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  • Hi. My name is Victor Sho. And I'm LaShonna.

  • We are going to teach you how to dance to dubstep music.

  • I just want to bring clarity to this. Dubstep is more or less a style of music. It's not

  • really a style of dance.

  • There are a lot of people who play dubstep music and free style to it. And in that free

  • style, the majority of the time you'll see a lot of slow movements and isolations. When

  • you see these free styles, that's why people try to adapt it to the dubstep as a dance

  • but it's more or less just a free style.

  • So we're going to show you how you can free style to dubstep music. Just a basic foundation.

  • We like to call if slow, hit, hit, hit.

  • Slow, hit, hit, hit.

  • Slow, hit, hit, hit.

  • Slow, hit, hit, hit.

  • For the most part, that's a great way to start. Your slow movement can just be very floaty

  • or it can even be like a wave.

  • You can take it from there. This is just a foundation.

  • We're going to show you how we free style to dubstep music.

  • Five, six, seven, and...

  • And that's how you can start to free style to dubstep music.

Hi. My name is Victor Sho. And I'm LaShonna.


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A2 初級

ダブステップに合わせて踊る方法|セクシーなダンスムーブ (How to Dance to Dubstep | Sexy Dance Moves)

  • 95 4
    Caurora に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日