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  • Time makes sense in small pieces.


  • But when you look at huge stretches of time, it's almost impossible to wrap your head around things.

    悠久の時を考えるのは 難しい

  • So let's start small with minutes, hours, days.

    なので短いところから 始めよう

  • You probably spent the last 24 hours mostly sleeping and working and you probably wasted a good chunk of

    この24時間、あなたは 眠ったり働いたり

  • yesterday on the Internet.

    インターネットにも ハマっていたかも

  • Days become weeks weeks become months and then we have a year.

    日々を重ねて週に 週を重ねて月となり

  • Let's look at 2017


  • France started to train eagles to hunt terrorist drones.


  • A Czech nuclear power plant held a bikini contest to pick their new intern.

    フランスはテロリスト狩りに 鷹を使うことに

  • and people on the Internet made a challenge out of eating bleach. You know, the usual stuff.

    チェコの原発では新人審査に 水着コンテストを開催

  • Let's go back further...

    インターネットでは漂白剤を 食べるジョークが問題に

  • A kid born in the first year of the 21st century is 18 years old now.


  • But the century is still young even if you're not.


  • It was largely shaped by the attacks on 9/11 which led to the war in Afghanistan and the invasion of Iraq.

    21世紀の最初に生まれた 子供は今18歳

  • In March 2011 the Syrian civil war began and is still ongoing after seven years.

    今世紀はまだ 始まったばかりだ

  • Most of us were born in the 20th century.

    911の攻撃で劇的な幕を上げ、 アフガンとイラク戦争が起こった

  • Which had the two most devastating wars in human history and the Cold War.

    2011年に始まったシリア内戦は 7年後も続いてる

  • For the first time ever, we could destroy ourselves with the nuclear weapons, and we almost did.

    大部分の人が 生まれた20世紀

  • But we also had a space race and left earth for the first time.


  • The internet was also invented which led to memes but also to Facebook and Twitter.

    核兵器で、初めて 絶滅戦争が可能になった

  • So all in all we're not sure if this was a good development.

    でも地球からの 離昇もはたした

  • The average human lives about 79 years, which covers a good chunk of recent history.


  • The oldest living person on earth is currently Celino Jaramillo, who was born in 1896.

    でもフェイスブックや ツイッターへと繋がったので

  • Which means that his birth was closer to Napoleon ruling Europe than to the current day.

    はたして 良いことだったのか

  • Only 250 years ago the Industrial Revolution.


  • Turned the world into a progress machine. The farmers became workers and knowledge became easier to distribute.

    現在最高齢の セリノ・ハラミジョは

  • Around this time we started the progress that is causing climate change today.


  • Not that long ago actually.


  • The theory of evolution changed how we saw ourselves and the world we live in.


  • Newton wrote down his theory of gravity. We discovered distant stars and very close bacteria.


  • The 15th century was very eventful.


  • Columbus's discovery of america and the fall of Constantinople marked the end of the Middle Ages.

    農民が労働者となり 知識が普及した

  • War was all the rage in the Middle Ages.

    この頃始まった変化が こんにちの気候変動に続く

  • But the number one killer was disease. The Black Plague killed every third European in just six years.


  • Around 2,000 years ago, we set the arbitrary year one of our calendar that most of the world follows today.

    進化論は人類と世界への 見方を変えた

  • But to a Roman the world was already ancient.


  • The great pyramids were constructed


  • 4500 years ago. So, to a Roman, the pyramids were older than the Romans are to us today.


  • so long ago that there was still living mammoths on earth.


  • A lot of history happened before that even around 7,000 years ago humans began writing things down.


  • About 12000 years ago human organization exploded.

    コンスタンチノープルの 陥落で中世が終わった

  • We built our first temple and around the world mankind began farming


  • Which enabled the rise of larger communities. Our dominance over planet Earth really begins here.


  • Homo sapiens sapiens, the modern human, evolved at least 200,000 years ago.

    黒死病では欧州の 3分の1が死んだ

  • 50000 years ago the cognitive revolution expanded our minds and innovation.


  • Back then, we shared earth with at least five other human species that either died out or were killed by us.

    2,000年ほど前に西暦元年 以来この暦がこんにちまで使われる

  • At least 2 million years ago, our ancestors already had control over fire and constructed tools from wood and stone.

    でもローマ時代には すでに古代が存在した

  • And six million years ago, the last common ancestors of chimpanzees and humans existed.

    大ピラミッドが作られた のは4500年前だから

  • So this graph is all of human history.

    ローマ人にとってのピラミッドは 現代人から見たローマより古かった

  • Our close relative, Homo erectus, survived 10 times longer than we have existed.

    ピラミッドの頃には マンモスがまだ生きていた

  • This tiny part is the human era. We have to zoom in a lot to even see your lifetime.

    これより前にも 多くの歴史があった

  • Still, all of human history is not that long.

    7000年前には 文字の使用が始まり

  • 65 million years ago the age of the dinosaurs ended in an enormous explosion.

    12,000年前には人類の 組織化が広がり始めた

  • The dinosaurs ruled the earth for over 165 million years.

    初めての神殿が作られ 農耕が始まった

  • 27 times as long as all humans.


  • That's so long that it means a T-rex that lived at 65 million years ago is closer to us today

    人類による地球支配が 始まったのはここからだ

  • than to a live Stegosaurus.

    現生人類の始まりは 20万年以上前

  • Dinosaurs in the form of mighty chickens are still around today.

    5万年前の認知革命いらい ヒトの心は複雑さを増した

  • Animal life on this planet started 600 million years ago.

    これより前、ヒトは少なくとも 5種類の別の人類と共存していた

  • The earliest animals were fish and other small simple sea creatures. Then came insects, then reptiles.

    200万年以上前、ヒトの祖先は火を 使い、木や石で道具を作り始めた

  • And finally, around 200 million years ago, mammals joined the party.

    ヒトとチンパンジーの 共通祖先は600万年前

  • Life itself began much further back. There is evidence that it appeared up to 4.1 billion years ago.

    なので、このグラフが ヒトの全歴史だ

  • For at least 3.5 billion years life consisted only of single-celled organisms.

    ヒトの近縁、ホモ・エレクトスは ヒトより10倍長い期間生きていた

  • 4.5 billion years ago, the Sun was born from a gigantic imploding gas cloud. 60 million years later, earth formed


  • In those early years, frequent bombardment by comets and asteroids supplied the earth with large oceans.

    あなたの一生は、すごく ズームしないと見えないが

  • But as far as the whole universe goes, our solar system is pretty new.


  • Thirteen point seven five billion years ago, the universe was born.

    6,500万年前、巨大な爆発で 恐竜の時代が終わった

  • And about half a billion years later, our own galaxy formed from billions of stars.

    恐竜は1億6,500万年の間 地球を支配していた

  • But what came before the Big Bang? The truth is we don't know and maybe we never will.


  • And there you have it: The past.

    あまり長いので6,500万年前の T-レックスからは

  • Now let's take a look at what we know about the future.

    現在までの方が ステゴサウルスまでより近い

  • In roughly 1 billion years, the Sun will be so hot that life on Earth becomes impossible. The death of the Sun 4 billion years later

    恐竜の子孫は鳥という形で こんにちまで続いている

  • marks the end of life in the solar system.


  • If we want to have a chance to survive, we need to have ventured to the Stars. And what happens after that?


  • In the next 100 billion years, most of the biggest stars around will die. The universe becomes dimmer and dimmer


  • illuminated only by smaller red and white dwarfs.

    そして2億年前 哺乳類が加わった

  • But they too will eventually burn out and one day, the last star in the universe will die.

    生命の始まりは ずっと前

  • The universe will turn dark and at some point even black holes will evaporate and die.

    41億年前には発生 していた証拠がある

  • When they do our universe will reach its final stage: Heat death.


  • Nothing changes anymore; the universe is dead.


  • Forever.


  • Now, you're feeling some pretty weird feelings right now, aren't you? We are too. It's only natural.


  • The good news is this is all far far away.

    この時彗星や小惑星の爆撃が 続き、海が生まれた

  • The only time that actually matters is now.

    しかし宇宙全体からすると 太陽系も新しい方だ

  • That cute girl or boy you like, ask them out! Time is precious.


  • Make it count.

    その5億年後、 銀河系が形成された

  • One of the questions we get asked the most is how we make animated videos.


  • The short answer is with Adobe After Effects and years of training.

    分からないし、 永遠に分からないだろう

  • But if you'd like to get a glimpse, we now have something for you.


  • We made Skillshare tutorials explaining in detail how we animate scenes from our videos.


  • If you aren't already familiar with it, Skillshare is an online learning community with more than 18,000 classes in things like writing,

    10億年後には太陽は熱くなりすぎて 地球に生命は住めなくなる

  • animation, and video editing.

    太陽は40億年後には 終わりを迎え

  • Their premium membership gives you unlimited access to high-quality classes from professionals working in their fields so you can improve your skills,


  • unlock new opportunities, and do work that you really enjoy.

    生き延びたいなら星を 超えて行く必要がある

  • It's also extremely affordable. The annual subscription is less than ten dollars a month.


  • The first 1,000 people to sign up get their first two months for only 99 cents.

    今後1,000億年で 大きな星々は死に絶え

  • So if you want to learn new things and support Kurz Gesagt, give it a try.


  • How did you like this remake? We're thinking about redoing a few of our older videos in the next one or two years.

    光っているのは赤色矮星と 白色矮星ばかりとなる

  • Any videos you would like to see redone?

    しかしこれらも ついには燃え尽き

Time makes sense in small pieces.



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