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This is a talk about sugar and cancer.
翻訳: Reiko Bovee 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
I became interested in sugar when I was in college.
Not this kind of sugar.
私は大学生の時 糖質に興味を持ちました
It was the sugar that our biology professors taught us about
in the context of the coating of your cells.
Maybe you didn't know that your cells are coated with sugar.
And I didn't know that, either,
おそらく みなさんは自分の体の細胞が 糖質でおおわれているとは知らなかったでしょう
until I took these courses in college,
but back then --
これに関するクラスを 取るまでは知りませんでした
and this was in, let's just call it the 1980s --
しかし 当時
people didn't know much about why our cells are coated with sugar.
これが発見された1980年代は 人体の細胞が
And when I dug through my notes, what I noticed I had written down
どうして糖質でおおわれているのか よく分っていませんでした
is that the sugar coating on our cells is like the sugar coating
大学の授業で書き留めておいたことを よく見直して気付いたことは
on a peanut M and M.
細胞をおおう糖質は M&Mピーナツを覆う糖衣のようなものだ
And people thought the sugar coating on our cells
was like a protective coating
that somehow made our cells stronger or tougher.
But we now know, many decades later,
細胞を強く丈夫にする役割を果たすと 思われていましたが
that it's much more complicated than that,
and that the sugars on our cells are actually very complex.
もっと複雑だ ということが分かっています
And if you could shrink yourself down to a little miniature airplane
and fly right along the surface of your cells,
it might look something like this --
細胞の上を飛んで 細胞の表面を見下ろしたなら
with geographical features.
And now, the complex sugars are these trees and bushes --
weeping willows that are swaying in the wind
and moving with the waves.
And when I started thinking about all these complex sugars
that are like this foliage on our cells,
人体の細胞にある 木の葉のような
it became one of the most interesting problems that I encountered
as a biologist and also as a chemist.
And so now we tend to think about the sugars
それは 最も大きな関心事の1つとなりました
that are populating the surface of our cells
現在 私達は人体の細胞の表面をおおう糖質を
as a language.
They have a lot of information stored in their complex structures.
この糖質の複雑な構造には 多くの情報が蓄えられています
But what are they trying to tell us?
それは どういうことでしょう
I can tell you that we do know some information
複合糖質に関する情報は ある程度わかっていて
that comes from these sugars,
それは医学の世界において 非常に重要です
and it's turned out already to be incredibly important
その1つが細胞の糖質で 血液型が決まるということです
in the world of medicine.
血液細胞の1種である赤血球は 糖質でおおわれており
For example, one thing your sugars are telling us
その糖質の化学構造により 血液型が決まるのです
is your blood type.
私の血液型は O型だと分かっています
So your blood cells, your red blood cells, are coated with sugars,
O型の方は どれくらいいますか
and the chemical structures of those sugars determine your blood type.
So for example, I know that I am blood type O.
How many people are also blood type O?
少ししか手が挙りませんでした 私の質問を聞いてなかったか
Put your hands up.
自分の血液型を知らないかです どちらも喜ばしくないですね
It's a pretty common one,
so when so few hands go up, either you're not paying attention
ともかく 私と同じO型の人達には
or you don't know your blood type, and both of those are bad.
But for those of you who share the blood type O with me,
3つの単糖が繫がり より複雑な糖質の化学構造を作っている
what this means is that we have this chemical structure
on the surface of our blood cells:
では血液型がA型の人は どれくらいいますか?
three simple sugars linked together to make a more complex sugar.
And that, by definition, is blood type O.
Now, how many people are blood type A?
Right here.
That means you have an enzyme in your cells
that adds one more building block,
that red sugar,
to build a more complex structure.
And how many people are blood type B?
Quite a few.
You have a slightly different enzyme than the A people,
母親からと父親から それぞれの酵素を受けつぎ
so you build a slightly different structure,
ほぼ同等の割合で 両方の化学構造を持っています
and those of you that are AB
have the enzyme from your mother, the other enzyme from your father,
and now you make both of these structures in roughly equal proportions.
And when this was figured out,
輸血が可能になったのは 周知のとおりです
which is now back in the previous century,
this enabled one of the most important medical procedures in the world,
which, of course, is the blood transfusion.
ドナーの血液型が同じかどうか 確かめることが出来ます
And by knowing what your blood type is,
そうすることで あなたの体に 異質の糖質が入り込んで起きる
we can make sure, if you ever need a transfusion,
that your donor has the same blood type,
その他に細胞表面の糖質は どんな役割りをしているのでしょう?
so that your body doesn't see foreign sugars,
がんの有無を知らせている かもしれません
which it wouldn't like and would certainly reject.
What else are the sugars on the surface of your cells trying to tell us?
がん組織の分析から がんと糖質との関係が解明され始めました
Well, those sugars might be telling us that you have cancer.
考えられる典型的な筋書きとしては 患者のがんが検出されたら
So a few decades ago,
correlations began to emerge from the analysis of tumor tissue.
And the typical scenario is a patient would have a tumor detected,
糖の化学変化が分析されます これに基づいて最も適した治療法が
and the tissue would be removed in a biopsy procedure
and then sent down to a pathology lab
がんと糖質との関連を研究して 発見されたことは
where that tissue would be analyzed to look for chemical changes
that might inform the oncologist about the best course of treatment.
細胞が がんを発症するとき 変化するということです
And what was discovered from studies like that
細胞表面の糖質とがんとの関係は 繰り返し検証されて来ましたが
is that the sugars have changed
この分野には その理由を知るという 大きな課題があります
when the cell transforms from being healthy to being sick.
なぜ がんは細胞の糖質は違うのか その重要性とは?
And those correlations have come up again and again and again.
なぜ そんなことが 起きているのでしょう?
But a big question in the field has been: Why?
それが がんの病的過程に関連すると 分かっているなら何ができるのでしょう?
Why do cancers have different sugars? What's the importance of that?
Why does it happen, and what can we do about it if it does turn out
シアル酸と呼ばれる 特定の糖質の密度が
to be related to the disease process?
So, one of the changes that we study
シアル酸は 現代の最も大切な 糖質の1つになるだろうと
is an increase in the density of a particular sugar
that's called sialic acid.
And I think this is going to be one of the most important sugars
シアル酸は 私達が食べる砂糖とは
of our times,
so I would encourage everybody to get familiar with this word.
Sialic acid is not the kind of sugar that we eat.
それぞれ特定の密度で 発見されている糖質です
Those are different sugars.
実際 私達の体の細胞には 非常に一般的なものですが
This is a kind of sugar that is actually found
at certain levels on all of the cells in your body.
がん細胞には 少なくとも進行性がん細胞には
It's actually quite common on your cells.
But for some reason,
正常細胞より多く 含まれる傾向があります
cancer cells, at least in a successful, progressive disease,
tend to have more sialic acid
than a normal, healthy cell would have.
And why?
それは免疫系と関わりがある ということです
What does that mean?
がんにおける 免疫系の重要性について
Well, what we've learned
is that it has to do with your immune system.
最近ニュースで よく取り上げられ
So let me tell you a little bit about the importance of your immune system
in cancer.
And this is something that's, I think, in the news a lot these days.
You know, people are starting to become familiar with the term
助けられている人々を 知っている方もこの中にいるでしょう
"cancer immune therapy."
And some of you might even know people
who are benefiting from these very new ways of treating cancer.
がんを含む体内で起きる問題から 私達を日常的に
What we now know is that your immune cells,
which are the white blood cells coursing through your bloodstream,
protect you on a daily basis from things gone bad --
including cancer.
大きなピンク色の細胞が がん細胞です
And so in this picture,
これら免疫細胞が 体中の細胞を点検します
those little green balls are your immune cells,
and that big pink cell is a cancer cell.
ほとんどの場合 問題はないのですが
And these immune cells go around and taste all the cells in your body.
That's their job.
それが がんなら 願わくは
And most of the time, the cells taste OK.
But once in a while, a cell might taste bad.
全面攻撃を起こし がん細胞を死滅させると
Hopefully, that's the cancer cell,
and when those immune cells get the bad taste,
they launch an all-out strike and kill those cells.
がん細胞を 攻撃させることが出来れば
So we know that.
がん予防が うまくできるようになり
We also know that if you can potentiate that tasting,
がんを完治さえ 出来るかも知れません
if you can encourage those immune cells to actually take a big old bite
今や市場には この仕組みで作用する がん患者の治療薬が
out of a cancer cell,
you get a better job protecting yourself from cancer every day
and maybe even curing a cancer.
And there are now a couple of drugs out there in the market
免疫系をもっと活発に することができます
that are used to treat cancer patients
現に その薬の1つは
that act exactly by this process.
カーター元大統領の命を救った と言ってもいいでしょう
They activate the immune system
カーター元大統領は メラノーマを発症し
so that the immune system can be more vigorous
in protecting us from cancer.
その診断が— 通常 数字が伴うのですが—
In fact, one of those drugs
may well have spared President Jimmy Carter's life.
しかし 彼は新しい免疫系を 活性化する新薬の1つの治療を受け
Do you remember, President Carter had malignant melanoma
彼のメラノーマは今 寛解に入っているようです
that had metastasized to his brain,
and that diagnosis is one that is usually accompanied by numbers
ほんの数年前の状況では 考えられないことでした
like "months to live."
事実 このすごさに
But he was treated with one of these new immune-stimulating drugs,
新しい免疫治療薬は 刺激的な表現を用いて
and now his melanoma appears to be in remission,
「がんに対するペニシリンの到来」 などと称されています
which is remarkable,
今まで私達がずっと闘い続けてきて ほとんど勝ち目のなかった病気について
considering the situation only a few years ago.
In fact, it's so remarkable
that provocative statements like this one:
免疫療法は とても期待されています
"Cancer is having a penicillin moment," people are saying,
しかし これが糖質と どういう関係があるのでしょう?
with these new immune therapy drugs.
I mean, that's an incredibly bold thing to say about a disease
免疫細胞が がん細胞に くっ付いて点検するとき
which we've been fighting for a long time
and mostly losing the battle with.
So this is very exciting.
免疫細胞は活性化され がん細胞を攻撃し死滅させます
Now what does this have to do with sugars?
しかし がん細胞の シアル酸の密度が高い場合
Well, I'll tell you what we've learned.
それは免疫細胞にとって かなり魅惑的となり
When an immune cell snuggles up against a cancer cell to take a taste,
免疫細胞にはシアル酸と結合する タンパク質があるのですが
it's looking for signs of disease,
and if it finds those signs,
免疫細胞とがん細胞の間の免疫シナプスで 留まってしまったなら
the cell gets activated and it launches a missile strike and kills the cell.
But if that cancer cell has a dense forest of that sugar, sialic acid,
シアル酸は免疫細胞に こう言うのです
well, it starts to taste pretty good.
「この細胞は大丈夫 ここには何もないから
And there's a protein on immune cells that grabs the sialic acid,
and if that protein gets held at that synapse
between the immune cell and the cancer cell,
私達の細胞がシアル酸で 厚くおおわれていると
it puts that immune cell to sleep.
The sialic acids are telling the immune cell,
"Hey, this cell's all right. Nothing to see here, move along.
Look somewhere else."
シアル酸を取り除ける としたらどうでしょう
So in other words,
as long as our cells are wearing a thick coat of sialic acid,
がん細胞の真の姿に気づき 破壊すべきものとして
they look fabulous, right?
It's amazing.
And what if you could strip off that coat
and take that sugar away?
それは基本的に 「細胞表面の芝刈り機」なるものです
Well, your immune system
分子が がん細胞の表面まで行き
might be able to see that cancer cell for what it really is:
something that needs to be destroyed.
それで免疫系が持つ能力が 最大限に発揮され
And so this is what we're doing in my lab.
免疫細胞が がん細胞を 駆除するというものです
We're developing new medicines
that are basically cell-surface lawnmowers --
molecules that go down to the surface of these cancer cells
私達の体の細胞は 糖質でおおわれていて
and just cut off those sialic acids,
その糖質は免疫細胞に 点検される細胞が
so that the immune system can reach its full potential
in eliminating those cancer cells from our body.
So in closing,
免疫系は正常細胞だけは 手を付けないでおく必要があるからです
let me just remind you again:
そうでなければ私達は 自己免疫疾患に罹ってしまいます
your cells are coated with sugars.
しかし 時には
The sugars are telling cells around that cell
がんは これらの糖質を発現させ
whether the cell is good or bad.
And that's important,
不活性化させることが出来る とも分かっています
because our immune system needs to leave the good cells alone.
その対応には我々は免疫細胞を 目覚めさせる新薬を開発し
Otherwise, we'd have autoimmune diseases.
「その糖質は無視して がんという美味しいおやつを食べなさい」と
But once in a while, cancers get the ability
to express these new sugars.
And now that we understand
how those sugars mesmerize the immune system,
we can come up with new medicines to wake up those immune cells,
tell them, "Ignore the sugars, eat the cell
and have a delicious snack, on cancer."
Thank you.