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It is very fashionable and proper to speak about food
翻訳: Eriko T 校正: Shoko Takaki
in all its forms, all its colors, aromas and tastes.
食べ物のあらゆる色や形 香りや味について語るのは
But after the food goes through the digestive system,
when it is thrown out as crap,
it is no longer fashionable to speak about it.
トイレへと流れると それはもう
It is rather revolting.
I'm a guy who has graduated from bullshit to full-shit.
むしろ かなり不快ですね
私は「ブルシット」から「フルシット」 へ進化した男です
My organization, Gram Vikas, which means "village development organization,"
was working in the area of renewable energy.
私の組織 Gram Vikas は 「農村開発組織」と言う意味なのですが
On the most part, we were producing biogas,
再利用可能エネルギーの 分野を専門にしていました
biogas for rural kitchens.
主に私たちは農村で使われる バイオガスを生産していました
We produce biogas in India by using animal manure,
主に私たちは農村で使われる バイオガスを生産していました
which usually, in India, is called cow dung.
But as the gender-sensitive person that I am,
主に牛のふんから バイオガスを生成していました
I would like to call it bullshit.
But realizing later on
how important were sanitation and the disposal of crap in a proper way,
それから 後に
we went into the arena of sanitation.
Eighty percent of all diseases in India and most developing countries
are because of poor quality water.
インドやほとんどの開発途上国における 疾患の80%は粗悪な水質が原因です
And when we look at the reason for poor quality water,
インドやほとんどの開発途上国における 疾患の80%は粗悪な水質が原因です
you find that it is our abysmal attitude to the disposal of human waste.
Human waste, in its rawest form,
糞尿の始末での絶望的な 衛生観念の無さです
finds its way back to drinking water, bathing water, washing water,
人から出る汚物が 最もありのままの形で
irrigation water, whatever water you see.
飲料水や、風呂水、洗濯水、 灌漑用水といった
And this is the cause for 80 percent of the diseases in rural areas.
In India, it is unfortunately only the women who carry water.
これが農村における80%の 疾患の原因なのです
So for all domestic needs, women have to carry water.
インドでは不幸なことに 水を運ぶのは女性の仕事です
So that is a pitiable state of affairs.
家事に必要な水は全て 女性が運ばなければなりません
Open defecation is rampant.
Seventy percent of India defecates in the open.
あらゆるところで野外での排泄が おこなわれています
They sit there out in the open,
with the wind on their sails,
hiding their faces, exposing their bases,
and sitting there in pristine glory --
70 percent of India.
And if you look at the world total,
60 percent of all the crap that is thrown into the open is by Indians.
A fantastic distinction.
野外に排泄されるものの実に 60%がインド人によるものです
I don't know if we Indians can be proud of such a distinction.
果たして我々インド人がこんな国民性を 誇らしく思えるかは分かりません
So we, together with a lot of villages,
we began to talk about how to really address this situation of sanitation.
And we came together and formed a project called MANTRA.
この衛生という問題に どう取り組むべきかを話し始め
MANTRA stands for Movement and Action Network for Transformation of Rural Areas.
私たちは共にMANTRAと言う プロジェクトを立ち上げました
So we are speaking about transformation, transformation in rural areas.
Mはムーブメント Aはアクション Nはネットワーク Tは変革 RAは農村を表します
Villages that agree to implement this project,
they organize a legal society
where the general body consists of all members
who elect a group of men and women who implement the project
and, later on, who look after the operation and maintenance.
They decide to build a toilet and a shower room.
彼らは将来 運営維持を担当します
And from a protected water source,
彼らはトイレとシャワールームを 作ることにしました
water will be brought to an elevated water reservoir and piped to all households
through three taps:
高台にある貯水池へ そして 全ての家庭へ3つの蛇口を通じて
one in the toilet, one in the shower, one in the kitchen, 24 hours a day.
The pity is that our cities, like New Delhi and Bombay,
その内1つはトイレ 1つはシャワー そして もう1つは台所へと24時間供給されます
do not have a 24-hour water supply.
残念なことに我々の街― ニューデリーやボンベイでは
But in these villages, we want to have it.
There is a distinct difference in the quality.
しかしこれらの村では それを実現しよう ということになりました
Well in India, we have a theory, which is very much accepted
by the government bureaucracy and all those who matter,
インドでは政府官僚その他 要人が好む法則があります
that poor people deserve poor solutions
それは貧しい者には 貧しい解決策が調度良いのだ
and absolutely poor people deserve pathetic solutions.
This, combined with a Nobel Prize-worthy theory that
お情け程度の解決策が 程良いと言うものです
the cheapest is the most economic,
これは「最も安いものが最も経済的だ」 という
is the heady cocktail that the poor are forced to drink.
We are fighting against this.
We feel that the poor have been humiliated for centuries.
And even in sanitation,
they should not be humiliated.
Sanitation is more about dignity
than about human disposal of waste.
清潔であることは 排泄物の処理の 物理的問題というよりも
And so you build these toilets and very often,
we have to hear that the toilets are better than their houses.
And you can see that in front are the attached houses
これらのトイレが彼らの家よりも 立派だという声を よく耳にします
and the others are the toilets.
こちらにあるのは家の前に 造り付けられたトイレです
So these people, without a single exception of a family in a village,
こちらにあるのは家の前に 造り付けられたトイレです
decide to build a toilet, a bathing room.
この人々は一家族の例外もなく 彼らの村で
And for that, they come together, collect all the local materials --
local materials like rubble, sand, aggregates,
usually a government subsidy is available
to meet at least part of the cost of external materials
like cement, steel, toilet commode.
購入が必要な資材には 大抵政府の補助が受けられます
And they build a toilet and a bathing room.
購入が必要な資材には 大抵政府の補助が受けられます
Also, all the unskilled laborers, that is daily wage earners, mostly landless,
are given an opportunity to be trained as masons and plumbers.
技能の無い労働者たち― 主に日雇いで土地のない者たちは
So while these people are being trained, others are collecting the materials.
石工や配管工として 訓練を受ける機会を得ます
And when both are ready, they build a toilet, a shower room,
こうした人々が訓練を受ける間 他の人々は資材を集めました
and of course also a water tower, an elevated water reservoir.
両方が揃った時 彼らはトイレと浴室
We use a system of two leach pits to treat the waste.
そしてもちろん給水塔 高い位置にある貯水槽も作りました
From the toilet, the muck comes into the first leach pit.
私たちが使うのは 2つの肥溜めから成る仕組みです
And when it is full, it is blocked and it can go to the next.
トイレから汚物が 最初の肥溜めに流れ込み
But we discovered that if you plant banana trees, papaya trees
それが満タンになると最初の肥溜めは 閉じられ 次の肥溜めが開く仕組みです
on the periphery of these leach pits,
それで我々は バナナやパパイヤの木を 肥溜めの周囲に植えれば
they grow very well because they suck up all the nutrients
それで我々は バナナやパパイヤの木を 肥溜めの周囲に植えれば
and you get very tasty bananas, papayas.
それらは栄養分を得て 良く繁る事に気づきました
If any of you come to my place,
I would be happy to share these bananas and papayas with you.
So there you can see the completed toilets, the water towers.
This is in a village where most of the people are even illiterate.
It is always a 24-hour water supply
because water gets polluted very often when you store it --
a child dips his or her hand into it, something falls into it.
So no water is stored. It's always on tap.
This is how an elevated water reservoir is constructed.
ですから水は決して汲み水では無く 蛇口からの流水です
And that is the end product.
Because it has to go high, and there is some space available,
two or three rooms are made under the water tower,
これは高く設置される為 その下にスペースが生まれます
which are used by the village for different committee meetings.
それで2、3部屋が 給水塔の下に作られました
We have had clear evidence of the great impact of this program.
Before we started, there were, as usual,
このプログラムの生む大きな影響が 明らかに実証されています
more than 80 percent of people suffering from waterborne diseases.
私たちがこれを始める前は どこでも見られるように
But after this, we have empirical evidence that 82 percent, on average,
80%以上の人々が 水が原因の疾病で苦しんでいました
among all these villages -- 1,200 villages have completed it --
しかしその後 1,200の村で
waterborne diseases have come down 82 percent.
水が原因の疾病が平均82% 減少した事が実証されました
水が原因の疾病が平均82% 減少した事が実証されました
Women usually used to spend, especially in the summer months,
about six to seven hours a day carrying water.
女性は 特に夏の間は
And when they went to carry water,
because, as I said earlier, it's only women who carry water,
they used to take their little children, girl children, also to carry water,
or else to be back at home to look after the siblings.
小さな子どもを連れて行きます 女の子も水を運ぶのです
So there were less than nine percent of girl children attending school,
even if there was a school.
なので学校があったとしても 通学する女の子は全体の9%にも満たず
And boys, about 30 percent.
なので学校があったとしても 通学する女の子は全体の9%にも満たず
But girls, it has gone to about 90 percent and boys, almost to 100 percent.
その後 女の子の通学率は90%へ 男の子は100%近くへと上昇しました
The most vulnerable section in a village
are the landless laborers who are the daily wage-earners.
Because they have gone through this training
to be masons and plumbers and bar benders,
彼らは石工や配管工としての 職業訓練を受けたため
now their ability to earn has increased 300 to 400 percent.
彼らは石工や配管工としての 職業訓練を受けたため
So this is a democracy in action
because there is a general body, a governing board, the committee.
これは民主主義が具体的に 実施されている様子なのです
People are questioning, people are governing themselves,
people are learning to manage their own affairs,
人々は疑問があれば質問し 自分達で統治しています
they are taking their own futures into their hands.
自分達の事を自分達で 管理するようになっています
And that is democracy at the grassroots level in action.
自分達の未来をしっかりと 掴んでいるのです
More than 1,200 villages have so far done this.
これは民主主義が草の根レベルで 実行されている姿です
It benefits over 400,000 people and it's still going on.
And I hope it continues to move ahead.
この仕組みは今40万人以上の人々に 恩恵を与えその数は増え続けています
For India and such developing countries,
これが更に前進し 続く事を願っています
armies and armaments,
software companies and spaceships
may not be as important as taps and toilets.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
蛇口やトイレほど 重要ではないのかも知れません
Thank you.