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When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the Guinness Book of World Records,
翻訳: Misato Noto 校正: Shoko Takaki
and I really wanted to set a world record myself.
子供の頃 ギネス世界記録に すっかりハマっていました
But there was just one small problem:
そして 記録を作ってみたいと 本気で思っていましたが
I had absolutely no talent.
ちょっとした問題が 1つだけありました
So I decided to set a world record in something
that demanded absolutely no skill at all.
だから決めたんです これといった特技がなくとも
I decided to set a world record
世界記録を残せるものを 見つけようと
in crawling.
Now, the record at the time was 12 and a half miles,
and for some reason, this seemed totally manageable.
当時の世界記録は 距離にして約20㎞でしたが
どういう訳か 自分でも 簡単に破れそうだと感じました
I recruited my friend Anne,
and together we decided, we didn't even need to train.
話し合いの結果 訓練するまでもない ということになりました
And on the day of our record attempt,
we put furniture pads on the outside of our good luck jeans
そして 大会当日
and we set off,
お気に入りのジーンズに 家具用の保護パッドを付け
and right away, we were in trouble,
because the denim was against our skin
and it began to chafe,
and soon our knees were being chewed up.
Hours in,
程なく膝の調子が 悪くなりました
it began to rain.
そして 数時間後
Then, Anne dropped out.
Then, it got dark.
それから アンが脱落し
Now, by now, my knees were bleeding through my jeans,
and I was hallucinating from the cold
この頃になると 膝には血が滲み
and the pain and the monotony.
And to give you an idea of the suffer-fest that I was undergoing,
the first lap around the high school track took 10 minutes.
参考までにお伝えしますが 苦しい戦いの結果
The last lap took almost 30.
トラックを1周するのに 最初は10分だったのが
After 12 hours of crawling,
最終周では約30分も かかってしまいました
I stopped,
and I had gone eight and a half miles.
So I was short of the 12-and-a-half-mile record.
Now, for many years, I thought this was a story of abject failure,
ギネス記録の20㎞には 及ばなかったのです
but today I see it differently,
この経験は 無残な失敗だったと 長い間 思っていましたが
because when I was attempting the world record,
今では 違った風に とらえています
I was doing three things.
I was getting outside my comfort zone,
I was calling upon my resilience,
and I was finding confidence in myself
and my own decisions.
I didn't know it then,
but those are not the attributes of failure.
Those are the attributes of bravery.
この3つは 失敗に由来するものではなく
Now, in 1989, at the age of 26,
I became a San Francisco firefighter,
1989年 26歳の私は
and I was the 15th woman in a department of 1,500 men.
サンフランシスコの 消防士になり
1500人の男性がいる部門に 配属された15番目の女性となりました
And as you can imagine, when I arrived
there were many doubts about whether we could do the job.
ご想像の通り 当初は
So even though I was a 5'10", 150-pound collegiate rower,
女性に務まる仕事かと 疑問視する声が多かったのです
and someone who could endure 12 hours of searing knee pain --
身長155㎝ 体重68Kg 大学ではボート部に所属し
12時間も膝の痛みに 耐え抜いた私ですらー
I knew I still had to prove my strength and fitness.
So one day a call came in for a fire,
自分の強さと適性を 証明しなくてはと思っていました
and sure enough, when my engine group pulled up,
ある日 火事の知らせが入り
there was black smoke billowing from a building off an alleyway.
当然のごとく 消防隊が到着すると
And I was with a big guy named Skip,
ビルの路地から 黒い煙が 立ち上がっていました
and he was on the nozzle, and I was right behind,
一緒にいたのは スキップという大柄の男性で
and it was a typical sort of fire.
ホースの先端を抱え 私はそのすぐ後ろにいました
It was smoky, it was hot,
and all of a sudden,
there was an explosion,
そして 突然
and Skip and I were blown backwards,
my mask was knocked sideways,
スキップと私は 後方へ吹き飛ばされ
and there was this moment of confusion.
And then I picked myself up,
I groped for the nozzle,
それから 私は立ち上がって
and I did what a firefighter was supposed to do:
I lunged forward,
消防士として やるべきことをしました
opened up the water
and I tackled the fire myself.
The explosion had been caused by a water heater,
自分1人で 火災に立ち向かいました
so nobody was hurt, and ultimately it was not a big deal,
爆発の原因は 湯沸かし器でした
but later Skip came up to me and said,
負傷者はゼロで 大惨事にはいたりませんでしたが
"Nice job, Caroline,"
あとでスキップが こう言いました
in this surprised sort of voice.
「キャロライン よくやったな」
And I was confused, because the fire hadn't been difficult physically,
so why was he looking at me with something like astonishment?
大規模な火事でもなかったので 私は困惑しました
And then it became clear:
どうしてスキップは 驚きの眼差しを向けているのかと
Skip, who was by the way a really nice guy
それで はっきり自覚しました
and an excellent firefighter,
スキップは とても素晴らしい男性で
not only thought that women could not be strong,
he thought that they could not be brave either.
彼は女性が 強くなれないだけでなく
And he wasn't the only one.
勇敢にもなれないと 考えていたのでした
Friends, acquaintances and strangers,
men and women throughout my career
私が働いていた間 ずっと
ask me over and over,
性別に限らず 友人や知り合い 他人までが
"Caroline, all that fire, all that danger,
aren't you scared?"
「キャロラインって 火事や危険な状況で
Honestly, I never heard a male firefighter asked this.
And I became curious.
はっきり言って 男性消防士は聞かれない質問です
Why wasn't bravery expected of women?
Now, the answer began to come
なぜ女性には 勇敢さが求められないのでしょう?
when a friend of mine lamented to me
that her young daughter was a big scaredy-cat,
and so I began to notice,
気弱な猫のようだと 愚痴をこぼしたときでした
and yes, the daughter was anxious,
but more than that, the parents were anxious.
友人の言う通り 彼女は臆病でしたが
Most of what they said to her when she was outside began with,
それ以上に 彼女の両親も 臆病だったのです
"Be careful," "Watch out," or "No."
彼女が外にいると 両親は いつもこう声をかけていました
Now, my friends were not bad parents.
They were just doing what most parents do,
which is cautioning their daughters much more than they caution their sons.
親として一般的なことを していただけです
There was a study involving a playground fire pole, ironically,
息子よりも 娘に対して 頻繁に注意を促すようなしつけです
in which researchers saw that little girls were very likely to be warned
面白いことに 昇り棒の遊具に関する 調査があります
by both their moms and dads about the fire pole's risk,
昇り棒で遊ぼうとするする女の子は 怪我をするからやめなさいと
and if the little girls still wanted to play on the fire pole,
親から注意を受ける可能性が 非常に高いそうです
a parent was very likely to assist her.
また それでも女の子がポールに 興味を示し続ける場合は
But the little boys?
They were encouraged to play on the fire pole
despite any trepidations that they might have,
ポールで遊びたくないと 怖がっている場合でも
and often the parents offered guidance on how to use it on their own.
遊ぶようにと 親から勧められ
So what message does this send to both boys and girls?
しかも 1人でどう遊べばいいか 教えてもらうことが多いのです
Well, that girls are fragile and more in need of help,
ここから どんなメッセージが 伝わるでしょうか?
and that boys can and should master difficult tasks by themselves.
女の子はか弱くて 助けが必要な存在で
It says that girls should be fearful
男の子は自力で困難な状況も 乗り越えるべきだと思われているのです
and boys should be gutsy.
つまり 女の子は 臆病であるべきで
Now, the irony is that at this young age,
男の子は勇敢であるべきだ ということです
girls and boys are actually very alike physically.
面白いことに 幼少期の子供は
In fact, girls are often stronger until puberty,
性別に関係なく 同じくらいの体力があります
and more mature.
実際 思春期を迎えるまでは 女の子の方が強くて
And yet we adults act
as if girls are more fragile
それなのに 大人は
and more in need of help,
女の子が か弱くて
and they can't handle as much.
This is the message that we absorb as kids,
1人ではできないことも 多いと考えます
and this is the message that fully permeates as we grow up.
子供の頃に聞いた こんなメッセージは
We women believe it, men believe it,
大きくなるにつれて 当たり前のことになります
and guess what?
私たち女性も男性も そう信じます
As we become parents, we pass it on to our children,
and so it goes.
私たちが親になったとき 同じことを子供に教えるのです
Well, so now I had my answer.
This is why women, even firewomen,
were expected to be scared.
こういう訳で 女性は消防士であっても
This is why women often are scared.
怖がるだろうと 思われていたのです
Now, I know some of you won't believe me when I tell you this,
こういう訳で 女性に怖がりが多いのです
but I am not against fear.
こう申し上げると 信じられない方もいるかと思いますが
I know it's an important emotion, and it's there to keep us safe.
But the problem is when fear is the primary reaction
人間として抱く大切な感情であり 恐れを抱くことで身を守れるのです
that we teach and encourage in girls
それでも問題なのは 女の子が落ち着かない環境に陥ったとき
whenever they face something outside their comfort zone.
まずは恐れる気持ちを抱くよう 刷り込まれるのです
So I was a paraglider pilot for many years --
私は長年 パラグライダーに乗っておりー
and a paraglider is a parachute-like wing,
パラグライダーの翼は パラシュートのようで
and it does fly very well,
but to many people I realize it looks just like a bedsheet
ベッドのシーツに 紐がついただけの乗り物に
with strings attached.
And I spent a lot of time on mountaintops
inflating this bedsheet,
running off and flying.
And I know what you're thinking.
You're like, Caroline, a little fear would make sense here.
「キャロライン こんな状況だと 怖くて当然じゃない?」
And you're right, it does.
ええ 皆さん その通りです
I assure you, I did feel fear.
私にも 恐れの感情はありました
But on that mountaintop,
でも 山の頂に立って
waiting for the wind to come in just right,
ちょうどいい風が訪れる瞬間を 待っていると
I felt so many other things, too:
exhilaration, confidence.
I knew I was a good pilot.
I knew the conditions were good, or I wouldn't be there.
状況次第では 飛べないことだって知ってますし
I knew how great it was going to be a thousand feet in the air.
地上1000メートルを飛ぶのが どんなに爽快なのか知っています
So yes, fear was there,
だから 恐れの感情はありましたが
but I would take a good hard look at it,
assess just how relevant it was
自分の状況との 関係性を見極め
and then put it where it belonged,
また元の場所へと 戻してやります
which was more often than not
behind my exhilaration, my anticipation
and my confidence.
So I'm not against fear.
恐れの感情自体は 悪くありませんが
I'm just pro-bravery.
勇敢であることを 尊重しているのです
Now, I'm not saying your girls must be firefighters
消防士になるべきだとか パラグライダーに乗るべきだと
or that they should be paragliders,
娘さん方に 勧める訳ではありませんが
but I am saying that we are raising our girls to be timid, even helpless,
女の子は 怖がりで無力な存在になるよう 育てられていると思います
and it begins when we caution them against physical risk.
それは怪我をするよといった 注意の仕方に始まります
The fear we learn and the experiences we don't
子供の頃に学んだ 恐れの感情や 体験しなかった出来事は
stay with us as we become women
大きくなっても 記憶に残り
and morphs into all those things that we face and try to shed:
私たちが止めたいと思う あらゆることにつながります
our hesitation in speaking out,
はっきりと意見を 言いたくない気持ちや
our deference so that we can be liked
他人から好かれようと 大人しくすること
and our lack of confidence in our own decisions.
自分の決断に自信を持てない といったものです
So how do we become brave?
では どうしたら 勇敢になれるでしょう?
Well, here's the good news.
Bravery is learned,
and like anything learned,
it just needs to be practiced.
So first,
we have to take a deep breath
and encourage our girls
女の子を 後押ししましょう
to skateboard, climb trees
and clamber around on that playground fire pole.
遊び場の滑り棒に よじ登れるようにとー
This is what my own mother did.
私の母は そうしてくれました
She didn't know it then,
当時の母は 知りもしませんでしたが
but researchers have a name for this.
こういう専門用語が あるそうです
They call it risky play,
and studies show that risky play is really important for kids, all kids,
それは すべての子どもにとって 欠かせないものとされています
because it teaches hazard assessment,
it teaches delayed gratification,
目先の欲求を 我慢できるようになり
it teaches resilience,
it teaches confidence.
In other words,
when kids get outside and practice bravery,
子供が外で遊び 勇気を出す練習をすると
they learn valuable life lessons.
貴重な人生の教訓を 学ぶことになります
Second, we have to stop cautioning our girls willy-nilly.
2つ目に 女の子に何でもかんでも 注意するのはやめましょう
So notice next time you say,
今度 注意するときには 気を配りましょう
"Watch out, you're going to get hurt,"
「気をつけないと 怪我をするよ」
or, "Don't do that, it's dangerous."
「やめなさい 危ないんだから」
And remember that often what you're really telling her
こういった注意には 大抵 次のような真意が隠されています
is that she shouldn't be pushing herself,
あなたは努力の限界まで 頑張るべきではないし
that she's really not good enough,
そんなに努力できるほど 強くはないし
that she should be afraid.
we women have to start practicing bravery, too.
私たちも女性として 勇気を出す練習を始めましょう
We cannot teach our girls until we teach ourselves.
自分が学ばない限りは 娘に勇気を出せと教えられません
So here's another thing:
fear and exhilaration
feel very similar --
the shaky hands, the heightened heart rate,
手が震え 心拍数が高まり
the nervous tension,
and I'm betting that for many of you
皆さんも経験が おありでしょう
the last time you thought you were scared out of your wits,
死ぬほど怖かった かつての経験を思い出すと
you may have been feeling mostly exhilaration,
心の大部分を占めるのは 高揚感ではなかったでしょうか
and now you've missed an opportunity.
そんな経験が無くなるのも 残念なことです
So practice.
だから 練習しましょう
And while girls should be getting outside to learn to be gutsy,
女の子は外で遊んで 勇気を身に付けるべきとする一方で
I get that adults don't want to get on hoverboards or climb trees,
大人はホバーボードに乗ったり 木登りをしたいとは思わないでしょう
so we all should be practicing
大人の私たち全員も 練習として
at home, in the office
自宅でも 職場でも
and even right here getting up the guts
この会場でも 勇気を振り絞って
to talk to someone that you really admire.
自分が心から尊敬する人に 話しかけましょう
Finally, when your girl is, let's say,
最後に 皆さんの娘さんが 自転車に乗って―
on her bike on the top of the steep hill
that she insists she's too scared to go down,
怖くて降りられないと 訴えてきたとしたら
guide her to access her bravery.
勇気を出せるよう 手を差し伸べましょう
Ultimately, maybe that hill really is too steep,
結果として 丘が 本当に急なこともあるでしょうが
but she'll come to that conclusion through courage, not fear.
恐れからではなく勇気から その結論に至ることでしょう
Because this is not about the steep hill in front of her.
ここでの問題は 目の前の 急な丘ではなく
This is about the life ahead of her
and that she has the tools
to handle and assess
うまく判断して 進んでいく方法です
all the dangers that we cannot protect her from,
親たちが守ってあげられない あらゆる危険や
all the challenges that we won't be there to guide her through,
最後まで手を差し伸べられない あらゆる困難に対する手段であり
everything that our girls here
and around the world
face in their future.
So by the way,
the world record for crawling today --
四足歩行耐久レースの 現在の世界記録はー
is 35.18 miles,
and I would really love to see a girl go break that.
ぜひとも 女の子に 破ってもらいたい記録です