russian Supreme Court says

  • an extremist group

  • is a group saying we preach the true religion and the other religions are false.

  • But this definition applies to many religions,

  • Islam, Catholicism and many others.

  • So this is again a wrong notion of xiejiao.

  • We cannot say, if a group believes they have the truth,

  • we may like we may not like, but we cannot say it's criminal,

  • and it happens very frequently in religion.

  • So, my definition of xiejiao or criminal religious movement

  • is a group which, or a religious movement that

  • either advocates or consistently engages in common crimes

  • including terrorism, violence, rape, child abuse

  • and even major economic crimes.

  • Now I want to quickly examine five elements of

  • this definition of xiejiao or criminal religious movement.

  • Number one, xiejiao are religious movements.

  • Sometimes the Chinese use the word "pseudo-religion."

  • We do not agree,

  • because to define "pseudo-religion" you should believe two things,

  • and these two things are false.

  • Number one, you should believe you know the true definition of religion,

  • and if you ask scholars, there are a hundred different definitions of religion.

  • Number two, you should believe that all religions are nice, kind and bring flowers.

  • This is again not true.

  • Many religions commit crimes,

  • so it's perfectly possible that you are a religious movement

  • but you commit illegal activities,

  • so we call criminal religious movement.

  • Number two, to be criminal,

  • the religious movement should commit crimes as a group, or justify the crimes,

  • saying these crimes are good and people should do them.

  • For example,

  • there are Catholic priests who are pedophiles,

  • but that does not make the Catholic Church a criminal group.

  • Why?

  • Because the Catholic Church does not advocate pedophilia.

  • The church made many mistakes,

  • but normally,

  • when a Catholic priest is identified as a pedophile, he is kicked off of the church.

  • There are Islamic terrorists or terrorists who claim to be Islamic,

  • but that doesn't make Islam a criminal religious group

  • because most Muslims believe these terrorists do not represent Islam.

  • So there are criminals in religion,

  • but the religion is criminal

  • only when it advocates, justifies, hails the criminal activities.

  • Number three, crimes should be serious crimes,

  • homicide, rape, sexual abuse, even enormous financial crimes,

  • huge networks of international money laundering, for example.

  • There are cases.

  • If a religious group is only guilty of some minor administrative or tax violation,

  • it's not a criminal movement.

  • Most religions have some problems with taxes.

  • Number four, crimes should be common crimes,

  • crimes which will be crimes even if they were committed by non-religious people.

  • Homicide, always a crime;

  • crime of being a cult, that's not a crime;

  • crime of using brainwashing,

  • that's not a crime because scholars do not believe brainwashing exists.

  • So physical abuse, beating people, yes;

  • psychological abuse, we don't know what it is.

  • So they should be common crimes.

  • Number five, these crimes should be ascertained by a real court.

  • That's very important for China.

  • It should be a court where the defendants have the guarantees

  • requested by Universal Declaration of Human Rights due process.

  • You are accused, you should know what you are accused of.

  • You should have a lawyer, independent lawyer,

  • not lawyer appointed by the court and friend of the court.

  • So you should have a regular process

  • and your crimes should be ascertained through a regular process.

  • Now let's come to the case of The Church of Almighty God.

  • The Church of Almighty God according to Chinese authorities is xiejiao.

  • Now if we ask the pastors of the Three-Self and even of some house churches,

  • they will say,

  • "Yes, it's a xiejiao because their theology is a theology we do not like."

  • And of course, the theology of The Church of Almighty God is a new theology,

  • is a new version of Christianity.

  • But as we saw,

  • this does not make a movement criminal.

  • We can disagree with the theology of The Church of Almighty God,

  • but freedom of religion is freedom of following any theology.

  • Of course it's also freedom to criticize your theology.

  • But that's a free debate what theology is true,

  • and nobody should go to jail for following the wrong theology.

  • Now the CCP, different from the Three-Self churches, says something different.

  • CCP says The Church of Almighty God is xiejiao,

  • because they committed very serious crimes including homicide.

  • So the question is

  • whether these accusations are true or false, are proved or are not proved.

  • One accusation the CCP raises against The Church of Almighty God

  • is you want to overthrow the government.

  • It is certainly true that

  • The Church of Almighty God does not like the Chinese government, to say the least,

  • or does not like the Chinese Communist Party,

  • and compares the CCP to the red dragon of the Book of Revelation in the Bible,

  • which is a very bad character in the Bible.

  • However, if you read carefully the literature of The Church of Almighty God,

  • to me, it's very clear that

  • The Church of Almighty God does not advocate revolution or an armed uprising

  • against the CCP and the government,

  • but it's a theological idea

  • that because of prophecies in the Bible, the CCP regime will fall by itself.

  • "By itself," meaning

  • The Church of Almighty God does not advocate an armed revolution against,

  • which will also be very difficult of course, against CCP.

  • Another accusation heard very often is that 15 years ago, in 2002,

  • The Church of Almighty God kidnapped

  • 34 pastors of another church, the China Gospel Fellowship,

  • in order to convert them to The Church of Almighty God.

  • This is a very obscure episode, and even the object of some novels.

  • Scholars should still study it.

  • However, what I can say today is these accusations are not proved.

  • There has been no police investigation, whose records are available;

  • there has been no trial, no trial;

  • nobody has been tried and convicted in China for this crime.

  • So at the very least, we can say it's not proved.

  • As you saw in the video,

  • there is one single incident which is spread by CCP all over the world

  • to justify The Church of Almighty God is really xiejiao, criminal religious movement,

  • and that's the McDonald's murder in 2014 in Zhaoyuan.

  • If you go to the Internet, there are 20,000 websites

  • accusing The Church of Almighty God

  • of having perpetrated or organized the McDonald's murder.

  • Now I agree that the McDonald's murder is a horrific crime,

  • crime so bad that even alone

  • it will be enough to call The Church of Almighty God a xiejiao or criminal movement,

  • if The Church of Almighty God was responsible for it.

  • So, the real question is:

  • Who did the McDonald's murder?

  • The crime was on May 28th, 2014,

  • six missionaries entered a McDonald in the city of Zhaoyuan

  • and started preaching and asking clients for their cell phone number.

  • A lady called Wu Shuoyan didn't give the phone number and was beaten to death.

  • There were surveillance cameras so we can see the poor lady beaten to death.

  • But the real problem is: Who were these people?

  • Happily, I wrote a study about McDonald's murder

  • and the documents I used, this is very important,

  • all the documents I used were published by CCP.

  • I didn't receive documents from The Church of Almighty God.

  • I worked on documents supplied by CCP,

  • mostly documents of the trial of the assassins

  • and interviews in jail with the assassins.

  • Now, it's very clear that these people say,

  • "We call ourselves Almighty God,

  • but we are a different church

  • from Zhao Weishan (that's the priest of The Church of Almighty God).

  • We use the same name but we are two different churches."

  • Zhang Fan was executed for the murder,

  • you see her here, one of the leaders of this group.

  • She said,

  • "Zhao Weishan group (that is The Church of Almighty God we all know),

  • is the fake Almighty God,

  • we are the real Almighty God."

  • "They are fake, we are real." That means two different groups.

  • Also, the main belief of this small group, they never add more than 30 members

  • and they were reduced to six when they perpetrated the murder,

  • their main belief was that

  • Zhang Fan and another ladythey live togetherLyu Yingchun,

  • they were one soul in two bodies, they were the Almighty God.

  • Now The Church of Almighty God has another person as the Almighty God.

  • So it cannot be the same church.

  • Again, let me repeat,

  • all these documents come from CCP, they don't come from The Church of Almighty God.

  • In the future the CCP may fabricate new documents, it's possible.

  • But the documents so far available from the trial,

  • from the interview of the assassins,

  • from CCP's official analysis of the case

  • clearly show that the assassins were part of a different movement,

  • they were not, emphasis on not, part of The Church of Almighty God.

  • So in the US and Europe, we are becoming very familiar with the idea of fake news.

  • It's an old idea,

  • the Soviets used it for Mafia for many decades,

  • but the world is full of fake news.

  • In France, scholars have invented a new word called "mediabolization,"

  • or demonizing groups through the media.

  • The CCP has been very successful

  • in using the McDonald's murder to demonize The Church of Almighty God,

  • 20,000 websites,

  • including unfortunately, because I believe they are very serious people,

  • a documentary by BBC,

  • completely accepting the version of CCP.

  • So they have been successful.

  • But I hope as more and more scholars study The Church of Almighty God,

  • the truth will come out

  • and responsible media will understand the truth.

  • Of course some people may still not like

  • the theology of The Church of Almighty God or its ideas,

  • but as I said,

  • nobody should be persecuted, tortured or killed for his or her ideas.

  • And as for the crimes, for some of these crimes there are no proofs.

  • McDonald's murder,

  • the main crime attributed to The Church of Almighty God is a real crime,

  • but done by a different group.

  • I want to conclude

  • with an editorial of the New York Times after the McDonald's murder.

  • That was written by a Chinese novelist who lives in the United States, Murong Xuecun.

  • I don't know if my pronunciation is right.

  • He was quoting CCP television

  • who after the McDonald's murder run a series on xiejiao,

  • saying, "Xiejiao are groups characterized by immorality and restriction of freedom."

  • And this writer on New York Times says it's very good

  • because if Chinese wants to look for xiejiao,

  • they don't need to look very far,

  • because the biggest xiejiao is Chinese Communist Party.

  • And so, if you want to define xiejiao as a group

  • spreading false information and restricting the freedom the citizens,

  • the real xiejiao is the Chinese Communist Party.

  • Thank you.

Well, you already saw me in the video before,


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B1 中級

中国の謝氏として全知全能の神の教会を迫害する (Persecuting the Church of Almighty God as a Xie Jiao in China)

  • 177 2 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日