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Hey guys today, I want to share a story with you about something that I learned while I was watching SpongeBob SquarePants,
and I know this sounds silly, but this is actually one of the most valuable lessons I've ever learned about language learning.
So a lot of you know that I have spent a lot of time in foreign countries learning foreign languages and practicing my foreign languages with native speakers.
And if you have ever been in that situation yourself then you're very familiar with the feeling of terror that comes along with the moment when you actually have to speak that language to a native speaker,
もし、あなたも同じ環境に置かれた経験があるなら、おそらく共感できるでしょう、 ネイティブと外国語を話さないといけない、 という時の恐怖、
and you start to feel self-conscious and you get all these scary thoughts in your head about screwing up and having people laugh at you, and you know, saying something wrong.
And then the moment comes, and you actually speak this foreign language, and maybe they do laugh at you,
and all of a sudden, you just come to the realization that you are a failure and I suck and I never should have tried this.
And so this is a problem with attitude.
A lot of times we come at language learning with the wrong attitude.
So while I was watching Spongebob I came across this clip of him, all down in the dumps because he came to the realization that he is ugly,
スポンジボブを見ている時、あるシーンに出くわしました。そのシーンで彼は自分が醜いと、 しょんぼりしてたのですが、
so I want you to pay attention to SpongeBob's attitude and what he does in this clip.
I'm ugly.
You're ugly and what?
No. Proud.
I'm ugly, and I'm proud. - Good. Say it louder.
I'm ugly and I'm proud. - Louder!
I'm ugly and I'm proud. - Louder!
I'm ugly and I'm proud. I'm ugly and I'm proud! I'm ugly and I'm proud!
So what does this have to do with language learning?
Well, a lot of times we fail at language learning because we come at it with the wrong attitude.
We look at errors and mistakes and bad grammar and accents as if these are something to be ashamed of, just the same way as Sponge Bob was ashamed of being ugly.
But if you have this attitude you will not progress in your language.
One of the things you have to learn when you're learning languages is you have to learn to be bold, and you have to learn to have confidence, and you have to learn to be proud and embrace your mistakes.
外国語を学ぶ時にできるようにならなければならないことは、大胆になること、 自信を持つこと、 誇りを持ち、自分の間違いを受け入れることです。
And you have to learn to have the mindset that mistakes are not your enemies.
They're your friends, they're there to help you learn more of the language.
And if you spend all your time just trying to avoid making mistakes, then you're never gonna learn anything.
もし、ひたすら間違えないことに時間を費やすと、 何も学びません。
So a useful trick is just learning how to reframe your situation.
Every time you make a mistake, you can shrug your shoulders just like Spongebob and say, "I'm ugly" or you can learn to embrace that and enjoy it and start to say every time I make a mistake, I'm learning something.
毎回間違えた時、スポンジボブのようにしょうがないと認め、「自分は醜いんだ」と言うのか、 それとも、 それを受け入れ、楽しみ、 間違えるたびに、 学んでいるんだ、と考えるようになるのです。
And maybe the people will correct you, maybe they'll laugh at you, and yeah, it doesn't feel good.
But you're learning something and you can learn to enjoy that sensation.
The one thing I don't want to see you doing is failing to practice your target language because you're too afraid of making mistakes because you cannot learn a language with your mouth shut.
私が皆さんにしてほしくないことは、間違えることを恐れるがために、学びたい外国語の練習で挫折することです。 なぜなら、黙っていては外国語は習得できないからです。
So take a lesson from Spongebob, and if you're sitting there all humped over like this saying, "I have an accent," you have the wrong attitude.
なので、スポンジボブの教訓から学び、このように落ち込んで、 「訛りがある」などと言っているのであれば、心構えが間違っています。
You have to learn to embrace your accent, embrace your mistakes embrace your screw-ups.
And you have to become proud and bold and confident and throw your hands in the air and say, "I'm not perfect, I screw up all the time but I'm learning and I'm getting better," and people will respect that.
誇りを持ち、大胆になり、自信を持ち、両手を大きく上に広げ、 「自分は完璧じゃなくて、よくミスするけど、 学び続け、上達し続けてるんだ」と言えるようにならなければなりません。 そうすると、周りの人もそのあなたの姿勢を尊重するでしょう。
This says a lot more about your character then even if you were able to speak perfectly 100 percent of the time, people don't care about that.
この姿勢から、あなたの性格も見えてきます。たとえどんな時でも、 流暢に話すことができても、人はそんなこと気にしていません。
It's more important to be bold.
Thanks for watching the video, and we'll see you guys next week.