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I would like to tell you about the most embarrassing thing
翻訳: Shoko Takaki 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
that has ever happened to me in my years of working as a palliative care physician.
緩和ケアの医師として 働いてきた年月の中で
This happened a couple of years ago.
最も不甲斐なさを感じた事を 皆さんにお話ししたいと思います
I was asked as a consultant to see a woman in her 70s --
retired English professor who had pancreatic cancer.
私は70代の女性を 診るよう紹介されました
I was asked to see her because she had pain, nausea, vomiting ...
彼女は膵臓がんを患った 英語学の元教授でした
When I went to see her, we talked about those symptoms
私が診察したのは 彼女が痛みや 吐き気、嘔吐の症状を訴えていたからです
and in the course of that consultation,
彼女を診察しに行き これらの症状について話をしました
she asked me whether I thought that medical marijuana might help her.
問診の最中に 彼女は私に
I thought back to everything
医療大麻は 効果があると思うかと尋ねました
that I had learned in medical school about medical marijuana,
which didn't take very long because I had learned absolutely nothing.
医療用大麻についての全てを 思い返しました
And so I told her that as far as I knew,
あまり時間がかからなかったのは 全く何も習っていなかったからです
medical marijuana had no benefits whatsoever.
そこで 自分の知る限りの事を話し
And she smiled and nodded and reached into the handbag next to the bed,
医療大麻は少しも 役に立たないと答えました
and pulled out a stack of about a dozen randomized controlled trials
すると彼女は微笑んで頷き ベッドの隣に 置いてあったバッグに手を伸ばし
showing that medical marijuana has benefits
吐き気、嘔吐、不安といった症状に 医療大麻が有用性のある事を示す
for symptoms like nausea and pain and anxiety.
She handed me those articles and said,
"Maybe you should read these before offering an opinion ...
彼女はその論文を 私に手渡し こう言いました
「おそらくご意見を仰る前に これを読むべきだと思いますよ…
So I did.
That night I read all of those articles and found a bunch more.
When I came to see her the next morning,
その夜 全ての論文を読み 更にもう数編見つけました
I had to admit that it looks like there is some evidence
翌朝 彼女を診察した時
that marijuana can offer medical benefits
and I suggested that if she really was interested,
いくつかの根拠があるようだと 認めざるを得ず
she should try it.
もし興味があるのなら 大麻を試してみてはと言いました
You know what she said?
This 73-year-old, retired English professor?
この73歳の 英語学の元教授が?
She said, "I did try it about six months ago.
こうです 「およそ6ヶ月前に試しましたよ
It was amazing.
I've been using it every day since.
以来 毎日使っています
It's the best drug I've discovered.
これまで見つけた薬の中でも 最高の物です
I don't know why it took me 73 years to discover this stuff. It's amazing."
こんなに素晴らしい物に出会うまでに 何故73年もかかったのかしら」
That was the moment at which I realized
その瞬間 私は悟りました
I needed to learn something about medical marijuana
医学部で学んだものは 現実と何の関わりも持たないので
because what I was prepared for in medical school
医療大麻について 学ぶ必要があったのだとー
bore no relationship to reality.
私は より多くの論文を読み 研究者に話を聞き始めました
So I started reading more articles, I started talking to researchers,
I started talking to doctors,
最も重要な事 つまり 患者の話を聞き始めました
and most importantly, I started listening to patients.
これらの会話を基に 本を書き上げました
I ended up writing a book based on those conversations,
実際この本は3つの驚くべきことに 基づいています
and that book really revolved around three surprises --
ともかく 私には驚きでした
surprises to me, anyway.
1つ目 既に言及しましたが
One I already alluded to --
実際に医療大麻には 何らかの有用性があるという事です
that there really are some benefits to medical marijuana.
その有用性は医療大麻の 熱心な支持者が言っている程
Those benefits may not be as huge or as stunning
大きく驚くべきものでは ないかもしれませんが
as some of the most avid proponents of medical marijuana
would have us believe,
but they are real.
医療大麻には 何らかのリスクがある事です
Surprise number two:
このリスクは医療大麻の反対者が 言っている程
medical marijuana does have some risks.
大きく恐ろしいものでは ないかもしれませんが
Those risks may not be as huge and as scary
as some of the opponents of medical marijuana would have us believe,
3つ目の驚きが 最も大きいのですが...
but they are real risks, nonetheless.
医療大麻に助けを求めた事のある 患者の多くに話を聴いた所では
But it was the third surprise that was most ...
結局 彼等が 医療大麻に向かったのは
And that is that a lot of the patients I talked with
リスクと有用性の バランスの為でもなく
who've turned to medical marijuana for help,
又 それを特効薬だと 思ったからでもなく
weren't turning to medical marijuana because of its benefits
自分の病気を コントロール出来るからでした
or the balance of risks and benefits,
医療大麻によって 患者の健康は 生産的で
or because they thought it was a wonder drug,
効率的で有用で 身体に快適な方法で
but because it gave them control over their illness.
It let them manage their health
それを示す為に 別の患者をご紹介しましょう
in a way that was productive and efficient
ロビンに会った時 彼女は40代前半でしたが
and effective and comfortable for them.
60代後半にしか 見えませんでした
To show you what I mean, let me tell you about another patient.
過去20年間 関節リウマチに苦しんでおり
Robin was in her early 40s when I met her.
She looked though like she was in her late 60s.
She had suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for the last 20 years,
動き回るのに 車椅子に 頼らなければなりませんでした
her hands were gnarled by arthritis,
her spine was crooked,
肉体的には そうであったかも知れません
she had to rely on a wheelchair to get around.
She looked weak and frail,
私がこれまで出会った中で 最も強靭な人でした
and I guess physically she probably was,
but emotionally, cognitively, psychologically,
医療大麻薬局で 彼女の隣に座り
she was among the toughest people I've ever met.
医療大麻を服用するようになった経緯 どんな効き目があったか
And when I sat down next to her
in a medical marijuana dispensary in Northern California
to ask her about why she turned to medical marijuana,
what it did for her and how it helped her,
she started out by telling me things
that I had heard from many patients before.
そのお陰で 眠れるようになった
It helped with her anxiety;
it helped with her pain;
それまで一度も聞いた事のない事を 彼女は言ったのです
when her pain was better, she slept better.
薬のおかげで自分の人生や健康を コントロール出来るようになった―
And I'd heard all that before.
彼女は必要な時 効くと思われる
But then she said something that I'd never heard before,
量と頻度で 薬を服用していました
and that is that it gave her control over her life
もし効果がなかったなら それを変更してみます
and over her health.
She could use it when she wanted,
in the way that she wanted,
他の誰の許可も必要ない事だと 彼女は言いました
at the dose and frequency that worked for her.
And if it didn't work for her, then she could make changes.
Everything was up to her.
The most important thing she said
was she didn't need anybody else's permission --
慢性の病気を持った人にとって それは些細な事のように思えますが
not a clinic appointment, not a doctor's prescription,
not a pharmacist's order.
It was all up to her.
それが関節リウマチや SLE、がん、糖尿病
She was in control.
And if that seems like a little thing for somebody with chronic illness,
it's not -- not at all.
私が「もし…」ではなく「…の時」と 言った事に注目して下さい
When we face a chronic serious illness,
私達は皆 人生のある時点で 自分にはコントロール出来ない
whether it's rheumatoid arthritis or lupus or cancer or diabetes,
慢性的で深刻な病気に 直面するでしょう
or cirrhosis,
we lose control.
And note what I said: "when," not "if."
やりたい事も 出来なくなるでしょう
All of us at some point in our lives will face a chronic serious illness
that causes us to lose control.
その過程で私達は 管理が出来なくなくなるのです
We'll see our function decline, some of us will see our cognition decline,
we'll be no longer able to care for ourselves,
ただ怖いだけでなく 驚く程 恐ろしい事です
to do the things that we want to do.
Our bodies will betray us,
and in that process, we'll lose control.
その内の多くが 死に至る病に直面し
And that's scary.
Not just scary -- that's frightening,
痛み、吐き気、嘔吐 便秘、倦怠感
it's terrifying.
When I talk to my patients, my palliative care patients,
しかし 他の何よりも 彼らが恐れるのは
many of whom are facing illnesses that will end their lives,
they have a lot of be frightened of --
明日又は 今から1ヶ月後にはきっと
pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, fatigue,
their impending mortality.
But what scares them more than anything else
is this possibility that at some point,
tomorrow or a month from now,
they're going to lose control of their health,
だから 今申し上げた診療所で出会った ロビンのような患者が
of their lives,
of their healthcare,
and they're going to become dependent on others,
and that's terrifying.
So it's no wonder really that patients like Robin,
でもそこでは 何をしているのでしょう?
who I just told you about,
私がロビンと出会ったような 医療大麻薬局で
who I met in that clinic,
どうやって患者にコントロールを 取り戻させることができるのでしょう?
turn to medical marijuana
to try to claw back some semblance of control.
ロビンにとって通常の病院や診療所が 出来なかったやり方で
How do they do it though?
How do these medical marijuana dispensaries --
like the one where I met Robin --
そこで私は 真相を探る事にしました
how do they give patients like Robin back the sort of control that they need?
カリフォルニア州ベニスビーチの いかがわしい診療所に行き
And how do they do it
私は 自分が
in a way that mainstream medical hospitals and clinics,
医療大麻患者となり 医療大麻を買う事の出来る
at least for Robin, weren't able to?
What's their secret?
違法に証明書を 手にした訳です
So I decided to find out.
だって私は カリフォルニアの住民ではないし
I went to a seedy clinic in Venice Beach in California
and got a recommendation
that would allow me to be a medical marijuana patient.
その証明書を 麻薬の購入に使った事はありません
I got a letter of recommendation that would let me buy medical marijuana.
DEA(アメリカ麻薬取締局)の 皆さん よろしく
I got that recommendation illegally,
because I'm not a resident of California --
I should note that.
I should also note, for the record,
that I never used that letter of recommendation to make a purchase,
しかし たとえ購入に 使わなかったとしても
and to all of you DEA agents out there --
その証明書は貴重な物です 私が患者になれるんですから
そのお陰でロビンのような患者達が 医療大麻薬局に行った時と
love the work that you're doing,
keep it up.
Even though it didn't let me make a purchase though,
that letter was priceless because it let me be a patient.
It let me experience what patients like Robin experience
when they go to a medical marijuana dispensary.
そういった診療所や薬局に 入った瞬間から
And what I experienced --
what they experience every day,
hundreds of thousands of people like Robin --
まずは 自分が誰なのか どんな仕事をしているか
was really amazing.
I walked into the clinic,
何が目的なのか 何を優先するのか
and from the moment that I entered many of these clinics and dispensaries,
I felt like that dispensary, that clinic,
これが私の 役に立つかもしれないと
was there for me.
どう考えるか 期待するか
There were questions at the outset about who I am,
what kind of work I do,
what my goals are in looking for a medical marijuana prescription,
or product,
what my goals are, what my preferences are,
それは 話し相手が 心底 私のためを思い
what my hopes are,
私を理解したいと思って 問うていると
how do I think, how do I hope this might help me,
what am I afraid of.
これらのクリニックで学んだ 2つ目の事は
These are the sorts of questions
that patients like Robin get asked all the time.
薬局の中で働く人達からの 教育のみならず
These are the sorts of questions that make me confident
that the person I'm talking with really has my best interests at heart
隣に座って私が出会ったのは ロビンのような
and wants to get to know me.
The second thing I learned in those clinics
彼等は喜んで自分の事 医療大麻を使う理由
is the availability of education.
どんな、何の効果があるかを 教えてくれて
Education from the folks behind the counter,
but also education from folks in the waiting room.
この待合室は相互のやりとりやアドバイス サポート等 本当に活気溢れた場所です
People I met were more than happy, as I was sitting next to them --
people like Robin --
如何にこの人達が 時として長時間を費やし
to tell me about who they are, why they use medical marijuana,
嬉々として 私にこれらの微妙な差異を 順序立てて説明したかに驚きました―
what helps them, how it helps them,
and to give me advice and suggestions.
Those waiting rooms really are a hive of interaction, advice and support.
食用に適するものと 塗り薬の違い―
And third, the folks behind the counter.
I was amazed at how willing those people were
あなたが最近病院や 診療所に行った時の事ー
to spend sometimes an hour or more talking me through the nuances
誰かがそんな事を何時間もかけて 説明してくれた時の事を思い出して下さい
of this strain versus that strain,
ロビンのような患者が そのような診療所へ行き
smoking versus vaporizing,
edibles versus tinctures --
そういった個人的な配慮 教育、サービスを
all, remember, without me making any purchase whatsoever.
Think about the last time you went to any hospital or clinic
医療制度への 警鐘となるべきなのです
and the last time anybody spent an hour explaining those sorts of things to you.
ロビンのような人達は 通常の医学に背を向け
The fact that patients like Robin are going to these clinics,
医療大麻薬局に 向かっています
are going to these dispensaries
それはこういった薬局が 彼らの必要とする物を与えてくれるからです
and getting that sort of personalized attention
これが 既成の医療機関にとっての 警鐘だとしても
and education and service,
多くの医師たちには聞こえないし 聞きたくもないものでしょう
really should be a wake-up call to the healthcare system.
同僚の医師に 医療大麻の事を話すと
People like Robin are turning away from mainstream medicine,
turning to medical marijuana dispensaries
「私達にはもっと多くの エビデンスが必要だ
because those dispensaries are giving them what they need.
有用性に対する調査やリスクに関する エビデンスがもっと必要だ」
If that's a wake-up call to the medical establishment,
何と言うべきでしょう? それはもっともです
it's a wake-up call that many of my colleagues are either not hearing
or not wanting to hear.
実際医療大麻の有用性に関し もっと多くのエビデンスが必要です
When I talk to my colleagues, physicians in particular,
又連邦政府に大麻を規制物質法で 合法とするよう求め直したり
about medical marijuana,
その研究を可能にする為 取り扱い規定をすっかり変更し
they say, "Oh, we need more evidence.
その上医療大麻のリスクを 更にもっと研究しなければなりません
We need more research into benefits, we need more evidence about risks."
And you know what? They're right.
娯楽的使用のリスクは 良く知られていますが
They're absolutely right.
医療大麻のリスクについては 殆ど何も知られていません
We do need much more evidence about the benefits of medical marijuana.
そこで本当にリサーチが 必要になって来ます
We also need to ask the federal government to reschedule marijuana to Schedule II,
しかし リサーチは必要だが
or to deschedule it entirely to make that research possible.
今変化を起こす必要はない という主張は
We also need more research into medical marijuana's risks.
Medical marijuana's risks --
ロビンのような人達が 医療大麻に手を出しているのは
we know a lot about the risks of recreational use,
we know next to nothing about the risks of medical marijuana.
全くリスクがないと 思っているからでもありません
So we absolutely do need research,
流通経路や処方や使用されている 実際の状況によって
but to say that we need research
生涯に渡って必要なコントロールが 得られるからなのです
and not that we need to make any changes now
このことは 私達が本当に 注意を払う必要のある警鐘です
is to miss the point entirely.
しかし喜ばしい事に こんにち 医療大麻薬局から
People like Robin aren't seeking out medical marijuana
because they think it's a wonder drug,
それは私達が真に 学ばねばならないものです
or because they think it's entirely risk-free.
薬局は医学訓練を 全く受けていない人々による
They seek it out because the context in which it's delivered and administered
小規模経営である場合も よくあります
and used,
gives them the sort of control they need over their lives.
不甲斐ないことに きちんと提供できていない―
And that's a wake-up call we really need to pay attention to.
The good news though is that there are lessons we can learn today
これらの診療所や薬局が 応えているのです
from those medical marijuana dispensaries.
And those are lessons we really should learn.
These are often small, mom-and-pop operations
run by people with no medical training.
その小規模な薬局から 学べるのです
And while it's embarrassing to think
1つ目に 患者がもっと 自己コントロールを出来る方法を見つけることは
that many of these clinics and dispensaries are providing services
ささやかでありながらも 重要なことです
and support and meeting patients' needs
医療提供者と いつ どのように
in ways that billion-dollar healthcare systems aren't --
we should be embarrassed by that --
どのように薬を使用すると 患者の役に立つのか
but we can also learn from that.
And there are probably three lessons at least
that we can learn from those small dispensaries.
患者が薬を安全に使用して 症状と付き合っていけるような
One: we need to find ways to give patients more control
in small but important ways.
How to interact with healthcare providers,
私が処方する薬の多くは 麻薬鎮痛剤や精神安定剤で
when to interact with healthcare providers,
過剰摂取すると 危険な可能性があります
how to use medications in ways that work for them.
In my own practice,
それらは過度に使用すると 危険もありますが
I've gotten much more creative and flexible
患者の希望と必要性に 合わなければ
in supporting my patients in using drugs safely
to manage their symptoms --
もし薬が安全に投与されるのであれば その柔軟性は
with the emphasis on safely.
患者やその家族にとって 非常に貴重な物となり得るのです
Many of the drugs I prescribe are drugs like opioids or benzodiazepines
which can be dangerous if overused.
But here's the point.
They can be dangerous if they're overused,
患者に教育を提供する方法の 工夫を学び
but they can also be ineffective if they're not used in a way
that's consistent with what patients want and need.
あるいは 全く使わないようにする
So that flexibility, if it's delivered safely,
can be extraordinarily valuable for patients and their families.
私達が使用している薬が 何で 何故使われているのか
That's number one.
Number two: education.
経過予測について 再考する機会にもなります
Huge opportunities
to learn from some of the tricks of those medical marijuana dispensaries
to provide more education
その診療所や薬局の待合室で 起きている物事を
that doesn't require a lot of physician time necessarily,
どうやって私達は 再現出来るでしょうか
or any physician time,
患者は どうやって互いに学び合い 情報交換をするのでしょうか
but opportunities to learn about what medications we're using
and why,
医療大麻薬局のように 患者を第一に扱い
prognoses, trajectories of illness,
患者が希望や要求を 胸を張って言えるようにすること
and most importantly,
そのために 私達医療従事者が
opportunities for patients to learn from each other.
How can we replicate what goes on
患者に希望、恐れ、目標 好みを尋ねるのです
in those clinic and medical dispensary waiting rooms?
How patients learn from each other, how people share with each other.
私は全ての患者に望んでいる事 恐れている事を聞いてみます
And last but not least,
putting patients first the way those medical marijuana dispensaries do,
患者は 死に近づく慢性的で深刻な
making patients feel legitimately like what they want,
病状になるまで 待つ必要はありません
what they need,
誰かに 「何を望んでいますか?」
is why, as healthcare providers,
we're here.
Asking patients about their hopes, their fears, their goals and preferences.
As a palliative care provider,
それは医療制度に しっかりと組み込まれるべきです
I ask all my patients what they're hoping for and what they're afraid of.
But here's the thing.
Patients shouldn't have to wait until they're chronically seriously ill,
国中の医療大麻薬局や診療所は この事を理解しています
often near the end of life,
国中の医療大麻薬局や診療所は この事を理解しています
they shouldn't have to wait until they're seeing a physician like me
before somebody asks them,
医療制度は何年も遅れているのだと 彼等には分かっているのです
"What are you hoping for?"
"What are you afraid of?"
That should be baked into the way that healthcare is delivered.
We can do this --
少しの間自分の考えを 無視するのです
we really can.
Medical marijuana dispensaries and clinics all across the country
are figuring this out.
大規模な医療制度内で 医療提供の責任者であり
They're figuring this out
患者の要求に応える方法について 知るべき事を全て知っているからです
in ways that larger, more mainstream health systems are years behind.
But we can learn from them,
医療大麻薬局をいくつか 見に行く必要があるのです
and we have to learn from them.
そこで何が 行われているのかを理解し
All we have to do is swallow our pride --
put aside the thought for a minute
that because we have lots of letters after our name,
代わりに医療大麻薬局へ赴くのかを 理解しなければなりません
because we're experts,
私達はその秘訣や 彼等のツールが何なのかを
because we're chief medical officers of a large healthcare system,
we know all there is to know about how to meet patients' needs.
We need to swallow our pride.
We need to go visit a few medical marijuana dispensaries.
学ぶことができるし 断固学ぶべきだと思いますが―
We need to figure out what they're doing.
全ての患者さんが きっと より良い治療を体験できるのです
We need to figure out why so many patients like Robin
are leaving our mainstream medical clinics
and going to these medical marijuana dispensaries instead.
We need to figure out what their tricks are,
what their tools are,
and we need to learn from them.
If we do,
and I think we can, and I absolutely think we have to,
we can guarantee all of our patients will have a much better experience.
Thank you.