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  • What do you see?

    翻訳: Yuko Yoshida 校正: Tomoyuki Suzuki

  • Most of you see a barbershop,


  • but I see an opportunity:


  • an opportunity for health,

    私には チャンスが見えます

  • an opportunity for health equity.


  • For black men, the barbershop is not just a place


  • where you get your hair cut or your beard trimmed.

    黒人男性にとって 床屋は ただ髪を切ったり

  • No, it's much more than that.

    ひげを整えたりするだけの 場所ではありません

  • Historically, the barbershop has been a safe haven for black men.

    それらを はるかに超えるものがあります

  • It's a place where we go for friendship,

    歴史的にも 床屋は 黒人男性の安心な隠れ場所でした

  • solidarity and solace.

    私たちは そこに友情

  • It's a place where we go to get away from the stress


  • of the grind of work

    仕事や 時には家庭生活のストレスから

  • and sometimes home life.


  • It's a place where we don't have to worry


  • about how we're being perceived by the outside world.

    そこでは まわりから

  • It's a place where we don't feel threatened,

    どう見られているのか 気にする必要もありません

  • or threatening.


  • It's a place of loyalty and trust.


  • For that reason,


  • it's one of the few places where we can fearlessly be ourselves


  • and just ... talk.

    床屋は 私たちには貴重な場所で 何の心配もなく ありのままにいられ

  • The talk, the shop talk, the conversation,

    ただ おしゃべりができます

  • that is the essence of the black barbershop.


  • I can remember going to the barbershop with my dad as a kid.


  • We went to Mr. Mike's barbershop every other Saturday.

    子どものころ 父に連れられ 床屋によく行ったものです

  • And like clockwork, the same group of men would be there

    隔週で土曜日に マイクの床屋に行っていました

  • every time we went,

    床屋に行くと 決まって

  • either waiting on their favorite barber


  • or just soaking up the atmosphere.


  • I can remember the jovial greeting that warmly welcomed us

    ただ その場の雰囲気にひたっていたり

  • every time we went.

    そして 行く度に陽気なあいさつで 温かく迎えられたのを

  • "Hey Rev," they would say to my dad.


  • He's a local pastor, and they treated him like a celebrity.

    「やあ レブ」と声をかけられる父は

  • "Hey young fella, how you doing?"


  • they would say to me,

    「やあ若いの 元気か」と

  • making me feel just as special.


  • I remember the range of the conversations was immense.

    私は とても特別な気持ちになりました

  • The men would talk about politics and sports and music

    そこでの会話は あらゆることに及び

  • and world news, national news,


  • neighborhood news.

    国内外のニュース 地元の噂も

  • There was some talk about women


  • and what it was like to be a black man in America.


  • But many times they also talked about health.


  • The conversations about health were lengthy and deep.

    そして たいていは 健康についても語られ

  • The men often recounted their doctor's recommendations

    健康に関する会話は 深く 長く続きました

  • to cut salt in their diet

    医者から受けたアドバイスを よく言い合っていました

  • or to eat less fried foods


  • or to stop smoking


  • or to reduce stress.


  • They talked about the different ways you could reduce stress,


  • like simplifying one's love life --

    さまざまなストレス回避法が 語られました

  • (Laughter)


  • all ways to treat high blood pressure.


  • There's a lot of talk about high blood pressure in the barbershop.

    高血圧を治す いろんな方法もです

  • That's because almost 40 percent of black men have it.

    床屋では高血圧について よく話されていました

  • That means that almost every single black man

    黒人男性の40%が 高血圧だからです

  • either has high blood pressure

    つまり 黒人男性はほぼ必ず

  • or knows a black man who has it.

    自らが高血圧持ちか 知人に

  • Sometimes, those conversations in the barbershop


  • would be about what happens when high blood pressure


  • is not adequately addressed.

    高血圧によく注意しないと どうなるか

  • "Say, did you hear about Jimmy? He had a stroke."


  • "Did you hear about Eddie? He died last week.

    「なあ ジミーのこと聞いたか? 脳梗塞だってよ」

  • Massive heart attack.

    「エディーのこと知ってるか? 先週亡くなったそうだ

  • He was 50."


  • More black men die from high blood pressure than from anything else,


  • even though decades of medical wisdom and science have demonstrated

    黒人男性で最も多い死因は 高血圧なのです

  • that death from high blood pressure can be prevented

    何十年もの間 医科学において

  • with timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

    高血圧による死は 早期発見と適切な治療で

  • So why is high blood pressure so differentially deadly for black men?

    防ぐことができると 示されているにもかかわらずです

  • Because too often, high blood pressure is either untreated

    なぜ高血圧は 黒人男性にとってこれ程までに 死の危険をもたらすのでしょう?

  • or under-treated in black men,

    黒人男性は 高血圧を放置していたり

  • in part because of our lower engagement with the primary healthcare system.

    十分な治療を受けないことが 多いからです

  • Black men, in particular those with high blood pressure,

    かかりつけ医を あまり持たないことも 一因となっています

  • are less likely to have a primary care doctor

    黒人男性 特に高血圧持ちの人は

  • than other groups.

    ほかの人たちに比べて かかりつけ医を

  • But why?


  • Some of our earliest research on black men's health


  • revealed that for many, the doctor's office is associated with fear,

    黒人男性の健康に関する 初期の研究によると

  • mistrust,

    多くの人が病院に抱くイメージは 恐怖

  • disrespect,


  • and unnecessary unpleasantness.


  • The doctor's office is only a place that you go when you don't feel well.

    無用な不快感 といったものでした

  • And when you do go, you might wait for hours

    病院は 具合が悪いときに行く ただ それだけの場所なのです

  • only to get the run-around

    行ったら行ったで 数時間待った挙句に

  • and to be evaluated by a stoic figure in a white coat


  • who only has 10 minutes to give you

    顔色一つ変えない白衣の人物に 判断を下される

  • and who doesn't value the talk.


  • So it's no wonder that some men don't want to be bothered

    おしゃべりなど不要 と考える人にです

  • and skip going to the doctor altogether,

    ですから わざわざ 医者に行きたくないという人が

  • especially if they feel fine.


  • But herein lies the problem.

    特に元気と感じていれば そうです

  • You can feel just fine

    でも ここに問題があります

  • while high blood pressure ravages your most vital organs.


  • This is Denny Moe,

    高血圧で重要な器官が むしばまれている場合もあります

  • owner of Denny Moe's Superstar Barbershop in Harlem.

    こちらは デニー・モウ

  • I've been lucky enough to have Denny as my barber for the last eight years.

    ハーレムで デニー・モウの床屋をやっています

  • He said to me once,

    幸運なことに この8年 私はデニーに髪を切ってもらっています

  • "Hey Doc, you know,


  • lots of black men trust their barbers more than they trust their doctors."

    「なあ ドクター

  • This was stunning to me,

    黒人男性の多くは 医者よりも床屋を信頼しているんだぜ」

  • at first,


  • but not so much when you think about it.


  • Black men have been with their current barbers

    でも 考えたら 当然とも言えます

  • on average as long as I've been with Denny,

    黒人男性が同じ床屋に通う期間は 平均すると

  • about eight years.


  • And black men see their barbers about every two weeks.


  • Not only do you trust your barber with your look and with your style,

    しかも 黒人男性は2週ごとに 床屋に通います

  • but you also trust him with your secrets and sometimes your life.

    床屋を信頼して 自分の外見やスタイルを任すだけでなく

  • Denny, like many barbers, is more than just an artist,

    秘密や ときには人生までをも 床屋に委ねるのです

  • a businessman and confidant.

    多くの床屋同様 デニーは ただのアーティスト

  • He's a leader and a passionate advocate for the well-being of his community.


  • The very first time I walked into Denny Moe's shop,

    彼は 地域社会の健康を育むリーダー かつ 熱心な活動家です

  • he wasn't just cutting hair.


  • He was also orchestrating a voter registration drive


  • to give a voice to his customers and his community.


  • With this kind of activism,

    お客さんと地域の皆に 声を上げさせようとしていました

  • and community investment that typifies the black barbershop,


  • of course the barbershop is a perfect place

    黒人の床屋を象徴する 地域社会投資から

  • to talk about high blood pressure and other health concerns in the community.

    床屋は 言うまでもなく 地域における高血圧や

  • First, the barbershop is not a medical setting,

    その他の健康問題について語る 最適な場所なのです

  • and so it doesn't have all the negative psychological baggage

    まず 床屋は医療施設ではないため

  • that comes along with that.


  • When you're in a barbershop,


  • you're in your territory, and you're among friends


  • who share your history,


  • your struggle and your health risks.


  • Second, because the barbershop is a place of connection,


  • loyalty and trust,

    次に 床屋は つながり

  • it's a place where you're more open to have a conversation about health


  • and especially about high blood pressure.

    健康 特に高血圧について よりオープンに

  • After all,


  • conversations about high blood pressure have all the elements of great shop talk:


  • stress and high blood pressure,

    高血圧の話は 店で話すのに適した要素を すべて備えているのです

  • food and high blood pressure,


  • relationships and high blood pressure,


  • and yes, what it's like to be a black man in America


  • and high blood pressure.

    そして アメリカで黒人が生きることと

  • But you can do more than just talk about high blood pressure


  • in the barbershop.

    でも 床屋では ただ高血圧について話すだけでは

  • You can concretely take action.


  • Here we have an opportunity to partner with the Denny Moe's of the world


  • and empower communities to address the health inequities


  • that uniquely affect it.

    地域社会が固有の課題として抱える 健康格差について

  • When high blood pressure screening expanded from clinics and hospitals


  • to communities in the 1960s and '70s,

    1960年代、70年代に 高血圧のスクリーニング検査が

  • black physicians like Dr. Eli Saunders in Baltimore

    個人医院や病院から 地域社会に広がったとき

  • and Dr. Keith Ferdinand in New Orleans


  • were at the forefront of bringing health promotion to community hubs

    ニューオーリンズの キース・フェルディナンド医師などの

  • in urban black neighborhoods.

    黒人医師たちが先頭に立って 都市の黒人居住区にある人たちに

  • These pioneers paved the way for my professional journey


  • with barbershops and health,

    こうした先人たちが道を切り開いたお陰で 私も 専門家として

  • which began in Chicago in medical school.


  • The very first research project that I worked on as a medical student


  • was to help design healthcare interventions

    一番初めの研究プロジェクトは 医学生時代のもので

  • that would appeal to black men.


  • We conducted about a dozen focus groups


  • with a broad cross-section of black men,


  • and we learned that for them,


  • being healthy was as much about being perceived as healthy


  • as it was about feeling healthy,

    健康であることは 健康であると感じるだけでなく

  • and that feeling good went hand in hand with looking good.


  • This work led to the development of Project Brotherhood,

    健康であると感じることと 見た目の健康は深くつながっているのだと

  • a community clinic founded by Dr. Eric Whitaker

    この研究によって 「プロジェクト・ブラザーフッド」という

  • that provided tailored healthcare to black men.

    地域診療所が エリック・ウィテカー医師の手で設立され

  • Part of this tailored care

    黒人男性に適した医療が 提供されることになりました

  • involved having a barber on the premises


  • to reward the men who came for needed healthcare


  • with a free haircut,


  • to let the men know that we, too, valued how they looked


  • as well as how they felt,

    これは 私たちも 健康だけではなく

  • and that what was important to them was also important to us.


  • But while there's only one Project Brotherhood,

    彼らにとって重要なことは 私たちにも重要だと伝えるためでした

  • there are thousands of black barbershops

    プロジェクト・ブラザーフッドは 一つしかありませんが

  • where the intersection of health and haircuts can be cultivated.

    黒人の床屋は 何千とありますから

  • The next stop on my journey was Dallas, Texas,

    そこで健康と散髪を 融合させることができます

  • where we learned that barbers were not only willing


  • but fully able to roll up their sleeves and participate

    そこで気づいたのは 床屋たちは やる気があるだけでなく

  • in delivering needed health services to improve the health of their customers

    実際に汗をかいて 必要な保健サービスを提供し

  • and their community.

    お客さん そして地域の人たちの健康を 改善させることに

  • We teamed up with an amazing cadre of black barbers


  • and taught them how to measure blood pressure

    黒人の床屋の素晴らしい仲間と タッグを組んで

  • and how to counsel their customers

    血圧の測り方や カウンセリングの仕方

  • and refer them to doctors

    そして 高血圧を管理するために

  • to help manage high blood pressure.


  • The barbers were not only willing to do it


  • but they were damn good at it.

    床屋は やる気もさることながら

  • Over a three-year period,


  • the barbers measured thousands of blood pressures


  • resulting in hundreds of black men being referred to doctors

    床屋たちは 何千人もの血圧を測り

  • for medical care of their high blood pressure.

    何百人もの黒人男性を 医者にかからせ

  • These barber-doctor partnerships

    高血圧の治療を受けさせるに 至りました

  • resulted in a 20 percent increase in the number of men


  • who were able to achieve target blood pressure levels


  • and a three-point drop, on average,


  • in the blood pressure of each participant.

    平均して 参加者の血圧は

  • If we were to extrapolate that three point drop


  • to every single black man with high blood pressure in America,


  • we would prevent 800 heart attacks, 500 strokes and 900 deaths

    アメリカで高血圧を抱える 黒人男性全員にできれば

  • from high blood pressure

    高血圧による心臓発作800件 脳卒中500件 死亡900件を

  • in just one year.


  • And our experience with barbershops has been no different in New York City,

    それも たった1年でです

  • where my journey has currently led me.

    床屋での経験は ニューヨーク市でも何ら変わりません

  • With an incredible team of diverse research assistants,

    私が現在 取り組んでいる場所です

  • community health workers and volunteers,

    多様な研究アシスタント 地域医療従事者やボランティアの

  • we've been able to partner with over 200 barbershops


  • and other trusted community venues


  • to reach over 7,000 older black men.

    その他 信頼の置ける地域施設で

  • And we've offered high blood pressure screening and counseling

    7千人以上の高齢の黒人男性に 働きかけることができました

  • to each and every one of them.

    そして その一人一人に 高血圧のスクリーニング検査と

  • Thanks to Denny Moe


  • and the myriad other barbers and community leaders


  • who shared the vision of opportunity and empowerment

    そして その他多くの床屋 地域のリーダーたちが

  • to make a difference in their communities,

    地域社会を変えられるという チャンスと自らの力を

  • we've been able to not only lower blood pressure


  • in our participants,

    私たちは 参加者の血圧を

  • but we've also been able to impact other health indicators.


  • So what do you see?

    その他の健康指標にも 良い影響を与えられたのです

  • What is your barbershop?

    さあ 何が見えますか?

  • Where is that place for you


  • where people who are affected by a unique problem

    あなたにとって 同じ問題を抱える人たちが

  • can meet a unique solution?


  • When you find that place, see the opportunity.


  • Thank you.

    そこには チャンスがあるはずです

  • (Applause)


What do you see?

翻訳: Yuko Yoshida 校正: Tomoyuki Suzuki


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B1 中級 日本語 TED 血圧 黒人 健康 男性 医者

TED】Joseph Ravenell: How barbershops can keep men healthy (How barbershops can keep men healthy | ジョセフ・ラベネル) (【TED】Joseph Ravenell: How barbershops can keep men healthy (How barbershops can keep men healthy | Joseph Ravenell))

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日