字幕表 動画を再生する
The world is filled with incredible objects
世界は素晴らしい作品と 豊かな文化財で
and rich cultural heritage.
And when we get access to them,
we are blown away, we fall in love.
私たちは驚愕し 心を奪われます
But most of the time,
the world's population is living without real access to arts and culture.
普段 芸術や文化に実際に触れる 機会がほとんどありません
What might the connections be when we start exploring our heritage,
では私たちが世界中の 文化財や美しい場所
the beautiful locations and the art in this world?
芸術作品を探究しようとする時 どこが入り口になるでしょう?
Before we get started in this presentation,
I just want to take care of a few housekeeping points.
First, I am no expert in art or culture.
まず私は芸術や文化の 専門家ではありません
I fell into this by mistake, but I'm loving it.
偶然たどり着いたんですが 今は大好きです
Secondly, all of what I'm going to show you
それから この後お見せするものはすべて
belongs to the amazing museums, archives and foundations
提携している素晴らしい美術館や 公文書館や財団が
that we partner with.
None of this belongs to Google.
Google の所蔵品ではありません
And finally, what you see behind me
そして最後に 私の後ろに見えるものは
is available right now on your mobile phones,
現在 スマートフォンやコンピュータで
on your laptops.
This is our current platform, where you can explore
thousands of museums and objects at your fingertips,
数千の美術館や所蔵品の 細部を超高解像度で
in extremely high-definition detail.
The diversity of the content is what's amazing.
本当にすごいのは 内容が多様なことです
If we just had European paintings,
if we just had modern art,
I think it gets a bit boring.
For example, this month, we launched the "Black History" channel
例えば今月は『黒人の歴史』という 82の企画展示からなる
with 82 curated exhibitions,
which talk about arts and culture in that community.
黒人コミュニティの 芸術と文化について語っています
We also have some amazing objects from Japan,
centered around craftsmanship, called "Made in Japan."
職人の技を中心に据えた 『メード・イン・ジャパン』です
And one of my favorite exhibitions,
which actually is the idea of my talk,
実は ここが私の話の核心ですが
is -- I didn't expect to become a fan of Japanese dolls.
自分が日本人形のファンになるとは 思っていなかったんです
But I am, thanks to this exhibition,
でも この展示のおかげで ファンになり
that has really taught me about the craftsmanship
日本人形の本質を支える 職人の技を
behind the soul of a Japanese doll.
Trust me, it's very exciting.
Take my word for it.
So, moving on swiftly.
One quick thing I wanted to showcase in this platform,
自分の子供や友達と すぐに共有できる このシステムで
which you can share with your kids and your friends right now,
is you can travel to all these amazing institutions virtually, as well.
こういった素晴らしい施設に バーチャルでも出かけられるという点です
One of our recent ideas was with The Guggenheim Museum in New York,
最近のアイデアのひとつが NYのグッゲンハイム美術館に関するもので
where you can get a taste of what it might feel like
to actually be there.
You can go to the ground floor
and obviously, most of you, I assume, have been there.
きっと行ったことのある方が ほとんどでしょう
And you can see the architectural masterpiece that it is.
こうして建築の傑作が 見られるのです
But imagine this accessibility for a kid in Bombay
想像してください ムンバイで建築を学んでいて
who's studying architecture,
これまでグッゲンハイムに行く 機会がなかった子供が
who hasn't had a chance to go to The Guggenheim as yet.
You can obviously look at objects in the Guggenheim Museum,
グッゲンハイム美術館の 所蔵品を眺め
you can obviously get into them and so on and so forth.
調べるといったことが 可能になります
There's a lot of information here.
大量の情報が ここにあるんです
But this is not the purpose of my talk today.
ただ今日の話の 目的は それではありません
This exists right now.
What we now have are the building blocks to a very exciting future,
今 私たちの手元にあるのは 芸術と文化 そして
when it comes to arts and culture
and accessibility to arts and culture.
So I am joined today onstage by my good friend and artist in residence
今日一緒にステージに上がってくれたのは 友人で パリ事務所の
at our office in Paris, Cyril Diagne,
アーティスト・イン・レジデンス シリル・ディアンです
who is the professor of interactive design
at ECAL University in Lausanne, Switzerland.
What Cyril and our team of engineers have been doing
シリルと我々技術チームが 試みているのは
is trying to find these connections and visualize a few of these.
芸術、歴史、驚異の間に つながりを見つけて視覚化することです
So I'm going to go quite quick now.
さあ ここから素早くいきましょう
This object you see behind me -- oh, just clarification:
私の後ろに見えるのは… そうそう 一つはっきりさせておきます
Always, seeing the real thing is better.
絶対 本物を見る方が いいに決まっています
In case people think I'm trying to replicate the real thing.
私が 本物をコピーしているだけと 思われると困るので
So, moving on.
さあ 始めましょう
This object you see behind me is the Venus of Berekhat Ram.
私の後ろの作品は 『ベレカット・ラムのビーナス』
It's one of the oldest objects in the world,
found in the Golan Heights around 233,000 years ago,
ゴラン高原で見つかった 23万3千年前頃のものです
and currently residing at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.
エルサレムのイスラエル博物館が 所蔵しています
It is also one of the oldest objects on our platform.
このシステムの中で 最も古いものの1つでもあります
So let's zoom.
We start from this one object.
What if we zoomed out
もし ここから俯瞰するように
and actually tried to experience our own cultural big bang?
我々の文化のビッグバンを 実際に経験しようとしたら
What might that look like?
This is what we deal with on a daily basis at the Cultural Institute --
Googleカルチュラルインスティテュートで 日常的に扱っているのが これです
over six million cultural artifacts curated and given to us by institutions,
様々な機関で選ばれた 6百万以上の芸術品が
to actually make these connections.
You can travel through time,
you can understand more about our society through these.
我々の社会を より深く理解できるようになります
You can look at it from the perspective of our planet,
芸術と文化をまとめていけば 社会を地球規模の視点から眺め
and try to see how it might look without borders,
境界線がなかったら どう見えるか
if we just organized art and culture.
We can also then plot it by time,
さらに 時間軸に沿って配置できるので
which obviously, for the data geek in me, is very fascinating.
データマニアの私には たまりません
You can spend hours looking at every decade
時代ごとに それぞれ見ていって
and the contributions in that decade and in those years
その時代に貢献した 芸術、歴史、文化を見るだけで
for art, history and cultures.
We would love to spend hours showing you each and every decade,
本当は何時間もかけて 皆さんに全部見て欲しいんですが
but we don't have the time right now.
So you can go on your phone and actually do it yourself.
自分のスマートフォンで 実際にやってみてください
But if you don't mind and can hold your applause till later,
それから できれば 拍手は後でお願いします
I don't want to run out of time,
because I want to show you a lot of cool stuff.
いろいろ すごいものを お見せしたいので
So, just very quickly:
you can move on from here to another very interesting idea.
ここから別のすごく面白い アイデアへと移っていきます
Beyond the pretty picture,
ここには 美しい絵画や
beyond the nice visualization,
what is the purpose, how is this useful?
どんな目的があって どう役に立つでしょうか
This next idea comes from discussions with curators
次に紹介するアイデアは 美術館で学芸員の方々と
that we've been having at museums,
who, by the way, I've fallen in love with,
because they dedicate their whole life to try to tell these stories.
こういう物語を語ることに 人生を捧げている人達ですから
One of the curators told me, "Amit, what would it be like
ある学芸員の言葉です 「アミット もしバーチャルで
if you could create a virtual curator's table
where all these six million objects
その上に作品が6百万点 全部並んでいて
are displayed in a way for us to look at the connections between them?"
それぞれの繋がりが 見えるような机の再現だよ」
You can spend a lot of time, trust me, looking at different objects
いろいろなものを見て どこからもたらされたのか理解しながら
and understanding where they come from.
It's a crazy Matrix experience.
Just moving on,
let's take the world-famous Vincent Van Gogh,
世界的に有名な ヴァン・ゴッホを取り上げましょう
who is very well-represented on this platform.
このシステムで とてもよく表現されています
Thanks to the diversity of the institutions we have,
提携している機関が いろいろあるおかげで
we have over 211 high-definition, amazing artworks by this artist,
211点以上の 高解像度で 素晴らしいゴッホの作品が
now organized in one beautiful view.
And as it resolves, and as Cyril goes deeper,
これを個々の絵へと分解し シリルがズームインしていくにつれて
you can see all the self-portraits,
you can see still life.
But I just wanted to highlight one very quick example,
例として1つだけ 取り上げようと思うんですが
which is very timely:
今 話題の作品 —
"The Bedroom."
This is an artwork where three copies exist --
この作品には 3つのバージョンがあります
one at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam,
アムステルダムの ヴァン・ゴッホ美術館に1点
one at the Orsay in Paris
パリ オルセー美術館に1点
and one at the Art Institute of Chicago,
which, actually, currently is hosting a reunion
現在シカゴでは 実際に この3点を集めた
of all three artworks physically,
I think only for the second time ever.
But, it is united digitally and virtually for anybody to look at
一方 ここではデジタルで バーチャルに集められ 全く違う形で
in a very different way,
and you won't get pushed in the line in the crowd.
人混みの中に並んで 窮屈な思いをすることもないんです
So let's take you and let's travel through "The Bedroom" very quickly,
では『寝室』の旅へと お連れします
so you can experience what we are doing for every single object.
私たちが それぞれの作品を どう扱っているかを体験できます
We want the image to speak as much as it can
私たちはデジタルシステム上で 画像に できるだけ多くを
on a digital platform.
And all you need is an internet connection and a computer
必要なのはインターネットと コンピュータだけです
And, Cyril, if you can go deeper, quickly.
シリル もっとズームして
I'm sorry, this is all live,
すみません 全部ライブなので
so you have to give Cyril a little bit of --
少し ご辛抱ください…
and this is available for every object:
modern art, contemporary art, Renaissance -- you name it,
近代美術も現代美術も ルネッサンスも 何でもです
even sculpture.
Sometimes, you don't know what can attract you
to an artwork or to a museum or to a cultural discovery.
文化的な発見に惹かれるのか わからないことがあります
So for me, personally, it was quite a challenge
because when I decided to make this my full-time job at Google,
Google で フルタイムで これに取り組むことにした時
my mother was not very supportive.
母が いい顔をしなかったからです
I love my mother,
but she thought I was wasting my life with this museum stuff.
美術館のガラクタなんて 人生の浪費だと思ったようです
And for her, a museum is what you do when you go on vacation
母にとって美術館とは 休みの時に出かけて 見た作品を
and you tick-mark and it's over, right?
And it took around four and a half years
for me to convince my lovely Indian mother
that actually, this is worthwhile.
And the way I did it was, I realized one day that she loves gold.
どうしたかというと ある日 母がゴールド好きだと知って
So I started showing her all objects that have the material gold in them.
素材に金を使ったものを 見せるようにしたんです
And the first thing my mom asks me is,
"How can we buy these?"
And obviously, my salary is not that high,
私の給料は そこまで高くないので こう答えたんです
so I was like, "We can't actually do that, mom.
「母さん 本当に買うのは無理だよ
But you can explore them virtually."
And so now my mom -- every time I meet her, she asks me,
今では 母は私に会う度に 「もっと金や銀はないのかい?
"Any more gold, any more silver in your project? Can you show me?"
And that's the idea I'm trying to illustrate.
私が示したかったのは こういう発想です
It does not matter how you get in,
as long as you get in.
Once you get in, you're hooked.
一度 体験すれば惹きつけられます
Moving on from here very quickly,
there is kind of a playful idea, actually,
to illustrate the point of access,
and I'm going to go quite quickly on this one.
We all know that seeing the artwork in person is amazing.
美術作品を実際に目にするのは 素晴らしいことです
But we also know that most of us can't do it,
ただ実際に見られない人が ほとんどですし
and the ones that can afford to do it, it's complicated.
見る余裕がある人にとっても 面倒なことです
So -- Cyril, can we load up our art trip, what do we call it?
シリル “アート・トリップ” を出して
We don't have a good name for this.
これには まだいい名前がありません
But essentially, we have around 1,000 amazing institutions,
私たちは68か国 約千か所の素晴らしい施設と
68 countries.
But let's start with Rembrandt.
We might have time for only one example.
But thanks to the diversity,
we've got around 500 amazing Rembrandt object artworks
17か国 46施設から 500点あまりのレンブラントが
from 46 institutions and 17 countries.
Let's say that on your next vacation,
you want to go see every single one of them.
これらの作品すべてを 見ようとします
That is your itinerary,
you will probably travel 53,000 kilometers,
およそ5万3千キロ 約46の施設を
visit around, I think, 46 institutions,
and just FYI, you might release 10 tons of CO2 emissions.
参考までに 二酸化炭素放出量は 10トンくらいでしょう
But remember, it's art,
でも これは芸術なんですから
so you can justify it, perhaps, in some way.
Moving on swiftly from here,
is something a little bit more technical and more interesting.
もっと高度で面白いものを お見せします
All that we've shown you so far uses metadata to make the connections.
ここまで ご覧頂いたものは メタデータを使って関連付けています
But obviously we have something cool nowadays
that everyone likes to talk about, which is machine learning.
すごい技術 すなわち 機械学習があります
So what we thought is, let's strip out all the metadata,
そこで こう考えました メタデータを全部削除して
let's look at what machine learning can do
コレクション全体を イメージ認識にかけて
based purely on visual recognition of this entire collection.
機械学習にできることを 探ってみようって
What we ended up with is this very interesting map,
結果として出来たのが このとても面白いマップです
these clusters that have no reference point information,
それぞれの集合体に 基準となるポイントはなくて
but has just used visuals to cluster things together.
視覚的要素だけを使って まとめています
Each cluster is an art to us by itself of discovery.
それぞれの集合体自体が 芸術作品に見えます
But one of the clusters we want to show you very quickly
is this amazing cluster of portraits
that we found from museums around the world.
これは世界中の美術館から 見つけてきたものです
If you could zoom in a little bit more, Cyril.
少しズームして シリル
Just to show you, you can just travel through portraits.
And essentially, you can do nature, you can do horses
and clusters galore.
When we saw all these portraits,
we were like, "Hey, can we do something fun for kids,
「子供向けに何か 面白いことができないだろうか
or can we do something playful
to get people interested in portraits?"
Because I haven't really seen
young kids really excited to go to a portrait gallery.
心から喜ぶ子供なんて 見たことがなかったですから
I wanted to try to figure something out.
So we created something called the portrait matcher.
It's quite self-explanatory,
so I'm just going to let Cyril show his beautiful face.
ではシリルのハンサムな顔を 出してもらいましょう
And essentially what's happening is, with the movement of his head,
どうなっているかというと シリルが頭を動かすのにつれて
we are matching different portraits around the world from museums.
世界中の美術館から集めた肖像画が マッチしていくんです
And I don't know about you,
皆さんが どうかはわかりませんが
but I've shown it to my nephew and sister,
and the reaction is just phenomenal.
All they ask me is, "When can we go see this?"
「いつ見に行けるの?」って 聞いてきます
And by the way, if we're nice,
ところで シリル
maybe, Cyril, you can smile and find a happy one?
よかったら 笑って 笑顔の絵を見せてくれるかい
Oh, perfect.
By the way, this is not rehearsed.
Congrats, Cyril. Great stuff. Oh wow.
よかったねシリル 素晴らしいよ
OK, let's move on; otherwise, this will just take the whole time.
さて 次に行かないと 時間を使い切ってしまいます
So, art and culture can be fun also, right?
どうです 芸術と文化は面白いでしょう
For our last quick experiment --
we call all of these "experiments" --
私たちは どれも実験と 呼んでいるんですが
our last quick experiment comes back to machine learning.
最後の実験は 再び機械学習についてです
We show you clusters, visual clusters,
but what if we could ask the machine to also name these clusters?
もしコンピュータに集合体の 名前を付けてもらったら どうでしょう?
What if it could automatically tag them, using no actual metadata?
コンピュータがメタデータを使わず 自動でタグを付けられたら?
So what we have is this kind of explorer,
私たちが作ったのは そんな探索ソフトです
where we have managed to match, I think, around 4,000 labels.
これで約4千のラベルを 付けられるようになりました
And we haven't really done anything special here,
ここまでは それほどすごくはなくて
just fed the collection.
And we found interesting categories.
その後 面白いカテゴリーを見つけました
We can start with horses, a very straightforward category.
まずは「馬」 そのまんまのカテゴリーです
You would expect to see that the machine has put
皆さんは コンピュータが馬の画像を
images of horses, right?
And it has, but you also notice, right over there,
that it has a very abstract image
that it has still managed to recognize and cluster as horses.
ぎりぎり馬だと 認識、分類できるものがあります
We also have an amazing head in terms of a horse.
And each one has the tags as to why it got categorized in this.
そこに分類された理由を示すタグが それぞれに付いています
So let's move to another one which I found very funny and interesting,
次を見てみましょう すごく面白くて興味深いんですが
because I don't understand how this category came up.
なぜ こんなカテゴリーが 出てきたのかは わかりません
It's called "Lady in Waiting."
If, Cyril, you do it very quickly,
you will see that we have these amazing images
たぶん 待っているか ポーズをとっている婦人の
of ladies, I guess, in waiting or posing.
I don't really understand it.
でも よくわかりません
But I've been trying to ask my museum contacts,
美術館側に 尋ねてはいるんです
you know, "What is this? What's going on here?"
「どうしたんだろう? 何が起きたんだろう」って
And it's fascinating.
Coming back to gold very quickly,
I wanted to search for gold
and see how the machine tagged all the gold.
コンピュータが付けた タグを見てみました
But, actually, it doesn't tag it as gold.
ところが「金」というタグは ついていませんでした
We are living in popular times.
It tags it as "bling-bling."
I'm being hard on Cyril, because I'm moving too fast.
トークが速すぎて シリルにはプレッシャーですね
Essentially, here you have all the bling-bling
ここには世界中の美術館から 皆さんのために集められた
of the world's museums organized for you.
And finally, to end this talk and these experiments,
what I hope you feel after this talk is happiness and emotion.
この話の後 皆さんに感じて欲しいのは 幸せと感動です
And what would we see when we see happiness?
では「幸せ」を見ようとしたら 何が見えるでしょうか
If we actually look at all the objects
that have been tagged under "happiness,"
全部 実際に見ていけば
you would expect happiness, I guess.
But there was one that came up that was very fascinating and interesting,
which was this artwork by Douglas Coupland,
友人でアーティスト・イン・レジデンスの ダグラス・コープランドの作品です
our friend and artist in residence as well,
タイトルは 『インターネット以前の脳が懐かしい』
called, "I Miss My Pre-Internet Brain."
何でコンピュータが インターネット以前の脳を懐かしがって
I don't know why the machine feels like it misses its pre-Internet brain
and it's been tagged here,
but it's a very interesting thought.
私も時々インターネット以前の脳が とても懐かしくなりますが
I sometimes do miss my pre-Internet brain,
オンラインで芸術や文化を 見て回っている時は別です
but not when it comes to exploring arts and culture online.
さあ皆さんもスマートフォンや コンピュータを使って
So take out your phones, take out your computers,
go visit museums.
そして素晴らしい公文書館員や 歴史家や学芸員を
And just a quick call-out to all the amazing archivists,
historians, curators,
who are sitting in museums, preserving all this culture.
そして少なくとも 私たちも子供たちも 芸術や文化を
And the least we can do is get our daily dose of art and culture
for ourselves and our kids.
Thank you.