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  • I essentially drag sledges for a living,

    翻訳: Jarred Tucker 校正: Asami HATANO

  • so it doesn't take an awful lot to flummox me intellectually,


  • but I'm going to read this question

    知性を問われる なんてことはないですね

  • from an interview earlier this year:

    今年受けたインタビューの中で こんな質問がありました

  • "Philosophically, does the constant supply of information

    今年受けたインタビューの中で こんな質問がありました

  • steal our ability to imagine

    ”哲学的に 継続的な情報の供給は

  • or replace our dreams of achieving?

    私達の想像力を 奪うのでしょうか?

  • After all, if it is being done somewhere by someone,

    または 達成への期待を 取り換えてしまうのでしょうか?

  • and we can participate virtually,

    結局は どこかで 誰かがやっていることに

  • then why bother leaving the house?"


  • I'm usually introduced as a polar explorer.

    わざわざ家を出る 必要があるでしょうか?"

  • I'm not sure that's the most progressive or 21st-century


  • of job titles, but I've spent more than two percent now


  • of my entire life living in a tent inside the Arctic Circle,

    とても今時な肩書きだとは 思いませんが

  • so I get out of the house a fair bit.


  • And in my nature, I guess, I am a doer of things

    要は 私はよく外出します

  • more than I am a spectator or a contemplator of things,

    私は本質的に 傍観者や思索家ではなく

  • and it's that dichotomy, the gulf between ideas and action


  • that I'm going to try and explore briefly.

    今日探っていくのは この二分性

  • The pithiest answer to the question "why?"


  • that's been dogging me for the last 12 years

    12年間 ずっと私に付きまとっている

  • was credited certainly to this chap, the rakish-looking gentleman

    ”なぜ?”という質問の もっともな解を見つけたのが

  • standing at the back, second from the left,

    後列 左から2番目のしゃれた紳士

  • George Lee Mallory. Many of you will know his name.


  • In 1924 he was last seen disappearing into the clouds


  • near the summit of Mt. Everest.

    1924年 彼はエベレストの山頂近くで

  • He may or may not have been the first person to climb Everest,


  • more than 30 years before Edmund Hillary.

    彼がエベレストに登った最初の 人間かもしれない

  • No one knows if he got to the top. It's still a mystery.

    エドモンド・ヒラリーの 30年以上も前にです

  • But he was credited with coining the phrase, "Because it's there."

    真実は 未だ謎のままですが

  • Now I'm not actually sure that he did say that.

    「そこに山があるから」 という名言を残したとされています

  • There's very little evidence to suggest it, but what he did say


  • is actually far nicer,

    証拠はありません しかし実は

  • and again, I've printed this. I'm going to read it out.

    彼は他にもすばらしい言葉を 残しているのです

  • "The first question which you will ask

    印刷してきたので 読みます

  • and which I must try to answer is this:


  • What is the use of climbing Mt. Everest?

    私が必ず答えなければいけない 質問がこれです

  • And my answer must at once be, it is no use.


  • There is not the slightest prospect of any gain whatsoever.

    即答です 何のためでもありません

  • Oh, we may learn a little about the behavior

    得なんてちっともない 見込もない

  • of the human body at high altitudes,

    まぁ 山の上での人間の 生命現象について

  • and possibly medical men may turn our observation


  • to some account for the purposes of aviation,

    そして 医者たちが 私たちの発見を

  • but otherwise nothing will come of it.


  • We shall not bring back a single bit of gold or silver,

    でも メリットはそれぐらいでしょう

  • and not a gem, nor any coal or iron.

    金や銀の欠片を持って帰る こともありません

  • We shall not find a single foot of earth that can be planted


  • with crops to raise food. So it is no use.


  • If you cannot understand that there is something in man


  • which responds to the challenge of this mountain

    人間には エベレストからの挑戦に

  • and goes out to meet it, that the struggle

    反応し それに立ち向かう何かが あるということ

  • is the struggle of life itself upward and forever upward,

    上へ上へと登っていかなければならない 山の厳しさは

  • then you won't see why we go.


  • What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy,

    それが理解できなければ 山に登る 理由なんて 見当たらないでしょう

  • and joy, after all, is the end of life.

    この冒険で手に入るのは 最高の喜び

  • We don't live to eat and make money.

    人生を満たす 喜びです

  • We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life.

    私たちは 稼いだり食べるために 生きているのではない

  • That is what life means, and that is what life is for."

    これらは人生を楽しむための 手段でしかない

  • Mallory's argument that leaving the house,

    人生は楽しむもの 楽しむためにあるのです”

  • embarking on these grand adventures is joyful and fun,

    マロリーの結論は 家を出て冒険に出ると

  • however, doesn't tally that neatly with my own experience.

    楽しい 喜びが溢れた体験が できるということです

  • The furthest I've ever got away from my front door

    しかし 私の経験と ぴったり一致はしません

  • was in the spring of 2004. I still don't know exactly

    家から一番遠く離れたのは 2004年の春のことでした

  • what came over me, but my plan was to make

    未だに 自分の正気を疑いますが

  • a solo and unsupported crossing of the Arctic Ocean.

    私のプランは 独りで援助なしに

  • I planned essentially to walk from the north coast of Russia


  • to the North Pole, and then to carry on to the north coast of Canada.

    ロシアの北岸から 北極まで歩いて

  • No one had ever done this. I was 26 at the time.

    そのまま カナダの北岸に 向かう計画でした

  • A lot of experts were saying it was impossible,

    史上初への挑戦 当時26歳でした

  • and my mum certainly wasn't very keen on the idea.


  • (Laughter)

    母さんもなかなか納得して くれませんでした

  • The journey from a small weather station on the north coast


  • of Siberia up to my final starting point,


  • the edge of the pack ice, the coast of the Arctic Ocean,

    最終的な出発点であった パックアイスの端

  • took about five hours, and if anyone watched fearless


  • Felix Baumgartner going up, rather than just coming down,

    恐れ知らずのフェリックス・ バウムガルトナーが

  • you'll appreciate the sense of apprehension,

    スカイダイビングのために 気球で上昇するのを見た人ならば

  • as I sat in a helicopter thundering north,


  • and the sense, I think if anything, of impending doom.


  • I sat there wondering what on Earth I had gotten myself into.

    私の不安がどんなものだったか おわかりでしょう

  • There was a bit of fun, a bit of joy.

    自分はなんてことをしているのだと 考えていました

  • I was 26. I remember sitting there


  • looking down at my sledge. I had my skis ready to go,


  • I had a satellite phone, a pump-action shotgun


  • in case I was attacked by a polar bear.


  • I remember looking out of the window and seeing the second helicopter.

    シロクマに襲われた時の ショットガンもあります

  • We were both thundering through this incredible Siberian dawn,

    窓の外を眺めていると 私たちの2台のヘリは

  • and part of me felt a bit like a cross between Jason Bourne

    目を奪うようなシベリアの夜明けの なかを飛んでいました

  • and Wilfred Thesiger. Part of me

    私の半分は ウィルフレッド・セシジャーと

  • felt quite proud of myself, but mostly I was just utterly terrified.


  • And that journey lasted 10 weeks, 72 days.

    もう半分は 誇らしい気持ちもありましたが 完全にビビッていたことを覚えています

  • I didn't see anyone else. We took this photo next to the helicopter.

    横断の旅は10週間 72日間かかりました

  • Beyond that, I didn't see anyone for 10 weeks.

    ずっと1人でした この写真はヘリの横で撮ったものです

  • The North Pole is slap bang in the middle of the sea,

    それ以降 10週間誰にも 会わなかったのです

  • so I'm traveling over the frozen surface of the Arctic Ocean.


  • NASA described conditions that year as the worst since records began.

    北極海の凍った水面を 歩いているわけです

  • I was dragging 180 kilos of food and fuel and supplies,

    NASAの観測史上 最悪の天候のなか

  • about 400 pounds. The average temperature for the 10 weeks

    180キロの食材・燃料・消耗品を 引いて進みました

  • was minus 35. Minus 50 was the coldest.

    ポンドに換算すると 400ポンドくらいです

  • So again, there wasn't an awful lot of joy or fun to be had.

    10週間の平均気温が-35℃でした -50℃まで下がったこともありました

  • One of the magical things about this journey, however,


  • is that because I'm walking over the sea,

    しかし 素敵な体験もありました

  • over this floating, drifting, shifting crust of ice


  • that's floating on top of the Arctic Ocean is


  • it's an environment that's in a constant state of flux.


  • The ice is always moving, breaking up, drifting around,


  • refreezing, so the scenery that I saw for nearly 3 months

    海を漂う氷塊は 崩れてはまた固まり

  • was unique to me. No one else will ever, could ever,


  • possibly see the views, the vistas, that I saw for 10 weeks.

    3か月間 私が目にした景色は 私だけのものです

  • And that, I guess, is probably the finest argument for leaving the house.

    後にも先にも 同じ景色は 二度とないのですから

  • I can try to tell you what it was like,


  • but you'll never know what it was like,


  • and the more I try to explain that I felt lonely,


  • I was the only human being in 5.4 million square-miles,


  • it was cold, nearly minus 75 with windchill on a bad day,


  • the more words fall short, and I'm unable to do it justice.

    -75℃の極寒で襲ってくる雨風 その寒さなど

  • And it seems to me, therefore, that the doing,

    伝えようがないのです 伝えきれる言葉がありません

  • you know, to try to experience, to engage, to endeavor,

    私が思うには 間接的に 見たり考えたりするより

  • rather than to watch and to wonder, that's where

    自分で行動する つまり

  • the real meat of life is to be found,

    何かを体験し 従事し  挑戦したほうが

  • the juice that we can suck out of our hours and days.


  • And I would add a cautionary note here, however.

    思う存分に 人生を楽しめるでしょう

  • In my experience, there is something addictive

    だが 一つ忠告があります 私の経験から言うと

  • about tasting life at the very edge of what's humanly possible.


  • Now I don't just mean in the field of

    この味は知ってしまうと 癖になる

  • daft macho Edwardian style derring-do,

    これは馬鹿げた エドワード王風の

  • but also in the fields of pancreatic cancer,


  • there is something addictive about this, and in my case,


  • I think polar expeditions are perhaps not that far removed


  • from having a crack habit.

    私にとって 極地探索はコカイン中毒と

  • I can't explain quite how good it is until you've tried it,


  • but it has the capacity to burn up all the money I can get my hands on,

    説明できないけど 一度やると はまってしまう

  • to ruin every relationship I've ever had,


  • so be careful what you wish for.


  • Mallory postulated that there is something in man

    だから 何をするかには注意が必要だ

  • that responds to the challenge of the mountain,

    人間には 山からの挑戦に立ち向かう

  • and I wonder if that's the case whether there's something


  • in the challenge itself, in the endeavor, and particularly


  • in the big, unfinished, chunky challenges that face humanity

    特に 私たち人類を待ち構えているような

  • that call out to us, and in my experience that's certainly the case.

    誰も成功したことのない 大挑戦に立ち向かうこと

  • There is one unfinished challenge

    その行動にあるのではないか と私は考えます

  • that's been calling out to me for most of my adult life.


  • Many of you will know the story.

    大人になってから ずっと私に 付きまとっている

  • This is a photo of Captain Scott and his team.

    みなさんは この話を知っていると思います

  • Scott set out just over a hundred years ago to try


  • to become the first person to reach the South Pole.

    彼らは 今から100年ちょっと前に

  • No one knew what was there. It was utterly unmapped

    世界初の南極点到達を目指し 出発しました

  • at the time. We knew more about the surface of the moon

    当時 南極は地図もない 未知の世界でした

  • than we did about the heart of Antarctica.


  • Scott, as many of you will know, was beaten to it


  • by Roald Amundsen and his Norwegian team,

    知っての通り スコットたちは

  • who used dogs and dogsleds. Scott's team were on foot,

    犬ぞりを使ったロアール・アムンセン 率いるノルウェー隊に

  • all five of them wearing harnesses and dragging around sledges,

    先を越されてしまいました スコットたちは徒歩で

  • and they arrived at the pole to find the Norwegian flag already there,

    全員自らそりを引っ張って 南極点を目指しました

  • I'd imagine pretty bitter and demoralized.

    着いたときには 既にノルウェー旗が 刺さっていました

  • All five of them turned and started walking back to the coast


  • and all five died on that return journey.

    引き返して 海岸へ戻ろうとした帰路で

  • There is a sort of misconception nowadays that


  • it's all been done in the fields of exploration and adventure.


  • When I talk about Antarctica, people often say,

    と 多くの現代人が誤解しています

  • "Hasn't, you know, that's interesting,

    南極について話していて よく言われるのが

  • hasn't that Blue Peter presenter just done it on a bike?"

    「この前 そこで自転車旅を している番組見たよ」

  • Or, "That's nice. You know, my grandmother's going


  • on a cruise to Antarctica next year. You know.


  • Is there a chance you'll see her there?"


  • (Laughter)

    もしかして 会うかもね」 とか

  • But Scott's journey remains unfinished.


  • No one has ever walked from the very coast of Antarctica

    しかし スコットの旅はまだ終わっていない

  • to the South Pole and back again.


  • It is, arguably, the most audacious endeavor

    徒歩で往復できた人は まだいません

  • of that Edwardian golden age of exploration,

    おそらく エドワード王の探検黄金時代で

  • and it seemed to me high time, given everything


  • we have figured out in the century since


  • from scurvy to solar panels, that it was high time


  • someone had a go at finishing the job.


  • So that's precisely what I'm setting out to do.


  • This time next year, in October, I'm leading a team of three.

    だから 私は挑んで行きます

  • It will take us about four months to make this return journey.

    来年の10月 三人のチームを率いて

  • That's the scale. The red line is obviously halfway to the pole.


  • We have to turn around and come back again.

    縮尺した地図です 赤線が 南極点への往路

  • I'm well aware of the irony of telling you that we will be

    そして回れ右をして また戻ります

  • blogging and tweeting. You'll be able to live

    自分が言ったことに矛盾している かもしれないが

  • vicariously and virtually through this journey


  • in a way that no one has ever before.

    それにより 今日のネットを通して

  • And it'll also be a four-month chance for me to finally


  • come up with a pithy answer to the question, "Why?"

    そして この4か月の機会に

  • And our lives today are safer and more comfortable

    「なぜ」という質問に 答えを見つけ出してきます

  • than they have ever been. There certainly isn't much call

    こんなに安全で快適な 生活を送っている現代

  • for explorers nowadays. My career advisor at school


  • never mentioned it as an option.


  • If I wanted to know, for example,


  • how many stars were in the Milky Way,


  • how old those giant heads on Easter Island were,


  • most of you could find that out right now

    イースター島にある モアイ像の年齢を

  • without even standing up.

    知りたいと思ったら 座ったままでも

  • And yet, if I've learned anything in nearly 12 years now


  • of dragging heavy things around cold places,

    しかし 私の12年間にもわたる

  • it is that true, real inspiration and growth

    寒いところで重い荷物を運ぶ 経験から学んだことは

  • only comes from adversity and from challenge,

    真の感激 成長が

  • from stepping away from what's comfortable and familiar


  • and stepping out into the unknown.


  • In life, we all have tempests to ride and poles to walk to,

    未知の世界に踏み込んで 手に入るものです

  • and I think metaphorically speaking, at least,

    誰にだって人生で 乗り越えるべき壁や たどり着くべき目標があります

  • we could all benefit from getting outside the house


  • a little more often, if only we could sum up the courage.

    勇気を出して 家の外に出る回数を

  • I certainly would implore you to open the door just a little bit

    少し増やすだけで なにか得ることがあるはずです

  • and take a look at what's outside.

    ドアを開け 外の世界を探索しましょう

  • Thank you very much.

    それは 私からのお願いです

  • (Applause)


I essentially drag sledges for a living,

翻訳: Jarred Tucker 校正: Asami HATANO


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