字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント We gettin' close! DEADPOOL: You all know the drill! Intercept the convoy. And watch out for Cable! Hit it! There's this kid, he's in trouble... Move or die. DEADPOOL: Pump the hate brakes, Thanos. I ain't lettin' Cable get to him, but I can't do this alone. We need backup. We're gonna form a super-duper fucking group. It's time to get back on LinkedIn. Meet Bedlam. My name's Shatterstar. Domino. -I'm lucky. -(COCKS GUN AND FIRES) DEADPOOL: Luck isn't a superpower. And certainly not very cinematic. -Yes, it is. -DEADPOOL: Let's meet in the middle and say "No, it isn't." Fuck it. It's showtime. Whoo! CABLE: You're no fucking hero. You're just a clown, dressed up as a sex toy. So dark. You sure you're not from the DC Universe? DEADPOOL: Bring it on, One-Eyed Willie. Your bullets, they're really fast! Last but not least... Peter. DEADPOOL: Any power you wanna tell us about? I don't... I don't have one. Um, I just saw the ad. DEADPOOL: You're in.
B2 中上級 米 デッドプール2:ファイナル・トレーラー (Deadpool 2: The Final Trailer) 275 20 Cyndi に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語