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  • "The Elegant Universe", hosted by Brian Greene.

  • Based on "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene.

  • Welcome to the 11th dimension

  • Imagine that we were able to control space

  • Or control time.

  • The kinds of things that we'd be able to do

  • Would be amazing.

  • I might be able to go from here...

  • To here...

  • To here...

  • To here...

  • And over to here in only an instant.

  • Now,we all think that this kind of trip

  • Would be impossible.

  • And it probably is.

  • But in the last few years,

  • Our ideas about the true nature of space and time

  • Have been going through some changes.

  • And things that used to seem like science fiction

  • Are looking not-so-far-fetched.

  • It's all thanks to a revolution in physics

  • Called "string theory,"

  • Which is offering a whole new perspective

  • On the inner workings of the universe.

  • String theory holds out the promise that

  • We can really understand questions of

  • Why the universe is the way it is

  • At the most fundamental level.

  • String theory is really the wild west of physics.

  • This is an area of theoretical physics

  • Which is so radically different from

  • Anything that's been before.

  • This radical new theory starts with the simple premiss

  • That everything in the universe,

  • The earth,these buildings,

  • Even forces like gravity and electricity,

  • Are made up of incredibly tiny,

  • Vibrating strands of energy called "strings."

  • And small as they are,

  • Strings are changing everything

  • We thought we knew about the universe,

  • Especially our ideas about the nature of space.

  • To see how,let's first shrink all of space

  • To a more manageable size.

  • Imagine that the whole universe consisted of nothing

  • More than my hometown,manhattan.

  • So now,just one borough of new york city

  • Makes up the entire fabric of space.

  • And just for kicks,

  • Let's also imagine that I'm the ceo of a large corporation

  • With offices on wall street.

  • And because time is money,

  • I need to find the quickest route from my apartment,

  • Here in upper manhattan to my offices in lower manhattan.

  • Now,we all know that the shortest distance

  • Between two points is a straight line,

  • But even if there's no traffic

  • -A bit of a stretch even in our imaginary manhattan-

  • It'll still take us some amount of time to get there.

  • By going faster and faster,

  • We can reduce the travel time.

  • But because nothing can go faster than the speed of light,

  • There is a definite limit to how much time

  • We can cut from our journey.

  • This manhattan universe fits with an old,

  • Classical vision of space,

  • Basically a flat grid that's static and unchanging.

  • But when Albert Einstein looked at the fabric of space,

  • He saw something completely different.

  • He said that space wasn't static;

  • It could warp and stretch.

  • And there could even be unusual structures of space

  • Called "wormholes."

  • A wormhole is a bridge or tunnel

  • That can link distant regions of space,

  • In effect,a cosmic shortcut.

  • In this kind of universe,

  • My commute would be a new yorker's dream.

  • But there is a hitch, to create a wormhole,

  • You've got to rip or tear a hole in the fabric of space.

  • But can the fabric of space really rip?

  • Can this first step toward

  • Forming a wormhole actually happen?

  • Well,you can't answer these questions

  • On an empty stomach.

  • Turns out that by looking at my breakfast

  • --coffee and a doughnut--

  • We can get a pretty good sense of

  • What string theory says

  • About whether the fabric of space can tear.

  • Imagine that space is shaped like this doughnut.

  • You might think that it would be very different

  • From a region of space shaped like this coffee cup.

  • But there's a precise sense

  • In which the shape of the doughnut

  • And the coffee cup are actually the same,

  • Just a little disguised.

  • You see,they both have one hole.

  • In the doughnut it's in the middle

  • And in the coffee cup it's in the handle.

  • That means we can change the doughnut

  • Into the shape of a coffee cup and back again

  • Without having to rip or tear the dough at all.

  • Okay,but suppose you want to change the shape

  • Of this doughnut into a very different shape,

  • A shape with no holes.

  • The only way to do that is to tear the doughnut like this

  • And then re-shape it.

  • Unfortunately,according to Einstein's laws,

  • This is impossible.

  • They say that space can stretch and warp,

  • But it cannot rip.

  • Wormholes might exist somewhere fully formed,

  • But you could not rip space to create a new one,

  • Over manhattan or anywhere else.

  • In other words,I can't take a wormhole to work.

  • But now string theory is giving us

  • A whole new perspective on space,

  • And it's showing us that Einstein wasn't always right.

  • To see how,

  • Let's take a much closer look at the spatial fabric.

  • If we could shrink down

  • To about a millionth of a billionth of our normal size,

  • We'd enter the world of quantum mechanics,

  • The laws that control how atoms behave.

  • It's the world of light and electricity and everything else

  • That operates at the smallest of scales.

  • Here,the fabric of space is random and chaotic.

  • Rips and tears might be commonplace.

  • But if they were,

  • What would stop a rip in the fabric of space

  • From creating a cosmic catastrophe?

  • Well,this is where the power of strings comes in.

  • Strings calm the chaos.

  • And as a single string dances through space,

  • It sweeps out a tube.

  • The tube can act like a bubble that surrounds the tear,

  • A protective shield with profound implications.

  • Strings actually make it possible for space to rip.

  • Which means that space is far more dynamic

  • And changeable than even Albert Einstein thought.

  • So does that mean that wormholes are possible?

  • Will I ever be able to take a stroll on Everest,

  • Grab a baguette in Paris

  • And still make it back to new york in time

  • For my morning meeting?

  • It would be kind of cool,

  • Though it's still a very distant possibility.

  • But one thing that is certain

  • Is that string theory is already showing us

  • That the universe may be a lot stranger

  • Than any of us ever imagined.

  • For example,string theory says we're surrounded

  • By hidden dimensions,

  • Mysterious places beyond the familiar

  • Three-dimensional space we know.

  • People who've said that

  • There were extra dimensions of space,

  • Have been labeled as,you know,crackpots

  • Or people who are bananas.

  • I mean,what,do you think there are extra dimensions?

  • Well,string theory really predicts it.

  • What we think of as our universe

  • Could just be one small part of something much bigger.

  • Perhaps we live on a membrane,

  • A three-dimensional membrane

  • That floats inside higher dimensional space.

  • There could be entire worlds right next to us,

  • But completely invisible.

  • These other worlds would,in a very literal sense,

  • Be,be parallel universes.

  • This isn't a particularly exotic or,or strange notion.

  • No wonder physics students are lining up

  • To explore the strange world of string theory.

  • String theory is very active.

  • Things are happening. there are a lot of people doing it.

  • Most of the young kids,given the choice,

  • At a ratio of something like ten to one,

  • They will go into string theory.

  • But strings weren't always this popular.

  • The pioneers of string theory struggled for years,

  • Working alone on an idea that nobody else believed in.

  • Here is generalized, For decades,

  • Physicists believed that the tiniest bits inside an atom

  • Were point particles.

  • Flying around the outside were the electrons,

  • And inside were protons and neutrons

  • Which were made up of quarks.

  • But string theory says that what we thought

  • Were indivisible particles are actually tiny,

  • Vibrating strings.

  • It's nothing really mystical. it's a really tiny string.

  • It either closes in to its little circle or it has end points

  • But it's just a little string.

  • In the 1980s,the idea caught on,

  • And people started jumping on the string bandwagon.

  • Well,the fact that

  • Suddenly all these other people were working in the field

  • Had its advantages and its disadvantages.

  • It was wonderful to see

  • How rapidly the subject could develop now,

  • Because so many people were working on it.

  • One of the great attractions of strings is their versatility.

  • Just as the strings on a cello can vibrate

  • At different frequencies,

  • Making all the individual musical notes,

  • In the same way,

  • The tiny strings of string theory

  • Vibrate and dance in different patterns,

  • Creating all the fundamental particles of nature.

  • If this view is right,then put them all together

  • And we get the grand and beautiful symphony

  • That is our universe.

  • What's really exciting about this

  • Is that it offers an amazing possibility.

  • If we could only master the rhythms of strings,

  • Then we'd stand a good chance of explaining all the matter

  • And all the forces of nature,

  • From the tiniest subatomic particles

  • To the galaxies of outer space.

  • This is the potential of string theory,

  • To be a unified "theory of everything."

  • But,at first sight,in our enthusiasm for this idea,

  • We seem to have gone too far.

  • Because we didn't produce just one string theory,

  • Or even two

  • We somehow managed to come up with five.

  • Five different string theories,

  • Each competing for the title of the theory of everything.

  • And if there's going to be a

  • "the fundamental theory of nature,"

  • There ought to be one of them.

  • I suppose a number of string theorists thought,

  • "ah,that's fantastic. that's wonderful."

  • And maybe one of these will end up being the right theory

  • Of the world." and yet,

  • There must have been a little nagging voice

  • At the back of the head that said,

  • "well,why are there five?"

  • With five competing players,

  • The stage of string theory was looking a little crowded.

  • The five theories had many things in common.

  • For example,they all involved vibrating strings,

  • But their mathematical details appeared

  • To be quite different.

  • Frankly,it was embarrassing.

  • How could this unified theory of everything

  • Come in five different flavors?

  • This was a case where more was definitely less.

  • But then something remarkable happened.

  • This is Ed Witten.

  • He's widely regarded as one of

  • The world's greatest living physicists,

  • Perhaps even Einstein's successor.

  • Ed Witten is a very special person in the field.

  • He clearly has a grasp,

  • Particularly of the underlying mathematical principles,

  • Which is far greater than most other people.

  • Well,you know,we all think we're very smart;

  • He's so much smarter than the rest of us.

  • In 1995,string theorists from all over the world

  • Gathered at the university of southern california

  • For their annual conference.

  • Ed Witten showed up at strings 95 and rocked their world.

  • I was really trying to think of something

  • That would be significant for the occasion.

  • And actually,since five string theories was too many,

  • I thought I would try to get rid of some of them.

  • To solve the problem,

  • Witten constructed a spectacular new way

  • Of looking at string theory.

  • Ed announced that he had thought about it,

  • And moreover,he had solved it.

  • He was going to tell us the solution

  • To every string theory in every dimension,

  • Which was an enormous claim,

  • But coming from Ed it was not so surprising.

  • The atmosphere was electric because,

  • All of a sudden,string theory,

  • Which had been going through a kind of doldrums,

  • Was given an incredible boost,a shot in the arm.

  • Ed Witten gave his famous lecture.

  • And he said a couple of words that got me interested...

  • And for the rest of the lecture...

  • I got hooked up on the first few words that he said,

  • And completely missed the point of his lecture.

  • I remember I had to give the talk after him,

  • And I was kind of embarrassed to.

  • Ed Witten just blew everybody away.

  • Ed Witten blew everybody away

  • Because he provided a completely

  • new perspective on string theory.

  • from this point of view,

  • We could see that there weren't really five different theories

  • Like reflections in a wall of mirrors,

  • What we thought were five theories

  • Turned out to be just five different ways of looking

  • at the same thing.

  • String theory was unified at last.

  • Witten's work sparked a breakthrough so revolutionary

  • That it was given it's own name,"M-theory,"

  • Although no one really knows what the M stands for.

  • Aah,what is the M for?

  • M-theory.

  • M-theory.

  • M-theory.

  • M-theory.

  • The M-theory.

  • M-theory is a theory...

  • I don't actually know what the M stands for.

  • Well,the M has...

  • I've heard many descriptions.

  • Mystery theory,magic theory...

  • It's the mother theory.

  • Matrix theory.

  • Monstrous theory? I don't know what it...

  • I don't know what Ed meant.

  • M stands for magic,mystery or matrix,according to taste.

  • I suspect that the "M" is an upside down "W" for "Witten."

  • Some cynics have occasionally suggested

  • That M may also stand for "murky,"

  • Because our level of understanding of the theory is,

  • In fact,so primitive.

  • Maybe I shouldn't have told you that one.

  • Whatever the name,it was a bombshell.

  • Suddenly everything was different.

  • There was a lot of panic,if you like,

  • Realizing that big things were happening,

  • And all of us not wanting to get left behind

  • In this new revolution of string theory.

  • After Witten's talk,there was renewed hope

  • That this one theory could be the theory

  • To explain everything in the universe.

  • But there was also a price to pay.

  • Before M-theory,

  • Strings seemed to operate in a world with 10 dimensions.

  • These included one dimension of time,

  • The three familiar space dimensions,

  • As well as six extra dimensions,

  • Curled up so tiny that they're completely invisible.

  • Well,we think these extra dimensions exist

  • Because they come out of the equations of string theory.

  • Strings need to move in more than three dimensions.

  • And that was a shock to everybody,

  • But then we learned to live with it.

  • But M-theory would go even further,

  • Demanding yet another spatial dimension,

  • Bringing the grand total to 11 dimensions.

  • We know that there would have to be 11 dimensions

  • For this theory to make sense.

  • So there must be 11 dimensions.

  • We only see three plus one of them.

  • How is that possible?

  • For most of us,it's virtually impossible

  • to picture the extra,higher dimensions:

  • I can't. and it's not surprising.

  • Our brains evolved sensing just

  • The three spatial dimensions of everyday experience.

  • So how can we get a feel for them?

  • One way is to go to the movies.

  • We're all familiar with the real world

  • Having three spatial dimensions

  • That is,anywhere I go,I can move left-right,

  • Back-forth,or up-down.

  • But in the movies,things are a bit different.

  • Even though the characters on a movie screen

  • Look three-dimensional,they actually are stuck

  • In just two dimensions.

  • There is no back-forth on a movie screen,

  • That's just an optical illusion.

  • To really move in the back-forth dimension,

  • I'd have to step out of the screen.

  • And sometimes moving into a higher dimension

  • Can be a useful thing to do.

  • So dimensions all have to do with

  • The independent directions in which you can move.

  • They're sometimes called "degrees of freedom."

  • The more dimensions or degrees of freedom you have,

  • The more you can do.

  • That's right.

  • And if there really are 11 dimensions,

  • Then strings can do a lot more,too.

  • People found,fairly soon,

  • That there were objects that lived in these theories,

  • Which weren't just strings,

  • But were larger than that.

  • They actually looked like membranes or surfaces.

  • The extra dimension Witten added

  • Allows a string to stretch into something like a membrane

  • Or a "brane" for short.

  • A brane could be three-dimensional or even more.

  • And with enough energy,

  • A brane could grow to an enormous size,

  • Perhaps even as large as a universe.

  • This was a revolution in string theory.

  • String theory has gotten much more baroque.

  • I mean now there are not only strings,

  • There are membranes.

  • People go on calling this string theory,

  • But the string theorists are not sure

  • It really is a theory of strings anymore.

  • The existence of giant membranes and extra dimensions

  • Would open up a startling new possibility,

  • That our whole universe is living on a membrane,

  • Inside a much larger,higher dimensional space.

  • It's almost as if we were living inside...a loaf of bread?

  • Our universe might be like a slice of bread,

  • Just one slice,in a much larger loaf that

  • Physicists sometimes call the "bulk."

  • And if these ideas are right,

  • The bulk may have other slices,other universes,

  • That are right next to ours,

  • In effect,"parallel" universes.

  • Not only would our universe be nothing special,

  • but we could have a lot of neighbors.

  • Some of them could resemble our universe,

  • They might have matter and planets and,who knows,

  • Maybe even beings of a sort.

  • Others certainly would be a lot stranger.

  • They might be ruled by completely different laws of physics.

  • Now,all of these other universes would exist

  • within the extra dimensions of M-theory,

  • dimensions that are all around us.

  • Some even say they might be right next to us,

  • Less than a millimeter away.

  • But if that's true,why can't I see them or touch them?

  • If you have a brane living in a higher dimensional space,

  • And your particles,your atoms,cannot get off the brane,

  • It's like trying to reach out,but you can't touch anything.

  • It might as well be on the other end of the universe.

  • It's a very powerful idea because if it's right

  • It means that our whole picture of the universe is clouded

  • By the fact that we're trapped on just a tiny slice

  • Of the higher dimensional universe.

  • It is a powerful idea,especially because it may help solve

  • One of the great mysteries of modern science.

  • It has to do with gravity.

  • It's been more than 300 years

  • Since Isaac Newton came up with the universal law of gravity,

  • Inspired,as the story goes,

  • By seeing an apple fall from a tree.

  • Today,it seems obvious that gravity is a powerful force.

  • It would seem to most people

  • That gravity is a very important force,it's very strong.

  • It's very hard to get up in the morning,stand up,

  • And when things fall they break because gravity is strong.

  • But the fact of the matter is that it's not strong.

  • It's,it's really a very weak force.

  • Gravity pulls us down to the earth,

  • And keeps our earth in orbit around the sun.

  • But in fact,we overcome the force of gravity all the time.

  • It's not that hard. Even with the gravity of the entire earth

  • Pulling this apple downward,

  • The muscles in my arm can easily overcome it.

  • And it's not just our muscles that put gravity to shame.

  • Magnets can do it,too,no sweat.

  • Magnets carry a different force,

  • The electromagnetic force.

  • That's the same force behind light and electricity.

  • It turns out that electromagnetism is much,much stronger

  • Than gravity.

  • Gravity,in comparison,is amazingly weak.

  • How weak?

  • The electromagnetic force is some thousand billion,

  • Billion,billion,billion times stronger.

  • That's a one with 39 zeroes following it.

  • The weakness of gravity

  • Has confounded scientists for decades.

  • But now,with the radical world of string theory,

  • Filled with membranes and extra dimensions,

  • There's a whole new way to look at the problem.

  • One way of approaching the question of

  • Why gravity is so weak compared to all the other forces,

  • Is to turn the question completely on its head,

  • And say,"no,actually gravity isn't very weak.

  • Compared to all the other forces,

  • It just appears to be weak."

  • It may be that gravity

  • Is actually just as strong as electromagnetism,

  • But for some reason,we can't feel its strength.

  • Consider a pool table,a very large pool table.

  • Think of the surface of the pool table

  • As representing our three-dimensional universe,

  • Although it is just two-dimensional,

  • And think of the billiard balls

  • As representing atoms and other particles

  • That the universe is made out of.

  • So here's the wild idea:

  • The atoms and particles that make up stuff

  • In the world around us will stay on our particular membrane,

  • Our slice of the universe just as the billiard balls

  • Will stay on the surface of the pool table

  • ——unless you're a really bad pool player.

  • But whenever the balls collide,

  • There is something that always seeps off the table,

  • Sound waves. That's why I can hear the collision.

  • Now,the idea is that gravity might be like the sound waves,

  • It might not be confined to our membrane.

  • It might be able to seep off our part of the universe.

  • Or think about it another way.

  • Instead of pool tables,let's go back to bread.

  • Imagine that our universe is like this slice of toast.

  • And that you and me,and all of matter

  • ——light itself,everything we see

  • Is like jelly.

  • Now jelly can move freely on the surface of the toast,

  • But otherwise,it's stuck,

  • it can't leave the surface itself.

  • But what if gravity were different?

  • What if gravity were more like cinnamon and sugar?

  • Now,this stuff isn't sticky at all,

  • So it easily slides right off the surface.

  • But why would gravity be so different from everything else

  • That we know of in the universe?

  • Well,turns out that string theory,or M-theory,

  • Provides an answer.

  • It all has to do with shape.

  • For years,

  • We concentrated on strings that were closed loops,

  • Like rubber bands.

  • But after M-theory,we turned our attention to other kinds.

  • Now we think that everything we see around us,

  • Like matter and light,is made of open-ended strings,

  • And the ends of each string

  • Are tied down to our three-dimensional membrane.

  • But closed loops of string do exist,

  • And one kind is responsible for gravity.

  • It's called a graviton.

  • With closed loops, there are no loose ends to tie down,

  • So gravitons are free to escape into the other dimensions,

  • diluting the strength of gravity

  • And making it seem weaker than the other forces of nature.

  • This suggests an intriguing possibility.

  • If we do live on a membrane

  • And there are parallel universes on other membranes near us,

  • We may never see them,

  • But perhaps we could one day feel them through gravity.

  • If there happens to be intelligent life

  • On one of the membranes,

  • Then this intelligent life might be very close to us.

  • So theoretically,and purely theoretically,

  • We might be able to communicate with this intelligent life

  • By exchanging strong gravity wave sources.

  • So who knows?

  • Maybe someday we'll develop the technology

  • And use gravity waves

  • to actually communicate with other worlds.

  • Ay-yoo-ya.

  • Yes,hey,it's brian. how you doing?

  • I told you never to call me during "the simpsons!"

  • We don't really know if parallel universes

  • Could have a real impact on us.

  • But there is one very controversial idea,which says

  • They've already played a major role.

  • In fact,it gives them credit for our existence.

  • As the classic story goes,

  • The vast universe we see today was once extremely small,

  • Unimaginably small.

  • Then,suddenly,it got bigger ——a lot bigger

  • ——during the dramatic event known as the big bang.

  • The big bang stretched the fabric of space

  • And set off the chain of events that brought us

  • To the universe we know and love today.

  • But there's always been a couple of problems

  • With the big bang theory.

  • First,when you squeeze the entire universe

  • Into an infinitesimally small,

  • But stupendously dense package,

  • At a certain point,

  • Our laws of physics simply break down.

  • They just don't make sense anymore.

  • The formulas we use start giving answers

  • That are nonsensical. we find total disaster.

  • Everything breaks down,and we're stuck.

  • And on top of this,there's the bang itself.

  • What exactly is that?

  • That's actually a problem.

  • The classic form of the big bang theory

  • Really says nothing about what banged,

  • What happened before it banged,

  • Or what caused it to bang.

  • Refinements to the big bang theory do suggest explanations

  • For the bang,but none of them turn the clock back completely

  • To the moment when everything started.

  • Most people come at this with the naive notion

  • That there was a beginning

  • ——that somehow space and time emerged from nothingness

  • Into somethingness.

  • Well,I don't know about you,but I don't like nothing.

  • Do I really believe that the universe was a big bang

  • Out of nothing? And I don't -I'm not a philosopher,

  • So I won't say. But I could imagine to a philosopher,

  • That is a problem.

  • But to a physicist,I think,it's also a problem.

  • Everyone admits there are problems.

  • The question is: "Can string theory solve them?"

  • Some string theorists have suggested that the big bang

  • Wasn't the beginning at all,

  • That the universe could have existed long before even forever.

  • Not everyone is comfortable with the idea.

  • I actually find it rather unattractive

  • To think about a universe without a beginning.

  • It seems to me that a universe without a beginning

  • Is also a universe without an explanation.

  • So what is the explanation?

  • What if string theory is right,

  • And we are all living on a giant membrane

  • Inside a higher dimensional space?

  • One of the ideas in string theory

  • That was particularly striking to me,

  • And suggested perhaps a new direction for cosmology,

  • Is the idea of branes and the idea of branes moving

  • In extra dimensions.

  • Some scientists have proposed that the answer

  • To the big bang riddle lies in the movements

  • Of these giant branes.

  • It's so simple. Here's a brane on which we live,

  • And here's another brane floating in the higher dimension.

  • There's absolutely nothing difficult about imagining

  • That these collide with each other.

  • According to this idea,some time before the big bang,

  • Two branes carrying parallel universes

  • Began drifting toward each other,

  • Until...

  • All of that energy has to go somewhere.

  • Where does it go? It goes into the big bang.

  • It creates the expansion that we see,

  • And it heats up all the particles in the universe,

  • In this big, fiery mass.

  • As if this weren't weird enough,

  • the proponents of this idea make another radical claim:

  • The big bang was not a special event.

  • They say that parallel universes could have collided,

  • Not just once in the past,

  • But again and again

  • ——and that it will happen in the future.

  • If this view is right,there's a brane out there right now,

  • Headed on a collision course with our universe.

  • So another collision is coming,

  • And there'll be another big bang.

  • And this will just repeat itself

  • For an indefinite period into the future.

  • It's an intriguing idea.

  • Unfortunately,there are a few technical problems.

  • Well,that was a very ingenious scenario

  • That arose naturally within string theory.

  • However,the good old problems creep back in again.

  • The fact is we don't really know what happens

  • When two branes collide.

  • You can wind up with the same situation we had

  • With the big bang;the equations don't make sense.

  • They have to make a lot of assumptions in their models,

  • And I don't think they've really solved the problem

  • Of the big bang in string theory.

  • If string theory is the one true theory of the universe,

  • It will have to solve the riddle of the big bang.

  • And there's a lot of hope

  • That someday string theory will succeed.

  • But for now,there's also a lot of uncertainty.

  • As promising and exciting the theory is,

  • We don't entirely understand it.

  • It's as if we've stumbled in the dark into a house,

  • Which we thought was a two bedroom apartment

  • And now we're discovering is a nineteen-room mansion

  • ——at least. And maybe it's got a thousand rooms,

  • And we're just beginning our journey.

  • So how sure are we that the universe is the way

  • That string theory describes it?

  • Is the world really made up of strings and membranes,

  • Parallel universes and extra dimensions?

  • Is this all science or science fiction?

  • Well,the question we often ask ourselves

  • As we work through our equations is,

  • "Is this just fancy mathematics,

  • Or is it describing the real world?"

  • These exercises in our imagination of mathematics are all,

  • at the end of the day,subjected to a single question:

  • "Is it there in the laboratory? Can you find its evidence?"

  • String theory and string theorists do have a real problem.

  • How do you actually test string theory?

  • If you can't test it in the way that we test normal theories,

  • It's not science,it's philosophy,

  • And that's a real problem.

  • Strings are thought to be so tiny,

  • Much smaller than an atom,

  • That there's probably no way to see them directly.

  • But even if we never see strings,

  • We may someday see their fingerprints.

  • You see,if strings were around

  • At the beginning of the universe

  • When things were really tiny,

  • They would have left impressions

  • Or traces on their surroundings.

  • And then, after the big bang,

  • When everything expanded,

  • Those traces would have been stretched out

  • Along with everything else.

  • So,if that's true,

  • We may someday see the tell-tale signs of strings

  • Somewhere in the stars.

  • But even here on earth

  • There's a chance we can detect evidence of strings.

  • This pasture in Illinois serves as command central

  • For a lot of this research.

  • Well,actually,the real work happens underground

  • Where the hunt is on for evidence supporting string theory,

  • Including extra dimensions.

  • Not too many years ago,

  • People who talked about large extra dimensions

  • Would have been considered crackpots,to put it lightly.

  • But all that has changed,thanks to string theory.

  • This is fermilab,and right now,

  • It's our best hope for proving that extra dimensions are real.

  • Fermilab has a giant atom smasher.

  • Here's how it works:

  • Scientists zap hydrogen atoms with huge amounts of electricity

  • Later,they strip them of their electrons

  • And send the protons zooming around

  • A four mile circular tunnel

  • Beneath the prairie.

  • Just as they're approaching the speed of light,

  • They are steered into collisions with particles whizzing

  • In the opposite direction.

  • Most collisions are just glancing blows,

  • But occasionally there's a direct hit.

  • The result is a shower of unusual subatomic particles.

  • The hope is that among these particles

  • Will be a tiny unit of gravity,the graviton.

  • Gravitons,according to string theory,are closed loops,

  • So they can float off into the extra dimensions.

  • The grand prize would be a snapshot of a graviton

  • At the moment of escape.

  • And then the graviton goes to the extra dimension,

  • And then it shows in the detector by its absence.

  • You see it by its absence.

  • Unfortunately,

  • Fermilab hasn't yet "seen" the vanishing graviton.

  • And the pressure is on,

  • Because another team is hot on the same trail.

  • Four thousand miles away,

  • On the border of france and switzerland,

  • A lab called cern

  • Is constructing an enormous new atom smasher.

  • When it's finished,

  • It will be seven times more powerful than fermilab's.

  • There's a great sense of urgency that

  • Every minute has to count,but eventually,cern,

  • Our rival laboratory,will frankly blow us out of the water.

  • Cern will blow fermilab out of the water,

  • Not only in the search for extra dimensions,

  • But other wild ideas.

  • At the top of the "to do" list for both labs

  • Is the hunt for something called "supersymmetry,"

  • That's a central prediction of string theory.

  • And it says,in a nutshell,

  • That for every subatomic particle we're familiar with,

  • Like electrons,photons,and gravitons,

  • There should also be a much heavier partner

  • Called a "sparticle," which so far no one has ever seen.

  • Now,because string theory says sparticles should exist,

  • Finding them is a major priority.

  • So,it's a big discovery to find supersymmetry.

  • That's,that's a humongous discovery and,

  • And I think it's a bigger discovery to find supersymmetry

  • Than to find life on mars.

  • If we were to hear tomorrow that

  • Supersymmetry was discovered,

  • There would be parties all over the planet.

  • The problem is,if they exist,

  • The sparticles of supersymmetry are probably incredibly heavy,

  • So heavy that they may not be detected

  • With today's atom smashers.

  • The new facility at cern will have the best chance,

  • Once it's up and running in several years,

  • But that won't stop the folks at fermilab

  • From trying to find them first.

  • The competition is,is friendly and fierce at the same time.

  • We're competing like bad dogs,essentially.

  • It has always been like that,and it will always be like that.

  • We have to make sure that we don't make any mistakes,

  • That we do absolutely the best we can do at these experiments

  • And take advantage of what is really

  • One of the great golden opportunities for discovery.

  • If we do find sparticles,it won't prove string theory,

  • But it will be really strong circumstantial evidence

  • That we're on the right track.

  • Over the next 10 to 20 years,

  • The new generation of atom smashers

  • Is sure to uncover surprising truths

  • About the nature of our universe.

  • But will it be the universe predicted by string theory?

  • What if we don't find sparticles? or extra dimensions?

  • What if we never find any evidence

  • That supports this weird new universe filled with

  • Membranes and tiny vibrating strings?

  • Could string theory,in the end,be wrong?

  • Oh yes,it's certainly a logical possibility that

  • We've all been wasting our time for the last twenty years

  • And that the theory is completely wrong.

  • There have been periods of many years

  • Where all of the smart people,all of the cool people,

  • Were working on one kind of theory,

  • Moving in one kind of direction,

  • And even though they thought it was wonderful,

  • It turned out to be a dead end.

  • This could happen to string theory.

  • Even though there's no real evidence yet,

  • So much of string theory just makes so much sense;

  • A lot of us believe it's just got to be right.

  • I don't think it's ever happened

  • That a theory that has the kind of mathematical appeal

  • That string theory has turned out to be entirely wrong.

  • I would find it hard to believe that that

  • Much elegance and mathematical beauty

  • Would simply be wasted.

  • I don't really know how close we are to the end.

  • You know,are we almost there in having the complete story?

  • Is it going to still be another ten years? nobody knows.

  • But I think it's going to keep me busy for a long time.

  • We have been incredibly lucky.

  • Nature has somehow allowed us

  • To unlock the keys to many fundamental mysteries already.

  • How far can we push that?

  • We won't know until we,until we try.

  • A century ago,some scientists thought

  • They had pretty much figured out the basic laws of the universe.

  • But then einstein came along

  • And dramatically revised our views of space

  • And time and gravity.

  • And quantum mechanics unveiled the inner workings

  • Of atoms and molecules,

  • Revealing a world that's bizarre and uncertain.

  • So,far from confirming that we had sorted it all out,

  • The 20th century showed that

  • Every time we looked more closely at the universe,

  • We discovered yet another unexpected layer of reality.

  • As we embark on the 21st century,

  • we're getting a glimpse of what may be the next layer:

  • Vibrating strings,sparticles,parallel universes

  • And extra dimensions.

  • It's a breathtaking vision

  • And in a few years,experiments may begin to tell us

  • Whether some of these ideas are right or wrong.

  • But,regardless of the outcome,we'll keep going,

  • Because,well,that's what we do.

  • We follow our curiosity. we explore the unknown.

  • And a hundred or a thousand years from now,

  • Today's view of the cosmos may look woefully incomplete,

  • Perhaps even quaint.

  • But undeniably,the ideas we call string theory

  • Are a testament to the power of human creativity.

  • They've opened a whole new spectrum of possible answers

  • To age-old questions.

  • And with them,we've taken a dramatic leap

  • In our quest to fully understand this elegant universe.

"The Elegant Universe", hosted by Brian Greene.


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