字幕表 動画を再生する
So why do you think the rich should pay more in taxes?
翻訳: Yasushi Aoki 校正: Yuko Yoshida
Why did you buy the latest iPhone?
なぜ金持ちはもっと税金を 払うべきだと思うのか?
Why did you pick your current partner?
And why did so many people vote for Donald Trump?
なぜ今付き合っている相手を 選んだのか?
What were the reasons, why did they do it?
なぜあんなにも多くの人が ドナルド・トランプに投票したのか?
So we ask this kind of question all the time,
どういう理由で そういう行動を取ったのか?
and we expect to get an answer.
私達はよく そういうことを問い
And when being asked, we expect ourselves to know the answer,
答えが得られることを 期待します
to simply tell why we did as we did.
聞かれたときには 自分で答えを分かっていて
But do we really know why?
なぜそうしたのか答えている だけだと思っています
So when you say that you prefer George Clooney to Tom Hanks,
でも本当に理由を 分かっていたのでしょうか?
due to his concern for the environment,
ジョージ・クルーニーの方が トム・ハンクスよりも好きなのは
is that really true?
彼の環境問題への 考え方のためだと言うとき
So you can be perfectly sincere and genuinely believe
that this is the reason that drives your choice,
but to me, it may still feel like something is missing.
それが自分の選択理由だと 心から信じているのだとしても
As it stands, due to the nature of subjectivity,
私からすると まだ何か 欠けているように感じます
it is actually very hard to ever prove that people are wrong about themselves.
So I'm an experimental psychologist,
自分自身についての主張が間違っていると 証明するのは とても難しい面があります
and this is the problem we've been trying to solve in our lab.
So we wanted to create an experiment
私達の研究室では この問題を 解明しようとしています
that would allow us to challenge what people say about themselves,
人が自分について 確信を持って言っていることが
regardless of how certain they may seem.
実は正しくないことを 示せるような実験が
But tricking people about their own mind is hard.
考案できないかと 思っていたんですが—
So we turned to the professionals.
その人自身の心について相手を引っかける というのは難しいことなので
The magicians.
So they're experts at creating the illusion of a free choice.
So when they say, "Pick a card, any card,"
自由な選択の幻想を生み出すことにかけて 彼らはプロです
the only thing you know is that your choice is no longer free.
「どれでも一枚選んでください」と 彼らが言うとき
So we had a few fantastic brainstorming sessions
その選択はすでに 自由ではないのです
with a group of Swedish magicians,
スウェーデン人の マジシャンたちに
and they helped us create a method
in which we would be able to manipulate the outcome of people's choices.
This way we would know when people are wrong about themselves,
even if they don't know this themselves.
本人が気付かずに 自分について間違っているとき
So I will now show you a short movie showing this manipulation.
So it's quite simple.
この操作を行う様子を 短い映像でご覧に入れましょう
The participants make a choice,
but I end up giving them the opposite.
実験の参加者は 選択をしますが
And then we want to see: How did they react, and what did they say?
私は 相手が選んだのとは 逆の方を渡します
So it's quite simple, but see if you can spot the magic going on.
その時に彼らがどう反応し 何と言うかを見たいと思います
And this was shot with real participants, they don't know what's going on.
どこで仕掛けをしているか よく見ていてください
(Video) Petter Johansson: Hi, my name's Petter.
これは実際の参加者の方で 何をするかは知らされていません
Woman: Hi, I'm Becka.
(実験者) こんにちは ペタ—です
PJ: I'm going to show you pictures like this.
(ベッカ) こんにちは ベッカです
And you'll have to decide which one you find more attractive.
(実験者) こういう写真を お見せしますので
Becka: OK.
どちらがより魅力的に見えるか 答えてください
PJ: And then sometimes, I will ask you why you prefer that face.
(ベッカ) 分かりました
Becka: OK.
(実験者) 時々 なぜそちらの方が 良いと思うのかもお聞きします
PJ: Ready? Becka: Yeah.
(ベッカ) ええ
PJ: Why did you prefer that one?
(実験者) では始めます (ベッカ) どうぞ
Becka: The smile, I think.
(実験者) なぜそちらの方が 良いと思ったんですか?
PJ: Smile.
(ベッカ) 笑顔かな
Man: One on the left.
(実験者) 笑顔ね
Again, this one just struck me.
(男性) 左の方
Interesting shot.
Since I'm a photographer, I like the way it's lit and looks.
Petter Johansson: But now comes the trick.
私は写真家なので この光や見た感じが気に入りました
(Video) Woman 1: This one.
(講演者) ここでトリックが登場します
PJ: So they get the opposite of their choice.
(女性1) こっち
And let's see what happens.
(講演者) 選んだのとは 逆の方を受け取ったとき—
Woman 2: Um ...
果たしてどんな 反応をするのか
I think he seems a little more innocent than the other guy.
(女性2) こっちかな
Man: The one on the left.
もう1人よりも いい人そうに見えるから
I like her smile and contour of the nose and face.
(男性) 左の方
So it's a little more interesting to me, and her haircut.
この人の笑顔と 鼻や顔の形がいい
Woman 3: This one.
より魅力的だし 髪型もいい
I like the smirky look better.
(女性3) こっち
PJ: You like the smirky look better?
(実験者) ニヤリとしているのがいいと
Woman 3: This one.
(ニヤリとする — 笑)
PJ: What made you choose him?
(女性3) こっち
Woman 3: I don't know, he looks a little bit like the Hobbit.
(実験者) そちらを選んだ理由は?
(女性3) さあ ホビットみたいなところかな
PJ: And what happens in the end
when I tell them the true nature of the experiment?
(講演者) 実験の本当の目的を話したら
Yeah, that's it. I just have to ask a few questions.
Man: Sure.
(実験者) これで終わりです いくつか質問したいことがあります
PJ: What did you think of this experiment, was it easy or hard?
(男性) どうぞ
Man: It was easy.
(実験者) このテストは簡単だったか 難しかったか?
PJ: During the experiments,
(男性) 簡単でしたよ
I actually switched the pictures three times.
(実験者) テスト中に
Was this anything you noticed?
Man: No. I didn't notice any of that.
PJ: Not at all? Man: No.
(男性) いいえ まったく 気付きませんでした
Switching the pictures as far as ...
(実験者) 全然? (男性) ええ
PJ: Yeah, you were pointing at one of them but I actually gave you the opposite.
Man: The opposite one. OK, when you --
(実験者) あなたが指さしたのとは 逆の方をお渡ししました
No. Shows you how much my attention span was.
(男性) 逆の方を
ははあ 気付きませんでした 注意力のなさが分かりますね
PJ: Did you notice that sometimes during the experiment
I switched the pictures?
(実験者) テストの間 時々写真を
Woman 2: No, I did not notice that.
すり替えていたのに 気付きましたか?
PJ: You were pointing at one, but then I gave you the other one.
(女性2) いいえ 気付きませんでした
No inclination of that happening?
(実験者) あなたが指さしたのとは 別の方を渡しました
Woman 2: No.
そういうのを まったく感じなかった?
Woman 2: I did not notice.
(女性2) ええ
PJ: Thank you.
Woman 2: Thank you.
(実験者) ありがとうございました
PJ: OK, so as you probably figured out now,
(女性2) こちらこそ
the trick is that I have two cards in each hand,
(講演者) たぶんお分かりになったと 思いますが
and when I hand one of them over,
実は両手にカードを 2枚ずつ持っていて
the black one kind of disappears into the black surface on the table.
So using pictures like this,
裏が黒いもう1枚は 黒いテーブルの上で 見えなくなるという寸法です
normally not more than 20 percent of the participants detect these tries.
And as you saw in the movie,
すり替えに気付く人は 2割以下です
when in the end we explain what's going on,
they're very surprised and often refuse to believe the trick has been made.
So this shows that this effect is quite robust and a genuine effect.
相手はとても驚き 信じようとしないこともあります
But if you're interested in self-knowledge, as I am,
この効果がとても強く 本物だということが分かります
the more interesting bit is,
皆さんが私のように 自己認識に興味があるなら
OK, so what did they say when they explained these choices?
So we've done a lot of analysis
すり替えられた選択について 彼らがどう説明するかということです
of the verbal reports in these experiments.
And this graph simply shows
that if you compare what they say in a manipulated trial
with a nonmanipulated trial,
that is when they explain a normal choice they've made
操作されていない試行を 比較すると—
and one where we manipulated the outcome,
we find that they are remarkably similar.
すり替えられた結果の説明とを 比較すると
So they are just as emotional, just as specific,
両者が 極めて 似ているということです
and they are expressed with the same level of certainty.
同じくらいに感情的 同じくらいに具体的で
So the strong conclusion to draw from this
同じ程度の確信を持って 説明しているのです
is that if there are no differences
between a real choice and a manipulated choice,
実際の選択と 操作された選択とで違いがないなら
perhaps we make things up all the time.
But we've also done studies
でっち上げているのかも しれないということです
where we try to match what they say with the actual faces.
また 参加者の言ったことと
And then we find things like this.
So here, this male participant, he preferred the girl to the left,
he ended up with the one to the right.
ここでは男性参加者が 左の女性の方が良いと言いましたが
And then, he explained his choice like this.
"She is radiant.
自分の選択について こんな説明をしています
I would rather have approached her at the bar than the other one.
And I like earrings."
バーで声をかけるとしたら こちらを選びます
And whatever made him choose the girl on the left to begin with,
it can't have been the earrings,
そもそも左の女性を選んだ理由が 何だったにせよ
because they were actually sitting on the girl on the right.
それはイヤリングのためでは なかったはずで
So this is a clear example of a post hoc construction.
イヤリングは右の女性に ついていたんですから
So they just explained the choice afterwards.
これは事後的な理由付けの 分かりやすい例です
So what this experiment shows is,
自分の選択を後付けで 説明しているのです
OK, so if we fail to detect that our choices have been changed,
we will immediately start to explain them in another way.
自分の選択がすり替えられていることに 気付かない場合
And what we also found
人は即座に別の理由付けを し始めるということです
is that the participants often come to prefer the alternative,
that they were led to believe they liked.
実験参加者は自分が好きだと 思い込まされたものを
So if we let them do the choice again,
実際好むようになることが よくあるということです
they will now choose the face they had previously rejected.
So this is the effect we call "choice blindness."
前には捨てた方を 選ぶようになるのです
And we've done a number of different studies --
この効果は「選択盲」と 呼ばれています
we've tried consumer choices,
私達は様々な研究を 行ってきました
choices based on taste and smell and even reasoning problems.
But what you all want to know is of course
味やにおいに基づく選択 さらには理性的判断の問題まで
does this extend also to more complex, more meaningful choices?
Like those concerning moral and political issues.
もっと複雑で意味深い選択にも 同じことが当てはまるのかということでしょう
So the next experiment, it needs a little bit of a background.
So in Sweden, the political landscape
次の例は 少し背景の説明が 必要でしょう
is dominated by a left-wing and a right-wing coalition.
And the voters may move a little bit between the parties within each coalition,
政治の舞台を左翼連合と 右翼連合が支配しています
but there is very little movement between the coalitions.
投票する人はそれぞれの連合の中の 政党を変えることはあっても
And before each elections,
一方の連合から他方へと 変えることはあまりありません
the newspapers and the polling institutes
put together what they call "an election compass"
which consists of a number of dividing issues
that sort of separates the two coalitions.
2つの連合が 対立している論点を
Things like if tax on gasoline should be increased
or if the 13 months of paid parental leave
たとえばガソリン税は 引き上げるべきかとか
should be split equally between the two parents
in order to increase gender equality.
13ヶ月与えられる 有給育児休暇は
So, before the last Swedish election,
両親に等分されるべきか といったことです
we created an election compass of our own.
So we walked up to people in the street
and asked if they wanted to do a quick political survey.
So first we had them state their voting intention
政治についての簡単なアンケートに 協力してほしいと頼みました
between the two coalitions.
Then we asked them to answer 12 of these questions.
どちらに入れるつもりかを 聞きます
They would fill in their answers,
それから12項目の 質問をします
and we would ask them to discuss,
so OK, why do you think tax on gas should be increased?
And we'd go through the questions.
なぜガソリン税を 引き上げるべきなのかというように
Then we had a color coded template
すべての質問を 見ていきます
that would allow us to tally their overall score.
それぞれの質問が左寄りか右寄りか 色で示したシートがあって
So this person would have one, two, three, four
five, six, seven, eight, nine scores to the left,
この人の場合 1 2 3 4—
so he would lean to the left, basically.
5 6 7 8 9個が左寄りで
And in the end, we also had them fill in their voting intention once more.
全体として 左寄りだと分かります
But of course, there was also a trick involved.
最後にもう一度 どちらに入れるつもりか尋ねます
So first, we walked up to people,
もちろんここにも 仕掛けがあります
we asked them about their voting intention
and then when they started filling in,
we would fill in a set of answers going in the opposite direction.
質問への答えを 記入してもらっている間に
We would put it under the notepad.
こちらでは相手と 逆の答えを記入していきます
And when we get the questionnaire,
そのシートを メモ帳の下に隠します
we would simply glue it on top of the participant's own answer.
相手から答案を 受け取ったら
So there, it's gone.
こちらで記入したシートを 相手の答案の上に貼り付けます
And then we would ask about each of the questions:
How did you reason here?
それから それぞれの質問について 聞いていきます
And they'll state the reasons,
together we will sum up their overall score.
And in the end, they will state their voting intention again.
So what we find first of all here,
最後にもう一度 投票先について聞きます
is that very few of these manipulations are detected.
And they're not detected in the sense that they realize,
相手がこのような操作に気付くことは ほとんどないということで
"OK, you must have changed my answer,"
it was more the case that,
「私の答えを変えたでしょう」 というのではなく
"OK, I must've misunderstood the question the first time I read it.
「最初見たとき 質問を読み違えていたみたいです
Can I please change it?"
答えを変えてもいいですか?」 と言ってきます
And even if a few of these manipulations were changed,
そしてこれらの操作のいくつかが 戻された場合でも
the overall majority was missed.
大半の操作は 見過ごされます
So we managed to switch 90 percent of the participants' answers
9割の場合について 相手の答えを
from left to right, right to left, their overall profile.
左から右か 右から左へと 変えることができました
And what happens then when they are asked to motivate their choices?
それで選択の理由を聞いたら どうなるのでしょう?
And here we find much more interesting verbal reports
than compared to the faces.
さらに面白い結果が 得られました
People say things like this, and I'll read it to you.
So, "Large-scale governmental surveillance of email and internet traffic
「“政府によるメールや インターネットの大規模な監視は
ought to be permissible as means to combat international crime and terrorism."
国際犯罪やテロと戦う手段として 認められるべき” ということについて
"So you agree to some extent with this statement." "Yes."
ある程度は認めるべきだと」 「ええ」
"So how did you reason here?"
"Well, like, as it is so hard to get at international crime and terrorism,
「国際犯罪やテロを取り締まるのは すごく難しいので
I think there should be those kinds of tools."
そういった武器は 必要だと思います」
And then the person remembers an argument from the newspaper in the morning.
それからこの人は 朝に新聞で読んだことを思い出します
"Like in the newspaper today,
it said they can like, listen to mobile phones from prison,
たとえばギャングのボスが刑務所内から 犯罪を続けようとしていないか
if a gang leader tries to continue his crimes from inside.
And I think it's madness that we have so little power
犯罪を抑止できる 可能性があるのに
that we can't stop those things
その力をほとんど 使えないとしたら
when we actually have the possibility to do so."
And then there's a little bit back and forth in the end:
"I don't like that they have access to everything I do,
「政府に自分のものを 何でも見られるのは気に入りませんが
but I still think it's worth it in the long run."
長期的には その価値があると思います」
So, if you didn't know that this person
この人が選択盲の実験の 参加者だと知らなければ
just took part in a choice blindness experiment,
これがこの人の 本当の意見なのか
I don't think you would question
that this is the true attitude of that person.
投票先については どうでしょう?
And what happens in the end, with the voting intention?
これもアンケートによって はっきり影響が出ます
What we find -- that one is also clearly affected by the questionnaire.
So we have 10 participants
左から右ないしは 右から左に変わりました
shifting from left to right or from right to left.
19%は元々はっきり していた投票先が
We have another 19 that go from clear voting intention
to being uncertain.
不確かだったのが はっきりした人が7%
Some go from being uncertain to clear voting intention.
ずっと不確かなまま という人が12%
And then there is a number of participants staying uncertain throughout.
And that number is interesting
because if you look at what the polling institutes say
the closer you get to an election,
the only people that are sort of in play
are the ones that are considered uncertain.
実際にはずっと多くの人が 態度を変えうることを
But we show there is a much larger number
that would actually consider shifting their attitudes.
指摘しておかなければ ならないのは
And here I must point out, of course, that you are not allowed to use this
選挙の時に人々の投票先を 変えさせるためにこれを使うのは
as an actual method to change people's votes
before an election,
and we clearly debriefed them afterwards
and gave them every opportunity to change back
to whatever they thought first.
人々に逆の視点から見て 自問させることができるなら
But what this shows is that if you can get people
相手の考えを変えることが できるということです
to see the opposite view and engage in a conversation with themselves,
that could actually make them change their views.
So what does it all mean?
まず私達が自己認識と 呼んでいるものは
What do I think is going on here?
So first of all,
a lot of what we call self-knowledge is actually self-interpretation.
So I see myself make a choice,
and then when I'm asked why,
I just try to make as much sense of it as possible
ただ私達は これをごく速やかに 難なく行うため
when I make an explanation.
答えをあらかじめ 知っていたような気になるのです
But we do this so quickly and with such ease
that we think we actually know the answer when we answer why.
And as it is an interpretation,
他人を理解しようとして 間違うのと同じように
of course we sometimes make mistakes.
だから人に理由を聞くときには 注意する必要があります
The same way we make mistakes when we try to understand other people.
So beware when you ask people the question "why"
because what may happen is that, if you asked them,
「なぜ今の仕事や関係を続けているのか?」 と聞くとき
"So why do you support this issue?"
質問する前には 存在しなかった態度を
"Why do you stay in this job or this relationship?" --
相手の中に生み出すことに なるかもしれないからです
what may happen when you ask why is that you actually create an attitude
これは仕事においても 大事な話で
that wasn't there before you asked the question.
And this is of course important in your professional life, as well,
「これが良い/悪いと思うのはなぜ?」 と聞くとか
or it could be.
If, say, you design something and then you ask people,
"Why do you think this is good or bad?"
あるいは政治家が 何かの決断理由を
Or if you're a journalist asking a politician,
説明しようとするときに 効いてくるんです
"So, why did you make this decision?"
これには少し 懸念を覚えますが
Or if indeed you are a politician
and try to explain why a certain decision was made.
So this may all seem a bit disturbing.
But if you want to look at it from a positive direction,
私達は考えを 変えることができます
it could be seen as showing,
私達の態度というのは 固定されたものではないのです
OK, so we're actually a little bit more flexible than we think.
We can change our minds.
問題について逆の視点から 検討させることができれば
Our attitudes are not set in stone.
考えを変えさせることは 可能なのです
And we can also change the minds of others,
この研究を始めて以来 私生活においても
if we can only get them to engage with the issue
取り消しても いいんだというのを
and see it from the opposite view.
相手との間の 取り決めにしています
And in my own personal life, since starting with this research --
何かを好きだと 1年前に言ったからといって
So my partner and I, we've always had the rule
今も好きでなきゃいけない ということはないんです
that you're allowed to take things back.
一貫していなくともいいんだと 認めるなら
Just because I said I liked something a year ago,
気が楽になるし 人間関係がずっと簡単になります
doesn't mean I have to like it still.
And getting rid of the need to stay consistent
「(自分で思っているほどには) 己を知らないことを知れ」ということです
is actually a huge relief and makes relational life so mush easier to live.
Anyway, so the conclusion must be:
know that you don't know yourself.
Or at least not as well as you think you do.